That essay pretty much sums up everything about today's media. Of often wonder when I watch the likes of Rachel Maddow looks into the camera and praises Kamala's Harris's DNC speech as something historic if she knows how many people are laughing at her. Although I doubt she care given what she is paid to spout such useless nonsense. Or how how did Dana Bash feel about lobbing soft ball questions at Harris and Walz in interview that was less than 30 minutes long. Did she really feel she was doing the American people a service or did she know it was a disservice not to press these two idiots on the real issues. No follow up on Walz's excuses for his stolen valour lies, Kamala on fracking or anything else she lied about. I don't know how these people even call themselves journalists. I don't know how they sleep at night, but I guess the big fat pay cheques help. Perhaps that is why in many cases reporters at the local level or independents are far more interested in getting at the truth, because they aren't getting paid millions to lie and become mouthpieces for a party that is only interested in staying in power forever.

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Well said, though I fear not that many people are laughing at the likes of Ms Maddow or the bovine herd on The View...because those with working brains (which, alas, excludes most leftists) do not watch.

Same with Bill Maher's audience - watch some of the YouTube shorts where he excoriates the utter lunacy of the left gone too far and gets lots of laughs form the crowd in the theater. My sense is that those people also don't take time to allow the seriousness of his observations sink in - they are merely laughing because saying snarky things is funny, right?

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They are doing the bidding of their paymasters, the corporate advertisers. We see our daily product usage as ideologically neutral, but those profits go back to continue the globalist agenda of the multinationals. They’ve got a good thing going, and the consumers haven’t a clue on how they’re being manipulated.

The West is as loaded with as much avarice as any other culture. We pride ourselves on civility but do everything to defeat it. How we carry on is a mystery to me.

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Mic drop....

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“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

― Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Isaevich

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. "One word of truth outweighs the world.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.” -Julian Assange-

"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"

-Ayn Rand

“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION!

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.' " -St. Anthony the Great-

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"At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive someone saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion."

- Socrates, 'Allegory of the cave', Plato

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I think it was better before journalists went to journalism school.

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I recall that in her book "Slanted", author and reporter Sheryl Attkission wrote that today's journalism students are taught to insert their opinions in their "reporting" in order to get their audience to see why they are right. And as that approach feeds the ego of the students, it no doubt takes strong hold.

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Yes, my father was a real journalist. Back in the days when you had to have your own nose for news and the normal thing was to get a door slammed in your face. All pre- – “all the presidents men“ glamorized the profession, giving entree to Georgetown parties and the Hilton hotel event requiring tuxedos.

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Though am attempting to live a life littered with LOVE, "You really can't hate them enough." -- priceless and, says it all -- limp, little, lying leeches.

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So the Journos want to be recognized as esteemed “professionals?” These same idiots have spent the last 50 years promoting the leftist North Korean style democratization of the actual noble professions. We’re now at a point where doctors, lawyers, and engineers who consider themselves as anything better than white collar salary slaves are accused of racist elitism. Fark them all.

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Kierkegaard had it right - “The lowest depth to which people can sink before God is defined by the word “Journalist”. If I were a father and had a daughter who was seduced, I should not despair over her; I would hope for her salvation. But if I had a son who became a journalist and continued to be one for five years, I would give him up.”

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Powerful truth. Why do people still support and worse, Believe anything they say? How many lies does it take? They continue to lie to us because they know they are immune to any punishment for spreading disinformation, but they somehow still have enormous influence over public perception of reality.

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I am curious about their huge paychecks. I guess their "sponsors" are forced to sponsor?

or the drug companies pushing drugs? So the sad person that takes the new disease modifying drugs that they pay a fortune for perhaps is paying for it's advertising.

Which sewer has more toxic swill? US govt or drug pushers?

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The US govt is a drug pusher. It’s been going on for decades as part of funding dark projects. Catherine Austin-Fitts has written about it. I think it was Gary Webb who wrote Dark Alliance. People are usually killed for writing or speaking about it. Then there are the Clintons and Bush families involved in drug trafficking.

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Well,go to a truly lefty page right here on Substack. I suggest John menddlesohn? Oh yeah, a well spoken educated mouthpiece, that garners friends of the insanity. It will make you want to vomit. These dopey bastards believe every item they hear on every lefty station, and yet when you try to point out their error, something as provable as the fbi sting operation named after a Stevie ray Vaughn song,they just go right back to the talking points they are given by these dunces on the tv. It’s truly disheartening to see minds wasted like this. But then confirmation bias is a powerful addictive drug.

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". . . but they somehow still have enormous influence over public perception of reality." But, I believe, less every day. When I think about this (and many other things), I like to picture the image of Sauron's tower crumbling.

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Elizabeth, your comment about "journalists" reminds me of the quote attributed to Churchill that Attlee "was a modest man with much to be modest about." Your comment puts you in pretty good company.

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Can’t wait to get my copy. Ordered it ten days ago. It was promised to arrive a few days ago, but nowadays Amazon shipping is the opposite of what was once fast and cheap. Maybe Kackla and Kookla can remedy this?

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"The image was widely mocked across social media . . ." To borrow your own phrasing, "not nearly enough."

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Can someone advise Naomi Wolf to use a hair clip?

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By any measure, ego is the worst trait of us harmless monkeys = indeed, it is at the root of the reality I recognized many years ago: people suck. In fact, it is because people suck that the Bible etc. were written in the first place - without the fear of being smote from above many would take advantage of others once cities grew to populations of thousands and more (where the human brain is capable of simultaneously keeping track of 150 or so others).

Ego is also, of course, the reason for the exploding popularity of social media - "look at how great my muffin from Starbucks looks!!" - as if anyone cared about your muffin, sweet pea - feeds the need to bray to others how great one's day or life or kids or dog or whatever is. Too, those with weaker egos who do not realize that everyone else curates what they post thinks others are living perfect lives and so get depressed - I have no doubt but that is the root cause of the huge rise in mental illnesses and depression.

And of course, those at the top of the leftist movements have seen this for years - they are evil, but not stupid. Things like the self esteem movement vomited onto school children decades ago have culminated in a population without the ability to think clearly or critically, but only the ability to feel - emotion is their driver (though they conflate "feeling" with "thinking").

And so we have a large portion of western folks driven by their feelings - rather ingenious when you think about it as these useful idiots feel totally in the right when confronted with someone or some thing that hurts their feelings and thereafter do not need to delve any further. Why, the entire nonsense of pronouns is all about narcissism and ego - "I want you to call me by these words or else you will hurt my feelings!" is the underlying sentiment of that behavior.

We can only hope more people are starting to wake up to this - the recent election results in Germany might indicate that many more folks are no longer blinded by the incessant propagandizing of the media (social or mainstream). Because here we are in the fourth turning - and hoping things do not turn ugly.

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Well met!

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Agree 100% with all of those kind words of praise. I look forward to your posts.

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Lest we forget that these are the people who crafted the anti-Trump hatred that will keep people from voting for him, instead accepting the Communists who have overtaken the Democrat party. If Dems win in November, it will be due to ten years of intense propaganda and the weaponization of the court system and security state.

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“The media follows a socialism of status, demanding cultural equity with the newsmakers they cover. ” Brilliant! Simply brilliant. Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud. Godspeed your work!

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Main stream journalists will be replaced with AI.

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same thing then, garbage in garbage out

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