Bloody hell! This is raw and powerful. All this only truly opened out to me fairly recently, while I was writing a biography pf a guy who was in the middle of the London scene in the sixties. He'd contacted me because I was working on a book about what went on with The Beatles, and through him I got to talk with a good few people who were at the centre of things at the time. Not ACTUIALLY at the centre of things, but being the in crowd and the beautiful people, and carrying out orders on the ground, intentionally or unawares. Scary.
I did go to the funeral of one of my interviewees, with royal guests and speeches by the Gettys and tea afterwards at Christie's but it was all so frightfully civilised and you'd never have guessed what they were involved in... This stuff you are talking about though - being in a car with someone like that and realising what he was involved in. That's disturbing. And it always looks so drab and mind-numbing on the surface, as you say. (like Donald Pleasence in THE NEWS BENDERS). But the clue is in the mind-numbing, I guess. That's how it's done. That and the shocks. It was revealing to hear the epithets. Cowans, especially. That is revealing in a lot of ways and shows how much they know and how much they hide from us; what an incredibly twisted version of reality we have - history, geography, geopolitics to name but a few examples. Once that is shown to you, you cannot unsee it, and the entire charade becomes a sick joke.
That fascination is promoted relentlessly by the media . That promotion is what made me see, as a young man, how consumers of the media were taught what to think, in effect, informing us of our thinking, telling us what our opinions are in defiance of our own minds.
I'd like to believe that if more ppl would read your posts they would wake up. Unfortunately, they are beyond waking up IMO. The reality, which you so astutely convey, would be too much for them to digest and therein is part of the conundrum. I do so appreciate your clarity, depressing as it is.
I recently read The Royal Rebel by Tom Bower about Prince Charles which sort of fills in some of the gaps as to the real, unlikeable, person he is and what goes on behind palace doors. Yikes, how are they able to tolerate themselves?
Letsrock: For fuck's sake! The Irish have known about these aristocrats in England for centuries! You don't have to "wake up" the Irish or the Scots for that matter.
Kertch: There are many protests in Ireland against the migrants. The Irish Times refuses to publish articles about them and I don't think Irish TV News covers them either.
oh charlie boy let his guard down twice last year which didn't go unnoticed by the public...once when he was signing that document and lost his cool at the attendant because the inkwell was in the way and the second time shortly after on a visit to northern ireland when a pen leaked over his fingers. he's never been really liked anyhow. most people still side with diana not the wretched camilla.
Surprise to me, in a shady bar/ girl station, San Juan, PR, some USMCs met a few Royal Navy Mates from the ship Charles was aboard. They had no bad words for him, just run of the mill junior officer.
"Because if we knew we’d hunt them down and burn their palaces over their heads."
'They' move inexorably toward a biology, social, ethical, moral. and economic dead end. They plunder the well of humanity and they utilise the demons of the moment, globalist technofascists and Malthusian Marxists. In the end, they must devour themselves and perhaps leave just enough for those remaining with nothing left to lose to finally cast them out.
Power and corruption are always linked to wealth. The republic at the beginning was to level the playing fields in commerce, justice and education. No, the representatives with each successive generation was more corrupt than the previous one. Look, some of these elected bums like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer span more than one generation and we have greater massive malfeasance, dishonesty and corruption in government.
There is a family history’ of corruption and control with these people …here in the USA… Nancy Pelosi’s father’s influence and control in Baltimore. Then she moved west and established her ‘dominion of control’ out here in Northern California.
People at the lower 99% of the socioeconomic spectrum always yearn and strive for a meritocratic system to give them a ladder that they can climb. However, once they get to the top, they no longer relish the idea of competition and meritocracy. That's when corruption and nepotism take hold, and 90% of the achievers decided to pull up the ladder and advance the cause of their decedents. At the end of the Roman empire, the Germanic "barbarian" tribes were very egalitarian and chose their chieftains from the best leaders and warriors. After the invasion of Roman territory, the chieftains became warlords who ruled by conquest, then they became aristocrats who ruled by possession and inheritance, them they became kings who ruled by succession, finally they became monarchs who ruled by "Divine Right". It's the historical cycle of rulership. After a bout of democratic meritocracy, the elite want to go back to the old ways of absolute power. This time the cycle only took a few hundred years.
