“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION!

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Correct Elizabeth, the Sixties largely were a product of U.S.-Brit intel. Despite this, some truth and beauty also took place during that decade, and this was the Annunciation of my King and His upcoming Parousia, He who was Christ Jeshua in this world.

You also are correct about programmed serial killers causing intentional chaos and fear in communities. I have written at length about the Zodiac, whose first and second murders took place a few miles from the house of myself and my family, in Vallejo. Soon, V.P.D. officers were riding on our school buses, and the town never was the same again.

I have long assumed Zodiac was part of a larger occult organization, likely with U.S. Navy intel ties. Much of Zodie's underlying modus was Egyptian, his 'paradice slaves' rap for example. He sounded more like an OTO disciple than some lone-nut, one-off killer. Zodie was intricately organized and ritualistic. Vallejo had California Maritime Academy and Mare Island -- training and indoctrination, WW2 ships, nuclear subs, PBR 'brown navy', etc. The town was chosen carefully based on its geographic position, its Navy and Navy Intel character, and its resident(s).

BTW my dad was U.S. merchant marine trained at King's Point, N.Y., and he saw wartime action before settling in Vallejo. I am USAF '71, hon. discharge. It took many decades but now I know why Zodiac and his allies chose my hometown to seed their Empire of Death.

Your essays are excellent. Keep up the good work and maintain faith in Father and Christ the King.

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The Unidentified Flying 1990s: No Cold War Russian Fears, Drop the Kinetic for Mental Masturbation: Sex, Drugs & UFOs 1/2

The traumatized, but still kinetically-oriented WW2 "Greatest Generation" left the world stage in the early 1990s and you can see the zeitgeist change by the sudden death of right-wing, moral, stoical, action/adventure/problem-solving TV shows like Riptide, Hunter, Simon & Simon etc. in favor of nihilist, politically correct (PC), introverted couch potato bullshit like "The Cosby Show" from degenerate Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati Baby Boomers miss-lead by the Clinton Simon Says! presidency. With the Soviet Union's collapse and no nuclear World War 3 fears to keep us morally stoically focused; why not party hardy with the "peace dividend"? Thus began a decade of leftist over-indulgence and embrace of nihilist hedonism-based "Lifeboat Earth" fears and PC normie "Hippie Jesus" pussytalk; "Soylent Green is people!" the pot-smoking 1960s Hippies created by the Rothschild pedo-Illuminati's Tavistock mind control institute and MI5 to destroy the West into negative population growth while simultaneously discrediting the Vietnam War racket for maximum $$$ profits. Google "Laurel Canyon" and weep for Sharon Tate and her baby.

AmeroBabylon with no national focus drifted looking for a central driving cause celebre' and nihilist hedonists desperately want to kill God, our Creator for guilt-free Sodomy "gravitated" towards UFOs as "Doubting Thomas", "scientific proof" of aliens/E.T.s. to "zeitgeist" reverse-engineer and revisionist history all of our history into the temporary beings created us to deflect God's word--his King James Bible given to us thru the nation of England in 1611 A.D. creating the Age of Discovery--instead kicking the can down the road perpetually ignoring WHO CREATED EVERYTHING in the 1st place also known as the "1st Cause". Spielberg's E.T. brain washed millions to deceive them that Satan's horrid devils are cutesy as they murder you.

Nihilist hedonist, Baby Boomers like Spielberg and Lucas have long been played by the USAF-led Black Secret Space Program (BSSP) because like the Clintons, their personal development was kinetically-deficient of mandatory National Service (NS) since POTUS Nixon ditched the draft in 1969 so future wars for Wall Street profits and other pedo-Illuminati evil goals would be done by weak co-dependent, all-volunteer victims in a force farce. Lacking basic masculine development, both Spielberg and Lucas for themselves and their Baby Boomers get a safe, pussy catharsis by drooling over better, kinetic men some real and some fantasy in their Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Saving Private Ryan and Tuskegee Airmen movies. Give me a month with them and I can make either or both of them Keanu Reeves-like "John Wick" gun handlers or even a mini-boot camp Captain Dale Dye gave fellow Vietnam combat, vet Oliver Stone's cast of "Platoon" to toughen them up for movie realism. NS would empower all AmeroBabylonians basic outdoor survival and basic foot infantry kinetic skills to defeat external and/or internal threats.

