The 2024 protests are not 2020's - This Time China Will Not Steal Our Future
These campus riots are CCP planned and funded
The following is meant as an overview. I will attempt to drill down on each aspect in the coming weeks. What is happening on the campuses is meant to destabilize the country to make stealing the next election possible.
By now it has to be clear to everyone with a brain that we are in the midst of a slow-moving, astroturfed, demonic Marxist revolution. The only country with the planning, money and organization to create mass protests on more than 100 American college campuses, is China. It’s not Soros, it’s not Iran; or rather they are the junior partners. But 2024 is not 2020. In 2020, we didn’t know what was arrayed against us, how normals had been identified as enemy to be poisoned and ruined, that our elites had been purchased by China. According to Peter Schweizer in the must-read, Blood Money, “In the past five years alone, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died as a result [of Chinese actions]. The casualty count is in the millions and mounting daily. It is a complex strategy, a hydra of drugs, disease, propaganda, and illicit pistol parts, each contributing to social chaos and killing Americans. Beijing conceals its involvement, and our leaders fail to expose and confront it.”
In 2020, we didn’t know how much the CCP hates and wants to destroy the U.S. We didn’t know how instrumental they were in the George Floyd protests, how critical they were to Trayvon Martin; we didn’t know. We didn’t know that their military runs 400 factories creating the chemicals for fentanyl and meth-amphetamine. We didn’t know that Covid-19 was yet another step in their 100 year war against the west. We didn’t know they planned it (in my opinion) with members of the U.S. National Security State and the WEF), and before we knew what was happening, they saw the pandemic as an opportunity.
Li Shenming, a deputy director of the Twelfth National People’s Congress, wrote in the summer of 2020 about the pandemic, “Given the complicated international situation, the international struggles are entering an age of unrestricted warfare waged in all fields, directions and dimensions.” (Emphasis added.) He explained that “it is China, in the final analysis, that is in control of this important period of strategic opportunity for development.” The virus was “deeply revealing the decadent and declining nature of the capitalist system and values in the US. . . . The key lies in which country can outlast the other.”
Peter Schweizer, again, in his absolute must read, Blood Money, How the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans states, “Whether the virus emerged from a lab leak, which seems very likely, or was simply a natural occurrence, as some people continue to insist, Beijing manipulated the world. It conducted policies and actions that maximized the damage the virus would inflict. That in and of itself constitutes a bioweapon attack. China also used the virus to advance its authoritarian system of government in the United States and democratic societies around the world. The pandemic brought what US Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch called “the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country.” In short, Beijing manipulated the world’s leaders into taking draconian measures to respond to the virus.
In 2020, we didn’t know how many of our politicians, university presidents, and banks are their willing craven tools. We didn’t know Robert Downey Jr and a hundred other movie stars suck Chinese face for money, and rewrite scripts to make the Chinese look good and Americans bad. We didn’t know that Iron Man 3 created a character, a Dr. Wu, who was the most brilliant bio-medical-engineer and physician the world has ever seen, countering the reality that China actually poisoned the entire world and tore the world economy to shreds. We didn’t know how powerful their National Front is in the U.S., how many hundreds of thousands of CCP operatives are in the country, working to destroy us.
We didn’t know, in 2020, that they were sending in another army across the southern border, many of them security state, MSS, not to fight, but to cause more fights, to destabilize, to destroy America and Americans. Michael Yon has done the on-the-ground, detailed, reporting on this.
Now we do. A series of books published over the past five years makes the above arguments unassailable.

And America is fighting back. On every campus, people are fighting against the invasion by Chinese operatives and their ignorant, immature, hate-filled patsies.
Do these characters below look like students? First of all, they are OLD. They look degraded, mind controlled, thoroughly ruined people with mental illness, just like Antifa. They, and thousands of others have been found, trained and launched against us by a consortium of countries that hate us. Their senior partner, China, being the only one with resource and intelligence to organize it and this is important - pay for it because this cost over hundred million, easy, and required years of planning and training, just waiting for the right spark. Iran does not have that reach in America. China does. And yes, it’s about Trump and populism.
Why is this happening now?
The election in November. Populism all over the world is on fire. Fires break out spontaneously, in small towns in Ireland, on the Welsh border, all through Europe, throughout Eastern Europe (who know Marxism when they see it). In Brazil right now, millions are on the street. Lula stole that election, their corrupted Marxist judiciary jailed anyone who protested. So now the whole country is in turmoil.
