No single topic has proved to me that journalism is dead more than that of the Hunter Biden Laptop. Yes, the lack of investigating and reporting on the stolen 2020 election as well as all the lies around Covid and the vaccines come to mind - but the single issue of the Hunter Biden Laptop proves unequivocally that only a small handful of people in the WORLD would go near this story (Miranda Devine comes to mind, as well as Steve Bannon's team). Garrett Ziegler (founder of Marco Polo) stuck his neck out to publish an entire report on the contents of the laptop and then sent copies to EVERY member of Congress. Crickets. You would think that this would be a career defining story for someone, anyone, a small core team of people perhaps - but no! Nothing! Not a peep! If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about journalism, than I don't know what would.

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And for those of you who have not perused the nearly 650 page document - fully outlined and thoroughly cited, here you go: https://www.marcopolo501c3.org/p/report-on-the-biden-laptop

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Bismarck had in his pay all, or almost all, the important journalists in 19th century Germany.

Significantly, he also invented the combination of welfare state and militaristic State. The big social programs we take for granted in 21st century nations were pioneered in Bismarck’s Prussia, which became a unified Germany under his rule.

Of course, the crucial third pillar of Bismarck’s ruling model was the press, whose purpose was—and is in all modern States—to shape public opinion according to the mold of official government policy.

The American ideal, of a free press guaranteed by the First Amendment as a bulwark against tyranny, has morphed in its own country almost imperceptibly into the Bismarckian model. The process started in the 19th century under Pulitzer and Hearst, and the deathblow was struck during Watergate—a Deep State coup against the most popular President ever elected—which with fitting cynicism was celebrated by the narrative that Woodward (a Naval Intelligence operative) and Bernstein demonstrated the cleansing power of the press. Actually, their information source, as you point out, was Felt, Head of FBI Counter-Intelligence, and Jaworski and Sirica and the Democrats colluded to suppress exculpatory evidence and imply that Woodward and Bernstein’s source was a member of Nixon’s inner circle—a lie still promoted to this day.

X, Substack and Telegram have re-established the original American model. We must defend these platforms or we can say goodbye to the rest of our freedoms.

Sorry, Elizabeth, but the halcyon days of yore when journalists were noble probably never existed. With present company excepted, honorable journalists were and are about as rare as honorable mercenaries and hookers: they exist, but the ones who do are startling exceptions to the breed.

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If you really want to go down a rabbit hole regarding "Prussia," try this substack:


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Thank you! I’ll check it out

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awesome resource. i went to school with claudia von bismarck, it was an eye opener

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Your introductory graphic demonstrating how the media is aping Kamala Harri's talking points and the theme 'joy', remind me of how our media did the same thing for our current authoritarian Prime Minister Justin Trudea was making his first run seeking that office. His theme was 'sunny ways' and 'sunlght was the best disinfectant" implying that the incumbent PM Stephen Harper was some dark, controlling censorious ghoul who had been keeping Canadians in the dark. Ironically as it turns out, under Trudeau, there has never been a government more controlling, least transparent, and more censorious than his. Funny the media never mention sunny ways anymore, they still, however, carry water for him.

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This is key to understanding the media. ALL mainstream media are captured assets of intelligence agencies. Thank you for this excellent piece. To fix this monumental media problem we need a new CIA chief. RFK Jr perhaps?

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Kash Patel, who wrote "Government Gangsters", and the movie is out, by the same name, knows where the bodies are. He's an excellent shoe-in for our head of national security.

You can stresm Government Gangsters on Warroom Films.


I believe there's a coupon code RAV24

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Martin Armstrong recommends RFK JR for Attorney General. It's the most powerful position for dealing with ALL crimes and agencies. Heads of Agencies have little power comparatively. Note how Garland runs amok and the only way to stop him is take his money away or impeach him.

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Journalists are notoriously underpaid. Agencies can supplement their wages and they do, as do billionaires buying what they want.

[4:40 on the video] Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries ... European or American journalists ..., like me in the past, are so-called non-official cover. ... Non-official cover means what? You do work for an intelligence agency, ... but ... when they [the public] find out that you are not only a journalist but a spy too, they [the CIA] will never say this was one of our guys. ... So, I have helped them in several situations, and I feel ashamed for that. ... I feel ashamed that I ... was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans, not to report exactly the truth. ...


Here are a few tips on how to "Decode the News":


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So, when V.Putin arrests and throws in jail a journo who was living close to, say a military or industrial base and doing a “human interest piece” on the “local flavor/country life” of the region (certainly NOT SPYING FFS) he’s probably got some plausible reasons for doing so amiright? But, Putin bad. No way a JOURNALIST is a SPY. That never happens. Especially in America. Pure as the driven snow they are.

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I keep reading that recent(ish) laws allowed for this yellow journalism we have now. But actually it has always been this way. Perhaps we're just waking up to it, or because of the internet it's allowed to be all the more pervasive. I was just reading David McGowan's account of the Lincoln assassination, and the media machine then, including the false flag parts of things, was just as ridiculous and nefarious as it is now. I would venture to think that it's always been this way.

