I have a brazilian friend who is a civil engineer, and tired of the Lula and Dilma governments emigrated to California some 15 years ago and became a relatively successful contractor not an engineer but as qualified tradesmen.

He was subcontracted to work in some new constructions or renovation for some of those green preaching celebrities, that I won't mention by name to protect my friend business, and what always impress my friend is how energy intensive are the homes of those folks.

Massive concrete and glass modernist boxes overhanging a cliff by the sea, where there's not a single hour during the day where the sun doesn't shine inside the house, requiring air-conditioning systems of commercial proportions to be run 24X7. Climate controlled garages for 30 cars, giant heated olympic sized swimming pools.

Saunas that would be a comfortable couple's apartment in crowded cities like NYC or Tokyo that are kept turned on continuously because the "green-conscious" celebrity owner think that waiting for a Sauna to heat is beneath them. And in fact, due to the jet-setting life-style of most of those folks, the houses itself are empty of people other than the army of servants a big portion of the year, and yet, nothing is ever turned off.

The backup diesel generators could provide energy to a good sized strip mall or a small factory, because anything smaller wouldn't keep up with the house's energy demand.

Those are the folks preaching us to live in small pigeon holes in crime infested towns, and to cycle on snow or sun to our precarious jobs while eating bugs to save the environment.

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this is an excellent story, Thank you for sharing.

I understand your need to not share identities but we have a generally good idea.

I used to work for wealthy doctors and they live a fancy lifestyle, probably mostly deserved because surgeons are brilliant. My hubbs worked for Govt his entire career and met many many higher ups that were completely selfish, and for the most part quite stupid, only got the job on shaking hands and greasing palms of their superiors.

Everything you shared is not surprising

..... and we feel guilty leaving a light on all night, or using a garage door opener, or having a damn car for that matter.

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They're thoroughly repugnant.

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And the repugnant Julia Roberts is one of them. In real life she is the pretty woman, a whore for celebrity, money, power, and greed.

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He is the pretty woman.

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Never a fan of hers. Seems that they're all getting their karma.

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I greatly dislike all Hollywood people.

The only ones I kind of liked turned out to be conservatives and they do not get very many acting gigs anymore. Julia Roberts is indeed a whore for Hollywood

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The Marxists sold the Russian revolution as hate against the rich. We will take their money and distributed to the PEOPLE? They main the Jewish gangs from NYC, and Frankfurt!

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Extra points for interesting name 🤠

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Epic takedown of all the climate lies. ESG is a demoralized social credit scoring system. Greta’s green guards are the new Mao red guards.

Will you have enough points to stay out of the gulag? https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-raise-your-esg-score

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Got enough copper, lead, and silver.

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Greenhouses without roofs don't hold in any heat. Convection raises warm air above

the level of the water vapor (which has 96% of the "greenhouse" effect, falls out

as rain as it gets cold - which is why it's freezing cold at airliner heights).

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Thank you for telling the truth about RFK Jr. I too admire all his work against the vaccine narrative, but I bought his autobiography and had to stop reading it after a few pages because it was obvious he was so far in the bag for the Progressive agenda.

I wish those who think he is an alternative to Trump would wake up. If they are Biden voters go for it, but don't jump from the frying pan into the fire!

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RFK… when you start peeling that onion, you don’t have to peel very far before it starts to stink. Uber lib spouse, close friends with the Obamas… peeeeyew…

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RFK, Jr is the backup plan for Biden. Biden will get thumped from the ballot at the DNC Convention, if he can survive another two months until then.

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I don’t see that happening, They’re more likely to go for Gavin Newsom or somebody equally irksome. The only other Tom Potts I ever knew was a wrestler!

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Gruesome Hairdo? Ugh. Hasn’t he done enough damage already?

Careful. I might jump out for a hold? I am old and not ready to wrestle anymore. Hulk Hogan lived in the next town over a bit.

