As an 82 year old woman, I have to say the bulk of women have lost their way. Emotions take the place of logic and their deep dislike of men is appalling. They mouth platitudes and the latest left wing cause draws them deeper into the mire. They alienated women from the joy of children and championed unlimited abortion.

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Hey, I am from Fraser, now Oregon. I can even see, in retrospect, the parts of the narrative that even my Mom (born 1929) absorbed before me. She didn't follow popular culture per se, but the whole of society was given these narratives since post wwII...it was very hard for my Dad (born 1926) to cope with it all in terms of what his role was /wasn't. Mostly, my Mom ended up both trying to be a good mother and working full time. It was too much. Its been a confusing and psyoppy 50 years, eh?

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My mom and dad were born 1926 dad 1929 mom , Both grew up in Chicago, but we’re born mom in Pittsburgh and dad in France,

In the early 70s, my mom made the stupid decision to divorce my dad for some one time infidelity on the set of mash that was being filmed in Houston where I was raised. it screwed the whole family up. Yeah, have to say that feminism independence didn’t work out well for her or him or the kids all nine of them she was a devout Catholic had sex nine times.

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IDK, My mother, born in 1926, married to my father, a farmer for 55 years, worked full time out of need. She didn’t follow popular culture, she worked like a man before it was popular.

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Who cares we are sick of all that shit

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Totally agree!

And don't get me started on how catty many women are. The ones who are higher up seem to be the worst!

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Empowering women in the workplace, combined with reality TV, has led to an impossibly oppressive snitch culture all over the country.

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Snitch culture is omnipresent in New Amerika and women are the gestapo of it all. For men with a shred of masculinity remaining, the U.S. has become a vile and -- dare I say it -- oppressive place to live.

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You can build a house of cards one layer on top of the next. You can buttress the sides to strengthen it but eventually, sooner or later, the whole flimsy unsubstantial pretend structure will be blown flat by an unexpected puff of wind from a direction that you didn’t predict.

This is the way of things. It would be naive to believe that for us it will be different because we of all the generations are somehow special.

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I have such disdain for feminists. They have ruined our culture and our country. They have helped create weak men. Look around you- men are no longer masculine! Ask yourself why. This piece explains a lot of it. Growing up during the thickest and sickest part of the feminist movement (the 70s), I saw so much ignorance. I knew then the media was a joke! Elizabeth is right. We were “done” 30 years ago. The war on men and boys continues however. Our world is on fire and no one even notices.

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The suicide rate for men is astronomical. The male college graduation rate is 35% and dropping; like mens testosterone. A small radical group of misandrist are pulling down men and our society. The Democrat party is their vehicle. Read the Biden White House "Strategy on Gender Equity & Equality".


They totally omit any discussion of boys and men unless you're Trans or gay. It's so blatant that it's shameful and no one talks about it. They can't even get young white men to join the military. How do we think that will turn out for us? They are the largest demographic group to have given their lives for our country since our nations


However, the blame is on us, because we have allowed it to continue for decades. Men cannot pull us out of this misandrist death spiral alone. We need women more than ever to stand up for us against the radical feminist. Just as men stood up for women in the 70's. It benefits us all.

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Biden puppet of Obama administration is filled with radicals, mostly white women, except for their token few blacks, and gay/trans men with not enough intelligence between the whole group to see their incompetence and failure.

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Of the 149 justices nominated by the Biden admin only 5 are white men. Of those 2 are openly gay.

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I wonder what people THOUGHT he meant by fundamentally transforming America?

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Corporations openly brag that white males need not apply. Same for colleges. The rage and gleeful hatred is unending, and funded to the gills.

The thing about conducting a fifty-year Scorched Earth war on men and little boys is that eventually you destroy your own nest (nation) in the process.

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Wow. After this last vote, with the help from RINOs, of course Lindsey Graham who never voted no to a Dem candidate, we now have 200 if I’m not mistaken. Two hundred radical inept incompetent fools with black robes 🤬🤬🤬

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Some of these judgeships are for life.

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Misandrist: someone who hates men.

Misogynist: someone who hates women as much as women hate themselves.

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I'm on your side. There's blame to go around, the education system and the feminist craze has pushed our culture/society to the breaking point --quite literally. I'm 72, a woman who loves having men --men who know who they are-- around. It's hard to find them anymore.

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Very hard sadly

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Imagine what it’s like to be a young man today. Every movie or TV show makes them look like Neanderthals while the women are supreme in all ways.

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Part of the problem was men not speaking up in the 60s or 70s against the craziness. Now you can’t say anything

without being labeled something horrible!

