I was one of those who made a clean break when life in a large metro area became unbearable during COVID, moving to a rural county and changing, well, everything. Three different small cattle operations on our road. One farm announces on Facebook once/year they're slaughtering 4-6 head of their free range beef, give a price list. They sell out in two days.

In January I realized I had to reassess pretty much everything I eat and feed the family. It is appalling what big food companies and groceries put out: GMOs, bioengineered, chemical additives to "enrich" all kinds of "foods" with purported vitamins and minerals. You used to be able to trust getting fruits, veg, dairy, eggs at the grocery. Each of those categories has problems these days.

I exclusively get milk products from a local Amish dairy farm store. Whole milk, no additives. You can get grass fed only, or grass fed and non GMO feed. Good stuff, no stomach issues at all.

One day they were closed, so I was stuck getting whole milk at a regular grocery. Nothing else changed in my diet except that one ingredient. Agita, sulfur burps, nighttime nausea. I'd been weaned from those chemical additives like the vitamin D3 in the store "dead milk.". D3 no doubt in some industrial chemical powder dumped into the milk, D3 in a form humans are not meant to ingest.

Growing a garden and orchard. Plan to harvest venison that show up on the property. Get eggs from a neighbor. She gets cash directly for the produce of her free range hens.

A big F-U to those bureaucrats and globalists who think it's okay to slow poison us, to force us into the WEF way. It's hard work to make big changes, but I'm not going back to the old life.

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Be careful with the venison. The globalists found a way to F it up with a prion. Your state Agriculture Department or Fish and Game will test it for free if you are in the US. Do not eat it unless you get it tested. This applies to deer, elk, and other cervids in North America. I can provide additional info if you are interested. Signed: You friendly neighborhood veterinarian and chemist.

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This is such an important topic. The prion disease has been spreading among types of wildlife. I want to encourage you to do a stack about the prion disease in wildlife in the US-- and please let me know if you do--I'd like to amplify it to our readership ~ Ginger Breggin

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I’ll consider that. I’ll need to do a bit of research to put together the links for testing and other resources.

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That would be splendid. you can email me at (edited)

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Additional info please. I live in western Canada and would like to know if it is not good here as well. Thx.

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I wrote this article and it has a map showing the areas where infected animals were found. https://sciencefictionwriting.substack.com/p/chronic-wasting-disease-in-deer

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So they haven't found evidence of chronic wasting disease in people who hunt deer in the endemic areas yet, but it has been transmitted by inoculation into humanized mice over a period of years??? I wonder what symptoms were elicited in the mice.

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My understanding is as of this year there has been at least one case in a hunter (source David Paulides YT channel, a few months back. It was mixed in with the missing persons cases he talks about but if you want it I can contact him on twitter for the specific episode.) Because this disease looks like other neurodegenerative issues, it could be missed unless you test for it. Also that map may be out of date. If you state show free, but the surrounding states have it, act with caution.

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I'm starting to get the idea that the most dangerous neurodegenerative disease is fear. It really killed the judgement of many former colleagues in health care, as well as many people in positions of authority and influence.

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Welcome to good rural living. All you described is why they want us in 15 minute concentration camps. It now a war against farms in the US, of course not the multi-national farms. Rural people also 'tend' to be more familiar with the 2nd Amendment. Best wishes.

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I am so envious, in Ireland not only is it almost impossible to get ‘clean’ food - even the free range or organic are vaccinated, but now rapeseed is in all food production and the solar and wind farm dystopian views are growing. I despair.

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Yep. Here in Chisago county MN the power companies are paying our famers to cover their fertile soil with toxic solar panels that work four hours per day. It is sickening. Google Earth the county, it is disgusting(Kost Dam County Park).

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And then come the big, big hail storms…

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And the toxic contamination of the soils and surroundings...Ginger

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Yep. Lead and cadmium are in most of these panels... Funny how we outlawed these in many other industries... Not.

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I live in a rural area and recently a big hailstorm damaged the panels at the local high school. Hundreds of large panels needed to be replaced. More often than not, damaged panels still produce a fairly large percentage of their original power, so I asked school officials if I could buy the damaged units for personal use at my off grid cabin. I was told, "No. I wish we could sell them, or even just give them to you for free, but the insurance company owns them. They have already decided that all the old panels are going to the land fill."

I LIKE solar power when it is used in the appropriate circumstances -- like off grid sites where it is not practical to run power lines. But more often than not, they are too expensive to build, too fragile for mass usage, place too much demand on the existing power grid for base load operation, expensive to replace, and in the end, they are neither reused nor recycled. Madness!

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And then commercial insurance rates go up again.