Instead, as the 1990s progressed, New Age occultism exploded by several orders of magnitute from the 1960s since it was now "safe" to binge in the UNIpolar world of Pax Americana. The personal computer that became popular with America Online in 1997 gave all the non-kinetic, nihilist hedonist Baby Boomers who were and still are unqualified to be life leaders a soap box to spread their degeneracies drowning us...including we the 35% conscience-doer Lions, the kinetic moral, stoical reformers who had to get our articles and books factually vetted before being published to a narrow reader social community. The 40% sheeple always embrace music going straight into their heads without thinking have suffered a decline in music quality in coherent melodies and lyrics as Mammon god $$$ greedy and narcissistic egotists copied & pasted a catchy tune over and over again--sometimes not even signing it but saying them--calling such crap "music".

In the military arena, where the author lived, budgets dried up because of the "peace dividencd"; "Be All you Can Be" became "No, You Can't; Budget Cuts". One couldn't get U.S. jump school even if you paid your way and So the author went 1st to Israel and then after a lot of bureaucratic struggle got there in 1997 to get hands-on skills for the best way of war: thinking Paratroops--that I concluded was the solution for non-linear 720 degree battlefields after a decade in the Luddite, robotic, malignant narcissist, USMC. While doing military reform research & development, I encountered both a human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) and a BIGFOOT cryptid while UNwisely solo testing a lightweight sleeping bag at Fort Bragg in North Carolina in 1995. The author was in no mood for such antics fighting the military bureaucracy at the time (when is he not?) and as a John 3:16 pardoned Christian prayed to God to send all that shit away--though he had his 9mm automatic pistol ready when the big fellow stood over his ponch-tent and screamed an incredibly foul cry over him. The author also in a foul mood was having none of it--so he left. Since then, I've realized this was all a part of Fort Bragg's Special Forces boredom play time and BIGFOOTS are their beserkers to attack enemy High Value Targets (HVTs) after AGC airland delivery--all of this validated by then L/CPL Herrera's USMC fireteam plus's 2009 Identified Flying Object (IFO) encounter with SF operators collecting dead bodies after the Indonesian tsunami their "chain of command" probably created by weather alteration weaponry re: fellow Greer Whistle Blower, Hecker's testimony.

A year before while taking an unauthorized, cross-country, short cut across the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California in a company of "black beret" OPFOR M113A2 Gavin light tracked tanks, we came upon weird floating light globes--which I later surmised are over a hub of the supersonic underground tunnel train system. My commanding officer just looked at me with the "We can never talk about this" stare.

I tell you these things in case I get whacked by the evil USG. The point is these encounters happened before the internet and I had no way to shot-gun my findings to alert the world as we do now though as seen by the Greer WB's they would just get drowned in a sea of wannabe E.T. bullshit. All of the Greer WBs testified to HUMAN ANTI-GRAVITY CRAFT--not fucking ET.s--and the public apathy on this infuriates me. So much for the Tom Clancy "Clear & Present Danger" ending where Jack Ryan testifies to Congress having some lasting effect! This "reality nullification" is explained by the Asch experiment where it was proven weak 40% sheeple will believe whatever authorities or hgroupstink ssays--objective reality staring in their faces be damned! Machiavelli was right--these people must be Simon Says!ed over by good princeses wise enough that appealing to their non-existent factual reasoning doesn't work; they WANT TO BELIEVE bullshit--in this case E.T. which brings us to the groupstink put forth by the X-FILES TV series.

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The X-FILES originate with the weirdly CIA JFK assassination-connected Seatle office of Guy Bannister which we covered in detail in James Bond is REAL in 2011 having the task to divert attention from Nazi AGC downing an USMC C-46 full of gyrenes over Mount Rainier with 20mm automatic cannon fire whose wreckage was being searched for by likely former OSS LTC Kenneth Arnold in 1947. The 4th Reich Nazis hiding in Base 211 had defeated a low-tech USN military invasion by Admiral Byrd in 1946-47 but were concerned about being nuclear attack and were spying on the Boeing plant for clues about their new nuclear-capable, 6, 000 mile range, B-47 jet bomber re: the Maury Island Incident and the slower but still long enough ranged, prop-driven B-29s at Roswell Army Air Force Base before the horrid National Security Act (NSA 47) created the firepower-wins-wars, delusional USAF. Of course, the X-FILES push the USAF E.T. lie story and wouldn't dare employ the FBI files or any files contradicting this lie narrative.