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Men didn't speak up because they didn't imagine things would become so crazy. There was evidence that they would, of course, but in regard to women, decent men have tended to be like the character W.C. Fields always played: on a hair trigger of terror at the slightest indication of an incipient henpecking.

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Strong men needed at all times!!!

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Men have never done well against passive aggressive head cases. Sad but true.

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Learn to recognize them and STAY far afield.

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You're right. But I'm Quixote - like. As Rodney Dangerfield once said, I've gone through life being nice to people who could do me no good whatsoever.

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Truth. Thank you.

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With regards to: They can't even get young white men to join the military.

I believe this current situation speaks far more with people waking up to what our country, military and "leaders" have become. A war mongering cabal has been entrenched in our deep state for sometime. They feel they have perfected color revolutions: Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya Syria. Then we have had Kuwait, leading to Iraq, leading to Syria, Yemen. 20 years of foolish wasted effort in Afghanistan. And as soon as we stupidly got out (how we did, not that we did) the ignorant masses cheered on the narrative of Ukraine. But many are finally waking. We've become the Soviet Union of the 60 -70's. Even generational military don't want their kids going in now.

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No self respecting man wants to join the army of trans people parading around with fake medals. I come from a long line of military, West Point, all the wars, etc. Not a single one of the young ones are going to sign up to forced to get quaxxinated with poison, and shamed into accepting utter nonsense disguised as "diversity, equity or inclusion". None of those words mean what they say, the same way a trans male will never become a female. It's all just one gigantic lie packaged in toxic compassion to sell the narrative and agenda being promoted under our noses and in our faces.

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Men are not going to pull women out of the hell they have created for us since increasing numbers of men are walking away from both intimate relationships and society itself.

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Hi Mark.....I know the inclination is to put 'the blame on us' (speaking to your comment). However, THIS decades old storm NEEDED to happen for men and women to LEARN and WAKE UP to the fallacies of the self righteous, uneducated, ill-informed feminists AND men who were brought to heel by the same fallacies (dare I say intimidated and guilt ridden) for the crimes of SOME men. Many women are awake and aware of the value of men and always have been. Everything is turning Mark. Massive exposure and challenging of these false narratives WILL get us through this. Many women are contradicting and calling out these fallacies and are fearless......like Elizabeth. Keep on Keeping on!!!

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Absolutely. And believe me...when I see a man, a REAL man, my head swivels and I stare because it is, well, sexy as hell. I might be older but I am not dead. But, those men are more of the exception than the rule these days.

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I have an Australian ferrier I follow on instagram if anyone needs a break from the insipid woke men we are inundated with in all forms of media.

The comments are outrageous for the tattooed hunk of man who pounds nails into the hooves of horses while they nuzzle his neck, and his muscular backside.

He wears the leather chaps of his trade along with a huge tool belt.

My point is—before I get too carried away—is that real women love real men. Keep the suits and the BMWs— a big truck with a hitch for a mobile shop to shoe horses is way sexier.

I feel sorry for any woman who can’t appreciate a serious tool belt and man who knows how to use it. 😉

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Can’t they be both? My husband is a retired chemical engineer and an actor (his post retirement career.) He could both wield a tool belt AND wear a suit. (No need for suits except in movies these days.)

My sons were raised to do all of the above- and they’ve successfully raised sons and daughters who embrace both traditional and modern roles in our society.

We need to be careful not to do to men what we did to women - making them choose between blue collar and white collar roles because one is more family friendly than another.

My father wouldn’t let any of us drive without knowing how to change a tire.

Likewise, my sons had to know how to cook basic meals, do their laundry without turning everything blue and sewing a button on a shirt.

Sure, you can pay someone to do it, but nowadays especially, it’s harder and harder to find someone to do the work.

Just my 2 cents.

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Brilliant. Love this!

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Do you mean Black?

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May 26
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Same with the Traditional Latin Mass Catholic Churches. They’ve been growing, especially with young families with many children, no matter how the modernists are trying to destroy it. Think Harrison Butker - go strong men!

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Yep. If anyone hasn't seen it, look up the "Harrison Butker speech" -- it's fantastic! :)

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FRC churches are scarce ... but you may find a PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) or an Evangelical Presbyterian church in your town. The former: Pure Calvin, plus Paul in 1 Timothy 2. The latter: also Calvin, but women may preach and lead education for both sexes.

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What is an FRC church, if you don't mind me asking?

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Googled: Free Reformed Church or First reformed Church.

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May 27
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Might also consider Russian, Greek , Armenian and (American , soon)Orthodox Christian , the faith is foundational from the Original time of Christ and is not polluted or watered down by the current culture.

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And we are not in rebellion against male priests.

