Always anticipate Elizabeth's Substack posts and was into agreement with the whole piece until the very end when the 'Nut Job' at WEF declared, in summary, Trump to have risen and taken them down.
The fact is, Trump announced on the second day of his current Administration to LAUNDER MORE U.S. Taxpayer $$$ to support and FUND the Billionaire Bro AI Hounds in their execrable Agenda of AI oriented Bio-Digital Convergence attacking all organic DNA on the planet to thieve all God's creation as IMPERIALISTS have sought to do through all millennia.
Some are NOT deceived or diverted and distracted from the KEY ISSUE of all time.
Was sincerely hoping Trump would destroy THIS Agenda; the evilest SOCIAL REGRESSION INTO SLAVERY ever conceived. Voted for him three times even though suspicious. We now know the reason he NEVER addressed 'WARP SPEED' and the Bio-Nanoweapon Injections POISONOUS to all life which were mandated and are now making all sick if not murdering them...What appears Iatricide on a Global level is in fact, FIRST DEGREE DELIBERATE HOMICIDE. TRUMP KNEW WHAT HE DID BY ALLOWING 'WARP SPEED'. ALL WAS DELIBERATE.
AI whether we like it or not is a major part of the future. Trump is right, better we control it, than China. Trump was at an announcement where loony tech bros announced they were going to invest $500B in a JV. Why would he not be good with this?
As far as Warp Speed NO ONE predicted the entire medical industry had gone Lizard People evil on us in 2020. I am sure Trump thought ‘okay this is out of control. We need to open things up. Give everyone some medicine, make them feel like they are doing something, and let’s get this country opened up ASAP.’
In April 2020 I wrote a thoughtful FB post on why I didn’t believe COVID existed. At least half my engaging ‘friends’ are conservative. NO ONE AGREED WITH ME. By June some had come around. But still to this day many haven’t.
COVID was a long well thought out scam perpetrated on the world. Their poison vaccjnes had already been invented. They conjured up a psyop and used it to ruin Trump. And to make a few T$. No one anticipated this.
No one knew the entire medical industry was evil. Which it is. When I say entire I accept a small %age of individuals are good. But even those good guys are heavily brainwashed and are therefore compromised to some extent.
As far as AI goes. Real life is not science fiction. AI can only collect info that is known and collate it well. Or poorly. But the idea AI can cure cancer is absurd. An individual might cure cancer. But a tool, even a potentially useful one, can’t.
It is not much different than saying ‘I have invented a hammer. With this hammer we can build much more easily than before. This hammer will create beautiful buildings’. No! The tool might be helpful. It can’t create.
You can’t actually reason with people who believe AI is the antichrist and dooming to humanity. Just like people probably panicked at manufacturing automation. It was the end of the world as they knew it. I’m seeing a lot of takes on this tech development - and I wonder, how did they think this was going to work? Trump would tell them to just stop it? Quit innovating with AI? Tell everyone to go live in a house you build yourself, eat food out of the ground that you grow yourself, and use the medicinal plants you grow on your windowsill for your medical care? Sounds kind of nice, honestly. But that’s not the century we are in. And Trump knows that.
Ai need NOT be inserted into life on the planet with the Biodigital Convergence oriented Bio-Nanotechweapon Injections, Crop Dusting Geo-Engineering and infection of food. Energy consuming and water guzzling 'Data Centers' used towards the acquisition of absolute power/control by the Billionaire Bros Ai Hounds for their Trillionaire Masters in the City of London's Central Banker Family Coven is pathological. (No, am not getting into the weeds of the technologies surrounding this heinous and evil agenda resulting from the dreams of Demon Worshiping Imperialists towards absolute power/control...A REGRESSION OF ALL SOCIETY INTO GLOBAL SLAVERY).
Those creating Ai are PATHOLOGICAL...'EVIL', NUT JOBS requiring IMPRISONMENT to protect society more than Serial Murdering/Raping Monsters which can be argued...THEY ACTUALLY ARE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. All the pathological, evil create is as pathological and evil as they...