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Yes, it's ALWAYS been this way. Still, it IS much worse of late. I would suggest that the biggest difference is that the pretense of impartiality has been dropped, to the point where partiality is expected, even required.

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I think the difference is the 24/7 news cycle, but seriously, what I read of the press at the time of Lincoln - there was absolutely no pretense of fairness. People were just lied to like now.

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I wouldn't know about Lincoln's time and I'll take your word for it. But certainly, for the bulk of the 20th century, there WAS a pretense — if not an expectation — of impartiality. And that's no longer the case.

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I have no idea where that idea of impartiality came from, it most certainly wasn't. But again, the 20th century introduced the Bernays work, etc which was mind programming at its finest. They started using a lot of subliminal stuff and of course then came the screens, which let them utilize that.

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"Surprised by Joy" is the title of a C.S. Lewis book about his conversion to Christianity; a more beautiful book cannot be imagined (by this reader, anyway). I would not be surprised if the word were stolen from that title, it's what satan would love to do, stealing a good word by juxtaposing it alongside a cackling witch who is an obviously entrenched luciferian minion.

Most people get into that group by being recruited, seems Kamala wrested her way there via Willie's willy. In any case, she's vile. But who are we to condemn her? That's not my job. God will deal with her, or satan, when he collects his due. Meanwhile, sure, the psychotic luciferians running the show (at this time) love to use our Godly words against us. Twist them, use them in shameful and degenerate ways, it's what they do.

How do we counter them? Our unrelenting faith in God. I suggest reading C.S. Lewis's books on his conversion and Christianity. His work is integral.

Let us all be "Surprised by Joy" in the best way humanly possible.

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Yes, C S Lewis was referring to a spiritual joy (awe + humility) he experienced observing the beauty of Creation in its complex interweave of species. Granted, a society & economy honoring its ideals & succeeding would inspire a kind of joy. The Harris team is hatching is a deep fake of that, an angst-fueled laugh track of sorts that fools no one.

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True, but isolating this to be about Kamala or the DNC is so profoundly lazy. The evil you described is sadly UNIVERSAL to all public bodies and institutions and you do not advance in them without being part of the corruption at a deep level. YES, INCLUDING TRUMP.

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Where did I say this is "about Kamala or the DNC" - I used her as one example.

Cool your jets before name-calling, accusing, assuming etc. It's not really a great way to do dialogue.


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The four weeks of Christian advent are

Love (Biden took)

Hope (Obama took)

Joy (communist Kamala)


Like all good satanic movements they love poking fun at Christianity. My Joy has nothing to do with her.

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Excellent catch. And let's not forget they have inverted one of the deadly sins to mean the liberation of all the LGBTQWERTIUIOPS, "Pride" .... which goeth before the fall.

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Yes, but it's so narrow-minded and silly to believe this is exclusive to one political party.

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cackles & the coach rebranding "joy" is the latest update on nazi iconography: Kraft durch Freude, i.e. strength through joy

there's a long and sordid history of this: homeland = lebensraum, new world order, ad nauseum

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Chris Rufo calls it the vaporware campaign a la a marketing technique wherein you “mock up” a new “brand” (dubbed vaporware) to “sell” to prospective investors. It’s very astute to what is happening. We are being sold nothing. I of course am not in the market for a do nothing communist leader and thus, am not buying what they are “selling”.

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Thanks to you and your colleagues here, we can still hear honest words about what’s happening around the world before the lies of the enemy destroy it. Praying for your continued success.

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Elizabeth, are you sure it was ever a reputable profession? At this point, I'm 50-50. I just think it was a lot more sophisticated and the handlers were a lot less totalitarian. Or do you mean that it once was "seen" as a reputable profession, even though it never was?

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Remember when they tried to differentiate between the Editorial Page and the Front Page? Remember when they told us opinion is different than news?

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Who cares? They lied on the good-ol' Front Page anyway, all the time. Anyone who falls for the opinions stated as facts cannot be saved, and that's the depressing problem. The problem is that the vast majority of the populace are thoughtless and will swallow anything they are told if it is repeated enough and it comes from some trusted or "official" source. They will never get a clue until some journalist or government official lies about THEM. There is zero hope for any alternative, save the literal return of Christ, and even then they won't believe it.

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Newspapers are dead letters outside the DC Swamp. A few years ago, during my daily dog walks through our suburban South Jersey neighborhood, I could tell the Democrat neighbors by who had the morning newspapers laying in their driveways. On recent walks I can't say I recall seeing even one driveway with a newspaper. Only one single, lonely "We believe in Rainbows and Unicorns..." type sign along my two mile walk. But then again only one or two presidential campaign signs on any lawns for either party. Whatever's happened since 2020, people are keeping their politics off their front lawns now. But it's clear nobody outside the partisan echo chambers is paying attention to corporate news reporting regardless of the medium.

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The asymmetrical warfare which has been going on in the US has since the first Bush took office has intensified. The media and government have become one. We have all witnessed an increase in the weaponization of the law against US citizens via the Alphabet agencies for years.