The X-FILEs is infuriating because they love to tease the audience to even include a pre-9/11 airliner ramming a WTC tower "Lone Gunman" pilot episode. By the end of the 1990s, the rival Rockefeller pedo-Illuminati MILINDCOMP was hurting for funds during the Clintonista sex fuckfest that U.S. ARMY Chief of Staff, General Shinseki's horrid computer-digitized, emasculated, road/trail-bound wheeled LAV-III armored car permissive peaceniking scam to do feel-good virtue signalling did not satisfy. At the turn of the 21st century, the Rockefeller pedo-Illuminati foisted the 9/11 False Flag Attacks on AmeroBabylon as per their sick Satanist religious symbolism and pre-emplaced thermite during construction instead blaming it all on CRIMSLAM ragheads to effect a lucrative Global War Against Terror (Corporate Error) to get MILINDCOMP war racket funds $$$ flowing again lacking the Soviet Union bogeyman. Even this fear card has dried up and in the 2010s, the pedo-Illuminati "pivoted" back to Russia and China hate. So-called alleged liberals like child rapist and canibaal Hillary Clinton who should always want to negotiate suddenly became born-again, anti-Russian (and Libyan and anyone else designated on the globalist's hit list General Wesley Clark revealed) war mongers--proving she is under direct Satanic secret society control and not even a deluded person following some sort of core beliefs.

There were some who pushed back against the Clinton nihilist hedonist, leftarded degeneracy and anti-religious savagery seen in their Waco stand-off and human BBQ of the Branch Davidians using tracked tanks without any firefighting engines in 1993 using TALK RADIO... like the late Vietnam combat veteran, William "Bill" Cooper's broadcasts (author of the book "Behold a Pale Horse") who predicted the 9/11 attacks and was murdered by USG conspiracy clearly seen in FBI files:




...and Art Bell's "Coast-to-Coast AM" which also featured the paranormal.

THE most important Art Bell radio show was in 1997 where the infamous Area 51 "Caller" was validated by Reverse Speech creator and subject matter expert, David Oates. The Caller is in desperation fear for his life and clearly said there are no E.T.s but they are instead I.T.s--Satanic devils of old. Not a fucking peep from the internet nihilist UFOlogist nerdfuck geeks who "want to believe" in E.T. as if they'd ever have a chance of getting laid if God were dead!

The show begins with Oates revealing the Rothschild pedo-Illuminati Royals were at least in on her murder. I was too busy at the time in 1997 with military reform efforts like getting Camel-Bak drinking tubes (Roger Fawcett) and reflex/night sights (Glyn Bindon) into USMIL service to listen to the show so these are new disturbing revelations to me in 2024.

Satanist Queen Elizabeth in RS on Princess DIE: "The fuss will serve us"; "Sell her...feel it now"

The Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati are really despicable scum. The Royals murdered Princess Di and her body guard and driver by Remote Control Steer into a concrete pylon in France. The 1st responders deliberately dragged their feet insuring Di DIED.

Satanist, pedo-Illuminati Baby Boomer fatfuck Clinton's pro-druggie (Mena, Arkansas smuggling hub from Mexico) crap is revealed in his RS.

"The sign of the sheep that serve us"

Interviewee Steve: FS: "I tell them what to do" RS: "Men in black, they stole my life".

The infamous Area 51 security guard "THE CALLER" is RSed. 1:50:00.

In FS, he is crying that the aliens are Satanic devil ITs in RS: "want to get thru" have taken over AmeroBabylon and want to mass murder the Earth population down to 500M slave sheeple. RS: "they are shielding off in your room". The few that remain are compliant. RS: "Feel the heat", "I'm goin to get shot".

YOUTUBER @thisisme64T suggests:

1:56 "Gonna get shocked" as in shock therapy...ect AKA shock therapy causes memory loss.


RS: USAF "OSI eww warn you" "Man has a gun".


Why is this so distressing?

Art Bell was an authority figure who could smash the BS alien/E.T. lie-story.

RS: "They'll shut you down".


Oates seems VERY good faithful to Bell in this interview. How could they have had such a falling out?

MIB fucking with Oates at the Hoagland conference where the Satanic occult Crowley influence with the Mars landing probe. RS: "White man's skull is now hidden" the lander's plaque. We suspect that Satan and his fallen angels probably landed on Mars and built evil artifacts there.

RS: "Starship" means human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC). "We're riding in a shielded vessel" MEANS IT'S AN AGC CAPABLE OF ENOUGH PROTECTION TO GO THE THE VAN ALLEN RADIATION BELTS.

Armstrong in RS: "Man WILL space walk" meaning HE IS NOT SPACE WALKING.

