I wish I had money to pay for substack. I am on disability (I am not alone, so am otherwise supported), and am helping to support a loved one who is currently homeless in a large and notorious city. We may soon be called on to assist another family member.

I say this, not looking for sympathy, but to illustrate the very messed up system that is working against the independant forces.

But YAY Substack! As scary as it can be, it is a breath of fresh air

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No worries, I read many I can’t pay for yet! Much ❤️

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I read dozens of tough-news Substacks. Elizabeth’s distinctive reporting, uniquely supplemented with a bit of merciful optimism, richly deserves $ support... her perspective somehow manages to simultaneously capture the view both from the ground and 40,000 feet up.

Our bonuses are the judiciously sprinkled on-target descriptors which always elicit a laugh-through-tears:

“this is established fact from Vanity Fair, which all you streaked-blond, dumb clucks from SuburbLand read”

“the regime, this putrid, rotting, Zombie-fied corpse of baby-killers”

Thanks Elizabeth as always. Keep on pushing.

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Love it!

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Brazilians are in the streets and the Chinese are rioting.....while Canadians got abused and gaslit back into their homes with their bank accoutns frozen because the Emergencies Act was invoked..... something is wrong with this.....since when???? how? why?

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Wait for it. We are not done. Patience is our long suit & freedom fighters in Canada are growing daily. Just watch...

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I will now watch for Elon's phone and will drop whatever I'm using and get one. You are right. Informed, free people will out love, out hate, out work, out laugh...The Borg and its ilk all day long and twice on Sunday. It's great to read you telling us what you see. Thanks.

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Oh I’m a paid subscriber now and happy to be one. Your writing gave me a sanity harbour last many months. So glad I found you, somehow! God’s hand no doubt on farcebook as a friend and then thru the haze of censorship saw your first Substack and said ‘what’s this?’ I’m glad you are hopeful for all the right, virtuous reason. The uglier they get the more determined we are!!

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I 💕❤️ and value Your encouragement so much

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“SBF paid Pro Publica $5,000,000 for propaganda under the guise of “public spirited journalism”, about a forced toxic shot that is killing millions and disabling millions more.” .......At about the time Gates bought duck duck he also threw ~30 billion at Google to align inquisitive minds with the correct “vaccine education” searches. That must buy a lot of skew. In fact. It’s arguable that the only thing worth googling and expecting an honest return now are cat videos. I think they are on their toes. Fauci was a parody in a recent interview. He’s smirking because he knows we know how ridiculous his narrative is. The goo is rising around their ankles and they are marooned. Man the pumps and grab your popcorn.

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Brilliant post, very well written.

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Encroaching police state everywhere.

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Excellent content!! I thought that most US Presidents were sleaze bags along with their hawkers on MSM. I had to stop watching the madness after the 9,/11 debacles. Reading about prophecy over the years has helped me to understand the motives and agenda of our time. We are in the battle against the principalities and the powers of evil on our earth. We will win the battle with God's interventions. We do need to humble ourselves and pray for divine intervention and stand up for liberty and justice. Now we are starting to see this movement!

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The Richest Man in the World



Follow the money and there you will find the corrupt power at the top of an International Criminal Banking Cabal located in the City of London...a city within a city. Is there a government in the western world that is not controlled by this criminal banking syndicate? The Covid shots mass extermination program is just the tip of this iceberg of evil.

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Thank you and shared.

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Great piece! Love Substack

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FTX funded the TOGETHER and ACTIV 6 studies on Ivermectin that were fudged to make ivermectin appear ineffective. The study won an award for 17 million dollars for 'best medical study' despite the fact that data was never released. That money went to Liverpool University where its lead researcher was based. There is a fascinating conversation Tess Lawrie somewhere. She completely exposes him for the fraud he is. She asks him again and again who funded the study and he refused to say.

The unredacted Fauci emails that were released this week have shown that the scientists all went from being sceptical about its natural origins to all of a sudden them all singing off the same bribe sheet claiming that any investigation into the virus would damage 'Chinese science'. You couldn't make it up. The coding for the cleavage site in the virus is agaagttatttgactxxtgattcttcttcagct For that coding sequence,(incidentally Moderna patented this sequence in 2014-Gates invested heavily into Moderna IN 2010) the chance of that sequence been natural and not man made in a lab is one in 4 billion trillion however despite the scientists knowing this probability they claimed ''such similarities are explained by pure chance alone''. Orwell couldn't have said it better.

