Great analysis. I agree that their ideological perfidy is unraveling. Transgenderism is getting stale; the climate bunk is being exposed; Ukraine is a travesty. Let us keep their feet to the fire. They believe they are gods but they are not omniscient: either we rise up against them or they will slay us all.

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Has anyone been following Ariel @prolotario1 in twitterX in the last week? S/he has been writing in detail and extensively on similar themes, but with an emphasis on Israel and October 31. Not sure how to react. Could be something. Could be some narcissistic gaslighting. If something, it mirrors the last-thrashing-out theories.

Thank you, Elizabeth. Amazing to read what comes from a wee island off the coast of BC. Keystrokes and experienced analysis reaching the world in seconds. Journalists and citizen journalists as a greater threat to this global ds enterprise than can be imagined. Chip, chip, chip away.

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My great fear is that the US response to

expected retaliation from Iran will be to attack Iran assets directly , which could lead to regional war or possibly WW 3. Very very dangerous situation!! Hope a military response from US will be as a warning and not as a hostile attack on Irans sovereignty. Pray is urgently needed here!

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It's easier to control people through fear.

What bothers me the most is the amount of fear that was instilled in children during the covid plandemic. Children are supposed to be fearless.

But, not this generation of kids. Some may recover, but I suspect that most will carry fear with them as a constant companion.

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My generation had the fear of WWII and the Atomic Bomb (I wore a dog tag with my blood type on it). Children are fearful by nature and grow out of it by gaining competence. Generations before us had more immediate fears and managed to live in spite of them.

I think it is evil to instill false fear in anyone in order to control them.

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We practiced duck and cover during the Cold War.

We also drank from a garden hose.

Rode a bike without a helmet.

Went sled ridding down the middle of residential street and had our friend yell "car" if one was coming.

We walked to school by ourselves.

We played outside until dinner or dark.

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The era of raising "free range" kids is long over...

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We hung out at the corner greasy spoon, open 24 hours.

They had a pinball and it was always the latest and greatest because the owner's husband had the biggest vending machine business in the county and his son always made sure we had the latest, greatest Jukebox too.

We learned to smoke cigarettes and to forge notes from our mom's , for permission to buy cigarettes ( ostensibly for the mom) and it was also a handy skill for skipping school.

Out back in the alley we learned to fight, and when we became teens, to smoke weed.

As pre teens, when it got dark after dinner in Summer, we would go to the back of our school where the brand new teacher's parking lot was lighted even though there were never any teachers there in the dark, and the smooth as silk parking lot was perfect for our nightly bicycle drag races and wheelie competitions.

Before the parking lot, we raced on our street and it was at that time we got our undefeated champ, who could wheelie walk his Schwinn Varsity ten speed the entire length of the street on our side of 66 and then turn at the end and ride to the next street where there was a stop sign.

Once, almost to the turn and flipped over on his head, which made a terrifying sound when it hit the pavement but it wasn't as scary as the shriek he let out before picking up his bike and going home.

Our fighting skills were good to have when getting jumped by a group of Black kids, slowing them down long enough for re inforcement from friends.

Thanks to the influence of the son of the owner of the greasy spoon, we were exposed to a wide array of music that wasn't on the radio.

The vending machine company always received multiple copies of the entire Hot 100, so for instance, we heard Deep Purple's Black Night 7 years before it appeared as a bonus on a Deep Purple complication album, and most Deep Purple fans had never heard it.

He also made sure we heard anything and everything Motown, and I strongly feel that had a lot to do with us never falling into racism, despite all the physical attacks from racist Blacks, we kept steady in the knowledge that no people is all Anything, good bad or indifferent. Country was also extensively documented and all of this I believe is why most of us became musicians, one of which was the house drummer at our local roadhouse, which was just like in the movies, another place to polish fighting skills.

Only 14 when he started performing professionally, he was already 6'3' and just kept getting bigger until he switched to getting fatter and no one at the bar had a clue he was underage.

Playing until 2 AM six nights a week, he often slept in class with no fear of a poor GPA, he was just biding time so he could quit.

Soon more of us developed our skills, including my close Black friend, Jerry Hale, an absolutely amazing guitarist, we buried him six years ago but if you read this far and are a rock fan, you can hear an entire album he recorded in the eighties. There are multiple Jerry Hale videos, but only one is the guitarist and the identifier is a graduation photo of his Florida front man/ lead singer, a handsome blond kid with 70's long locks.

