God help us.

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God is helping us

God is helping us to get back to His Law and worshiping Him instead of the god of government

Do you think that governments endorsing all the sin and debauchery around the world is going to go unnoticed by God?

Psalm 94:20

“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?“

When people turn their back on God’s law, they are judged, and only the faithful survive

No offense, but just posting God help us is not the work of the faithful

In all of God’s judgment, the faithful are generally caught up in the middle of it, and suffered with the pagans

Daniel and his three friends were the best Israel had to offer yet they were carded off to Babylon made eunuchs and forced to serve the Babylonian king

Go to sermonaudio.com find Pastor John Weaver in the speakers and listen to his sermon series how God destroys nations and then the series where we are and how we got here

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I home church w/ sermonaudio and have been for sometime. Churches today are shallow w/shallow preachers.

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Thanks but no thanks. Psychopaths destroy nations, not God.

And Christians don't own the word/concept of 'God'.

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Right?! He has given us the power and ability to make it right. Convert one person politically and it goes exponential from there. Between Elizabeth, converts like Sasha Stone and Matt Taibbi who reach many People, it will turn.

It took 100 years for Gramschi's 'long march through the institutions' and it will take time to reverse. No better place than America to reverse it. It is only a relative handful of a$$holes that are in charge right now, so....

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Ah, ah... good luck with that!

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I know. But the plea always does come to mind.

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Only God can help us. Your plea is the only plea. God Bless.

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Luck, good or otherwise, has nothing to do with it. If you knew you'd see.

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This is my first comment here.

Firstly, I love the title of the blog/publication/whatever-subtack-calls-em.

I am not a farmer, but have had a few generations of my family in that field - but who had to quit it either because of financial issues or because later generations moved to "less intensive / risky / more stable" fields of office work. But those generations did tell me about some of the both richness and the labour involved in farm work - of eating fresh produce, having un'pasteur'ised milk and so on. India is now in different stages of corporatised farming, mind you.

The opening picture caught my eye, and while one is sympathetic and understanding - if not in direct agreement with the idea/fact that farmers are required for us to survive, the opening picture is a study in contrast. The picture is from a protest where farmers protested against having the option of corporate-contracted farming.

Some background:

The opening picture is from the made-for-western-press "farmers protests" in Northern India, spefically one section of Rich - and Uniquely mollycoddled set of farmers in Northern India. Their access to the Capital of India gives them more eyeballs than practically 90% of Indian farmers - who don't drive around in SUVs from Mercedes / BMW / Lexus etc.,. (Think of people getting close to the DC or NY tri-state area getting privileged coverage in the US)

The average farmer in India is usually privileged to earn about 3000$ a year - average median income in India. These SUVs referenced usually cost double what they do overseas - whether in US or Europe - primarily because they aren't built in India but imported. So think closer to 80,000$ or more likely 100,000$. These privileged farmers protested because their earnings would be impacted - by competitive farming elsewhere in the country.

There are a ton of farmers elsewhere in India who are unable to have a choice because these farmers hold the discussion hostage - by virtue of their ability to bring Delhi - the capital of India to halt. Unlike Laundrytown, DC, the Indian capital is actually a densely populated Economic & Political Powerhouse - and these farmers attempted to shut its economy.

Note that no one outside that small periphery actually cared to protest - and Indian farmers constitute a significant chunk of Indian workforce, estimated to be upwards of 40 to 60% of the workforce. Here, for example (https://web.archive.org/web/20220425064031/https://www.cnbctv18.com/business/companies/backstory-kfcs-inauspicious-beginnings-in-india-13265412.htm) is a protest that shut out KFC from Southern India - successfully for about 15 years. Until the Farmers association president passed, KFC did not try to come back.

Now, should Corporate farming be the primary mode of farming? I don't think so.

But should that be an option - perhaps yes, especially when the alternative is lot of people leaving the ancestral farming trade and just setting out to trade farmland (for a good price) and thereby anyway give way for a backdoor-ish corporate farming. It is better when there are two stakeholders than just 1, don't you think?