I haven't read The Monkey Puzzle Tree but I have it in my Kindle Library - I'll get to it soon, especially after reading you on Substack over the last few months. Your Fireants piece was the first thing I read, a week after dreaming about a fireant flying at me - i forget how that ended.
Years ago (20 to be exact) I also wrote a book about my Montreal family and MK-ULTRA. It was called My Cold War - and it was based on my childhood memories and thousands of pages of documents. I took it to a few publishers who either returned it unread, or sat on it, or made weirdly threatening comments: "This story can never be published in Canada" or "They will swoop down and lock you up". Then I was taken off mailing lists so I wouldn't show up at their events. When I self published it I found myself being followed, investigated, and fquestioned by another former MK-ULTRA kid turned police informer... it's a fascinating story in a way.
The thing was: not only was my dad a Cameron victim, but I was in the Allan as a child beginning at age 4. Dr Cameron paid my family $3000 to put me in a special gifted children's program where, like Alice in Wonderland, I would pop out of elementary school and down the rabbit hole to the Allan Memorial where I hobnobbed with mental patients and future pop stars and politicians. And then they would erasebmy memory and send me home to resume my half-life as a clueless little schoolgirl.
This is the biggest taboo that can get you blacklisted and deleted from every platform: that there were also children in the Allan and not all were lucky enough to get out alive. Those of us who were not "disposable" and survived have had very peculiar lives in the resulting Twilight Zone. As crazy as the world is now, it was also crazy back in the 1950s when they were testing torture techniques on little orphans.
The people I have learned to avoid are not the elite monsters but the ordinary folks like my ex publishers who toe the line -- I almost forgive them, knowing the world they knew, whose rules they played by, shrewdly skirting trouble so they could come out the winners, that world has gone to Hell. In a way its a kind of victory for the little ones.
My dad was a music teacher and RCAF intelligence agent - they broke him down because he knew too much. But he survived. Did you see that movie about the musicians of Auschwitz, Playing For Time? They kept those musicians alive to entertain the prisoners.
They kept me alive too because I was bloodline. It was the other kids, the orphans and children of the working class, that ended up in the unmarked graveyard behind the hospital.
Which airline do you work for? Or are you military?
That one little chink to take them down - if it exists - will be rooted in understanding and mercilessly exploiting the Predator Class’ innate PSYCHOPATHY. It’s literally bred in the bone.
Fundamentally, their mental impairment is a profound weakness that can be manipulated, exposed and utilized toward their downfall.
Remember, they cannot respond to a crisis with resiliency, creativity or inventive solutions. A purpose-built resolution must be handed to the Predators, complete with scripted roles.
Overwhelming them with crises descending from all quarters while pressuring and panicking them into committing errors in judgment is key. Extreme privilege and rarified isolation means they’ve never needed to cultivate adaptability amidst adversity.
What would inflict the most terror in this class would be to render them POOR. There’s no greater fear than to lose the insulation which shields their entire existence from contact with the Useless Eaters.
This outcome could be achieved in a variety of ways - all of them unspeakably cruel, but necessary.
I believe many are now waking up, covid was a great fire alarm sot look around and ask WTF. I was encouraged how many independent journalists showed up a WEF a few months ago, I'm thankful for a winter full of farmers protests throughout the EU. Idiot WEF PMs and presidents are losing power.
Energy shortange and expense screams to the non-listeners, Carbon Taxes during High inflation is hard to swallow. Italy, El Salvador, Argentina are waking up. The Farmers got a seat in parliment in the Netherlands.