This is the opposite of what China wants.
You know what’s next? People stop paying their taxes. As of the end of April, half of Canada is late filing this year, our government so disgusting and dishonest no one wants to pay for it. No doubt, being Canadian we will pay, eventually, but if they continue, if they steal another election, there will be an all-fired tax revolt around the world. I promise you that is next.
China has been at war with the west for the past 50 years and populism, which is a real revolution, up-levelled the attack. Populists, reason the CCP, are our slaves, dammit. Get back in your gulag, American peasant. We are taking everything.
What is China so afraid of?
First of all, let’s not forget the brutalism of the Cultural Revolution. If you search for images on Google or Duckduckgo, all you see is Chinese propaganda of noble uniformed girls with flags against a rising sun, everything else has been scrubbed, because Google and Bing and Duckduckgo are in China’s pocket; all their search engines are corrupted. Here are screenshots from Hollywood Takeover, the Epoch Times documentary on the subservience of American culture to the CCP.
The CCP and its various slaves, the universities, the corporations, Goldman Sachs and its vile associates, all the magazines and newspapers surreptitiously funded by the Chinese state are agents of a foreign government and are traitors. Straight up traitors.
In a stunning act of rebellion, the producers of the The Three Body Problem told the truth. The Netflix film is based on a literary triumph of which China is very proud, being the first recognized-by-the-west literary and popular masterpiece in over a hundred years. Despite that, the Netflix film cannot be shown in China, because of the opening scenes of the Maoist terror, the work camps, and the hellscape of torture and cruelty that resulted. The first scene is of a senior physicist being bludgeoned to death in front of a screaming audience including his horrified daughter, while his wife stands on stage and denounces him.
When Robert Downey Jr. went over to China to promote Iron Man 3, he said he respected the Chinese form of government. Before every PR event, he was scripted in consultation with CCP agents that part-funded and permitted the film to be shown in China. He, like all our elites, is a traitor, ignorant and greedy. And so are each of these film companies listed below. They all massage their scripts to push American shame and promote Chinese culture:
Huayi Brothers Media, Perfect World Pictures, and TIK Films “appear to be the primary conduits with which the PRC is funneling money and influencing the content that appears in the films that result from these co-productions. They have deals with famous Hollywood studios such as Universal Pictures, the Tyler Perry Company, Summit Entertainment, Miramax, New Line Cinema, DreamWorks, Lionsgate, Legendary Pictures, Warner Brothers, Amblin Entertainment, Team Downey, Apatow Productions, and more. Some of these companies, such as Lionsgate, have numerous deals with several Chinese companies. Paramount has eight such deals in place. (Martin and Williamson, “Mapping Chinese Influence in Hollywood.”)
The CCP has ruined China, turned it into a slave state, contributing nothing but lies, theft, violence and tyranny across the world. I buy a lot of my things from China, first of all because I am a Scot and we are cheap. Plus, I live in the country, there are no shops anywhere near me, and I like the hunt. I can find a Dior sweater, labeled and tagged for $45 Canadian dollarettes, that retailed for $3500 USD. No tax, no shipping. I can, if I like, buy a $6,600 The Row bag for $100. I can get a 1:1 for about $500.
Something might be labelled made in France or Italy. It is not. It might be finished there (doubtful), but it is made in a Chinese factory working to Western standards. In general, the factories are allowed to sell off pieces as part of the contract and, for example, 100 Dior sweaters might be given to a good Party member to sell and made a little extra cash. You can find every single thing in our stores for 90% off on Chinese sites. That’s how our elites in every country get rich while gutting the country of manufacturing and good paying jobs. Every corporation is raking in money via the pennies they pay to the slaves of China. Our entire stock market is based on the slaves of China, while Americans work three grunt jobs to put food on the table. Goldman Sachs alone has made hundreds of millions on selling America’s manufacturing to China.
If the Chinese try to make something original to sell to the world market it is crap. It is the reason for the Boeing embarrassment. A hedge fund bought the company and sourced parts in China, that failed. The Chinese don’t have the engineering skills necessary. The Chinese don’t have design skills because collectivism kills individual creativity. I’ve spent enough time with collectivists to know there is a disincentive for excellence. Every single electronic I buy I have to throw out. Chinese fashion is rubbish, the only things worth buying originated in Western studios. Every kitchen item, all their plastic, is filled with toxic chemicals and most of it is made by virtual or actual slaves.
