A dozen bullets from skilled marksmen is all it would take to stop this nightmare globally. I’ve stopped trying to reason with these creeps. I pray for a permanent removal ASAP.
A dozen bullets from skilled marksmen is all it would take to stop this nightmare globally. I’ve stopped trying to reason with these creeps. I pray for a permanent removal ASAP.
I'm starting to see this sentiment more regularly in online comments. I think it shows that a real tipping point is being reached, and I hope it scares the shit out of them. (I'm assuming everything we post online is captured and filed away for future reference.) I'm joining my prayers with yours, because at this point your proposed solution seems to be the only way to deal with these maniacs and their minions.
A dozen bullets from skilled marksmen is all it would take to stop this nightmare globally. I’ve stopped trying to reason with these creeps. I pray for a permanent removal ASAP.
I'm starting to see this sentiment more regularly in online comments. I think it shows that a real tipping point is being reached, and I hope it scares the shit out of them. (I'm assuming everything we post online is captured and filed away for future reference.) I'm joining my prayers with yours, because at this point your proposed solution seems to be the only way to deal with these maniacs and their minions.
They are hell bent on ruination of all that moves our souls. They refuse to listen or consider. We’ve been patient too long ...
YES! We need to fight back in every way. Local elections. Online posts!