Love it- a little over the top maybe, but I share the feeling and so approve heartily.
On the other hand you are missing the key question: why? why are these people so destructive? I've tried to answer that (telearb dot net) - you may want to have a look.
Love it- a little over the top maybe, but I share the feeling and so approve heartily.
On the other hand you are missing the key question: why? why are these people so destructive? I've tried to answer that (telearb dot net) - you may want to have a look.
Love it- a little over the top maybe, but I share the feeling and so approve heartily.
On the other hand you are missing the key question: why? why are these people so destructive? I've tried to answer that (telearb dot net) - you may want to have a look.
If you think that was ott then you have zero idea of the power of regulation.
uhuh: please see: (sec 5.1: "5.1 The effect of Regulation" )