If you like rock, you will like it, promise!

I was inspired by the other posters reminiscent journey and I know this is long, but one more and I will quit.

Jerry's oldest brother was a Green Beret, and was captured by the Cong in Nam, and escaped through the jungle, weirdly enough just as CCR's Run Through the Jungle was riding high on the charts and Jerry playing it often, with no idea that's exactly what his brother was doing at the moment and no doubt following the advice: Don't look back.

Anyway, he did make it through, it either the Cong or the jungle had stoken his sanity .

After being sent stateside and time in the VA, he took his accumulated back pay and bought a BMW and a 12 gauge, which he put in the trunk, and went to see his family.

After parking and walking to the house, he looked through the picture window and saw his wife talking animatedly with a handsome man, who was his little brother Jerry and whose stature had changed from child to man, and whom he did not recognize.

Being a Green Beret, killing oeooje was nothing new. Being insane, he went back to his car and got his shotgun and shot Jerry through a plate glass window, blowing his eye out of his head and peppering his face and left shoulder with both shot and shards of glass.

Jerry did make it, but he carried shot and glass in his face and body for the rest of his life.

So unfortunately, there are no extant recordings before the shooting, and though he was fast, he was never as fast again.

So, we all revere our youth, but it wasn't all sugar plums and lollipops for, some of us, and especially our crew, because this is hardly my only horror story, though there were many high points that will ever come again, also.

Mostly, I am just glad to be alive, but I am finding the being The Last Man Standing isn't really that great a place to play from, but at least it isn't the worst place I ever played from and at least I am breathing.

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Motown had some of the best music ever.

It was a different time back then.

We survived.

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Just my Imagination, Heard it through the grapevine on and on.

But I hated R E S P E C T the first time I heard it screeched and will never understand Aretha having such status.

Her cover of Carole King's You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman is okay, but I would rather hear Carole sing it.

Dionne Warwick could sing circles around Aretha.

So could Diana Ross and even Tammi Terrell.

Dionne is the most underrated Black singer of them all, Aretha the most absurdly over rated.

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At least we could understand the words.

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Kathleen Janoski: In Catholic school, we kids had the fear of God put into us and then of course, there were the nuns using wooden rulers and the priests carrying the heavy artillery; wooden yardsticks.

By 9th grade we weren't afraid of anything.

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Your fear was misdirected. Not God, Lucifer terrorized you. You survived, the Magdalene Laundry victims were not so lucky...

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This was Israel's 9/11. Funny how they were involved in both. With The British and U.S neocons behind them.

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18 upvotes for this nothing burger?


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The Maine shooter was conveniently placed: at a time (since October 7th), when many Canadians and Americans are seriously considering firearms and ammo, we have a mass-shooting and calls for weapons bans. This is no coincidence.

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Scott Jacobsen: Do people still fall for this "Mass shooter take all the guns" BS anymore? All the shooters are on psychotropic drugs. Which of course aren't mentioned by MSM but folks know this by now.

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Don't forget voice to skull tech as they all say they are hearing voices. this is very real and is used also to target individuals THEY don't like.

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Exactly. I wonder if he met with the CIA before the rampage... Like Gabriel Wortman met with the RCMP before his shooting spree in NS... The firearms classes are filling up again in Canada. Good. Get your RPAL!

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I am doing it this winter

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That’s great! Remember to join the CCFR & also to get legal defence insurance!

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Ban on US exports of weapons.

There are no conspiracy theories and there are no coincidences.

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Another "lone nutter" I would expect they will call him

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Yeah he double tapped himself too. His family said something about hearing aides. I need to dig more to really say anything but it's as weird as Vegas and one of the Vegas officers is now a police chief in Maui. Just saying science doesn't allow for these kind of coincidences. Too many dead kids, people and citizen sacrifice. All clients of big pharma too. Psychological torture and then let loose. How come nobody looks at the prescribing Dr's really close in these situations?

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These mass shooting incidents are and have been for a long time a product of MKUltra /CIA mind control operations. Voice to skull technology has been in use for decades now. See RFK shooter Sirhan Sirhan , John Lennon shooter M.D Chapman ,on and on. Go to Debrah Tavares's website called Stop The Crime. Her extensive info on this and other hideous weapons all with government patent numbers . It will blow your mind.