This is not an economic model that works. At all. Ever. So, in order to keep themselves going, in 1980 the CCP allied with the dominant criminal cartels to expand the drug business across the world.
“The effective merger between the Chinese state and criminal drug syndicates underscores the military interests inherent in their drug-trafficking ventures. For example, in 1994, the Thailand office of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) received a tip that methamphetamines were being produced inside Chinese military barracks “under the supervision of a general.” Interpol tracked the shipment quietly, and when the cargo arrived in the Philippines, police were “able to inspect two Chinese ships and seize 150 kg” of the drugs. The police arrested thirty-three Chinese nationals, including five soldiers. One was a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) captain.” (Schweizer, Blood Money; Observatoire Géopolitique des Drogues, “The World Geopolitics of Drugs, 1997/1998 Annual Report,” Trends in Organized Crime 4 (December 1998): 77,
Criminal states have to feed to keep going, they have to take over healthier economies to feed their beast. Collectivism kills creativity. It does not create an Elon Musk, it creates mind-slaves who do what they are told. That’s why they weld their citizens in their horrible little condos, and bully, jail, kill and sell off their organs. Their people, brilliant and hard-working will finally figure out that they are the natural leaders of their country. The Chinese people themselves are the CCP’s biggest victims.
A brief history of the surreptitious invasion
In 2010, the Chinese military produced a book entitled Disintegration Warfare, which featured Sun Tzu’s “To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill” on the front cover. The same quote is repeated ten times in the Chinese government’s official “three warfares” strategy adopted in 2003.
According to a textbook given to Chinese military officers, “Xi Jinping has emphasized that our state’s ideology and social system are fundamentally incompatible with the West. Xi has said, ‘This (incompatibility) decides it. Our struggle and contest of power with the West cannot be moderated. It will inevitably be long, complex, and at times extremely sharp.’” (Ren Tianyou and Zhao Zhouxian, eds., Strategic Support for Achieving the Great Chinese Resurgence (Beijing: National Defense University Press, 2018), 118–19, quoted in Ian Easton, The Final Struggle: Inside China’s Global Strategy”
The principal tool is drug warfare. As outlined in my previous pieces, the wealth of the British aristocracy is based on the hundreds of billions they made addicting Chinese and Indians to opium. Fentanyl is seen in China as payback for their lost century. Beijing was responsible for the American Marines addicted to heroin.
“At present U.S. servicemen are experimenting with opium eating and we are helping them in this respect. We have already grown the best quality opium especially for them. . . . Do you remember those days when the Westerners forced sales of opium on us? Today we will pay them in their own coin. We will use opium to shatter the morale of the U.S. troops in Vietnam and the effects on the United States will indeed be beyond prediction.” Chou En Lai
In 2014, John Poole, a Marine combat veteran and security consultant, essentially predicted the fentanyl crisis that was about to hit the country. “The internal ‘disaster’ that some PRC officers have advocated through drug warfare correlates with U.S. law enforcement concerns of what might follow a narcotics deluge,” he wrote in a journal for intelligence and special forces professionals.
Poole: “Basically, an influx of illicit drugs would result in an increased number of addicts who would engage in theft to secure the money for their next ‘fix.’ Street combat would intensify as gangs vied for neighborhood control, and larger payoffs would further compromise the political and criminal justice systems.”
Shijiazhuang, a city west of Bejing, is a highly militarized city boasting some eleven military facilities including several command schools, military hospitals, and medical facilities. It is also a government-designated national development zone. So the companies producing the fentanyl chemicals get tax credits. Some 40 percent of the production of this chemical comes from this city alone.
Soccer fields at high schools in every suburb now have to be washed clean because of fentanyl residue left by addicts.
Social Disruption
As Peter Schweizer describes, “When the Chinese military updated the “PLA Political Work Regulations” in 2003, they included “Three Warfares” to be used: “Public Opinion Warfare, Psychological Warfare, and Legal Warfare.” The Three Warfares speak to a strategy of destroying enemies from within by exploiting their problems and steering unrest within rival countries during peacetime. This is targeting the “soft underbelly” of America.”
The “Magic Weapons” of JinPing
China’s United Front is the organizing arm of the CCP abroad. Since the opening of China by Richard Nixon, the CCP has sent thousands of MSS agents to infiltrate groups all through the world. Many of their created organizations are face forward outfits that promote “understanding” and “co-operation”, but behind the scenes an absolute proliferation of organizations work to destroy American life, disrupt and cause chaos.