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agree. nauseating. even as a teen-ager, I just had to step away from so many people

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You see how bitter and angry the woman who wrote this article seems? That’s me times 1 million.

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It has been an outrageous and open war on men and boys for many decades. All institutions have been 100% behind Total Feminism since the Seventies.

It's been a slaughter, conducted in total silence. Paul Simon sure got that song right.

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I’ll bite….which song?

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May 26Edited
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You need a pecking order in the military. No question. In private business you need someone in charge who takes all the responsibility for success or failure. We all have different talents. If a man disrespects you call him out. Some men are absolute jerks. It is the women expecting men to be both masculine and feminine who’ve wrecked everything and the men who go along cause they just want to get laid.

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May 27Edited
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Expecting that the world will ensure that everyone is "equal' is a bit naive. I would never say a man should be subordinate to another man but if someone starts a company and they need employees to do certain jobs but they need direction then he becomes their boss or employer. Do you consider that subordination? If so, go start your own company and hire people. See how that works out when you let them all do whatever they want instead of what you expect from them in "your" company. Equality is a myth.

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May 27Edited
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I see your point and am in general agreement, but I'll wager you write a check every April 15th. Just like I do.

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Sounds awesome but is it realistic?

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Easy time create the weakest of women I guess. Hard times coming will wipe the smug right off but… there will be the standard “we couldn’t have known”.

Yes you could have . People like Elizabeth have been screaming it at you but your child like entitled ears were blocked.

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I have to say that I think that “weak” applies to a lot of people across the board now, particularly in suburbs. I worked on a couple of ranches for a few years and had to “can” a lot of women and men as they simply were not up to the physical challenge. It is not strictly gender specific. I cannot even begin to recount the number of times I have heard from both men and women that they “don’t want to get their hands dirty” or do any, and I do mean ANY laborious tasks. Getting people to simply lay their cell phones down to perform tasks is also quite difficult.

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I once hired a young lady who was very highly educated (Master's Degree). When she walked into my office and I shook her hand the callus on her had immediately got my attention. In fact I made up my mind on the spot to give her a try. I was not disappointed. She grew up on a dairy farm and her parents ( God Bless them ) made her work, not only as a kid but also pay her own way through university. No sense of entitlement in this girl. I once watched he tell a 19 year old man (man?) to either get to work or get out of her way so she could. He simply stepped out of her way without comment. When I was a young man I would have died trying rather than let anybody out work me and I mean either a man or a woman. This in a nutshell is what they have created and it has destroyed our productivity and our greatness as a society. Now a young man or woman who wants to work hard stands out like a beacon. They are being driven to extinction. God help us al.

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I love that you have this story to share. I agree with your sentiments. We are definitely in need of God’s help, without a doubt. I wanted to learn some real, practical skills as my “book knowledge” will not help me to grow food or repair actual things and working on a ranch was a way to procure such skills. I now have my PhD in post-hole digging and a redneck engineering degree, haha. I’m certain that I learned more of actual value in those 3 years than I did in college or in my corporate career.

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My small company will NOT hire college graduates with anything but an AG degree, and frankly prefer not to hire any college grad. I did every damn job in the company (heavy manufacturing) and it was a point of pride to at least try to keep up with the men or at minimum not get in their way. 5'2" and 110 doesn't produce much heft, but by golly, I worked up to and past my endurance level just to prove that I could. We would hire a man or a woman like you Elizabeth and the one Peter described without a shred of experience other than what she got on her own. Whoever and wherever these unicorns are, I hope they plan to have big families.

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I love it! You sound a lot like me! I know a lot of people on anxiety and sleeping medications. Performing tasks where one moves around a lot negates the necessity of such things, that’s for sure! I think we lost a lot when we moved away from an agrarian lifestyle. A job where one must be sedentary in a cubicle all day sounds like a special kind of hell to me.

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Though it has more to do directly with food, it's possibly part of why they're coming down hard on farms and farmers and those capable and willing to grow their own and lead more independent lives.

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It is! Mind-numbing, inertia-laden, and life-robbing is the time endured inside a cubicle. At least my experience of short stints when I've done that kind of work 🤢

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I love this story too. I grew up on and still live on a ranch. I got hired at my first professional urban job because of that and my experience in 4H. We raised our son the same way. He and his friends (of both sexes) are some of the most inspiring young people I have seen. I would trust any one of them with my life. They all know how to build things, fix things, save things, scrounge up a meal, are deeply committed to the community and their families and they are not confused about what they believe in or what is actually going on in the world. They are capable builders of the future and will only find their skills and ethics in greater demand as we go forward. They are a small but mighty bright spot in a dark time.

