May 2Liked by elizabeth nickson

"[The Nazi scientists] were folded into U.S. military intelligence, into Fort Detrick, and given free rein. MKUltra emerged from their various collaborations and went into orbit."

A while back I listened to an interview of a victim of the MKUltra program and she said MK = Mein Kampf.

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There seem to be two very similar cabal theories.

The acts ascribed to them are the same and reasonably well documented - the usual list of occult societies, political machinations, and secret programs, tactics, operations and ablities.

However one theory suggests that the ulitimate power resides with a primarily European black nobility whose HQ is in London by way of Venice, while the other points the finger at a group of Sabbataean-Frankist bankers as the ultimate power and suggests that they have (in the usual occult society manner) worked through and manipulated the British who are therefore puppets, not puppeteers.

You seem to be suggesting that the first of these is correct. There is a fair amount of evidence for the Sabbataean-Frankists running the show, but I have never really seen a great deal of evidence - beyond simple assertions - for the black nobility theory. I have read the Coleman book, but it's not exactly well sourced and there are problems with Coleman himself. Do you have any other well sourced references providing evidence for this theory?

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Only recently it occurred to me that the infamous “Deal with the Devil at the crossroads” by seminal legendary blues man Robert Johnson might have been an actual real event, and not a mere rock and roll folk legend. It would sure go a long way into explaining the true fruits of the “Rock and Roll Era” on Western culture.

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After reading this I’m really glad that we grew up in the middle of what was then a Christian and conservative southern Africa during this time. No rock concerts. No drugs except ‘dagga.’ My parents forbade the purchase of LP records. However, these creeps and their African assets were hard at work in other ways to how they worked in the US; namely orchestrating mass murder & violent insurrection via their malevolent brew of resentment, witchcraft, muti-murders, liberation theology, intimidation, covetousness and false witness. Then they sadistically unleashed their vicious pet dogs called Socialism and terrorist ‘liberation struggle’ in Mozambique, Angola, Rhodesia and finally South Africa -to savage all those domestic populations in atrocity after atrocity and set them against their own while they gleefully looted our property, security and resources from their lairs overseas. MUST READ: ‘TOO BRIGHT THE VISION’ by Arthur R Lewis - he presents key insights about ‘the transformation’ of Southern Africa into a moral and psychological slum- within this important autobiography of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s

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Apr 30Liked by elizabeth nickson

Because all this deals with bloodlines, is it possible they are descendants of the nephilim spoken about in Genesis? The supernatural power they had back then may have waned, but their power of status did not. Somehow, there were nephilim on the earth even after the flood, so they were not totally wiped out. This would explain their obsession with bloodlines. Imagine, your ancestors being half angels, albeit angels of darkness once they rebelled against God. Just a thought. If this theory is true, I wonder if a lab compared their blood to the average persons, if something would be different about it.

Ref: Gen 6 v4: There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

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I AGREE. Fuck 70's feminism. Ruined generations of women and caused human death through abortion for birth control. Women sacrificed their own children.

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Watch YouTube A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing and A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 2

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You have it in a nutshell …. Ephesians 6:12

King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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I’ve just recently discovered your writings, and find most of them thoughtful and intelligent. But I always have a hard time grasping how the environmental movement is a bad thing. From my understanding, it really kicked into gear here in the US after the release of Rachael Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’. She was an incredible woman who was determined to write that book, while simultaneously dealing with terminal cancer. Environmental damage is a very real and serious consequence from our industrial lifestyle. Prior to the creation of the E.P.A., rivers were actually catching on fire. Deforestation is a real issue, the rainforests are the planets lungs and help regulate climate. Pollution and toxic waste costs millions (billions?) of taxpayer dollars to clean up and cover health costs. Ocean acidification is a thing. The list goes on. So I just don’t get it when people attack “the environmental movement”. Without it human and environmental health would be much worse. We live on a planet with finite resources, and a population of 8 billion people is definitely going to make an impact. So yeah, we need organized groups to hold corporate polluters accountable, otherwise we will be aiding in the depopulation agenda that the elites so desperately are attempting.

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It demoralizes me when I think of all the great artists we will never know because we are bombarded with scams.

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No shit!!

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As an alternative to the idea that narcissism was created from the outside by agencies, may I offer the media criticism idea that narcissism developed as the result of immersion in technological media, specifically the moving image, and even more intensively than film, the television advertisement?

Baudrillard has a lot to say about that. If you're not familiar with his name and his work, this short introduction is practically an essential orientation as he is difficult to get a handle on. https://publish.uwo.ca/~dmann/baudrillard1.htm

The basic idea I'm mentioning here is that the television advertisement, and the world of television shows crafted to cater to children, created massive narcissism in the young audiences, because they absorbed the ideas that the world is unreal, and that it's crafted for them.

Guy Debord also has a lot to say about the "spectacle": the unreal world of the media-mediated world, which revolves around representation, re-representation, consumption, and re-consumption of the artificial self. He's also talking about commodification, and it's a critique of capitalism for which he ends up making some particular suggestions, but please don't get derailed by that. The damage of alienation that he's talking about goes all the way back to humanity's spiritual essence, and he discusses that in a way that's very useful and then I feel he tries to meet that spiritual need with a contemporary political solution, but I don't think that needs to be considered--his first points, about the human essence that's damaged by commodification is what's I'm seeing as relevant to your points about narcissism.