Now the WEF is coming after us, the truth tellers that are ringing the bell. This year we have more chaos but I have some hope we can emasculate the megalomaniacs of the WEF. And yes, climate change is a scare tactic the worked really well on those that like to be told they need anohter thing to fear.
When I suggested, provocatively out-of-left -field to my conservative, sensible, but Royal- despising English mother-in-law that the queen mum was a lizard, she promptly said “It wouldn’t surprise me a bit”
Wow. It's like reading a Mickey Spillane novel but classier except the bad folks are all real and the events are not fictional.
It did clear up one thing. Years ago I heard Queen Elizabeth mention something about "them"... alluding to some vastly powerful hidden manipulators somehow above her exalted position. I had no idea what she was talking about since she herself was one of the richest and most powerful people of her time. But after reading this series, I begin to have an inkling of what she was talking about.
Dear Elizabeth--I am delighted to discover your work and to see you identify and exposing what we call the Global Predators. They need to be named again and again and given no corner within which to hide. We too have been working tirelessly to expose these monsters, with extensive documentation and facts. Our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey sold over 160,000 copies when it went on sale Sept 2021 and we are well on the way to publishing our second book on the elite. I am eager to read back into your substack and look forward to your future publications. Very best, Ginger Breggin (co author with Peter R. Breggin MD)
I have your book and am a huge fan of both of you. Deeply respectful of your challenging the psychiatric establishment and drugs. My mother was a patient/subject of Dr. Ewan Cameron and all she needed was love and support. She got Page Russel’s and lsd.
Thank you so much! I am so sorry about your mother... We would love to have you as a guest on our weekly show. I've sent you a private message. ~ Ginger
Since you're here let me just say thank you to you and Peter for all your work. 'The Minds of Men' is one of the most important films ever made. I recommend it to everyone and it has changed many lives. And few would argue that Peter steals the show. A million thanks for all your efforts.
Dear Deuce-- Thank you so much! We agree-- the Minds of Men documentary really exposed the psychiatric abuses (and those of the dark intell and military agencies.) We are so grateful to Aaron and Melissa Dykes for their work in producing that film. ~ Ginger
Here's an outstanding Tavistock vid for you Elizabeth (ignore the 'Hope Springs Eternal' section about Trump, he's a part of the control system as well):
Bloody hell! This is raw and powerful. All this only truly opened out to me fairly recently, while I was writing a biography pf a guy who was in the middle of the London scene in the sixties. He'd contacted me because I was working on a book about what went on with The Beatles, and through him I got to talk with a good few people who were at the centre of things at the time. Not ACTUIALLY at the centre of things, but being the in crowd and the beautiful people, and carrying out orders on the ground, intentionally or unawares. Scary.
I did go to the funeral of one of my interviewees, with royal guests and speeches by the Gettys and tea afterwards at Christie's but it was all so frightfully civilised and you'd never have guessed what they were involved in... This stuff you are talking about though - being in a car with someone like that and realising what he was involved in. That's disturbing. And it always looks so drab and mind-numbing on the surface, as you say. (like Donald Pleasence in THE NEWS BENDERS). But the clue is in the mind-numbing, I guess. That's how it's done. That and the shocks. It was revealing to hear the epithets. Cowans, especially. That is revealing in a lot of ways and shows how much they know and how much they hide from us; what an incredibly twisted version of reality we have - history, geography, geopolitics to name but a few examples. Once that is shown to you, you cannot unsee it, and the entire charade becomes a sick joke.
I've never understood this morbid fascination that people have for the royals.
Each and every one of them is a perverted, mindless, drivel-driven moron.
Bee hive culture is more prevalent in human nature than you might believe.
don't give short shrift to the value of vicarious trappings.
(I mean, just look at the Kardashians in their short shifts...)
Yeah I don’t understand it either
That fascination is promoted relentlessly by the media . That promotion is what made me see, as a young man, how consumers of the media were taught what to think, in effect, informing us of our thinking, telling us what our opinions are in defiance of our own minds.