Bell strangely had a falling out with Oates who seemed good friends in the 1997 interview. Bell retired from radio broadcasts due to persisstent death threats. It seems obvious the USG set Bell against Oates to discredit both of their works and the truth-revealing methodology of RS.


Bob Lazar's Limited Hang Out

Secularist Bob Lazar appeared on the Bell show in the 1990s detailing his year in 1988 working at Area 51 on 9x reverse-engineered AGC; one of which was ancient. Testors offered plastic models of his S4 AGC.


He expresses a limited hang-out that USMIL AGC are quantity-limited by materials like element 115 only available by recovery of other's craft... nod and winked as "E.T." when we know such things are of Satanic I.T. origin.


Lazar may truly believe in this limited AGC hang-out as it was told him as a pre-caution in case he talked. Notice though he feared for his life carrying an Uzi sub-machine gun (SMG) in his car at the time, HE WAS NOT MURDERED BY THE USG.

Clearly, Lazar is a limited hang-out furthering the USG's lie-story of E.T.s to deflect away from the abundant human AGC operational realities began by the Germans around 1942 and cloned by the U.S. in 1953 according to Terziski and Lyne. Lazar's 1988 experience is now overcome by events like Herrera's 2009 human AGC experience in Indonesia as well as other Greer WB, D.C. Long.

Clinton Balked at "Full Discolosure"

As Clinton's power waned, he pondered the opportunity as the nation's Simon Says! authority figure to release all the bullshit USG files on UFOs tainted with E.T. flavoring to kill God in the minds of the 40% sheeple.

For some reason, this author thinks by DIVINE INTERVENTION, Bill Clinton did not chose to play the God-is-dead, BS E.T. fear card.

What is also encouraging is how God intervened just before the 2016 election and made both POTUS Obama and FBI Director Comey publicly state Hillary was still under investigation--ruining her election as President in a sick continuation of the Satanist theosophist Bush/Bush rule with Clinton/Clinton. As the hours ticked towards Trump's inaugoration rumors swirled that Obama would enact the fake alien/E.T. invasion option to retain evil political power; but this was decided against--again begging the question of God's intervention.

The pedo-Illums are still butt hurt that outsider businessman and reality TV star, Donald Trump became President and did a very good faith job for 4x years until he naively let the 2024 election be stolen from him by the CIA for puppets Biden/Harris who hoaxed for a month they were the elect without any official announcement--a FELONY violation of 18 USC Code section 107 causing deaths that should bar them from holding any federal position.

The stage is clearly set with human AGC size enhancements to mimic the 1995 ET alien invasion blockbuster movie, "Independence Day" for real also using Project BLUE BEAM's holograms (see Saudi Arabia's planned holograms) as well as Satan's devils.

Truly terrifying.


John 3:16 is THE WAY...

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL

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The post-1945 Curse of Non-Kinetic, Mental Normalcy

Everything today owes itself to 1945 as historian Greg Hallett rightly concludes and we reiterated in 2011 in "James Bond is REAL".


World War 2 was a bitter failure for the Satanist, theosophist, pedo-Illuminati who vowed NEVER AGAIN to let SHEEPLE BE DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THEIR NATION'S LIFE LEADERSHIP. Good faith actors like LTG Gavin, Patton, Ridgway, mass-producing Liberty ships, industrialist Henry Kaiser and many others kicked their militarist national fascist, Hitler/Tojo/Mussolini's asses so the 1954 Bilderberg meeting made structural changes to damn sheeple into their perpetual victim place "HIVE".


The 1954 Bilderbergs decided to bog down the traumatized, Great (economic) Depression and violent WW2 "Greatest Generation" with a electronic (TV, radio, mass paper media) mental devil masturbation (pornography, rock music, MKULTRA hypnosis), consumerist suburban "normalcy" they longed for; making them no longer a moral, stoical, kinetic good faith alternative, threat to their evil rule. Their horrid mathematic formulas to program sheeple misbehavior are detailed in "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars":



"Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual" was uncovered

quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a

surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan,

hatched in the embryonic days of the "Cold War" which called for control of the masses

through manipulation of industry, peoples' pastimes, education and political leanings. It

called for a quiet revolution, putting brother-against-brother, and diverting the public's

attention from what is really going on.