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I was just trying to find out I you were the wrestler at my high school near Philly. I am old too, which might put us around the same age.

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RFK can go f'k himself. He is on record stating; (I'm paraphrasing)

I don't think we should be mandating vaccines UNLESS we know for certain that the vaccines will do more good than harm.

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Despite having read this a thousand times, I still think this is more of a rhetorical device than an endorsement of mandates under certain conditions. The point is he knows and we know that vaccines will never be shown to do more good than harm. It is like when your dad said " I will buy you that Pony when pigs fly. "

your dad had no intention of ever buying you a pony!

EN has made an excellent argument against RFK Jr, as have many other people. As far as I know, the only person in politics who is totally trustworthy is Andrew Bridgen, but he is not even in our country! But there may be some trust Worthy politicians here, and I would be very interested in anyone's opinion about who they are.

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I like Thomas Massie and Rand Paul and I'm not even from Kentucky, but on the other hand– Mitch McConnell!

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thanks Corrin!

Not familiar with Thomas Massey but I will keep my eye out!

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👍 Exactly!

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‘No one is free in China, they are all under the boot heel, not of communism but of the cartels.’

They literally welded people in their appartments and filmed it for Covid promo and showed the world as an Assange message - speak out and we’ll kill you on tv. Slowly. Or not.

The answer is small, stealthy and low energy. The system is captured and now we bring it down by giving nothing back. Do not comply. Unless absolutely necessary.

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Excellent Substack, David. I just posted it in a comment to my Facebook post in which I asked how anyone could vote Democrat when they were clearly the greater fascists. I posted:

How anyone can still vote for anyone running under the banner of the party that most vociferous called us "granny killers" for not wearing face diapers, and which insisted on pushing poison into our bodies so we could travel and dine inside restaurants, is beyond my comprehension.

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Excellent analysis.

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I'm not sure about the accuracy of the tales we are told about China.

A family member is engaged to a Chinese woman and their visits there are nothing like we were told to expect.

Amazing technology, clean streets, carefully managed environment, freeedom to travel.

I know that there will be regions that are the opposite, but given that our governments have lied to us for decades, why wouldn't they lie about China.

The lockdowns in China were.... odd and their welding people in to their homes was unforgivable.

But so much of what the Western nations did was equaly bizarre and dangerous, (and still is) when compared to the reported excesses of the CCP.

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I've been to China. Sure, clean streets. And the people are friendly.

Now ask your Chinese acquaintance what party they support. There is only one, and you had better support it, or you have no future. Ask them if people are free to discuss Tiananmen Square. (I've been there. You do NOT discuss the massacre.) Ask if there is an opposition newspaper in the country. Ask if Christians are free to worship openly. Ask if people are free to leave the country at any time and for any reason they choose.

Now, we are inviting that totalitarianism into the USA. Many eagerly welcome it and have no problem with the persecution of those of us who resist it. I guess you could say I fear for the climate in the future. But I'm not talking about the weather.

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You are already living that totalitarianism.

Don't question the 2020 installation, or the videos of false ballots being posted, delivered and scanned.

Don't question Jan 6th, or the entrapment and subsequent wrongful imprisonment.

Don't question the jabs, or voice concern over vaccine injuries.

Don't question BLM's "mostly peaceful" destruction.

Don't you dare question the criminalisation of the Christian faith, or peaceful protest.

Don't question Bidens antifa thugs getting away with GBH and attempted murder.

Don't voice your opinion on Lbgtq - p,

or Epstein,

or Hunter,

or 10% for the Pedo,

or Pelosi's hammer fun.

Don't question the feds preventing journalists from travelling and confiscating their passports.

And do not question the unsecure borders and the open subjugation of Americans, over illegal immigrants.

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Yeah, I'd say you've covered it pretty well. Except you somehow forgot DEI. That's institutional discrimination against white conservative men. Of course, progressives will tell you they aren't discriminating against white conservative men; they'll tell you they are just favoring everyone else, especially if they suck at the progressive teat.