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Amen. It is because of young ones like these that we will yet overcome the evil in this world. Living in the rural area we live in shows why people like the Turdeaus hate us so much. The young ones here still have strong Christian values and great work ethic. I was watching my neighbours 6 year old as he climbed on the side by side and went out to deal with the cattle. He had just completed a lesson in firearms safety and shooting by his dad. This is what responsibility looks like.

I hope with all my heart that we come back full circle to this type of morality and work ethic as without it we are truly lost.

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♥ My heart clicker is not working. Agree 100%. Hubs works on The Bering Sea and can't find good help on his boat to save his life. And...living in Idaho on the high range, surrounded by cowboys and hard working people? Pure heaven. If I didn't know something was wrong 'out there', I would not know anything was wrong 'out there'.

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That does sound like heaven! I love horses more than anyone can imagine and I only wish I was a cowgirl! The three years I got to work with horses on a daily basis was amazing. Who knew I’d enjoy doing stalls so much? It’s cathartic and peaceful. The Bering Sea? Wow. That’s impressive! Really impressive! Meeting people who actually work, those who make the actual world work, has been transformative. I’m impressed by those who work hard and kindness. I have not watched TV in a decade but I loved the Dirty Jobs show that Mike Rowe did back in the day as well as How It’s Made.

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♥ Yes, 28 years he has done that. He is getting ready to retire this year. We have spent more time apart than together I think. Raised 2 wonderful children and now we get to turn over our tapestry and see the front after living in the back of it for so long. I was born in Red Bluff California, so loving cowboys and horses were my thing when I was a kid. Rodeos and Wranglers!

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I hear you there! I was raised in cities so I literally faked my way through the ranch deal until I learned, often the hard and embarrassing way. I am a former New Yorker/engineering project manager turned farmer wanna-be! Go figure! Blessings to you on your new journey! I wish you both much happiness!!! Congratulations on the raising of your children. That has also become impressive to me. It is a worthy endeavor.

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♥Thank you! Best to you and your very important endeavor of farmer. I love it!

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Before I got to the end of your comment I was thinking about Mike Rowe and then you mentioned him. He puts his muscles, heart and stamina where his mouth is and he also is doing a lot of fine work in helping young people build good work ethics through his mikeroweWORKS Foundation.

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That man is a treasure for sure. I listen to his podcasts, too. I had an opportunity to discuss Mike Rowe and his program with a refrigeration repairman who claimed he is one of a dying breed. I believe it. I thoroughly enjoy tradespeople and have great admiration for skilled labor. In retrospect, I wish I had gone into welding now. There will always be a need for tradespeople. I learned some basic plumbing from a master builder/plumber. He had a good laugh when he directed me to go to his truck to get “pipe dope” as my eyes nearly popped out of my head, imagining it was some illicit substance. He showed me how to use it and handed me a blow torch while underneath an old house to repair plumbing. It was so cool. To me anyway haha! My idea of cool seems to differ from most, though!

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they received waaaay too many participation awards in child hood.

.... and yes, agree 100% there are other things too

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It’s strangely an effect of consumerism. Never making things or suffering from breaking things. It’s not that way in a lot of the rest of the world

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I just ended my 51 year teaching career. It was very rewarding but I was a non-feminist woman--trad Catholic, actually--surrounded by AWFULS, Elizabeth's term, Affluent White Female Urban LiberalS. Since 1990, no matter what the kids did (or didn't do, like work), there were no consequences: in my class there were and I was constantly in a tussle with admin. I did a podcast with Tammy Peterson, Jordan's wife, last summer. We discussed my 51 year career. My non-feminist status was front and centre: my two best friends at my favourite school--I was their favourite substitute teacher--immediately dumped me. Just as well: their loss.

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There is much talk about how we got to such a point as the this current one and what to do about turning it around. Well my thought is that in your 51 years of teaching as a non feminist you touched a lot of young minds that( because of that very experience)can always reference in their decision making process the teaching experience of a mature sensible adult woman . You planted many good seeds in 51 years and they will yield good crops.

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Thank you so much. And, yes, you are correct. My students appreciated the high standards I set: they knew that I respected them--and they responded accordingly. Despite the rotten culture that public education is now steeped in and emulates, my classroom was an oasis for me and my students. Deo gratias!

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I had not considered that aspect. You have a point.

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10000000 percent correct. After all, this is WHY Eddie Bernays was hired back in the 1920s to seduce women into smoking 🚬 - because they saw a legion of manipulable consumers. Modern Woman™️ is corporatocracy's finest creation. I mean, the CIA doesn't fund people like Gloria Steinham by accident (just as doing it indirectly is non-accidental, also).