Any agreement with those perpetrating MURDER, DISABILITY, STERILIZATION and SLAVERY upon the global population is EVIL in itself. Doesn't require a genius to know creating an evil, pathological entity more efficient and intelligent than the most efficient and intelligent on Earth is to create an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' even beyond that of attacking the DNA of all organic life on Earth. THERE IS NO OTHER LOGIC NECESSARY TO KNOW THIS AS FACT AND TRUTH.
Learned during a challenging time in life before Covid, one is utterly stupid to deny or avoid facts defining enemies or those seeking in their own frailty to harm others or in seeking approval of humanity.
When seeking comfort, arrived at John 2:25 in The Holy Bible, "and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man."
It is NOT negative to confront the fact of evil existing and attacking the souls of humanity...Creating enemies. Trump is of the Imperialists as nobody is wealthy, popular or allowed influence unless of the Demon Worshiping clique comprising the International Crime Syndicate.
OMGosh...Am happy here on the farm in the middle of Amish Country. Just because the world at large is insane doesn't equate to all of life being so. We laugh and gather here ALL THE TIME with music and joy in both work and play.
Prefer this to continue instead of being surrounded with zombified Borg.
I concluded Trump’s sincerity to handle and eliminate the virus threat relied on a CDC (deep state) he didn’t understand. They hated him and played him. He assumed people best interest was motive not power, gain of function obfuscation and WHO policy participation. Covid at great cost exposed them all. So it was with great jaw dropping astonishment when DJT announced his blessing and coordination of the AI corporations (are they not part of the WHO/WEF/Davos crowd?). I get his thinking -jobs and USA $$$ and China battle preparedness BUT can’t help thinking he’s being Covid played again. Who will control who? Is AI a who? Can’t help wondering if AI is the born anti-Christ already declared in some saintly quarters. Has the sci fi Star Trek BORG already been established? Dystopian movies and books were supposed to be warnings not instruction manuals.
Don't wonder. THink rationally andsupport what will work. The world is full of wonderers who do nothing real to change things, with no ideas or practical support for those who have..
This is a hyper reading of what was done, and it’s understandable why we are prone to sensationalize anything here. We won’t agree with everything he does. Victor Davis Hansen does a good summary of why Trump has partnered with these weird characters. (Per coffee & covid.) AI is here and it’s not going anywhere. I saw the tech “lords” bending the knee and him keeping them close because there’s no stopping this stuff anymore. And if we fall behind and pretend it’s not happening and declare AI to be the antichrist, etc, well, when we get invaded by China’s AI and we’ve shut it down pretending it’s not happening? That won’t play well. Trump is not stupid. He knows how his base feels about digital surveillance and MRNA vaccines. But he also knows WAY more than we know about what’s going on. And he’s not sitting on the sidelines and letting it play out. He’s in full control of what’s going on. He may have a vision for the future that you don’t want. And you should stand your ground. But he can’t pretend we’re not launching into the future - he has to grab the reins. And has.
Those creating Ai evil and pathological which means ANYTHING THEY CREAT IS TO BE EVEN MORE EVIL AND PATHOLOGICAL AS THEY. That is the crux of the problem, and no human being is efficient and intelligent enough to control any evil entity more efficient and intelligent. THAT IS SIMPLE LOGIC.
It's not necessary for human beings to be Bio-Digitally Converged into becoming a TRANSHUMAN BORG. THERE IS NO REASON WHAT-SO-EVER FOR THIS TO MANIFEST. That is about ABSOLUTE POWER/CONTROL by the Imperialists as they've always dreamed of acquiring.
Any agreement with those perpetrating MURDER, DISABILITY, STERILIZATION and SLAVERY upon the global population is EVIL in itself. Doesn't require a genius to know creating an evil, pathological entity more efficient and intelligent than the most efficient and intelligent on Earth is to create an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' even beyond that of attacking the DNA of all organic life on Earth. THERE IS NO OTHER LOGIC NECESSARY TO KNOW THIS AS FACT AND TRUTH regardless of the WESTERN CREATED THREAT OF CHINA/CCP.