If the KKK had only said that they weren't discriminating against blacks and Jews, but that they were just favoring white people, then I guess it would all have been OK, right?

Remember, the progressive movement started in Hitler's Germany. And the American version evolved from the KKK. And the KKK and the progressive movement are both essential components of the democratic party.

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I agree but the screaming from giant apartments was shit in Shanghai.

I’m up the road from Melbourne and know some people who suicided during the worlds harshest lockdown.

We don’t need cartels we have cops and compliance

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I’m guessing there were no lockdowns in Castlemaine, right?

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You left out the stifling burden of the "social credit" scoring system. The "freedom to travel " is often predicated on one's social credit standing. China is operated like a beehive. Individualism is non-existent. Stay in your lane, and all is well. It's the destination towards which the West is moving at breakneck speed. The philosophical underpinnings of the West, however, are predicated on the supremacy of the individual over the collective. And unless we get very busy, immediately, reaffirming the centrality of individualism AND teaching it to our young, THEY are doomed to a life of soul-crushing toil in something akin to a beehive.

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I remember the 1970s tales told about the horrors of Mexico...until my awakening brain noticed how much friends enjoyed their trips there....Yes. Propaganda keeps coming

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Jun 15
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Thanks I’m gunna check it out

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I removed two of my comments because I'd intended them as replies to my own comment on this thread, and somehow they ended up as replies to yours. You can find them under my comment.

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Great piece, beginning at the center of the target, moving way out to the periphery and back to the bullseye. Loved it and the expanse of thought that went into this piece. Was a complete roadtrip.

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Great article. It seems like all we constantly hear about is how Fentanyl is coming in through our Southern border while Canadians are going through their own hell right now with Fentanyl and unchecked illegal immigration. I just realized there's a good chance much of our Fentanyl might be coming from the Northern border whilst wreaking destruction on beautiful Canada and it's citizens. Also, if the climate change lackeys exhibited any true caring at all about humanity, their so-called concerns about "climate change" would hold some weight, but they obviously despise humanity, and this earth is our home. When you're told that things like breathing, driving a car to get to where you need to go, eating meat, turning on your heat to stay warm, drinking water that hasn't been recycled from poop water, etc, are supposedly destroying the planet, you realize what they really want is for us to die off. You hear stories of abusive parents doing the same thing to their children in their own homes, and you realize that these people are a cabal of abusive, hypocritical psychopaths.

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Kudos EN for studying real climate science. Here are some references for some of your readers who might not want to work that hard:

Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. Over 1,500 professional signatories. Their World Climate Declaration: "The climate view of CLINTEL can be easily summarized as: There is no climate emergency." https://clintel.org/

The CO2 Coalition of eminent scientists challenge "Climate Emergency" - established 2015 https://co2coalition.org

500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations say 'There Is No Climate Emergency': https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-climate-emergency-say-500-experts-in-letter-to-the-united-nations/

Dr. Patrick Moore (environmental scientist, consultant, ex president of Greenpeace) - "Should We Celebrate Carbon Dioxide?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Z5FdwWw_c "The contention that human emissions are now the dominant influence on climate is simply a hypothesis rather than a universally accepted scientific theory. It is therefore correct, verging on the compulsory, in the scientific tradition to be sceptical of those who express certainty that the science is settled and the debate is over." & " Fake invisible catastrophes and threats of doom" Book by Patrick Moore, 2021 Amazon - especially chapter3

New Scientist. 16 May 2007. 'Climate myths': "Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming: "Ice cores from Antarctica show that at the end of recent ice ages, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere usually started to rise only after temperatures had begun to climb." "This proves that rising CO2 was not the trigger that caused the initial warming at the end of these ice ages – but no climate scientist has ever made this claim." https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11659-climate-myths-ice-cores-show-co2-increases-lag-behind-temperature-rises-disproving-the-link-to-global-warming/