The pedo-Illums did love the new, massive MILINDCOMP... so they decided for perpetual, massive war profits by instigating a "Cold War" that didn't interfere with the sheeple normie plantation. Containing Communism was a ready excuse for war racketeering [www.combatreform.org/RACKETTHEORYv6.0.htm] so AmeroBabylon under puppet Eisenhower control reneged on national political control election promises, had the CIA force over 1M Vietnamese south of the 17th parrallel border to concoct the nation-state of South Vietnam. These people could have been congregated into a free market enclave like Hong Kong after a national vote as retired LTG Gavin suggested but that would be no multi-billion dollar, no-win war profit death machine with millions of sheeple being mass murder, de-populated.

Again, in "James Bond is REAL" in 2011 we explained the main evil goals of the sick fuck pedo-Illums:

1. Destroy the moral, stoical individual

2. Max profits

3. Thin the herd

4. Everyone on same sheet of music

5. Live forever

Once you realize the pedo-Illum's evil goals, you can always ascertain their current and future crimes into 1x or more of these ultimate evil people-fucks. As Carlin warned we the people don't run shit (since WW2) and the pedo-Illums own everything and everyone.

Well...not everyone... the Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati can go fuck themselves as WE ATTACK! them and their death machines and gates to hell. We ain't going silently into the night. We have better ideas from God... his sound laws and best practices.

Doesn't sound like what a "Hippie Jesus" follower would say? Boo fucking hoo! The Lord Jesus Christ isn't the BS toxic pacifist, "Hippie Jesus" foisted on us in the 1960s by the evil mind kontrollers:


STEP 1 is fuck having the pedo-Illums rule over us by PLAN D restoring the republic or PLAN E leaving the Unregenerate Sodom of Amerika Babylon with a new nation that bans all secret society members holding ANY governmental position.

Without this, any and all moral, stoical, good faith reform proposals will be rejected immediately. Trust us, we've fucking tried for over 4x fucking decades!

STEP 2 is the horrid 1787 U.S. Constitution and 1st Amendment secular hell anarchy must be shit-canned and replaced by a civil government run by God's laws and best practices with MORAL FREEDOM of speech and life. We do not need any human telling us we can live moral stoically nor must we tolerate evil degeneracy in an anarchy as the evil degenerate Free Mason, 1787 alleged "founding fathers" concocted for more elbow room for themselves. THEY ARE NOT our Founding Fathers; our founding leaders were from 1607 King James Bible town to 1786 in a Christian confederation of colonies so powerful it evicted the world's super power British Army/Royal Navy so there's no fucking excuse for the centralized secular Satanic FEDERALIST governmental hijack done in secret in Philadelphia in 1787 that has damned us on a downward trajectory into national destructive hell ever since--the only brakes the "Little House on the Prairie" agrarian farming Christians until the industrial age created Cain city shit holes like New York City, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco and Los Angeles after the westward ho! expansion ended.

STEP NOW is leave all BLUE shit hole states and cities now while you still can. Prep for a SHTF instigated by the pedo-Illums if we don't remove them from all social power positions.

Yes, the pedo-Illums work directly with the evil Satan and his estimated 33x million fallen angels and disembodied Genesis 6 Nephilim GIANTs now called "demons" who can play Casper the not-friendly ghost and mimic departed loved ones with perfect accuracy because THEY WERE THERE in 18whatever!


However, GREATER IS HE THAT IS YOU--if you are a John 3:16 pardoned Christian--than he that is in the world. I've decisively commanded devils from hapless people in a Deliverance ministry. God's King James Bible is perfect and true and uber powerful! The gates of Hell will not prevail against us if we....ATTACK!


John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL

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Christian America after 1787 Evil U.S. Constitution Began Speaking to Devils

The 3rd Reich Nazis talked to Satan's devils to get Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) high technology. Their dictator, Hitler slept with Greta Thundberg look-alike, Blavatsy's, man-will-become-gods, occult devil supplied, theosophy book by his side. Her follower, Aleister Crowley's drug taking, LAM gray alien, sex magic with solid rocket fuel pioneer, Jack Parsons/L. Ron Hubbard SCIENTOLOGY, world government and rock music, ecumenical "Hippie Jesus" embraces all contradicting religions and criminal Islam (CRIMSLAM) pushed by apostates like Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Benny Hinn under the arms of the Revelation 17 harlot, Roman Catholic pagan church. The false religion of the ANTI-CHRIST. Evil. Pure EVIL.

Before the WHY FILES went dark and became totally alien/E.T. (actual Satanic devils) centric, they found the real name of the fucktard who created the now demolished, Georgia Guidestones calling on mass murdering the Earth down to just 500x million slave servants.