Here's a digestible discussion & introduction. https://hyperallergic.com/313435/an-illustrated-guide-to-guy-debords-the-society-of-the-spectacle/ In my view, if we suppose his analysis is correct as to where the narcissism ultimately comes from, then the agency provocateurs and strategists don't need to be somehow creating narcissism from nothing (which I think is a tall order) so much as using it, in large part because they are products of it themselves, and because it serves their advanced capitalist aims, which *are* rooted in a degraded idea of humanity, and *do* profit from converting humans into material for their own cannibalistic purposes. For me, this is quite likely, whereas the idea that these agencies could transform an entire generation that wasn't already headed that way is less likely. And, absorption in the mirror of "being advertised to" and "seeking celebrity" and suchlike does end up warping a person pretty quickly, whether or not there's a nefarious goal behind it. It's a simple explanation, and simple is often more likely. The warped human then becomes fertile soil for opportunists, especially if those opportunists are warped in the same way.

There's also Adam Curtis' take on narcissism, which is that psychoanalysis and the PR discipline, which facilitated advertising and also facilitated a lot of political manipulation, are what produced the mental-emotional disorder. https://watchdocumentaries.com/the-century-of-the-self/ There are links in that history to the periods in history you're talking about.

There is something behind that, even, which is Freud's link to some ideas floating around Vienna at that time, which themselves led to narcissistic politics. For that, one good place to start is Max Nordau's critique of Nietzsche, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51161/51161-h/51161-h.htm#c415 . Nordau had his own philosophical and moral weaknesses, but his scathing examination both of Nietzsche and of the philosophical and political "young bloods" so to speak of his era is a good place to start digging into Nietzsche's deep influence on both early Zionism and on Nazism a generation later. 'Nietzsche and Zion' is a book which unfortunately I can't produce online, but it's worth a read. Nietzsche's influence on Nazism is well known, of course, and Nordau's discussion of Nietzsche's fostering of violence and self-regard puts the lie to contemporary apologetics which have it that his sister rewrote him. In fact I think it's likely that this feminist scholar, Helene Stocker, https://psyche.co/ideas/how-the-feminist-philosopher-helene-stocker-canonised-nietzsche? truly was, as the author says, directly behind a lot of the excuses or sleight of hand that one can encounter in academia: her justification that he was being cleverly ironic is thrown about all the time, without a lot of justification in my view. Well, she seems to have made up this excuse in order to rationalize her simple desire for the permission to seek personal power which his philosophy offers, and that's the same permission which the Zionists, the Nazis, and every other would-be conqueror sought or seeks today, in his philosophy.

He, of course, was not invented by the Elites, but he certainly was and is a great tool for anyone who wants to exploit others, or to feel good about being self-absorbed. It may be worth mentioning that Nietzsche and Nordau's era was an era of mass culture. Here for example is a discussion of Nietzsche's critique of mass culture, which, whether or not he's an engine of fascism, is a good way to understand how mass culture and mass "media" (in the form of theater and other mass entertainments as well as widely distributed lowbrow written material) could be characterized even in that time. https://pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina%20Folder/kell22.htm He described mass culture's effects as "trivial, superfluous, and sensational, and creating homogenization and conformity". It's an apt description of the mass culture of the 1960s, I feel. If mass culture can create trivial conformity simply by existing, then is it really the case that all of the effects on the boomers of the 1960s were deliberate? I think it's unlikely.

However, that doesn't mean that the effects weren't deliberately sought, to the extent that they could be worked towards. Some of these references and historical moments you mention are absolutely fascinating. I've been looking for each one in turn. Although I think you must have more esoteric or unindexed sources than I'm finding, I'm sure I'll come across them. The antifa website root source item is particularly interesting. I'm not in the least bit surprised. It's not that all antifa gutterpunk kids are in cahoots with the alphabet agencies (I've met a number of them and they are simply enthralled with the idea that swinging a skateboard at a target is simultaneously fun, looks dynamic and punk in the camera frame, and can be promoted as "heroic" and "taking down the man"). But the ideas behind antifa surely are, just as the original anti-exploitation orientation of Occupy was taken over by a 5th column of identity politics agitators, and it was obvious when it was happening that some people were doing it very deliberately. It was even obvious to someone just lurking on their chat boards from the outside, like me.

Good work, these references will give me a lot to look up for a while, thank you.

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Apr 26Liked by elizabeth nickson

I've read the Laurel Canyon book several years ago. I really bought into it for a long time. Since then, I've done other research and have contemplated what I had read.

I think the author was onto some real info, but was much to cynical. Stop and think of that 60s generation of kid, which includes me. At that point in time nearly all of us had fathers that were in the military. WWII wasn't that long in the past, Korea and Viet Nam, quite recent. Those were massive wars that scooped up most fathers, hence you'd be hard pressed to find a 60s teen without military connection.

I have seen plenty of other info on Laurel Canyon, and it was a true enclave of kids that loved music and were into creating together. There were some great musicians and poets. Without a doubt, there were probably a few, like Jagger, who were deeply connected with evil, and knew what they were doing. Others became attracted to occultic ways by osmosis.

Undoubtably the cia used this whole time to experiment on people, influence people, etc., but many of the musicians were not knowing assets. Claiming someone like Morrison was somehow connected because his dad was Navy doesn't wash. He was and free spirit intellectual living inside of a head filled with creativity and rebellion. Many others from that time were similar. Without a doubt the musicians and entertainers now that make it to the top are total assets. It has taken a few decades for these evil controllers to capture it all completely. Laurel Canyon is where they started experimenting and learning, but certainly didn't gain the complete control some claim.

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Apr 26Liked by elizabeth nickson

Christians have committed unspeakable atrocities too. Humans are savage one way or another on one hand, call ourselves what we want. With the capacity to be cooperative, constructive and peacefu.

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for lack of better judgment - my response - you didn't supply the refrain.

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