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This is going on all over the states, apparently. It's getting crazy here in Texas, too. Have had days when machines that are a little sensitive have to be shut down because of a solar farm near here causing huge pulses in voltage at times. (Not many times, but too many times.)

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Follow Dave Walsh as he has really good summaries on how inefficient wind and solar are. It is legitimate information you can supply to your city/county officials. The problem is the power companies are getting free taxpayer money to foment this crap.

He is at https://truthsocial.com/@davewalshenergy on truth social

An example: https://rumble.com/v516qu8-the-myth-of-green-energy-dave-walsh-freedom-alive-ep120.html

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Same thing here in rural S Oregon. It is sickening!!

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And they want to put a MASSIVE solar field with battery storage towers surrounding the town of Bonanza, OR- farm/cowboy country...to power California or Washington, I forget. Not sure where its at now as permits appear to have expired. The people are fighting back.

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Follow Dave Walsh as he has really good summaries on how inefficient wind and solar are. It is legitimate information you can supply to your city/county officials. The problem is the power companies are getting free taxpayer money to foment this crap.

He is at https://truthsocial.com/@davewalshenergy on truth social

An example: https://rumble.com/v516qu8-the-myth-of-green-energy-dave-walsh-freedom-alive-ep120.html

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Same thing in Vermont where energy produced all goes out of state.

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The initial premise that we must do something about CO2 is not correct. We already have seen a major increase in the Leaf Area Index reported as 40%+ with a greener earth. I don't dispute more thoughtful care of land is far better than treating it as an industrial resource. Land recovery from deforested areas in Australia has in a few years has restored water tables, wild life and plant diversity. CO2 has risen due to man, but this is proving a benefit and zero downsides in claimed global warming and sea level changes. Higher CO2 levels improves food security via larger crops. It moderates temperature highs/lows with greater vegetative cover. cO2 stores more carbon and water in plant material but it also, through the impact of greater vegetation on soils, retains more water on land masses. The CO2 fear mongering is without any critical thinking and wildly simplistic.

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If only we could fit this critical truth into a soundbite, maybe we could counter the lies and hysteria of the carbon-phobes! This would bring real progress, which, I suspect, is why the Global Elites avoid it. Demonizing carbon has been way too profitable and useful for them in achieving power.

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Peter Byck has just recently put out an excellent documentary on this subject that is now available online and in select theaters. The science and movement behind AMP grazing and regenerative agriculture is growing. Albeit not fast enough

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All true. Carbon is .04% of the atmosphere. It's a trace element. The percent of carbon was much higher in the Earth's atmosphere in the past and no 'greenhouse' effect resulted. The war against carbon could hardly be more insane.

"I am carbon."

Robert Laughlin, A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics From the Bottom Down (2005)

(Laughlin is a Nobel prize winner in physics. Some sane voices are out there, the media ignores them.)

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Carbon trading is the why, how the super rich can play “create” and play on another market, up there with social impact and human capital.

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Musk should send the super-rich to Mars and let 'em trade red sand futures.

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Really? Musk is in the same club and just like George Carlin said, we ain’t

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My wife and I have made the move to rural Kansas from Florida. We just spent a month there and found a place to build a house. We found many small farms that provide meat and vegetables. It is so much cheaper that Florida which is out of control. In Kansas we found that people are friendly, crime is low and traffic is not an issue. I noticed the farms there are all using sustainable methods of farming. They all use no-till planting.

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From a S/W native 6th generation {before Kansas was even a Territory} Kansan near Dodge City, 18 miles, approximately where?

Our neighbor "kids" & offspring now No-Till our farm for going on 19 years now. Much better crops, droughts not withstanding.

And, I still take care of a large Garden myself!

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Monty, I see I didn't phrase my question correctly! What I meant to ask, after giving my own approximate Farm location, was approximately "where" in Kansas have you relocated?

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Eastern Kansas near Missouri.

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It's called "rotation grazing", and it has been around a long time. I grew up doing it, along with my Father and Grandfather.

Weeds do still grow and have to be fought, although they are much easier to keep in control. Some fertilizer is needed because every time you take a bit of beef, you are ingesting nutrients from the soil where that animal was raised. The main thing is to not overdo any of these. The idea is to feed the soil, thus feeding the animal, not fight it. Do not be scared of chemicals when necessary, but be very cautious with them and use them as minimally as possible. Think of them as vitamins and minerals to maintain soil heath, because that is exactly what they are. Keep in mind that "organic" fertilizers have to degrade into the very chemicals that are in artificial fertilizer to be used by the plant. The big advantage and makes them extremely important, is that organics help the tilth of the soil.

Always keep in mind that your are eating the same food as you are selling.

Every piece of land is different, therefore no one size answer fits all, and decisions need to be made by a farmer/rancher who cares about the earth and not some manager or bureaucrat in some distant place who read a book and thinks he/she knows it all.