Money laundering, blackmail, narco money are prevalent within our government and society. This is a sad indictment regarding our culture and society. Accepting all of this as the new normal without even blinking an eye is very sad. We are moving toward a full blown police state. A dystopian society which Orwell and Huxley warned us all about.

Important short video within twitter link:

Elon Musk


Orwell nail it


Do only the sane people feel the constant stomping of the boot upon our throats?

A nation running on fumes, totally dependent on rogue foreign countries like China are doomed to fail. Who thought shutting down all our factories and methodically dismantling our fossil fuel industry was a good idea? Who thought hampering our farmers and cattle ranchers with massive regulations was good for America? When will people realize we have been taken over and the controlled demolition of the United States is in its final stages ?

We are in the biggest battle of our lives, it’s the freedom loving, logic driven and common sense Americans battling the techno pagan convenience drones. The individual and critical thinker verse the conformity non-thinking hive minded.

It is a battle of the INDIVIDUAL verse the collective. A society which will either allow all opinions to be heard or only the narrative that the state run predatory conformist class approve of.

No other speech in human history describes what we are up against better than this five minute speech below. Sadly most people wouldn’t even comprehend what Roark conveys below, it’s gotten this distorted and convoluted.

The Fountainhead courtroom speech by Howard Roark


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

PS ……Elizabeth, my apologies for only using the American term in much of what I write. I know that Canada and most other countries are in this fight against tyranny as well. Tyranny only thrives when the many comply to the few. God bless and keep fighting the good fight. All of us who believe in preserving freedom must be vigilant in the times we currently exist within…..

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I never use PayPal ever since they threaten to impose fines and take them forcibly from accounts on social media posts by its customers the company found did not meet the CEO's political leanings. Those individuals remain in control at PayPal and obviously are deeply spying on customer use of their payment system with this bias intact. As an investor, I sold all PayPay shares and am financially better for doing so. I recommend alternatives even though all are likely spying, none other has threatened fines for free speech they did not like. All should stop using PayPal as a form of sponsoring free speech in my opinion. This company needs to be sent a message loudly.

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Au contraire, Shopify, and all other major US payment processors frequently impede free speech by blacklisting sellers, which is just as bad. And even worse, they most likely do it at the behest of Visa or MasterCard. I don't think you fully grasp how censorious the situation truly is.

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Thus far, my use of Visa has not been effected as best as I can determine. Shopify is like Amazon, not a pay system but a sellers platform. I don't use either. I go directly to seller sites and have had no issues. Not to say that I won't have issues in the future.

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Okay, but all you are declaring by stating that is "I am a normie, and don't consoom anything the powerful oppose."

What I am stating is objective fact. Many sellers or content creators have been blacklisted by payment processors and in some cases directly by Visa or MasterCard under "terms of service" violations, mostly for wrong think. Just because YOU haven't encountered or previously been told about it, is neither here nor there.

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Unless it happens to me, I don’t care. I am a sample of 1, but refute your evidence.

We need to adultify to get out of the new Dark Age.

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My child is not vaccine damaged, so vaccines are safe.

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But yes, sorry, I misspoke. I didn't mean Shopify, I meant Stripe.

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Here's the problem though: ignorance. "I see dumb people." (Maybe some are bots. Or a bank of phone screens manned by a fellow in the Congo or the basement of a building in DC. Dunno.)

Smart people can be ignorant. And become influenced by "influencers". Because they're too lazy or too busy or too "Fill in the Excuse" to do their OWN due diligence.

I just got off a 5 hr marathon of an X posting's comments, after watching a DJT interview, which had me zigzagging down all sorts of deranged and dank bunny holes.

Which post you ask? (Or maybe don't really care and that's ok too...)

This one. Don't make the same mistake I did though. I lost a night's decent rest due to white and dark rabbit chasing not sheep counting.


And that, Elizabeth, is another problem.

Ain't nobody got time for that unless one is retired, a hermit, friendless and estranged from family...

(And maybe the reason why... 😉)


This 1984 Schitt$ Creek nightmare needs to end. (Maybe by disconnecting from "the web".)

Good night.

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Anyone, "smart" or not, who remains ignorant in the age of the Internet is nothing more than a sheep: THE HERD: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-herd

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Neighbour Cattle, as I think someone famously phrased it. We are talking well over 90 percent of the population. Most people in these comments still fit into that category, and don't even know it.

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Elizabeth, it was good to review Chapter 1 of Eco-Fascists. The picture you paint of how people are easily seduced and duped, on the path of indulgence in their personal greed, illustrates how evil integrates into social activity, ultimately becoming the norm, and evolves into government and fascism. Thanks for your important work!

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Here - this link includes the full Sweet Brown, "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!" interview - most versions skip that part at the beginning but it's the best!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waEC-8GFTP4

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Re: the true origins of WWI including media manipulation of the masses, this does an excellent job of capturing the world that historian Carroll Quigley revealed:


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