UK Column interview June 2023: "We are being ambushed on many levels..but the one thing that they are trying to push to get the control is Net Zero and that's why I feel it is The Belly of the Beast". "As little ago as the 1970s the BBC were talking about "Global Cooling" being a problem and then suddenly wham ..The whole narrative changed overnight into "Global Warming". Then when they realised it wasn't warming they had to call it "Climate Change" which covers every aspect of what climate does naturally." https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/unpicking-agenda-2030-climate-change-and-more-sandi-adams

'THE UNEXPECTED ORIGIN OF THE ‘CLIMATE CRISIS’ "Jeffery Jaxen takes a deep dive into the origin of the ‘climate crisis’ narrative, highlighting the Club of Rome’s hand in crafting the modern day climate change ploy." (ie Man made Climate Change selected as a justification for one world governance): https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-unexpected-origin-of-the-climate-crisis/

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Everyone should copy and save this Comment by Phar Percheron. The Climate Delusion was based upon the FALLACY that atmospheric CO2 is a significant factor in global temperature. It has been seized upon by the world Collective movement to justify a new 'Green' tyranny, so well described by Elizabeth Nickson here. The movement has to be stopped at its truly ephemeral foundation: CO2 is not, and has never been, a problem. There is no empirical evidence that CO2 causes 'global warming'.

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Thank you! I copied it from a Telegram post. I will try to find the original author for you.

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Here is her latest post.


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I think any discussion of "climate" must include the massive ongoing Geoengineering program.

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You are correct ! The climate is not changing but being CHANGED! http://www.frankenskiesthemovie.com/

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Totally agree.

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me too

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This is a tour de force ! In the satanic inversion planet earth we live on ,destruction of the planet and its inhabitants in the name of GREEN just follows suit. We are living in a bad copy of what the real earth looks like as it has been taken over by parasites as I keep saying

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I would like to offer an alternative word:

This is not being done in the name of GREEN but rather in the name of LOVE.

The underlying accusation of the Green Ideology / Religion is that unless you accept their interpretations of the manipulated data, taking the actions you are instructed as necessary, then YOU are not LOVING.

There is one thing that all humans want to be seen as: A loving person.

Excellent manipulation on their part!

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In support of your assertion, I offer this from C.S. Lewis.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

—C.S. Lewis

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I sincerely doubt the evil satanists give a flying fig or thought about being loved.

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I agree.

The satanists understand this human predisposition (they lack) and are utilizing it against others.

The warning is not for them but the normal humans....

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Great article. I read the whole thing. It's nothing new, but most people don't know the details of the Climate Change Lie nor the damage these lies do through all those regulations on our lives.

COP 29 will be in Belem, Brazil I've been told. This is at the mouth of the Amazon River. I spent 6 months in Belem in 1990. The place was a humid, hot, disease filled mess. I doubt if it's changed any. I hope every COP 29 delegate gets the daily dysentery like I had in 1990. Throw in the lung disease Gripado, too. And when they go into the jungle, a Bushmaster snake bites them or maybe a poisonous millipede or any one of hundreds of dangerous animals and insects in the jungle.

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lol, like

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So the Greens are the ultimate communists… living in luxury while brutalizing the masses.

They will not succeed. Psalm 2

Do not comply… Resist.

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Climatism is communism. This is why I love reading Clancy's "Rainbow Six"(1998) many times over. We are actually living it.

"Clark instead has the survivors[climate terrorists] stripped naked and left to fend for themselves in the jungle, taunting them to "reconnect with nature".

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I've read Rainbow Six several times, esp. in the aftermath of the 2020 lockdowns and then the start of the jabs. Prescient about the A vaccine version for 99% of the world population being a bioweapon. My favorite character? The Russian.

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We've always known the Climate-change-green-advocates are repulsive liars. What you have described, Elizabeth, is a mind-boggling, diabolitical scam. How on earth can this be stopped?

"This is the way the world ends...not with a bang but a whimper."

