Max Boot, the rest of the rehabilitated (by the Democrats) neoconservatives, and the Democratic Party and their adjacent media, when they say we are here to save democracy, what they mean is, we need to replace democracy with technocratic authoritarianism, government by un-elected experts, because we know best.

And it becomes pretty clear, these folks will continue to live the life they have grown accustomed to, while the many ride bike to work in the winter, eat insects and huddle in pods en mass for warmth, or die. Because their idea of democracy begins to look like a controlled depopulation scheme. Because they are not just saving Democracy! they are saving the Earth!

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Bravo! Exactly! While in reality what they’re truly saving is their wealth, power and control over the masses all while depopulating the independent self sufficient middle and upper middle class so they will be left with a more manageable and docile group of slaves.

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🎯 🎯 🎯 👏 👏 👏

The 87,000 new IRS agents was a real chef’s kiss. The Regime is worried about a black market, which is what you have in Spain and other desiccated European democracies. Nobody sane there works inside the Regime’s rules. They’d starve. Doubling the IRS force is a preemptive strike.

It’s like we’re in the third act of a nail-biter thriller at a do-or-die moment—dark night of the soul—and the stakes are prosperity and freedom. Real prosperity and freedom and not that bullshit ‘democracy’ NYT midwit assclowns keep waling about being under ‘threat.’ Such scumbags.

The war on fertilizer is appearing to be an extremely useful line in the sand. The Predator Class has shown its hand and the Dutch farmers have replied with 1000s of tons of sprayed manure in the town square. Legacy media can ignore all it wants because it will only make people hate them more. And they really are hated.

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You fierce, Madam Hodgson!

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I agree that we have the numbers. Even that is quite miraculous, considering the immense amount of money and effort that have been expended in convincing us that being a populist is somehow evil. Most people don't actually buy that, thank God. But I still worry that, altho in a democracy numbers should be pretty conclusive, at present they are not. Technology and money and media and willingness to commit fraud may yet win the day. I hope not, but they may.

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It's a mad, mad world out there and I am watching our country coming undone by either well-meaning groups or authoritarian anti-human groups that want to force us into a cyborg world where we will be supposedly happy. Democracy seems to be on the back burner right now.

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