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Oh Rudey, I would love a link documenting her CIA connection. We met with her assistant about exposing damage to women by electroshock and the magazine Would not cover it. And ECT has been protected all along by the CIA And DOD in my opinion.

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I think the in-built obsolescence famous once for lightbulb failures is now being engineered in humans. Oh shit that could be my next song concept!

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“Like” the hard way - comment liking is still broken for me.

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I can't figure the problem with "comment liking." Did you try first unsubscribing, then shutting down your computer, opening up, and then re-subscribing? This is how I handle some YouTube issues. But, I see you found a way around it. I'll remember that!

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Same here, like button has been dead for nearly 2 weeks. I $ support many stacks and can't even "like" comments. Substack Support is AI-worthless.

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Indeed… and Like!

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Mine too. Are you using Brave? I am. Liking works when I am on the Substack app on my phone though.

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Apparently some people have success with that, others claim the non-app Substack works for them. So far my iPad/Safari isn’t doing the job….

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On top of wonderful, sensible women like Elizabeth, MEN have been trying to tell women this, too. For generations. Specifically, the men in their family, who actually know and care about them. And for generations women have been programmed to twist any hint of that message like a pretzel so that no matter the man, and no matter the way it was said, it was always cast as misogynistic and patriarchal. Well, newsflash, *societies have patriarchs* (wise, older men) for a very important reason. You repudiated your fathers and grandfathers so that you could have the freedom to replace their voice with that of a corporation (advertising) which sold you a big lie so you would go to work in order to buy crap and then be lied to about your own bodies and how they worked, and then be lied to about sex and what it meant and so on and so on. The reason society revolves around you, women, is because you are useful idiot consoomers. Women always whine about 'society', but the only society women ever pay any attention to is that of other women, and yet you have the gall to blame men. I'm sorry, I don't remember any men telling you to buy Cosmo and believe it, no (straight) man told you to watch Sex & The City and try to model your life on it (the life of degenerate childless faggots, like that of Darren Star and his friends).

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Re: "I'm sorry, I don't remember any men telling you to buy Cosmo and believe it, no (straight) man told you to watch Sex & The City and try to model your life on it"... The evil satanists at the "top" and their demon overlords know just how to lure young women *and* young men into their traps using mostly the media... twisting their natural, God-given, sexually divergent ideals and aspirations (men for a good job & wife to support a family, and women to find a good husband & homemaking skills to support a family) into different goals in this re-paganizing era, goals that are now perverted and selfish.

They've twisted women into power-hungry, domineering, promiscuous, contracepting & aborting boss ladies, and men into soft, acquiesent, gay or straight porn-&-hookup loving, video game-obsessed, hedonistic perpetual children.

They've inverted or neutralized the sexes (to be like the demons, who have no sex) and twisted the goals from God then family then job, to self and pleasure and power.

It was done *by design*, by satanic elites, through very sophisticated psychological manipulation (Tavistock Institute, Stanford Research Institute, etc.), mostly through the media.

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Well that I completely agree with. What I meant is that the social pressures on women always come from other women.

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Yes. Women respond to cues and pressure from other females. Social standing in the female hierarchy is paramount.

In general, women are much more herd-oriented and safety-obsessed than men.

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Quite right. Feminism was not a grass-roots movement. It was stage-managed by some of the most powerful people on the planet -- principally the Rockefeller family.

Also correct that the ultimate stage-managing of feminism was, and is, demonic . . . what Scripture calls the 'powers and principalities' of this fallen planet.

Thank you for your educational post. Many people are just waking up to the harsh realities of who/what really runs America. It ain't Joe Biden, folks, I can guarantee you that.

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Correct. My Grandparents were very devout and my Grandmother was very anti-Feminist. They knew right from wrong and didn't mistake good for evil or evil for good. I have come to realise that they were right about everything.

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Exactly! You expressed it very well.

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And I have to add this: I was raised by a feminist (albeit a relatively sensible one) who would probably acknowledge most of what I have said above, but without taking any accountability for it. I am a married man with a very loyal and supportive wife and we have a young child together, and hopefully if things improve for us financially we will have another. I never once considered MGTOW or any of that shit, I don't hate women, I just hate the GIGANTIC LIES and the refusal of almost all women (including the ones in my life, for the most part) to fully recognise them and their role in perpetuating them. It's not a roadblock I put in front of my relationships with them, it's a roadblock in their understanding of themselves.

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i remember my dad saying that men today aren't the protectors of yesteryear, having observed my choice in men. oh if only i could revisit my choices.