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I’m sure you already know, but the “Report from Iron Mountain”( 1967) is a Rockefeller CFR funded Department of State report on the sociological, economic, and political uses that war provides society. The Fabian collectivists (Rockefellers, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons) were trying to engineer a world without war.

They recognized that:

“Economic surrogates for war must meet two principal criteria.

They must be "wasteful," in the common sense of the word, and they must operate outside the normal supply-demand system. A corollary that should be obvious is that the magnitude of the waste must be sufficient to meet the needs of a particular society. An economy as advanced and complex as our own requires the planned average annual destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product [29] if it is effectively to fulfill its stabilizing function.

When the mass of a balance wheel is inadequate to the power it is intended to control, its effect can be self-defeating, as with a runaway locomotive. The analogy, though crude, [30] is especially apt for the American economy, as our record of cyclical depressions shows. All have taken place during periods of grossly inadequate military spending…

Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require "alternate enemies," some of which might seem equally farfetched in the context of the current war system. It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species.”

You must see the connection between what you write about: the hollowing out of the rural white culture and landscape and central banking. It is all one in the same. The creation of money out of nothing means we will be in cycles of crashes (which are greatly reduced with a sound money supply) which require some sort of inflationary (non GDP increasing addition of money supply) stimulus to get out of. We have been in a creating money out of nothing economy since Nixon. He began the hollowing out of the middle class because we got off the gold reserve. And what did we see afterwards?

Earl Butts, USDA AG secretary says “get big or get out”. US Manufacturing evaporates, NAFTA seals the coffin. (Most US manufacturing was exported to Mexico not China). And now we know that the people in charge of our society want us to believe that carbon is existential. If you wanted to design an ideology that would slowly kill the prosperity of a society you would discourage carbon burning. GDP and fossil fuel use are correlated at like .85. The “climate change” agenda is a western depopulation ideology. It is supposed to be negative GDP while costing untold quadrillions in printed money and lost productivity because it can never work. If we actually cared about carbon we would race toward 3 goals: Nuclear, Hydrogen and proper management of forests and soils. Solar/wind/battery electric is designed not to work, be expensive and not have enough raw materials or land to execute. If you were designing a system from scratch the sola/wind/battery is the last centralized system you would design. I think rooftop solar and battery storage for off grid homes and farms is a useful tech, but not at the scale required for our globalized world.

The good news is I don’t think the Fabians have thought this through, and I think we are much farther along the oil supply curve than we think. Renewables aren’t just inefficient, they are net-carbon negative. Meaning when you mine all the materials to make battery electric systems with wind and solar you have more embedded energy in fossil fuels in the extraction and manufacturing than you get in the lifetime of use. You cannot mine minerals for energy. You can only mine flammable fossil fuels. Since our entire economy is built on exponential growth and GDP is correlated so high with oil and there is no way to mine energy from the ground (other than fossil fuels and radioactive minerals) our economy and our energy infrastructure will collide. Our food systems will collapse because the cost of fuels to create fertilizer, deliver fertilizer, run tractors and transport grains to CAFOs and then to transport beef to slaughterhouses will be too great for anyone to afford. Our containerized economy will break when diesel hits $10/gallon in today’s dollars. When that happens you will either be a grass farmer (growing grass to feed ruminants) or you will starve. I don’t think there is any world where we have an industrialized economy in 2100. We would have to start using today’s fossil fuels to build a post fossil fuel future, but that won’t happen. We will be living in a low energy future not because if we don’t we’ll boil but because it takes over 100 million years to create fossil fuels and we are burning em just as fast as we can. The embedded energy in fossil fuels should have been a tool to get us to a different energy future, but our current paradigm is unable to get us there. Go find a landowner on vacant land and rent it from him. Buy some stocking steers and portable solar fence. That is the future.

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British Columbia fighting back!


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Thank you! Bless you and bless your amazing column! You teach us all so much and your research is impeccable. 🙏

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