Exactly why, when I see that Elizabeth has posted a new piece, I read it before anything else. Always a good read, always rewards my attention, always the bare perspectives I believe will help bring about changes many of us have been striving so hard to achieve for the half century behind us, around this world.
Trump's re-election had certainly brought some hope. Let's see if this administration can do what Javier Milei is so good at doing: Destroying the parasites who feed off the populace and create obstructions and resulting misery! The only way to ensure freedom from all of this centralized socialist control is to make the state close to extinct! I'm not so sure that is what Trump wants. Keep watching Argentina...
But Trump always has been a parasite, a life-long grifter and con-man. His parasitical and grifting impulses will now be turbo-charged and given full rein.
Especially as he is in the process of demolishing all of the institutional checks and balances of his now unfettered power. He has effectively been given the permission/right to do so via the Supreme Court granting him legal immunity for (almost) everything he does.
All the negatives that Elizabeth featured re the Davos gab-fest will be turbo-charged on steroids during his "administration".
Well, Biden has just pardoned all the unforgiveables. Are you trying to say that Trump, after nearly a WHOLE WEEK, is worse?
Until he has RFK confirmed, the health initiatives will have to wait. Suggest you grab a seat, stock up on popcorn, and wait for Trump's cabinet confirmations.
Zippy.. I sincerely believe the “presidential immunity” was to cover ALL past (future) presidents. I’m sure he reads on his truth social how many angry posts re: Obama/clintons/bushes… and Biden. They are all covered in that immunity.
I hope that Maria reads this. She’s been very courteous to her guests at Davos for many years. I would wonder why she gives the attendees “audience” as I watched her show. (I understand how she was providing accurate coverage for her business following). You accurately present its demise. Thank you. The “hookers” is really an indicator. In ‘85 or ‘86 I arrested a pimp in Falls Church, Va who was wanted for murder in Wilkes Barre, Pa. As the Detectives from Pa. picked him up, they explained to me how his “stable” of hookers had made him very wealthy at the L.A. Olympics & when the Olympics ended, the guy had to move his “stable” to a circuit and rotate them between Wilkes Barre, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore, DC. The pimp kept the hookers at a cheap hotel in Falls Church. They opened my “innocent eyes” which previously saw Pericles’ noble purpose in creating the Olympics as athletic competition. Tracking “hookers” as an “economic indicator” is a valid metric. Ironic that the Olympics are rolling back to L.A. soon. Thank you.
Maybe the rarified air of Davos has a personal appeal. POTUS did quite well at Davos, remotely; everyone understood him clearly,without him having to be there. He didn’t mind the air in Western NC and the L.A. basin. Priorities.
Ditto - money honey is in the EuroTrash league now…
This year she looked less polished.
Wonder if she is losing her touch, should have been broadcasting from burned out LA.
Stopped watching her so much after she ignored the Covid scam, deaths and IC using FISA-7002 to violate all Americans 4A rights to judicial approval on ANY spying on US citizens, including PDJT-45.
Thank you for this interesting take on current events. I propose another theory:
This is all scripted—-Trump winning, Trump losing, Trump winning. Davos complaining. The purpose of the theater is to push people toward the Great Reset in increments. Obama boiled us. Trump turned down the temperature. Biden boiled us raw. Trump turns down the temperature. The Davos crowd allows Trump to throw us some bones and we feel sated and saved.
Meanwhile, Trump does a press conference with some of the globalist’s most horrid actors about mRNA and cancer. He hangs with Bill Gates at Mara Lago. He begins the effort to normalize some of these evil people and their evil ideas. It’s a soft, subtle introduction, but it begins right away—just three days into his presidency. He addresses Davos remotely and is kind and complimentary to the sanctimonious assholes gathered in Switzerland. “I hope to be there next time,” he says.