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Yes, they were such degenerates on the sex in the city program. Filthy bunch of animals with no soul at all sex on their mind 24 seven pigs

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Thank you Elizabeth for that insightful rant! I feel so much better now that my Borg fair weather former friends, men and women, dumped me for having all the "wrong" opinions and actually giving a damn about the awful state of what used to be Western civilization. They did me a favor. Empty, vapid, pleasure-seeking, low information Borgs. What a perfect way to characterize these people. I don't miss them at all.

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I feel the same. And these days I’m recalling fairly often my historian father‘s cautionary factoid: it was women who first elected Hitler.

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Yes, it was. You won't find that fact in modern history books for a reason.

'It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy'. (Orwell, from 1984)

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Dang, so it is possible for women to be based?

(🤣 juuuussttt kidding)

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Double for the Sister in Borg men they have castrated. Imagine the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the US Military and THE military advisor to the President of the United States telling congress he wanted to understand white rage…and control it. Yeah, them stars and bar red neck rebels are wrecking the military.

In other news the Sec Def is back in the hospital (this time he told his boss) and the Commandant of the Marine Corps is still recovery from a heart attack and surgery that nearly killed him, but he refuses to retire. Small examples of the rot in our military. They allow our men and women VOLUNTEERS to live in squalid mold infested barracks and demand the recruit training be fully gender NON specific, right men and women living in the same quarters in boot camp. Our young combat veterans return to the horrors of the VA and rather than strike out and kill the oppressors, they kill themselves at the rapid rate 22 a day..get that number your heads this Memorial Day, 22 a day, 22 a day. Get the picture. Wanna have some fun? Confront one of Elizabeth’s AWFUL’s watch em run when you bring hard shit up. Don’t thank us veterans for our service I can assure you we don’t like it. If you see a Viet Nam vet, you say “welcome home” he didn’t get that 50-60 years ago.

The good news is it’s coming to a halt. People are simply walking away metaphorically.

Go Elizabeth go. Keep up the drum beat loud and hard. “I’m mad as Hell and not gonna take it anymore!” And as long as the Memorial Day theme is running “Pluskat! Pluskat! Can you hear me?.”

Thank a Gold Star mother this weekend by looking her straight in the eyes and say “I won’t forget your son or daughter.” And mean it. It isn’t Happy Memorial Day there is nothing happy about it, but honoring this day is important so honor it.

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Ignorance is killing us and they know it...

Just watched this... I knew it was really bad, but heinous is not even the word to describe it.


Recently my 2 children graduated from HS and the military was calling me (since the school didn't have their cell #). Every time they called I gave the recruiter a sympathetic military history lesson and warned them to beware. They listened quietly and knew I was right.

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I have five sons and one daughter. The military recruiters ended up calling me for the same reason. I joined the Marines at age 17 (in the pre-Code Pink military days) and was always glad I did. I’ve warned my sons away from the military and am still glad I did. I always told the recruiters to leave my sons the hell alone and made sure to tell them why.

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Recruiters don't know because many do very well and have good careers after.

My friend's son repairs airplanes. He is doing very well but not staying in.

However, there are many that were used as dispensible and that is egregious.

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I get that. I was a one-and-done Marine. I know guys who stayed in, some through to retirement, and plenty of neighbors whose young sons joined up later. There are plenty of headstones, wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, colostomy bags, and disability ratings in that demographic.

For what exactly? Ask a neocon. All I know is that it’s the quality of the senior enlisted and officer class leadership which stacks that deck for or against the individuals on the ground. This is what I used to have confidence in and no longer do. I’ve told my boys that it’s a hell of a risk for “free” training that’s plentifully available on the open market.

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I enlisted A.F. in '71. Have a military family. The U.S. military was far more masculine and reality-oriented in those days. I worked with lots of great people and I grew up a lot.

I have a buddy, currently an officer in the reserve. He likes his work but loathes the endless lectures and regs about diversity, homo celebrationism, feminism, equality and all the rest of it. He says a huge portion of enlistees are incompetent or completely unsuited for military life. Especially the females. Calls it a walking disaster playing Pretend Soldiers.

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Yes, there is huge risk for what? I hate to even think it. Now we have generals in heels? Who would trust a confused person like that? Its way beyond that though. Those who know even some of the unconscionable things wouldn't risk their children. Glad you made it though.

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Thank you so much for this. Heartbreaking to see the pictures of those poor infants. If we did not already know do we need to wonder at the psychopatic and criminal behaviour of the DOD in regards of the MRNA injectables that have been forced upon not just the military but the civilian populations of the world? A stroke of evil genius of the murderous cabal to put the DOD in charge of covid operation ! Is there any chance that you or anybody else can post this film on substack as a separate and independent item? It is a pity that this is buried in a comment section! I too rarely have time to read the comments and therefore could have easily missed this. I suspect that is true of many others besides me

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This particular comment was not related to the article but to the guy who mentioned the military complex.