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They are on all psych meds ssri's and I'm willing to bet about 6 out of 10 Dr's that are prescribing this stuff are psychological abusers and need a hard look. I'm sorry but the do not harm oath these Dr's take was broken long ago and they're no different than pain pill pushing Dr's that mess chronically ill patients up.

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It's worse than you can imagine. A couple years back a victim of the state mental hospital had the courage to charge assault when the " orderlies" broke his arm--in three places.

After a lot of BS, the court exonerated the thugs and in spite of his family's pleas for custody and promising to take full responsibility, still locked up, in terror of the same thugs.

Having a guitar player friend who was one of those thugs for 20 years until he couldn't take it anymore and blew off his retirement to go to a private Sanitarium at half the pay.

How it works is, if you don't join in on a patient beating after they egged on the patient beyond endurance, and found yourself dealing with a truly dangerous patient, they won't help and you get hurt.

There was an active thread the whole time, with thugs posting insanely evil stuff, like being contemptuous of a patient who also claimed assault when supposedly according to the thug, had smashed his own face into a steel door, knocking out all his front teeth, north and south.

When I countered these thugs with what I knew, they were sure I was a former patient, sure none of them would spill the beans, and tried to intimidate me.

There is a class of drugs sometimes called Anti Psychotics and they come in long acting injections called Decanoates, which the PDR says are effective for up to a year.

Another guitar player friend was a patient and they injected him every week until he died in his sleep, his fiery red hair turned white as snow.

He was just a typical rocker, never committed a crime.

If I knew you and lived by you, I could get you locked up tomorrow.

Its a short form, called 5150 which is the meaning of the Van Halen title and I could just make something up, like saying you said you were Jesus, and the cops will come in your home and drag you out in cuffs if not leg shackles.

Its all Nazi Crapola, mental disorders are a myth, there are only traumatized people.

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Or go to Amazon and order your very own Neurophone!

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Reading this felt like opening the windows for the first time after a long winter. Thank you.

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As I do not wish to be blocked and have the utmost respect for Elizabeth I will not be expressing my hatred for Obama here, the biggest phony in the history of the modern world.

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I feel the same. I meant Jew hatred which still weirdly flares

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Are Zionists fair game?

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Not to anyone beyond Luciferians.

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Helena Glass on WordPress is still parroting the Hamas casualty figures after the UN halved them.

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Bill Clinton said it best when he stated "Obama was the greatest fairy tale ever told"

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Up there with Tony Bliar

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I had a visceral reaction the first time I heard him speak. When everyone was fawning over him I kept thinking, “what the heck is going on?! This guy is clearly a fraud.” Never believed a word he said. I get the same feeling from Pete Buttigieg.

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Ron.C: Secret Serviceman, "President Obama, we just found your chef (cough, cough) at the bottom of the pond. Do you want to identify the body?"

Obama, "What chef?"

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Few people know Obama has a personal "Disposition matrix" also

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Oct 28, 2023
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By Alma mater you mean the CIA?

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The WEF finishing school.

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Truly a cornerstone article, worth commenting paragraph by paragraph, but I'll just say how important that introductory paragraph is, and how every word afterward is crucial. I grew up with many Jewish friends, and the book and movie, Exodus and the story of Ann Frank led me into as deep a study of the Holocaust as was possible in the early '60s. That, and my daily readings in the Psalms and Old and New Testament readings from the Anglican Kalendar keep the all so very mixed story of the Jewish people, their repeated falling and their critical importance, on my mind.

And you tie it all in with the Bad Guys (and their current agent-of-choice, Obama) who use anyone at hand to misuse and abuse us all - and the whiff of hope that resistance is not futile, that by seeing what is going on, by refusing to be stampeded, by remaining true to our faith in God and each other, we will, what? Prevail? Survive? Serve in honour and faithfulness? Time will tell.

I have a friend who ends every email with, "In the end, it will be okay. If it's not okay it's not the end."

Again, thank you, Elizabeth.

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Like your friend's quote.

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Awesome comment, David!

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David Smith: The Jews are just another bunch of circumcised wacko superstitious storytellers like us Irish Catholics.