Most of the crazy evil events we watched during Biden’s term were all show: the speech he gave with red stage lighting and the weird Nazi-like guards standing behind him. The threat of war, pushing fear of annihilation. The odd diseases threatening us after COVID—monkey pox, bird flu, with the mad scientists conditioning us to believe it was going to happen yet again! Biden’s job was to push fear, incompetency, and catastrophe and “end times” foreshadowing. This way, when Trump came in to save the day, we were expected to be quaking in our boots by then. Trump will soft roll globalist goals and ideas while “saving” humanity with Executive Orders. It has already begun. He’s already joined Ellison, et al at an MRNA press conference—a true slap in the face to his supporters who were expecting a “Make America Healthy Again” stance on Day One of his presidency.
This is why he’s never denounced the COVID vaccines. This is why RFK Jr. has been sidelined.
It’s all one big show folks! Biden made things look so bad so Trump could make everything look so good. Already his followers are making excuses for him, trying to explain away the inconsistencies. He’ll give you all a lot of what you want—a closed border, water flowing in California again, for example, but he’s also going to ask for a lot in return.
I think you truly misunderstand Trump. He is 100% not a davos puppet. But that doesn't mean he doesn't keep his friends close and his enemies even closer.
Everybody has their panties in a twist about Larry Ellison and his mRNA cancer vaccine claims, as though Trump has betrayed us. I personally don't think so. More than one scientist (Robert Malone among them) has cogently pointed out that Ellison's claims are laughable. "The most gentle thing I can say about all of this is that the idea that one could sequence the genome of a cancer cell and based on that (within 48 hours!) develop a universal cancer vaccine for that type of tumor is profoundly naive," says Malone. His title here on Substack (AI, mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and "Stargate") has the subtitle, "Reality check. Curb your enthusiasm, and beware of grifters." My view is that Trump is about bringing in dollars, and if someone says they will invest some billions in the U.S., he'll stand back and let them spew all kinds of pseudo-scientific nonsense if they want to. (Don't you think Larry the impressionable investing billionaire may have been fed some wild claims?) He'll meet with Gates and listen to him blah blah blah, because Trump in person is a gracious host. He'll let Zuckerberg and Bezos show their support and act like they are now truly men of the right. He's not the hall monitor of the masks and personas people wear. He's tearing down the infrastructure that will allow any of them to effect their ultimate plans. Ellison et al can come up with whatever cockamamie version of a "vaccine" they claim to have, but the ability to provide it will be stymied by transparent clinical trials, personal choice, and the open publication of every single side effect and injury reported so that all will know what they are getting into. Trump is about the investment. Yes, he has inconsistencies. But they get stripped away in history, and we will be left with legislation resulting from his glorious EOs (some already in progress) so that the next weasel of a lockdown-loving, humanity-hating, Satan-worshipping "globalist" won't be able to come in and easily undo what's been accomplished.
Plus, he's giving all the so called big players the opportunity to showcase themselves. If we get a few billion dollars out of that here and there..well, that's just part of the game. Would we even know what guys like Ellison have been up to before one of his developing demonic ideas actually takes root? That's how all the marxist, racist, trans, sexist, etc.,crap took over. Initally, this stuff was pretty much in the freaking dark for most people. Few really knew what was shaping up behind the scenes with the big money/big power/big intel people until we woke up one day with it being shoved down our throats. Trump's offering us all a 360 view 24/7. Then we can make decisions with more complete iinformation. It's the real participatory democracy part of the Constitutional Republic that people have been supposedly clamoring for. So let's get off our asses and participate. I'm done with whiners speculating endlessly about what Trump's darker motives might be. Losers.., holding us all back, like it's their *job* or something.
I’m done with whiners and all or nothings as change for the better slaps them in the face. I scroll past now. I get it but come on.. pessimists just gotta do pessimism.
Our concierge doctor told us to never take the Covid vaccine in summer 2020. Still unvaxed. I will listen to my doctor and try to ignore the WEF. I belong body and soul, in life and death, to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be all glory and honor.
So, Trump is just naive then. Or he’s playing 5-D chess?
What do you make of annexing Canada, buying Greenland, and uniting the North American continent? That’s a globalist wet dream, and yet he came out with that weeks before his inauguration. Do you think he really came up with that himself?