As I was raised, always try to leave the land in better shape than you found it in. That does not mean pretty, that means healthy.

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A fantastic alert! Indeed people are waking up to the lies about food, cows, carbon, and veganism. Control the food, control the people.... The people must reclaim their food supply and liberty!

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Years and years ago I rode out on a two-day “wild horse hunt” (photographic) in NW Nevada that was an extension class at UC Davis, CA’s premier Ag school. Over a chuck wagon dinner around the campfire, a UCD “professor of grass” gave a talk about grass, ruminants and enviros.

He had been called-in by The Nature Conservancy to help them understand why land they had purchased and from which they had removed all livestock to “return it to nature” had become woody, the grass wasn’t healthy, it didn’t look they way they just knew it should after removing all those dreadful cows.

He told them: the grass evolved WITH the ruminants - bison in the USA. If the grass isn’t grazed, it can’t be healthy and becomes what you see. He walked with the NC guys over to the fence line separating the land they’d bought from the neighboring ranch land on which cattle still grazed. “See how healthy that grass is? See how woody your grass is? No grazers = unhealthy grass. You’re doing the opposite of what the grass evolved for.”

Take millions of ruminants off the pastures and all you get is anti-evolutionary junk.

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I watched the Tucker interview with Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and then stumbled on this: https://x.com/repthomasmassie

It’s a 30 minute slice of his off grid life in a “holler” in rural Kentucky… granted as an MIT trained engineer he has a leg up on most of us but just wow!

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They don’t want solutions. The elite just want to create artificial crisis situations and have everybody in fear looking up to them as saviors in order to solve the problems they create in the first place.

It’s all about control and power. These people are low IQ misfits who wish to consolidate all resources, energy and food into a few elite hands. We are dealing with people who claim to care about the environment but have produced a society which buys products which don’t last long by design and wind up in landfills. It is called planned obsolescence.

The whole system/economy is based upon planned obsolescence. If they really cared about the environment they would make products which last. Instead they have created a throw away, consumer society. The products today are created with very short life spans and this is being done on purpose.

They have made light bulbs in the past which lasted over 100 years.


The Michelle Moore Show: The Light Bulb Conspiracy (Jan 16, 2024)


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Yes, that is the problem: they want us dead or enslaved. They say that they want only half a billion people on earth, which means a lot of people dying. They don’t push the Green nonsense because they believe it; they push it because it serves their ultimate goals.

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We are dealing with the most demonic human beings ever birthed onto this planet. Evil and power are the only two things which matter to a Leftist Climate Cultist.

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'They' don't want humanity to have access to wholesome, healthy ethically produced food.

The attached video link below is the reality of The New World Order's strategy = (WEF's baby). They don't want you to enjoy, natural, ethically produced nutritious healthy food.

Adolf Schwab states "Let zem eat ze bugs" and "You vill own nussink but you vill be happy".

Here's what then WEF's NWO are up to; https://youtu.be/zsDu08Lo7f8

NO LIABILITY for the makers of Deadly Injections for man modified viruses, and a raft of other manufactured illnesses must be cancelled. Make Big Pharma responsible for any/All injuries and DEATHS their injected poisons cause! LIABILITY will rid us of CORRUPT murdering Big Pharma giants.

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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Thank you for bringing us good news!

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Dustups Ranch with Shaun Overton is working to make a desert forest in the most isolated spot in Texas. His whole process is being documented on YouTube. It’s inspiring.

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And just how do we prove there even is excess carbon? Listen the global warming freaks? Regenerative agriculture may be a wonderful idea and work quite well, but all it needs to do is become another food source, not a carbon warrior.

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Crixyon: There is a lot of excess carbon walking around inside of the US Capitol.

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May future historians look back upon this century as the beginning of The Great Restoration, in all respects, with the so-called Great Reset as the last gasp of a civilization as exhausted as the environment it despoiled.

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Bravo👏🏻 Carbon cowboys has an excellent new documentary on AMP grazing and regenerative agriculture, and Gabe Brown (along with many others) is an excellent resource on this topic.

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Do your liver and your sperm count a favor and get off processed food. Eat grass-fed beef that has not been preloaded with estrogen implants or shots to make it put-on fat. Wash your FRESH vegetables thoroughly, even if they are organic, to remove pesticides. And for God's sake get off BIG SUGAR. If you love sodas, switch to fruit juice in carbonated water and gradually decline your sugar use. BIG SUGAR is the kissing cousin of BIG PHARMA and BIG FARM-A, who work together to keep you fat, foggy, and sick. Need motivation? Watch this video where an endocrinologist explains what we do to ourselves with sugary snacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

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