Thank you Elizabeth. You are a brave woman.
I'd like to believe that if more ppl would read your posts they would wake up. Unfortunately, they are beyond waking up IMO. The reality, which you so astutely convey, would be too much for them to digest and therein is part of the conundrum. I do so appreciate your clarity, depressing as it is.
I recently read The Royal Rebel by Tom Bower about Prince Charles which sort of fills in some of the gaps as to the real, unlikeable, person he is and what goes on behind palace doors. Yikes, how are they able to tolerate themselves?
They are Luciferian, that's what unites them all, Banksters, Soros, Biden, all of them.
Yes, among other things.
Letsrock: For fuck's sake! The Irish have known about these aristocrats in England for centuries! You don't have to "wake up" the Irish or the Scots for that matter.
Centuries ago, the Irish and Scotts would relentlessly fight English invaders. Today they meekly accept African ones.
Kertch: There are many protests in Ireland against the migrants. The Irish Times refuses to publish articles about them and I don't think Irish TV News covers them either.
That was true a generation ago, Timmy. Now...not so much.
oh charlie boy let his guard down twice last year which didn't go unnoticed by the public...once when he was signing that document and lost his cool at the attendant because the inkwell was in the way and the second time shortly after on a visit to northern ireland when a pen leaked over his fingers. he's never been really liked anyhow. most people still side with diana not the wretched camilla.
but don't you love to hate ( even if it's just a little bit, it's still loosh, aka free-rent, aka attention energy- which, btw, the vampires crave)-
I say, "turn them off"- but that is a frightening prospect, isn't it, people left to their own devices...
Surprise to me, in a shady bar/ girl station, San Juan, PR, some USMCs met a few Royal Navy Mates from the ship Charles was aboard. They had no bad words for him, just run of the mill junior officer.
Because they are not trained to “think for themselves”.
Back then he didn't expect his mother to live so long. The bitterness really grew with time.
"Because if we knew we’d hunt them down and burn their palaces over their heads."
'They' move inexorably toward a biology, social, ethical, moral. and economic dead end. They plunder the well of humanity and they utilise the demons of the moment, globalist technofascists and Malthusian Marxists. In the end, they must devour themselves and perhaps leave just enough for those remaining with nothing left to lose to finally cast them out.
In the end they must make everything shitty...
They will, but in doing so, it will be apparent to most that 'they' are no longer well placed behind high walls and watch towers.
I would like to think as such - but remain unassured
'the peasants are revolting'
Not easy.
"kids in the bedroom, waiting for harvest..."
Power and corruption are always linked to wealth. The republic at the beginning was to level the playing fields in commerce, justice and education. No, the representatives with each successive generation was more corrupt than the previous one. Look, some of these elected bums like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer span more than one generation and we have greater massive malfeasance, dishonesty and corruption in government.
There is a family history’ of corruption and control with these people …here in the USA… Nancy Pelosi’s father’s influence and control in Baltimore. Then she moved west and established her ‘dominion of control’ out here in Northern California.
People at the lower 99% of the socioeconomic spectrum always yearn and strive for a meritocratic system to give them a ladder that they can climb. However, once they get to the top, they no longer relish the idea of competition and meritocracy. That's when corruption and nepotism take hold, and 90% of the achievers decided to pull up the ladder and advance the cause of their decedents. At the end of the Roman empire, the Germanic "barbarian" tribes were very egalitarian and chose their chieftains from the best leaders and warriors. After the invasion of Roman territory, the chieftains became warlords who ruled by conquest, then they became aristocrats who ruled by possession and inheritance, them they became kings who ruled by succession, finally they became monarchs who ruled by "Divine Right". It's the historical cycle of rulership. After a bout of democratic meritocracy, the elite want to go back to the old ways of absolute power. This time the cycle only took a few hundred years.