I believe we encounter what we need to learn and then make choices about. I'm glad someone else was able to appreciate that documentary. I was stunned about the Iraq lies.

It was a really good documentary of the military misdeeds, but there may be some facts or pics that were not 100% true and that should be applied to everything.

Those baby pics were not all from Iraq I believe. I am sure they had/have birth defects, but the pics they used were samples and not all from there. I saw some of those pics before for something else.

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Bravo! And your reference to mold was spot on. It's as deadly as anything in a syringe. And many laugh it off like the person dying from mycotoxin exposure is the crazy one. Wow! This article hit a lot of nerves, and I'm glad.

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We lived in condemned housing in Barstow California when my husband was drafted into the Marines in 1969. One morning there were cockroaches climbing up every wall. We couldn’t wait to leave. Grateful he got to leave and come home in one piece.

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The idiots running the military think it’s is okay to put women into battle. That will not go well……

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"Trudeau, Rishi, Macron, Obama were made in a lab to appeal to women who call themselves “feminists”."


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And their feminist men voted right along with them. We need to make areal hard right. And right now!

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I fear it is much too late!

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Yes!!! Such arrogant and egotistical snobs.

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If you've had enough performative feminism, I've had enough of American faggotry.

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Big Amen!

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With you on that!

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Without that feminism, of course, we never would have got all the faggotry we live with now. They are long-term allies against normal people, especially healthy and upright men.

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The are close allies in Total Feminism, correct.

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I have even heard that in high school a lot of faggots try to be friends with the most popular girls in school because their alpha boyfriends will be scolded by these cheerleader types if they try to be real men and protect the people from faggotry.

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Dayumm, girl! You went total scorched earth on those feminist lamebrains! My wife of 51-going-on 52 years (& mother of two, grandmother of three) was cheering while I read this article out loud. Your column is the *best* Substack subscription that I have.

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“I know exactly what they think because they think what they are told to think. And if you disagree, they break up with you and slime you to anyone within reach.”

Male feminist leftists behave the same way. PMC.NPC.AWFL.AI is predictable and suicidal: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/awfl-dei-karen-affluent-white-female-liberal

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“You are the stupidest women who ever lived”, and all of the above.

Ive dreamed of shouting this out loud to my suburban neighbors as I watched them pound there “No hate Lives here”, BLM, and Biden/Harris lawn signs into the ground.

Ive dreamed of shouting this out loud to people still wearing masks, still rolling over to comply with the climate freaks, still writing checks to universities who are indoctrinating their children and those insisting that Johnny is a girl and I am to refer to him as Julie etc..

Thank you Elizabeth for letting me know that it might just be the right time to live out my dream.

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Shouting out loud - amen. I don't know how many group situations I have been in where someone spoke up, assuming that all the rest in the room shared their political/covid/vaccine+ opinions.

Example: I took an art class with some amenable ladies. Over the course of the lessons there was much laughter and congenial chit chat. Until the last lesson when the instructor inserted a lengthy break time with tea and cookies out in the gazebo. And, well, out popped the thoughts and opinions. People spoke out with confidence, automatically assuming the others felt the same. And they did! Most aggressive was Trump Derangement Syndrome where jaw-dropping, nasty vitriol spewed forth. They loathed him with a fierce bizarre passion - and let me put this in context - this was in Canada. I remained silent whilst very liberal opinions were eagerly spit-flecked out on this and other contentious matters.

As I drove home that day, I realized they just naturally believed everyone felt the same. More importantly, they had the boldness to freely share their thoughts.

And, dammit, I remained silent. Why? I suppose because I had paid good money for this relaxing, creative outlet and did not want to sully it with contentiousness. At the same time, they were displaying boldness that should have been matched by mine. It would not have mattered if I had won the discussion; all that mattered was that I was offering a differing opinion, and they may have left with something to think about. Every little drop in the bucket matters.

So, it's time to be vocal out there - rather than just on the keyboard. Drip, drip, drip.

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Great point! I think many of us have been in this situation. Maybe it's the reason we're conservative. You are spot on that it's time to speak up.

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Maybe next time just say, could we not talk about politics here not everybody feels the same way as everyone else. I know it’s so hard. It’s sickening.

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Go for it. This post made me braver.

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Oh my God, I hope so because I hate these people with a passion they ruined all our lives

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Another fantastic, sobering read. Congrats Elizabeth on the Breggins interview.