It could be that Trump is a hero but the Deep State approached him and showed him their deadly wares. He had to make another compromise—-promote some of their futuristic ideals or annihilate humanity. Perhaps Trump is balancing both things for our benefit.
But to mention mRNA again in the first 72 hours of his presidency? AI date centers? See this. Admit this. Take this in. Always strive to see the bigger picture. We must. We must always be watching.
If you listen to the first Canada conversation with Trudeau, it went along the lines of “We’ve given Canada $200 billion, for what? I might as well make Canada the 51st state at that price.” That comment was so effective in getting the media in a twirl that he kept it up. It made people think, “Damn…we’ve given Canada THAT much money while our infrastructure is collapsing around us? Why?” Greenland is a different story. We need that military base on Greenland.
We also need guaranteed negotiated rights to mineral resources in Greenland before China belt'n'roads them. Like China is doing with the Panama Canal, and with half of Africa.
What we need is unfettered access to the Northwest Passage into the Arctic Sea. Canada to the west and Greenland to the east. We already have the other end in Alaska to the Bering Sea.
Of course always be watching, but remember the art of the deal - you always start out asking for the moon if what you want are a few thousand stars. Trump has started out brilliantly.
If better heads are distributing the money as time goes by and oversight and accountability become more a part of this plus conflicts of interest taken into account, this whole thing can change substantially. That is what we have wanted and it looks like it is heading that way. I see a miracle. Being an optimist is way more fun and peaceful. I’m so over worry and panic. Something good happened and I’ll take it, some warts and all.
I can buy most of what you say. But the only way we'll have transparent clinical trials and honest reporting of side effects is if RFK Jr gets affirmed, so that's far from a sure thing. Also, I don't trust Malone, even if I agree with a lot of what he says (limited hangouts?).
So I understand your cynicism, but if you keep painting with such broad strokes all you’ll ever create are crosswalks.
Listen, you don’t have to abandon the idea of “the show” completely, as it definitely is a show, but try to at least appreciate the back stories of the players a little more: your take allows for precious little depth and nuance, which might not seem like a big deal, but I think it’s contributing to you getting not just the details wrong, but also the purpose and outcome. Give Trump a little more credit, and don’t believe the mischaracterized headlines I’ve seen all week about Trump “supporting” what Ellison is doing and “hanging out” with Gates of Hell. Trump’s madness is rooted in method - we’ve seen it over and over - and it fascinates me that people still don’t see it.
I wish I didn’t agree with this well-expressed theory but I see it as a likely outcome. If it’s true that Trump hangs out with Gates, and Gates is not held accountable for his crimes, we’re in deep trouble.
Well, Gates - the walking crime against humanity - owns the WHO, Trump shut down the WHO, that should answer your question. I think Gates has more trouble coming than he possibly knows what to do with for his dastardly roles in the pLandemic.
If everything is scripted, shutting down the WHO is part of the plan. It’s a bone they’re throwing us to make it look like we’re back in control. Sorry, on Trump’s first day, an earnest, forthright player would have told our keepers to throw away the fluoride and the poisons in our food, not do a press conference with the Pharma Gods and investors to push a deadly, untested vaccine.
He’s either incredibly stupid, or he’s one of them.
You've got it wrong and I understand you want to push your narrative. Trump has got RFK Jr coming, if we can get him past the deep state and globalists who really want to keep the flouride and poison in our foods.
Have you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr. You should read it. Really.
I’m not pushing a narrative. I’m merely trying to make a point. Humanity got into this mess because we failed to see things clearly, we were intellectually lazy and trusting of our overlords.
I am merely being vigilant.
I’ve been at this since 1997. Imagine being awake back then. You think it’s hard now? I’ve been around long enough to spot patterns, things that seem “off,” and have taken in the troves of people that have cycled in and out of the Deep State for the past thirty years. I see things from a different point of view—-a very substantive one. I was also a member of the press for many years and was, in fact, working in a newsroom when the press was literally bought out by corporations and taken over by the Deep State.
I’m not coming from a bad place, but rather a place of experience.