The most evil, ecumenical thing in AmeroBabylon from 1787 is the horrid, Free Masonic, U.S. Constitution whose 1st Amendment tolerates all sorts of evil degeneracies that moron church goers somehow think it's the best civil government deal we can get--ignoring the 1607 to 1786 Christian confederation referenced in the start of this video.


John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.

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The Dead Sea Scrolls sure do line up with everything Biblically. The Jews are well-known for their accuracy in their written records over the centuries. They are very good at preserving stuff like that. I think that is another reason God chose the Jews, they are such good historians, whether in oral format or written.

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Ubersexy Sharon Tate was/is the daughter of U.S. Army military intelligence officer, Colonel Paul Tate. The specific goal of the Hippies movement was to discredit anti-Vietnam war opponents as hedonistic bums instead of say LTG James Gavin in class A uniform or suit & tie offering BETTER SOLUTIONS than the status quo, indecisive war racket. IMHO, Saigon could and should have been set aside as a FREE MARKET ZONE like Hong Kong and the rest of Vietnam unified in a national vote we promised we'd abide by but reneged when we realized the Commies would win. Communism/forced socialism would have failed and the Saigon model merged into the rest of the country--like NOW as lady Nickson would say--but without the 58K dead USMIL Soldiers and what? 7M KIA Vietnamese? Remember, if you are DEAD it's too late to ask for the John 3:16 pardon. LIFE is an AUDITION by God to see who he keeps to fill the stars.

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Mile Mathis insists Sharon Tate faked her death to get away from the SEXPIONAGE honey trap she ran with witchfuck pedophile Polansky--whose only good we can say is in "Ghost Writer" he reveals Jackie married POTUS JFK to mole spy on him at the request of Bouvier famil frenemy, Allen Dulles, CIA creator, pro-Nazi pedo-Illuminatifuck. The American flag on couch as signal etc. I sure hope he's right! I adore her even more than Tarantino does!

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The MOST AMAZING thing about this article is 350x HIGHLY INTELLIGENT GOOD FAITH COMMENTS trying to figure what's happened and is happening to us out. I don't normally do this...but; I SALUTE ALL THE GOOD FAITH COMMENTERS HERE. Now to the issues at hand: we have figured most of what's depicted here out, presented in our dynmicpara007 BITCHUTE channel videos: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Sj9CnXlfNz62/

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I've heard many people reference John Coleman and his book. But who has actually been able to vet him? I've only read a few excerpts and they seem so fantastic that I never looked at it further.

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John Todd/Lance Collins said to us in 1978 the Satanist, theosophist, pedo-Illuminati are run by a council of 13x. Springmeier says the same. 300x people are too many to be a decision-making body--but are possibly a "pre-legislative" body that brings forths problems, ideas and then formulates directives for the evil 13x to decide on; a sort of giant military staff.

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I guess some things seem more intuitively true than others. When I read Kevin McGowan book shown above, most of it sounded perfectly plausible and in line with things I already knew. Lately I've listened to a few videos by a guy who calls himself Juxtaposition. He comes across fluid and natural as he talks but then I sit back and wonder who is he actually? How can he know all of these things? How can he back up his claims? I'm kind of leery of the grander claims made by famous exposers.

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I'm a public military author and reformer. I have briefed Secretary of the Army Tom White, Assistant Secretary of State, Richard Armitage and fatfuck U.S. ARMY, Vice Chief of Staff, General John Keane on military reforms they agreed to do then did not--LYING TO ME. I found out later they attend Bilderberg treason meetings violating the Logan Act planning how to mass murder 8 BILLION of us. I'm not some fucking McGowan juxtposition guy. I am totally thru with being Nice 1LT. Are not these guys civilian pussies or at best lower enlistedmen who have no clue how evil bureaucracy works? Ask Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on military things to get a generalized "coup ''oeil" understanding everything at a glance of the U.S. MILINDCOMP instead of just guessing from non-kinetic, non-experienced civilians. They can sometimes guess right with beginner's luck, but one must wade into the secular U.S. MILINDCOMP subjective bureaucratic realities to fully understand the USMIL is NOT an objective reality-driven PROFESSION and are eager evil tools for the Satanist, theosophist, pedo-Illuminati.

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Great. Thanks for your time and input.

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"[The Nazi scientists] were folded into U.S. military intelligence, into Fort Detrick, and given free rein. MKUltra emerged from their various collaborations and went into orbit."

A while back I listened to an interview of a victim of the MKUltra program and she said MK = Mein Kampf.