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I'll take "wacko superstitious storytellers" over evil murderous sociopaths any day, thank you.

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D Burlin: So will I. The Irish and the Jews have a lot in common. The Irish have their IRA sickos and the Jews have their Zionists sociopaths, but most Irish and Jews are funny, kind, hard working people.

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people are people are people, every group or tribe has wackos. Why dont we just cut to the chase and say humanity has wackos.

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Carol Jones: Wackos on psychotropic drugs.

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And we need more like that. The wackos make trouble, but not the same level of trouble as the systematic psychopathic rational demons we're facing these days!

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"Psychological warfare was launched on innocent citizens, designed for mass mind control, reducing us all to childlike dependence on a malignant government".

You put your finger right on it, and you are doing a great job.

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Thank you

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Thank you for this excellent analysis! Your essays are always a joy to read.

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Elizabeth, you are absolutely correct to suspect everything your are told by 'the establishment', as there us always another agenda they are trying to 'sell', or something they are trying to hide behind their calculated 'smoke screens'. Yes, even wars can be triggered to achieve this deception and to further the intent of The Establishment (= The WEF's New World Order = The Super-elite).

For example; Covid EXPERIMENTAL Injection they call a 'VACCINES'.

Covid injections they pretend are VACCINES = (mRNA) DNA sequencing is Genetic Modification designed to control the uncooperative public that dare to question the Covid Vax CULL that has been taking place since 2020! The jab means you've all been Genetically Modified! No turning back the clock - you should have listened to the evidence!

Big Pharma pretended they had created a NEW miraculous injection they called a 'vaccine'. This deadly EXPERIMENT produced vast profits for the already super-wealthy ELITE of the WEF. It was just the beginning, and they want to ramp up CONTROL with a supposed WHO TREATY (one of the WEF's lapdogs). This 'Treaty intends to remove every country's sovereignty, national rights and freedoms to determine what action should be taken during the next Scamdemic they have ready for release.

Those that survived the sinister Plan, without taking the poisonous injections, will simply be reduced to SLAVES for the ELITE! Adolf Schwab (self appointed King of the WEF) stated "They will own nothing - but they will be happy". He also thinks our happiness will include the removal of MEAT and a mandated diet of insects. He says "Let them eat bugs"!

Pfuck that! In your dreams you insane creep!

This is why the useless but deadly injection manufacturers CONTRACTED every Country to provide a national compensation scheme to cover Big Pharma's responsibility for the increasing and predicted VAX RELATED INJURIES and DEATHS, from formulas that carry 'NO LIABILITY' or CONSEQUENCES for Pfizer etc.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready to fight!

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Nice pasting. Such original content.

If you want ivermectin just get some at Amazon or any farm supply outlet and stop whining about it.

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who's whining? Mick.

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Both of you

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If one doesn't whine nobody knows you exist and can't read the truth because you're too busy being silent and invisible - and then it's too late! They won!" Mick.

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To a point. But if you've been whing for two or three years about the same thing, not so much - especially when the content of your whine is largely based in delusion.

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Who's whining? Mick.

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The intolerant and hate-filled "left" have been exposed as the REAL Nazis and anti-semitic monsters. The political "right", at least among the people I know, just do NOT hate. We have fear, yes, but not hatred, and I'm dismayed by just how people I've known and loved for most of my adult life have been blinded by the transformation from "social safety-net" supported, to out-and-out haters. Thank you for your contributions to sanity.

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Thank you!! My grandfather was in France as a medic during the 2nd ww and I know exactly what you mean about a reverence. They are God's people. As a Christian we are to pay for the peace of Israel and as an American I am just floored with what's been going on ever since the refusal of even Clinton to do anything about the Uss Cole and how Bush Jr said he saw God in the Pope's eyes. He's supposed to be Protestant. Sr and the New World Order comments and his tenure at CIA during the JFK assassination. Its a murky game our aristocracy has played with our freedoms. Perestrokia here we are. Very through and great article. Nobody thinks or likes to systems think these days but reverse engineering it is our only way back to liberty. Why is nobody talking about the covid lab in Fresno and it's ties to China. The slow burn has been on the US and our allies since the onset of the cold War. Ike tried to warn us. That dang industrial complex. Great job!!