Humanity got into this mess because evil abounds in this world. There are treacherous people behind every corner, waiting to mug you, to steal your bank account, your home, your life.
We were busy running our lives and our families, we hoped our "representatives" were representing us. That was our mistake. They weren't, in fact, they were stealing it all. They weren't our representatives at all, they were infiltrated to destroy us and our country.
Finally, we are awake, moreso than probably ever in the history of our country. And we finally have, by the grace of God, our champion, in President Trump who has taken every thing they can throw at him, including bullets and fought on. You say he is nefarious, I say he is for us, for we the people. Neither of us know for certain but I sure like what he is doing to restore the country from the horrific abuses of the global marxists, deep state and uniparty.
I'm going to support him. I'm going to pray for him. I think God has a purpose for him.
For many years now, "being part of the press" means you are a narrative spreader, the press has lost all credibility, I mean every last drop of it. I hope you will be part of the effort to restore a free press.
You sound just like the left. You want it all and you want it now because you are gloriously "right". Maybe you are, but you still have to prove that to an awful lot of still brainwashed people, many of them with a whole lot of money to throw around.
Trump is putting it ALL on the table and letting the ideas battle it out. Except for the instances where stuff is really critical (illegals, unaddressed floods and fires, effeminate "soliders") he's allowing all arguments. May the best ideas win. Now stop whining and get to work. You have a lot more people to win over to your side than you think you do.
Candis, there is no such thing as a savior. We have the government we deserve after years of not being mindful and watchful of our government. The Deep State actually found space to stage a coup. We were too busy keeping up with the Jones’s, idolizing Hollywood types and hoping our government t would run itself. People didn’t even bother to vote. In 1997, when I woke up, the media was beginning its takeover. 911 was being planned. Environmental wokeism was on the rise and corruption in our government had taken hold. The people slept.
We were not good stewards of our democracy. We had to get to the point where our country was in full demolition mode for anyone to pay attention.
I hope Trump is everything we want him to be, but I have little tolerance for his refusal to fight against the oligarchs from Davos. He failed to denounce them in his first meeting with them. And he staged a press conference with the Pharma Gods, joining in the praise for mRNA—-a kind of vaccine that continues to kills scores of people around the world every week.
Don’t go back to 1997. Keep watch over our government. It is your duty. And mine.
Gates spent three hours at Mara Lago last week, along with a cast of other shady characters. But the MRNA press conference took the cake. Droves of MAGA supporters spoke out in alarm and many in disgust.
Trump is building data centers for AI with foreign investment. Death shots and surveillance. They were two of his shadow themes last week.
Don’t look at the surface—at the pretty things. It’s in the deep, black bowels of the machinery where things really happen.
They've taken multiple attempts at assassinating him. By the grace of God and a slight turn of his head, he is still with us.... or do you believe that too was scripted? Do you believe in God? Could you possibly believe that God took decades to prepare Trump for this moment, this place?
Here's deep for ya'. Think about this. How many Americans even knew any of this stuff was in the works or how far these egotistical assholes with a lot of money had gotten with it, until a couple of days ago? And what has the general reaction been since then? It's a process that has been taking shape in relative shadows, and Trump just invited us to the party. Do something, anything constructive about ait and stop your insufferable whining.
Once upon a time, Orson Wells did a radio broadcast called War of the Worlds. People flipped out, and that was when the US government supposedly decided that if alien life were ever found, it would never be disclosed, because people would flip out.
Fast forward to today. Do you really think that Trump or any president would be advised to tell millions of people that they voluntarily took an injection that is, at best, going to shorten their life span and at worst, going to give them cancer/heart disease/etc? Oh, and people all over the world took the same injections, so it wouldn't just be US citizens going on a rampage, it would be the WORLD looking for revenge.
Good point, but those mRNA injections were not taken voluntarily. The injuries inflicted, the damage done, will have to be compensated. The anger that will be unleashed by telling people the truth will enable or push RFK Jr to set up a compensation fund with money from the pharmaceutical industry.