I haven't read The Monkey Puzzle Tree but I have it in my Kindle Library - I'll get to it soon, especially after reading you on Substack over the last few months. Your Fireants piece was the first thing I read, a week after dreaming about a fireant flying at me - i forget how that ended.
Years ago (20 to be exact) I also wrote a book about my Montreal family and MK-ULTRA. It was called My Cold War - and it was based on my childhood memories and thousands of pages of documents. I took it to a few publishers who either returned it unread, or sat on it, or made weirdly threatening comments: "This story can never be published in Canada" or "They will swoop down and lock you up". Then I was taken off mailing lists so I wouldn't show up at their events. When I self published it I found myself being followed, investigated, and fquestioned by another former MK-ULTRA kid turned police informer... it's a fascinating story in a way.
The thing was: not only was my dad a Cameron victim, but I was in the Allan as a child beginning at age 4. Dr Cameron paid my family $3000 to put me in a special gifted children's program where, like Alice in Wonderland, I would pop out of elementary school and down the rabbit hole to the Allan Memorial where I hobnobbed with mental patients and future pop stars and politicians. And then they would erasebmy memory and send me home to resume my half-life as a clueless little schoolgirl.
This is the biggest taboo that can get you blacklisted and deleted from every platform: that there were also children in the Allan and not all were lucky enough to get out alive. Those of us who were not "disposable" and survived have had very peculiar lives in the resulting Twilight Zone. As crazy as the world is now, it was also crazy back in the 1950s when they were testing torture techniques on little orphans.
The people I have learned to avoid are not the elite monsters but the ordinary folks like my ex publishers who toe the line -- I almost forgive them, knowing the world they knew, whose rules they played by, shrewdly skirting trouble so they could come out the winners, that world has gone to Hell. In a way its a kind of victory for the little ones.
Ann D: "If you know something and are good at it, they can't break you down." Holman (Steve McQueen in "The Sand Pebbles."
Ann, you live in the world of abstracts. I, as an aircraft mechanic like Jake Holman, live in the world of the real.
They never broke me down because I knew how to fix their shit.
In the Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany, the Nazis didn't kill the Jewish plumbers and electricians or mechanics. They killed folks like you.
You were not, oh, what's the word they used during the Covid Con?
My dad was a music teacher and RCAF intelligence agent - they broke him down because he knew too much. But he survived. Did you see that movie about the musicians of Auschwitz, Playing For Time? They kept those musicians alive to entertain the prisoners.
They kept me alive too because I was bloodline. It was the other kids, the orphans and children of the working class, that ended up in the unmarked graveyard behind the hospital.
Which airline do you work for? Or are you military?
Ann D: General Aviation, seaplanes mostly was what I worked on. I did see the movie about the musicians of Auschwitz.
Your dad was too esoteric to keep around. That's why they broke him down.
Lately I've been watching different videos of "Dirty Work" by Steely Dan. The choir version is the best one on YouTube.
The elites keep up around to do their Dirty Work.
PS: I'd rather die than join the military.
They didn't kill my dad, they just wiped his memory. They wanted people who follow orders.
Ann D: Same difference as we used to say. To lose one's memory and independence is death.
I see death as a step toward resurrection - it's never final
That one little chink to take them down - if it exists - will be rooted in understanding and mercilessly exploiting the Predator Class’ innate PSYCHOPATHY. It’s literally bred in the bone.
Fundamentally, their mental impairment is a profound weakness that can be manipulated, exposed and utilized toward their downfall.
Remember, they cannot respond to a crisis with resiliency, creativity or inventive solutions. A purpose-built resolution must be handed to the Predators, complete with scripted roles.
Overwhelming them with crises descending from all quarters while pressuring and panicking them into committing errors in judgment is key. Extreme privilege and rarified isolation means they’ve never needed to cultivate adaptability amidst adversity.
What would inflict the most terror in this class would be to render them POOR. There’s no greater fear than to lose the insulation which shields their entire existence from contact with the Useless Eaters.