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The key macro-level determination is WHO went WHERE after the 3rd Reich Nazis realized after the 1943 Stalingrad defeat they were going to lose the war. I think (no pussy talk here) the best and most prudent Nazi scientists left Germany early for Antarctica/Argentina who had/still have Free Energy/Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) high technologies and the lesser zientists like von Braun went to either the West or East with lesser tech like weak Action Reaction Rocketry (AAR) and mind fucking later dubbed MKULTRA. Nazi Germany is/was/the wonderful things he does the evil project of the war/death loving, Type A Rockefeller pedo-Illuminati and Communist Soviet Russia was the sicko project of the sex/pornography loving, Type B personality, Bauer/Rothschild pedo-Illuminati. There is a sometimes bitter rivalry over the Simon Says ! control of the 40% sheeple (Asch experiment) but if the Council of 13 says stop in-fighting, they all come together as seen by SOTH Johnson's cave-in on the continued funding for their rabid hate of moral, stoical Russia by the wannabe Eurotrash, UKRoid proxy war.

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You know, I think that's pretty much it. How sick are these awful people?

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25% minimally are psych-sociopaths born with no or little conscience. Since God is holding AUDITIONS he wants to see the FULL true colors of every person during their life; he has a lot of stars to fill! Don't be depressed that accordingly he allows a lot of evil and a lot of people to live/audition then die.

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It also contains a reference to cults kult.

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Oh wow….

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If I remember correctly it was posted on the site medicalkidnap.com.

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Bowart's Operation MIND CONTROL, 2nd Edition is still available on internet archive despite USG attempts to destroy all copies of it. HYPNOSIS is the base--not nod & wink drugs like author Marks pontificates on. We have video proof from Derren Brown on our dynmicpara007 BITCHUTE channel that advanced MKULTRA can make unwilling people accurate shooter/killers whereas early mindfucking in 1968 was only able to get Rosicrucian Sirhan whateverthefuck into the same room as RFK and fire in his general direction. CIA hire, fatfuck Cesar murdered RFK at the back of his head with a .38 revolver. RFK Jr. was going to meet slobfuck in the Philipines for a catharsis but he "died suddenly".

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There seem to be two very similar cabal theories.

The acts ascribed to them are the same and reasonably well documented - the usual list of occult societies, political machinations, and secret programs, tactics, operations and ablities.

However one theory suggests that the ulitimate power resides with a primarily European black nobility whose HQ is in London by way of Venice, while the other points the finger at a group of Sabbataean-Frankist bankers as the ultimate power and suggests that they have (in the usual occult society manner) worked through and manipulated the British who are therefore puppets, not puppeteers.

You seem to be suggesting that the first of these is correct. There is a fair amount of evidence for the Sabbataean-Frankists running the show, but I have never really seen a great deal of evidence - beyond simple assertions - for the black nobility theory. I have read the Coleman book, but it's not exactly well sourced and there are problems with Coleman himself. Do you have any other well sourced references providing evidence for this theory?

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The main validity of a Venician pedo-Illuminati is logic; Satan was asleep for hundreds of years before the Bauers showed up in the 1770s?. To quote Elastigurl; "I don't think so. I don't think so."

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Not much logic there though is there? Satan wasn't asleep, therefore Venetian black nobility? Somewhat of a non sequitur...

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Not much HONESTY from you. You cannot THINK can you? I asked the question knowing the damn answer that Satan was not asleep until the Bavarian pedo-Illuminati. How old are you, anyway? GENZ?

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I understood what you were implying - perhaps the boot is on the other foot...?

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No. Stop trying to be contrarian on this. The "Satanist globalists" began with Cain long before the Bauers.

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I agree. Of course they did. All I'm saying is that just because that is the case doesn't mean that there is a European black nobility running things then or today.

There remain two theories in conspiracy land.

One is the Frankist bankers, and the other is "Black nobility". The Frankist (for lack of a better term) bankers thread can be credibly traced back further than the Bauers (and further than Frank himself - this group was active in the English civil war for example), and it is certainly easier to make the case that events over the last centuries appear to have unfolded to the Frankists' advantage. It is likely that this group has existed as an independent entity since biblical times when Jesus confronted them directly - the lack of clear historical record during some periods is simply a consequence of the passing of time and is an even bigger problem for the other theory. And it is the case that the Kabbalah seems to be the core esoteric influence on all Luciferian societies.

The other theory is this "Black nobility" theory - the idea that the consistent thread is not Frankists, but some old Roman families. But there seems to be almost no evidence for this whatsoever.

