Beyond a certain point more money makes zero difference. But long before that point money just becomes a trap. Every age & polity has some version of this. Isn't their trap worse than ours? The globalists, the WEF, their Great Reset & net zero are all surprisingly visible, more so than is usually the case.

The world is spiralling into a very public evil not seen in decades. 2030. The millions who died from the injections. The trafficking rape torture & murder of vast swathes of children. The blatant theft of land. The cynical farce that Western legal systems have become. It's all very public. Why? I suspect it's not intentional. Their trap and ours are going through a period of change.

Power and control hold no appeal. And one can't just retreat, hide, and live outside the circus. The targeting of innocents cries out for justice. Radically helping others just seems the least we can do. Small is beautiful. I focus on what I can do, and try not to be dragged down in the process.

The fact it's all so public, as depressing as that is, is encouraging.

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Thank you. What astounds me, day after day after day, is how many people don't know what's really going on. They all think everything is back to normal -with high prices, but that we can fix.

We can 'fix' the climate, save the planet from ourselves, but really, we're all fine, so just shut up already - so sayeth family, exfriends.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

You hit the nail on the head with this statement. Follow the money (or should I say fake money) and there you will find who rules over us.

"They are bankers and senior senior bureaucrats habituated to power. Eight families own the US debt, $20 Trillion of it and they are in point of fact, the fabled bloodline families, that polite society calls conspiracy."

Enslaving us with debt and plundering us with currency debasement via private central "bank" printing are effective tools of control but also their Achilles heel. All we have to do to destroy the Cabal is default on these debts and re-establish a gold-backed and gold-interchangeable currency that cannot be debased. $20 Trillion of Monopoly money will not buy many politicians or the many other vile and evil sociopathic scumbags of this world occupying high positions within our nations.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I have added you to my list of go to journalists. Whitney Webb, David Icke, Polly St. George,

Maranda Devine. Love the way you write!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

There are no words.

I had read all of this in many formats over decades - but this pulled it all together.


I trust you have those future columns over the next weeks hard-copied and stored.

Kindled the book.

Now what? Yes, now what?

May the Lord have His way.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

There’s only one way to rid humanity of this vile filth: ICE. Indict. Convict. Execute.

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Yes, please keep this information coming. You're in a unique position to give us the facts.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

These people are revolting. I am left feeling nauseated after reading this. Surely there must be a way to rid ourselves of this evil?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth you have written the truth that many of us already know as the truth. Hopefully the small eruptions will build into a volcano spewing hot lava all over these elite inbred families and their 3-letter organizations. As we awaken others we must do so with God as our Father and leader. God wins this spiritual war.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth - are you available to be a guest on a podcast which has a large truth and freedom loving audience that I’m certain would like to hear what you have to say. Let me know please. Your story is fascinating and very important.

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"They are bankers and senior senior bureaucrats habituated to power. Eight families own the US debt,

$20 Trillion of it... They decide. Everything. "

Ain't that a FACT! https://postimg.cc/ts25SFNx

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

My question: Is Wokism an invention of this cabal?

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Had no idea. What were the reprisals for writing this book?

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Elizabeth: THANK YOU for a fabulous piece. I also have a Substack column (Critically Thinking about Societal Issues). I'm only a scientist (physicist), so am not a wordsmith like you. That said several of my commentaries might be of interest to you — like this one: "At What Point Do We Say Enough?" <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/at-what-point-do-we-say-enough-ii>. Keep up the good work!

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Brilliant and fascinating. Stay safe. Thank you!

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Thank you for a sharing a great picture of what you saw and experienced! My journey into The System was a few rungs down the ladder. Shared in A Personal Fox Tail on my Stack:


It's a tale informed by interactions with the most powerful people in my state, as well as many in DC. What happens to people once they get into positions of power. Even those in the coattails of power. Those insufferable charity balls, fundraisers, holiday galas, ego stroking events, all jockeying for positions of power and privilege. The mindless chatter. I sometimes have fun mock retelling snips of the absurd conversations, very much like as you describe, but retold by me with the color and flair that personal delivery adds.

I never really was a big deal myself. But I was a very good networker. And knew a lot of people who were big deals. And others in positions of power recognized it, would go out of their way to connect with me, even crossing a street to see me if passing by or calling me just to check in or to pass messages through to others I knew. My black book had more value than I did. I fit in anywhere I go, any crowd, high or low-brow. A gift that's opened up doors. Has gotten me behind many doors most never see. Though not quite the doors you've been behind. And I know enough to not want to be behind them again, not appealing when you know what you know and your values keep you grounded.

I've been at home in a mansion owned by a partner at one of the most powerful lobbying firms in DC, where president's would stay when visiting town, and I've been at home at the flea market in the ghetto; with presidential cabinet secretaries and Deadheads and Burners; with international financiers drinking $800 bottles of tequila in fine crystal in their homes and out with good 'ole country boys drinking PBR in fields off a flatbed truck filled with hay. I've stayed in the 4-5 star resorts overseas and in hostels and tiny homes in the barrio without a/c; socialized with wealthy Members of Parliament in European nations and poor college students attending South American universities. And I choose the experiences with the genuine people in the lower strata to the fakes in the higher strata now that I'm not infected by the social climbing disease. It truly is a sickness. They often lose their humanity and believe their own press.

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