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*pray for the peace of Israel. Sorry just now noticed the need to edit that.

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I have no doubt that the war-mongering neocons are using the Israeli/Gaza conflict to distract from the massive failure of their proxy war in Ukraine. They really are that stupid.

N.S. Lyons has a great analysis on his Substack of the Israeli intelligence failure at the border. (https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/hard-lessons-from-israels-high-techfailure). As the impassioned Israeli asks in the video Elizabeth posted, and I paraphrase, "Which is worse, an inside job or the incompetence of the IDF?"

I think the Gazan terrorist success was due to a complete failure of an overly complex intelligence system that relied almost completely on technology (i.e., artificial intelligence), and was not an inside job. The only silver lining to this is that all the hype surrounding AI as a regenerative intelligence that will replace human ingenuity is a total scam. AI is just a statistical model told to say what its programmer told it to say. AI is great at playing chess or crunching (stolen) data to see what I just purchased and guess what I might purchase next. Big F*****g Deal.

As I write, close to 10,000 people have lost their lives in the past three weeks, triggered because of an arrogant over reliance on technology. These idiots just might send us all back to the Stone Age.

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This article is an amazing synthesis of reports, many of which I had seen piecemeal since 10-07-23. Thank you for putting it together in one place. Anyone reading your article and not realizing that we've been had, once again, is beyond redemption.

So, Obama's Color Revolution is well underway and the world is dealing the consequences. How does one stop WWIII? From a governmental point of view, the only flicker of hope comes from deposing Kevin McCarthy and replacing him with Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. We have our foot in the door and Johnson needs to be reached/educated, since it looks as though he is inclined to pull back on Ukrainian funding, but is "all in" on funding for Israel. As Steve Bannon says, the regime is dying, so pushing back by following his lead is a place to start. Sharing this article is a place to start. Quoting John Klar (see comment) how else can we "keep their feet to the fire"?

[Do take the time to watch the TikTok video by the former IDF soldier.]

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What I don't understand is why anyone listens to these psychos in government and in the media.


We kids in Catholic school figured out quickly that authority figures were full of shit.

Our school principle was Sister Alice. We called her Sister Malice.

The grade school had two levels and from the upper level you could look down upon the lower level from a walkway.

One morning my friend Patrick was next to me on the upper walkway. He looked down and saw Sister Malice chewing out some second grader. Patrick and I were in 7th Grade.

The nuns' habits had a flat spot on top. Sister Malice was directly below Patrick who loathed Sister Malice.

Patrick hawked up a huge loogie and let it slowly drip down onto the top of Sister Malice's flat habit head. It was amazing aiming and concentration by my friend Patrick.

We never heard any more about the incident but Sister Alice must have wondered that evening what had happened when at the nunnery she took off her habit.

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"The people in power need our energy to effect their games. Without our buy in, their power starts to fade. In fact, it is fading now." Elizabeth Nickson

The Nickson quote above is the wisdom we all should know and learn. Do NOT react to "their games". I personally, attack "their games" with apathy and humor.

"He killed her in a writ of fealous jage." Inspector Clouseau.

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Didn’t actor Peter Sellers play the role of Inspector Clouseau ?? What was the name of that movie?

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Larry Inn: Yes. Peter Sellers played Inspector Clouseau. The name of the movie was "A Shot in the Dark."

For a good laugh, go to YouTube and search for "Clouseau and the blind man and monkey."

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Thanks Timmy,

London, Hyde Park circa 1971: “I was leaving the park, headed back to the hotel where I was staying and saw Peter Sellers and his wife entering Hyde Park. I said, “You’re Peter Sellers,”

he looked at me, and replied “Yes."

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Larry Inn: Back in the summer of 1970, I took a girl from Seattle into Hyde Park and we made whoopee. Then the gates were locked when we tried to leave. We had to climb over that tall iron fence with the spear points on the top.

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I wonder what “Dr. Strangelove” would have done.

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Larry Inn: Peter Sellers in his best Inspector Clouseau accent would have approached an English bobby in Hyde Park and said:

"Pardon Monseur Con-stah-bull. My wife and I are unable to leave ze park. Con vous, si vous plait, open ze gaahht as a courtesy to a fellow policemon?"

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Or Hrundai V. Bakshi.

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