This outcome could be achieved in a variety of ways - all of them unspeakably cruel, but necessary.
Poor is the great equalizer.
Well said, Elizebeth. Thank you.
I believe many are now waking up, covid was a great fire alarm sot look around and ask WTF. I was encouraged how many independent journalists showed up a WEF a few months ago, I'm thankful for a winter full of farmers protests throughout the EU. Idiot WEF PMs and presidents are losing power.
Energy shortange and expense screams to the non-listeners, Carbon Taxes during High inflation is hard to swallow. Italy, El Salvador, Argentina are waking up. The Farmers got a seat in parliment in the Netherlands.
Now the WEF is coming after us, the truth tellers that are ringing the bell. This year we have more chaos but I have some hope we can emasculate the megalomaniacs of the WEF. And yes, climate change is a scare tactic the worked really well on those that like to be told they need anohter thing to fear.
When I suggested, provocatively out-of-left -field to my conservative, sensible, but Royal- despising English mother-in-law that the queen mum was a lizard, she promptly said “It wouldn’t surprise me a bit”
Wow. It's like reading a Mickey Spillane novel but classier except the bad folks are all real and the events are not fictional.
It did clear up one thing. Years ago I heard Queen Elizabeth mention something about "them"... alluding to some vastly powerful hidden manipulators somehow above her exalted position. I had no idea what she was talking about since she herself was one of the richest and most powerful people of her time. But after reading this series, I begin to have an inkling of what she was talking about.
How can we sleep knowing that the bad guys are real, really real.
Dear Elizabeth--I am delighted to discover your work and to see you identify and exposing what we call the Global Predators. They need to be named again and again and given no corner within which to hide. We too have been working tirelessly to expose these monsters, with extensive documentation and facts. Our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey sold over 160,000 copies when it went on sale Sept 2021 and we are well on the way to publishing our second book on the elite. I am eager to read back into your substack and look forward to your future publications. Very best, Ginger Breggin (co author with Peter R. Breggin MD)
I have your book and am a huge fan of both of you. Deeply respectful of your challenging the psychiatric establishment and drugs. My mother was a patient/subject of Dr. Ewan Cameron and all she needed was love and support. She got Page Russel’s and lsd.
Thank you so much! I am so sorry about your mother... We would love to have you as a guest on our weekly show. I've sent you a private message. ~ Ginger
Since you're here let me just say thank you to you and Peter for all your work. 'The Minds of Men' is one of the most important films ever made. I recommend it to everyone and it has changed many lives. And few would argue that Peter steals the show. A million thanks for all your efforts.
Dear Deuce-- Thank you so much! We agree-- the Minds of Men documentary really exposed the psychiatric abuses (and those of the dark intell and military agencies.) We are so grateful to Aaron and Melissa Dykes for their work in producing that film. ~ Ginger
I Would take a bullet for this gal if that's not an overly melodramatic thing to say. Otherwise I want to live for the denouement of this shitstorm.
Here's an outstanding Tavistock vid for you Elizabeth (ignore the 'Hope Springs Eternal' section about Trump, he's a part of the control system as well):
Tavistock, Or How the Few Control & Manipulate the Many & Engineer Reality: [17:55mins]
Powerful stuff. ... yes they think I'm crazy.
Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” You're on the right track.
Being "well adjusted" is not something I have been accused of .): Thanks.
Perhaps the ancient Egyptian belief that the ruler/pharoah is half god / half man is still a foundational tenet of this class of people?
As such, perhaps they still hold to the notion of the Divine Right of Kings?
If we prick them, will they not bleed??
Fly around.
Eat beef and other exotic foods flown in from in from exotic places.
Enjoy excessive amounts of flowers flown in from exotic places.
Fly to one of their many large, excessive and multiple estates.
Fly to covert meetings,lavish banquets to discuss how to kill and miam us.
what an absolutely boring way to live a life. no risks, no adventure, no unknowns.
...and how to tax us.