(already a long enough comment but I can elaborate/add more probably in replies)

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So interesting, thank you. I agree about multi-polar, but corporatists tend to munch up everything within reach. In the developed world, people are rich enough to demand clean food, our corporate food is completely poisoned by Pharma - and that is a driver towards local, small batch, etc. Rich people drive fashion, fashion drives behaviour. I know so little about India so cannot comment more than this. Farmers away from the cities probably produce less toxic food because they cannot afford the agricultural chemicals?

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Vital and terrifying reading. Thank you for posting this.

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A great article. When they declared a "nitrogen crisis" and started banning fertilizer...it seemed so arbitrarily, flat-out evil...it reminded me of Pharaoh in Exodus ordering the people to make bricks without straw...

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Farmers need to fight back and grow spines, most seem to condone all this craziness.

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PS: I'd rather eat the pets in the neighborhood than bugs and meat paste. And when the critters run out, I'll eat the neighbors. They are annoying anyway.

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Sheesh, Timmy. I said I'd return your ladder, and I'm almost done. BTW. Have you seen my wife's cat lately?

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Fritz: LOL! Cat Chow Mein.

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Another Great Post. Picture your government, Trudeau, Freeland , Guilbeault as the Grim Reapers they are . No good will come from their ideologies. Change can come but unfortunately I don’t see it happening here until we reach the Sri Lankan moment of enough is enough.

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Unfortunately, I fear that we Canadians are too polite (cowardly) to storm anything until it's far too late. Hope I'm proven wrong on that.

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This quote from Morpheus in the movie The Matrix closely describes Canadians:

That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

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Yeah, but...most of us have families. And we need to feed them. We spend most of our energy doing that. Then, we care for them in other ways.

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I admire you for choosing to feed your family. Violence is often advocated but historically has only begat further and even more violent outcomes.

God Bless.

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You seek wisdom from a comic book.

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Since you're quoting Hollyweed... More from the same:



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Sums it up perfectly.

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and if we try they'll freeze our bank accounts and throw us in jail. The Coutts 4 have been in holding for over 500 days... not even proper jail. No bail. While repeat murder suspects run around the streets of Toronto and Vancouver. Singh is associated with Khalistani terrorists, Chow in Toronto appears to have CCP connections. We do all need to stand up, regardless.

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When we let it reach that level (sri Lankan), only more random violence and death occurs. This is not in our interest. Selective Culling (like the one They are performing with OPERATION COVIDIUS tools and the MONETARY SYSTEM tools) is what needs to be executed. Of course that a single MMS/3i's will never engage in such action. Like Joanie so well wrote... we are "coward", and I add meek.

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Elizabeth, I'm so glad that you're paying close attention to the food and farmer issues. A decade ago I was writing about the Indian farmer suicides by drinking Round-up. And the weather weapons are also targeting the food system, I'm sure.

My caret economic system uses regenerative agriculture as an analogy, putting wealth back into the soil of local communities like burying carbon, where it feeds a web of life. There are arguments to be made on climate change as a psyop, and it certainly is, but animal husbandry done well restores the food sovereignty of localities and reverses desertification. No issue is more important than food.

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i live on a livestock farm in ireland...all green pastureland divided into fields with old trees which we never cut down and some are pretty old..i've just spent the last few weeks walking the hedges picking the blackberries, elderberries and rosehips for my pantry...the soil is dark and rich...full of worms...the farm is full of wildlife: foxes, hares, badgers...every kind of bird...it's a pleasure to walk through it on a summer evening witnessing all this...and they are trying to imply that this is all bad! i often look over the hedge to the next door farm which has been in tillage for as long as i can remember...the soil is totally dead...they have to heavily fertilise every year before planting...all trees and hedges have been cut to the butt...it's devoid of any life whatsoever. blaming livestock farming for the problems is the biggest crime of all.

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What a breath of fresh air to hear you say that, sarah. I feel in my gut (which is doing well thanks to pastured meat and dairy ;-) that you're right. Of all the psyops, the one that conflates small farm livestock with leveling the Amazon for mega-ranches is intending to kill us from starvation and toxic 'food-like substances.'