Covid gave these women the opportunity to showcase their moronicity. I was living in deepest blue Bu with my teen son. The toxic fear panicked uninformed folks immediately abided by, even surpassed every corona bologna “mandate” - shut down the schools, closed the beaches, distancing, masks, etc. An English teacher on Zoom bragged to my son’s class about getting jabbed and told the kids it was their duty to humanity to get the shots. I complained to deaf ears. When schools reopened I had to call the principal and tell him in no uncertain terms that my kid would not be getting on the mobile shot van pulling up in front of the school (conveniently) every three weeks. Had to pay a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter to ex and boy’s healthcare provider to stop scheduling him for the slab jabs. When my friend’s wife started a draft Big Mike for prez faction I knew it was past time to GTF out of there.

Moved to a red state.

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lol, good for you!

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💪💪💪💪. Slab Jab. I’m stealing that.

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Pardon my ignorance, but who is Big Mike?

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Michelle Obama. Even her DH has been known to call her Mike.

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So deliciously written!

Dated a Borg briefly in my younger days but thankfully all the paternal instincts inculcated from depression-era grandparents helped me see the through the facade…backing away from the fake-liberated, early 80’s bomb-holding feminist was the matrix bullet-dodge move of my lifetime. I know the poor bastard who got stuck with her and that bomb goes off daily. So thankful for the real woman I married…it has made all the difference in the world.

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Good summation. And brave for saying the hard things. They create a hellscape around them and expect us all to applaud them.

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When will the feminists declare victory and go home?

Apparently, the answer is never. The grievances are never-ending, if not even growing.

Maybe if they shut down the women's studies departments at universities. That would be a good start.

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There are no more women's studies - no intellligent discussion of Wolf, or the Austens, nope, now for twenty years its Gender Studies, where men who feel like women teach and expound on being women.

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Good point. Things have degenerated further. Though the grievances continue, in a different form.

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May 26Edited
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What you describe does offend women, who do speak, who are silenced, punished for their opinions, cancelled, told to shut up, while boys and men take the places of girls and women in sports, scholarships, political positions, wherever possible; all while schools in the west and elsewhere teach to gender ideology - a boy really can be a girl- a girl really can be a boy- while NGOs all around the world support (ie. encourage, assist, brainwash, gaslight) transgenderism.

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May 26Edited
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Absolutely. More men are finally speaking up, which, due to the nature of society, helps as men are listened to more than women. But in Canada Bill C-63 may put an end to that if it goes into force. The law will curtail speech, result in huge monetary punishments, and even prevent an individual from the possibility of speaking, i.e. a thought crime if another thinks they could hurt them through words. The accusor does not need to be identified. Ankle bracelets come into play, a curfew. Life in prison is the punishment, if the words are preceived to incite genocide. You can see the problems. This is Canada, my beloved home.

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I'm American, and my instincts tell me that the American people are ready for a candidate who will talk about these things. I think Trump would guarantee himself a win if he did, but doubt he has the intellectual power to make any sort of case.

Insults, gibes, vulgarities: he's good at those. And he can be extremely funny. It takes more than that, however, and I don't think he has it.

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"Maybe if they shut down the women's studies departments at universities. That would be a good start."

I've thought that for a long time. Yet, No one brings it up. It makes perfect sense.

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If you can find a bona fide women's studies department at any U, go for it. I mean the ones that still think, dialogue, ponder, where men who say they are women don't run it - which then leaves gender studies, where the men who say they are women reign - yah, shut that down.

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They are trained to be covert narcissists: truly powerless victims in the position of power and control, full of rage and hate.

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Well said

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They don't have a home to go to. They are on the mouse wheel 🛞 for life.

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The medical wheel, I think you mean, kids as experimental subjects, damaged for life, while doctors make their fortunes.

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After all is ruined and destroyed, they will declare victory. Then blame everything on men.

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Elizabeth, thank you…you are truly a gift! Yes, we are indeed, hag-ridden. Keep writing. Keep illuminating. Even when it’s ugly, don’t stop. I’m so fed up with the box checking being done while re-writing history. I can’t improve in any way your statement/title: Put a Chick in It and Make Her Gay. And Lame.

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May 26Edited


I got may 1/6th of the way into this post this morning then thought "You're preaching to the choir girl, every word you've written here strikes a nerve."

I guess I'll have to read all what follows (where I left off to add this comment) to learn whether you'll offer effective solutions for what's been wrought by our 'betters' in the name of (enter appropriate acronym here). God only knows how the heck we might turn this ship around before we all sink into oblivion.

Good choice of words there... lizards huh? Yeah, I think so too. Cold-blooded predators all.

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