Source, for anyone interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc9YHBXad5o&t=3257s

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I noticed a couple stories stating the virus was a military weapon deliberately released. Which I believe to some extent. FTX was a deliberate Dem set up from the beginning? In order to fund the steal/lockdowns?

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FTX was a dem slush fund. They try and deny this because they funded some republican candidates. This is true. What they don't say is they funded the weak candidates that they considered to be extremists. They even paid for advertising campaigns to make it look abhorrent to the centre left. The virus was US and China funded. Gates got in on it and that's why Moderna already had the sequence. They added HIV sequencing to destroy the immune system.

After release of the virus the Chinese immediately began rounding up dissidents and suddenly there are images beaming to us of people in Hazmat suits welding people into their apartments, bodies in the streets and people frothing at the mouth.

Fear was needed for the next part of the plan. The reality was the average age of those that died of COVID was 82. It has a mortality rate of 0.02% which itself is extremely quesionable given that hospitals were given financial incentives to declare Covid deaths. A nurse who I sometimes see out on the odd dog walk told me that even people who had died in road traffic accidents were being put down as Covid as the family and hospital were both given incentives to do so. If this is happening where I am in the north of England I suspect it might have happened everywhere. They knew it was about as pathogenic as a light flu. The virus wasn't the bioweapon. The vaccine was. That way they could ensure the Elites didn't get the bioweapon. Bidens vaccination was a theatre. again. anyone with eyes could see it. But they pushed the fear and the people bought it.

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Given that subsequent studies have proven some off these out of patent treatments to be substantially more effective than the vaccine, in a world that wasn’t completely insane it would beg the question, on what grounds is there STILL emergency authorisation for the vaccine? But we know the answer to that question.

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I was suspicious right away. Remember the videos, widely circulated in the very beginning, of Chinese people out and about in public suddenly dropping dead in their tracks. Collapsing on the street. They were so obviously staged to instill raw panic in the West. This was made even more clear as Covid hit our shores, because people weren't dying in this fashion....just dropping dead on the streets. And the whole "wet market" bullshit. Trump was bushwhacked. All the docs raising the alarm about MRNA "vaccinations" were demonized, marginalized, deplatformed. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin--were deliberately made unavailable. New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet caught publishing "peer-reviewed" fake study. And on and on. The people harmed by vaccines hidden. The children harmed. Suicides. It is all so horrid and evil.

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Not to forget that as well as suppression, lets be honest, outright banning Ivermenctin and even in some cases VitC they were smeared as 'harmful' or 'Horse paste'. The biggest red flag of all is that instead of using long established off label meds they used Remdesivir. All those who dont beleive the depop narrative should think long and hard about why it might be these people were given remdesivir and put on ventilators. Even a completely bent study funded by Gates's WHO showed death rates to be higher than placebo with ventilators subjects and that data is highly suspect. Of those already ventilated, 151 (42·1%) of 359 assigned to remdesivir died versus 134 (38·6%) of 347 ASSIGNED to control. So they were treating patients for a virus that has almost a that has the pathogenicity of a mild flu and nearly half of them died. Link to the Lancets study below stinks of someone trying to avoid jail. I don't trust any of those numbers. If someone has a link to a substack article on that study I would be grateful.


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Bobby Kennedy, Jr's book is an encyclopedia of evidence of fraud. I recommend the ebook version as the hundreds of footnotes are hot-linked to the evidence. They knew what they were doing. Dr. Robert Malone, who helped in the development of mRNA technology and became a dissident re m-RNA vaccines for children, young adults without co-morbidities explained that MDs who treated Covid with non-"approved" therapeutics were being reported to state licensing boards as a means of shutting them down. The Covid vaccine mirage was an all-hands-on-deck disinformation campaign by Big Pharma, legacy news and the deep state, WHO and China.

Hydroxychloroquine was found to be safe and effective in an old study done by Fauci's own public health agency 5 yrs before Covid 19 hit us. It was out of patent and cheap. The same ingredient used for rheumatoid arthritis. Utterly safe. The CDC required MDs prescribing it had to declare to the pharmacy what condition the Rx was for--a clear HIPPA violation. Also, only designated pharmacies could dispense it. I checked with my local CVS pharmacy, and they confirmed this was so. They were not a designated pharmacy...and they agreed, HIPPA violation.

More: FDA "Emergency approval" the vaccines got eliminated one of the requisites for Emergency approval: no off-use drugs (i.e. ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine) had been tried and proven ineffective.

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