President Xi calls these groups “magic weapon[s]” that will help Beijing achieve global superiority.
According to a 2018 Hudson Institute paper, “The People’s Republic of China has a distinctive system that blurs the lines between classical espionage, clandestine operations, and influence-seeking.” The United Front is a government-run umbrella organization that steers other organizations to advance the interests of the CCP around the world.
Which Brings Us To Today’s Protests
Perhaps their most successful infiltration and co-option is the the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, FRSO, which was responsible for the co-ordination of the riots in the summer of 2020 across the United States. FRSO is the umbrella group for hundreds of unorganized groups including BLM. It receives help and money from Beijing. It is co-ordinating today’s protests.
This is a letter FRSO sent to the CCP in 2022, at the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China:
Freedom Road Socialist Organization congratulates the leadership of the Communist Party of China, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, for the great successes achieved at the 20th National Congress. . . . Socialist China is an example to oppressed people everywhere who yearn for a better future. Again, congratulations on a successful 20th Congress. The CPC is truly a great political party that has proven its ability to do great things. Long live the Communist Party of China! Long live the unity between the people of China and the people of the U.S.! With fraternal greetings.
According to Peter Schweizer’s research in Blood Money, the violent protest model FRSO employed in Minneapolis “was copied across the country. A little more than a week later, by June 8, an estimated $2 billion in property damage had been caused across the country, at least 96,000 members of the National Guard had been mobilized in thirty-four states, and two hundred cities had curfews in place. Some of the violence was spontaneous. But many of the violent protests included members of FRSO and PSL activists. And those radical Beijing-linked groups were just getting started.”
“Just four days after the death of George Floyd, three groups in San Francisco, Boston, and New York, all sharing the name “Chinese Progressive Association” (CPA), joined the call to protest, signing onto an open letter that told Chinese Americans to resist “assimilation into whiteness.”
A Strict Majority of People I talked to are neither students nor affiliated with our University
And today, a University of Toronto professor reports on the participants at the U of T protests. They are astroturfed. The evidence lies in this twitter thread:
I have drawn from the books cited above for this overview, and will attempt to drill down on each aspect in the coming weeks. As is typical, the mainstream press is not doing their job, they are cheerleading the disruption, avoiding the real issues inflaming division and creating confusion. Sorry for the agglomeration of facts thrown at you, but few media are doing this work, and we have to start with a primer. Next week, I will drill down on the organizations behind the campus protests, and China’s involvement. They have created a massive proliferation of organizations.I would estimate 50,000 Chinese operatives in the U.S., worked in concert with Iran to create today’s protests. More cross the southern border every day.
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Again, I attach a brief bio to establish credibility.
Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She writes regularly for Michael Walsh’s on environmental issues and is a Senior Fellow for the Frontier Center for Public Policy.
I've got a pro-Chinese bias that makes it hard for me to take in this information and evaluate it objectively. I've lived and worked in China, and I have two Chinese daughters.
That said, I see so much of the destruction of America as Made In America, not Chinese. Anthony Fauci is not Chinese. The chemtrails flights over America are not Chinese. The fires in California and Canada were set and covered up by domestic authorities. The decision to set 5 toxic tanker cars ablaze in East Palestine was our own American EPA. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are not Chinese. Pfizer and Moderna are not Chinese. It was not China but the US CIA that overthrew democratically-elected governments in 50 countries around the world in the 20th Century.
I have written extensively about the Assaults on Humanity, and it is implausible to me that this is engineered in China.
Yes, the CCP is conducting a reverse "opium war" against the US. Everything you said about the Cultural Revolution, the so-called "protesters," and China's United Front is true. But is our own nat sec state that is behind it all. From Brent Scowcroft's visit to China after Tiananmen massacre to Biden's kowtowing to Xi, to 15 million illegals, the destruction of America is occurring from within. We finance China -- without our money that corrupt system would have already collapsed. Our leaders have been bribed. If this country's leaders had a shred of integrity and stood up for America we could have toppled the corrupt CCP long ago, and we still can. So let's stop focusing on Xi and the CCP and focus on the scum in our own country who are causing its destruction. Wake up America, before it's too late. We can't declare war on China but we can declare war on the corruption in our own country. The upcoming election -- if it even occurs -- will be the most important one in our history.