As a farmer in Canada, I am not aware of anything similar (farmer protests or general/rolling strikes) even being discussed, and that is very disheartening. Considering the "hate speech" bill currently being considered, it's well past time to re-organize and shut this thing down.

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It isn't hard to find out how thoroughly things are going to hell in a handbasket from the perspective of those of us here in Canada and the US - all you have to do is look past the tall tales that the MSM keep telling on the CIA's orders. We're going to destroy Russia, right? And something or other is going to happen in the Holy Land - we won't say exactly what so that we don't anger one side or the other.

Here is where I come for hope. Not that I don't find out details about the terrible things that the Greenies are doing or the Pharma Assault on our basic being, but that there is push-back. There are real people who are saying "Enough!" and doing something about it en masse, even if they are on the other side of the Pond right now. The first impetus was from Canada's Own Truckers and there's reasonable hope that Canada and the US will pick up the torch again, and hopefully before the Election down south turns into a shooting war.

Thank you, Elizabeth, for all you are doing for us.

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Why farmers? What is it about people who work the land for a living taking all the risks nature can throw at them, figuring out solutions daily independently to be successful? The term "Populism" according to Thomas Frank in "The People, NO" originated in 1891 when US farmers banded together to counter the elite actions of the time which left farmers poor as elites became wealthy from food production. Today, the elites claim farmers are the cause of every imagined climate and geopolitical crisis when in fact it is the elites' policies.

My experience living in rural America is that farmers have one thing in common, they live by the truths they give to others. They honor their commitments but demand fairness in return. Very basic stuff but they do the everyday without written contracts to counterparties. They are the basis of Common Law to which they are attuned. They form the base character of any nation with that character diminishing with the increasing height someone in society operates up the social ladder.

Farmers are deemed crude because they work with their hands batting the elements. They are deemed unsophisticated in their thinking but they have the most connected but unarticulated basic understanding of human interaction and fairness on which they daily rely. They act on truth and fairness every day with actions speaking louder, having greater influence, than words. That is why farmers are the base of any country's character and rarely recognized by the rest of us not so connected by our daily lives.

Understanding the value of each service on which society depends is increasingly lost in direct proportion to how large government becomes with its multitude of hangers-on. Schaller and Waldman just released "White Rural Rage". Their description of rural America reeks of the self-important bias elites hold for average people. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/msnbc-segment-calling-white-rural-voters-most-racist-in-the-country-raises-eyebrows/ar-BB1jaQNl Paul Krugman has stated that all of society's value is created in cities. An interesting perspective for a world famous economist (in his own rarified circle) when everything on which cities rely are grown and manufactured in rural America. The ingenuity to produce does not come from cities but from individuals who have hands-on experience with production who continuously find better means towards faster, better and cheaper. Without producers, cities would collapse within hours.

Populism is being described as "White Rural Rage" when in fact what the elites are hearing is the long unarticulated set of basic values in the US Constitution which was created by farmers in 1789.

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Beautiful take on a global phenomenon. Thank you. Gonna be messy, but it has to happen and at bottom, humans are claiming themselves and their innate rights as sovereign beings. Wonderful.

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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

I’ve recently come to see this whole globalist control agenda in a very different light.

Let me explain. As a long-time grass roots environmentalist (biologist/ecologist) I’ve watched the entire environmental movement get co-opted and corrupted over the last 2 decades in despair. How could so many already suspicious of corporate motivation simply not see what was happening?! Or see through the blatantly ridiculous CO2 nonsense?!

But touching base with what has always informed all I do - the Earth herself - I realised that these massive shifts so many of us feel in our bones were ALWAYS coming. They have little to do with the globalists who merely use the same tools to discern the future as the rest of us. The globalists fear the changes because they know it will spell the end of their privileged position so they’re attempting to spin the narrative in such a way that we believe THEY are instigating the changes and THEY are in control of them. So effectively we, by abrogating ALL our power to them through believing this to be ‘true’, enable them to maintain that illusion.

But they’re not in control at all! They can’t do the half of what they want us to think they can! So I believe we must change our focus to embracing the changes but rejecting the globalist manipulation of them. These times won’t be a picnic but they’re necessary and they’re our road to healing not just ourselves but the Earth as well.

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I can only hope to see recovery in my lifetime. But, if needed, I will grab my torch and pitchfork and join the party. At 70 what the heck does a life sentence mean? I want my children free!

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It’s not “replacement theory”. It’s replacement fact.

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Tomorrow March 11 is exactly four years since WWIII started. It means we are entering year 5. It is about bloody time we took the initiative and moved from defence (or outright helplessness) to OFFENCE.


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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

Sometimes your posts make me feel so overwhelmed at the evil in the world that I want to scream, but sometimes they give me so much hope that it bubbles over into the rest of my day. Thank you.

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Every time I get a small glimpse of these goings on, I am filled with joy and hope.

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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

Healthy? Look at group photos taken before the 1980s. Before the explosion in number of "safe and effective" vaccines, and pharma products.

Random photos. People on the beach, on the street, grad photos. Barely an obese person to be seen.

Go further back. Civil war photos. Regimental photos from WW1. Very few major malocclusions.

We're definitely in decline

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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

Dear Elizabeth, you may find fertile ground to till if you start digging into the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Jointly funded by WHO/FAO they are the global standard setters for what may or may not be added to food and food products. I used to attend their meetings 20 years ago and what went on then was appalling. I’m confident it has only gotten worse.

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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

I'm not sure America has enough mid-sized farmers. Our industrial consolidation was on full speed while those 1980s regulations protected European farmers. (I lived in the UK for several years, and knew many local farmers in North Devon.) Americans must return to the land in droves, and those who don't must become farmer advocates. Beef prices just hit an all-time high and will continue to climb. Food inflation is deliberate, as is the border and currency destruction. The electric grid is also under tremendous strain, and it is increasing rapidly: https://www.libertynation.com/renewables-threaten-the-us-power-grid/ (My article this morning).

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Another great article Elizabeth. Your command of International news and trends is amazing. I must say though that you have a way of sending me down Rabbit Holes. I spend half an hour reading about Viscount Bolingbroke and his amazing life. Looks like we need to start a "Country Party" here in America and get away from the Court Republicans!

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Mar 10Liked by elizabeth nickson

No matter how left you are, how progressive, sooner or later you come face to face with the enemy - The Bureaucracy. And everyone hates it. Everyone finds an arbitrary rule, written by a know nothing, will stop them dead in their tracks. They are shocked when it happens to them. And they inch closer to us.

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Thank you, Elizabeth, for calling to our attention these bright rays of hope as the farmers and truckers awaken and move into action to take back their countries! They aren't fooled by the Left's clever verbiage and false narratives. They live in reality.

And the reality is the Green New Deal/Net Zero Marxist Left is out to starve We the People into submission. The farmers and truckers are heroes!

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