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Thank you Elizabeth. Keep up the good work. But it is daunting!!

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When I left BC in '84 and took up a suit-and-tie consulting gig in the Belly of the Beast (just off the Mall in Washington, DC) my first few years were spent explaining the regulatory consequences of Farm Bill '85, and even back then it was a tangled mess. Why they thought that an ex-back-to-the-land Hippie could understand and explain what the USDA regulars couldn't, but they did. Anyone in a position to actually enforce those paragraphs in the CFR could do almost anything they wanted to.

Reading Eco-Fascists enraged but didn't surprise me. We've managed to keep the family farms in N Indiana in production, but just barely, and the news from family back in BC echoes everything you've been reporting. Keep it up!

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I have lived all of my life in Western Canada. About thirty years ago I noticed that about 2 years after the fertilize a forest by helicopter using pelletized fertilizer the animal life populations appear to drop significantly. Has anyone else noticed this? I thing a good investigating scientist might find something here.

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I apply fertilizer to areas I want to bring the deer into as the additional minerals and growth make the plants more tasty and inviting to them.

If animal population dropped it could be they applied insecticides

Everything is in balance. If you eliminate the end sex you eliminate what feeds on them also, what feeds on them right on up the food chain.

Another issue is monoculture forest, have far less wildlife than forest allowed to grow naturally into mixed timber.

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I haven't verified the source but I saw something that said they were using cancerous type cells in the manufacturing of lab grown meats. Supposedly the reasoning behind this is for more rapid regeneration of the cells for added production along with nearly unending duplication. They say the normal/healthy cells are limited in the number of times they will duplicate, only a few dozen times. Has anyone else seen or heard anything about that?

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I do recall reading about this several months ago. Their evil and greed knows no bounds.

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That certainly sounds plausible.

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Climate, abortion, and eating bugs are parts of the leftist religion of the fictitious Gaia that is bandied about. The people advocating this nonsense probably think it all won't affect them but they would sure be shocked if it were to happen. I would refer to them as the Loony Left but that would be redundant.

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The slow methodic destruction is what bothers me the most. One country at a time, testing different merhods in different places, but always progressing their agenda.

I have friends who own small farms in regions so far untouched and unbothered (well, not like in South Africa or Netherlands, at leats) and the writing is on the wall. The regulations are being prepared for the coming shutdowns of farms but most, even farm owners, are completely oblivious.

“South Africa is a wild place, look at it! That can never happen here in Sweden.”

Thank you for the article!

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“Water, water, every where,

And all the boards did shrink;

Water, water, every where,

Nor any drop to drink. ”

— The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

“Wherever we run into a problem it is always solved by money, money, money.”— John Kerry

… and in the end… shelves empty of values and nothing left to buy.

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Check Aldi's new round white loaf for bug content? It's currently available @ 0.99p and was introduced as an alternative to the wonderful Sour Dough Boule, which suddenly disappeared after being exceptionally popular for years.

Could Aldi have been infiltrated by the WEF agenda to ween us all off MEAT and on to powdered bugs used instead of flour in their bread? The taste is a little suspicious! Just a thought - I'm a pessimistic sceptic looking for sinister clues and suspect anything that is out of the ordinary.

Could it really be the disgusting lack of (Vax) quality and efficacy deliberate? It seems likely.

Not even the most incompetently run organisation could produce 100% useless, dangerous and ineffective crap - unless it was DELIBERATE!

And all this DEADLY garbage being injected with NO LIABILITY for the murdering manufacturers!

Hasn't every man in the street realised what's going on yet? It's nothing to do with the man-enhanced bat virus - but simply about GUARANTEED PROFIT with no regard for the deadly consequences and, of course, population reduction! Courtesy of the WEF's (New World Order).

We know your game and we're coming for you! Be very afraid!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Next time you are out in the bush if you see a helicopter fertilization project in operation make a note of it. In two year's time, take a walk through the area and look for animal signs. I think your observations will be disheartening. Evil people stop at nothing to achieve their ends. Never comply and never submit. Peace to you and your family.

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