My point therefore is simply that just because Satanism didn't appear out of nowhere in the 1600s (or 1700s if you want to start with Bauer) doesn't prove anything about the existence of a group of old Roman senatorial families. I contend that it is far more likely that the center of this power lies, and always lay, with the group within which we first observed it in modern history, whose members wield enormous power and influence today - seeming to occupy the key information control nodes of our society, and whose members appear to have been pivotal in so many occult-significant developments since the 1700s.

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Only recently it occurred to me that the infamous “Deal with the Devil at the crossroads” by seminal legendary blues man Robert Johnson might have been an actual real event, and not a mere rock and roll folk legend. It would sure go a long way into explaining the true fruits of the “Rock and Roll Era” on Western culture.

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It's not just Robert Johnson. There are others who have confessed e.g. Bob Dylan in his famous interview.

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In the Bob Dylan biography film "No Way Home" Dylan made clear that he eschewed the 1960s revolutionary culture. The point was further sharpened during the film when Dylan's on-again off-again erstwhile flame Joan Baez expressed sincere confusion and frustration over Dylan's complete absence from the goings on of the anti-war movement. Since then Dylan has distinguished himself by openly embracing Christianity and unabashedly making a few very weird albums covering the hits of Frank Sinatra. Go figure.

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And Dylan won a Nobel, but refused to attend. I don’t know much about him and the interview. I’ll have to look it up.

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Because all this deals with bloodlines, is it possible they are descendants of the nephilim spoken about in Genesis? The supernatural power they had back then may have waned, but their power of status did not. Somehow, there were nephilim on the earth even after the flood, so they were not totally wiped out. This would explain their obsession with bloodlines. Imagine, your ancestors being half angels, albeit angels of darkness once they rebelled against God. Just a thought. If this theory is true, I wonder if a lab compared their blood to the average persons, if something would be different about it.

Ref: Gen 6 v4: There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

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I'll not mince words; after the Flood, fallen angels fornicated with Earth women making SMALLER GIANTS due to the reduced biological capacity of the post-vapor canopy world. Last year when Nephilim terrorized Las Vegas hedonists after an UFO sighting, some people PRAYED and the devils SCREAMED and SHREAKED and left town. Christianity works.

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Some biblical scholars trace the evil bloodlines all the way back to Cain, and claim that Noah's wife was a descendant of Cain. That is how that evil bloodline survived the flood.

They call the evil bloodline Cainites or Canaanites, AKA the serpent seed.

Cain was supposedly literally Satan's spawn with Eve, and the origin of all evil bloodlines.

The Book of Enoch is very interesting indeed!



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I cannot fully endorse the Book of Enoch; it paints a picture of an unmerciful God not willing to forgive THE WATCHERS. I think God would find a way to restore actual repentent fallen angels like he did for the Gibeonites.

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I cannot fully endorse any book of the bible, since they are all incomplete, we only have remnants or pieces to connect as best we can. Unless we were there as a real witness, it is unlikely that we will ever get the FULL story or picture until we die, and maybe not even then.

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Nope. Go find a Deliverance minister and watch that King James Bible decisively kick Satanic devils' ass. Vulgarity needed here. You are wrong that we can't get 100% certainty and have truth. I CAN WRITE YOU a 100% accurate communication--so can God, Almighty and he did in 1611 A.D. thru the nation of England. Again, get out of mom's baxement, stop playing GTA and COD and instead CONFRONT REAL EVIL DEVILS and FIND OUT.

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I believe they think they are Nephilim. (Idiots)

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I AGREE. Fuck 70's feminism. Ruined generations of women and caused human death through abortion for birth control. Women sacrificed their own children.

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Gender Studies is the new feminism. Women at university learn that biological sex is not as important as gender identity.

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When people are murdered the land itself is cursed. Lavenda documents this in his books; Manson grew up around evil pre-Indian mounds of small GIANTS that sexy Ashley Judd wants to preserve when we really need to take pics, then bull doze, fire purify and cast away devils by Deliverance ministers all the evil mounds in north America. Again, this 1787 U.S. Constitution BS that there is some sort of ENLIGHTENMENT "neutral" secular world has epically blind-sided us with the genital mutilation, dystopian AmeroBabylon of NOW. 1787 doesn't work and it's time to return to MAGA 1607 King James Bible town to 1786 Christian colonies in a confederation based on God's laws and best practices.

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I got better marks at uni for writing feminist crap. (80’s)

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right. those teachers slurped it up

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Watch YouTube A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing and A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 2

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You have it in a nutshell …. Ephesians 6:12

King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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