As I understand it, approximately 80% of the population of the USA and Canada took the jab, willingly or not. So now, the 20% of us who said no and took the heat, lost jobs, lost friends, lost family, had bank accounts frozen many were tossed in jail FOR PROTESTING.
We lost whatever faith we may have had in our so-called leaders ... much of that 80% wanted the rest of us thrown into concentration camps to be reeducated or put to death... Yeah really.
Actual medical expenses for all the mRNA-inflicted injuries including cardio-vascular, neurological, immunological, and other disorders; compensation for every mRNA-injection-caused death in accordance with actuarial principles of normal life expectancy, plus pain and suffering; compensation for loss of livelihood due to illegal or unconstitutional firing, plus back pay. No compensation for loss of friends who proved themselves unworthy of your friendship. About family ties cut, that’s tragic, but the only thing to do is wait for those poor deluded souls to come back, if they do. The compensation funds should come from the entire pharmaceutical industry, one of the most obscenely profitable industries in America. Whether any of the above will actually happen, I don’t know, but certainly RFK Jr as HHS Secretary and Pam Bondi as Attorney General (when both are confirmed) should experience continuous pressure from the vax-injured and bereaved to set up such a compensation procedure and fund. The reason the Attorney General should be involved is to invoke criminal and civil penalties, particularly on Pfizer and Moderna, to motivate them to cooperate.
I lean towards trump keeping enemies close as wwll as letting them expose themselves to the world. He cant go around pissing off and alienating all these a-holes on day one. Thrre are stil too many normies who need to see and get it.
Sad to say this is how reality works. They are all in the same club. You would never ever remotely get to become this powerful. If you would be doing what’s good for the people. Nothing new under the sun. Different players same script.
I agree with Great Reflects theory on the situation. I listened to Trump talk in Davos by video. My stance on all these character's is they are global psychopathic predators and mind controlled people blinded by ideology, money, greed , power, fear etc etc. When I listened to Trump, oh how good it sounded. I wanted that hopium but I also know we are dealing with an energy that is miles ahead of us ,we are in a war These handler of us know exactly how we shall act as a herd .It is narrative and perception control through this reality TV show called life. This energy in my mind is utterly anti-human and each day it gets closer and closer to total control, what is it AI. Trump will indeed make positive changes all you have to do is pledge allegiances to an AI, Technocratic , Transhumanism, Totalitarian regime , you will be excluded from society if you do not. And people will happily agree, mankind has been traumatized beaten down, just wants to be left alone to live life. I do not want to be ruled by machines and people who act like machines. The more we engage with the machine the more we lose are humanness. So better times are ahead but the price is steep indeed. That is my take on it. Elizabeth love your work.
Agree with your assessment. Both sides are zig zagging us to total tyranny. Not sure where we go from here? Just try to “enjoy” the ride while we’re alive?
But it's a tightrope walk between the people and the tech oligarchs. RFK Jr has not been sidelined, he has to wait until he's confirmed before he can do anything. It would be great if he could find a way to end the covid-vax atrocity before Senate confirmation.
Good question. The exculpatory narrative now being promoted is ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’. We’ll see how that works out. RFK Jr must be confirmed first before he can take appropriate action, such as revoking covid-vax EUAs, taking the covid-vax off the market, removing funding of all bio-weapon gain-of-function ‘research’. There’s a lot to do, or actually un-do. ‘Just stop it’ is my mantra:
The left and the Davos crowd have their hair on absolute fire, Orange Man Bad is BACK! His coterie of henchmen led by the most evil of all the dreamer crazy zealots (electric cars, pay pal, AI, space craft to Mars, THE DOGE, good by US Treasury “Penny”) Musk, must be stopped. This writer really missed the “live shots” of Johnny Kerry (aka Voldemort) this year at Davos. Poor little Johnny, boarding school in France, St. Paul’s School (Pedo prep school) Yale and sent out of Vietnam before his sailors and peers could roll a Grenada under his rack, now has nowhere to take the “Flying Squirrel” his hyper wealthy wife’s private jet to lecture us. Maybe he can take time to smell the flowers in the garden the little people maintain for him, or get his field glasses to scan his “family’s” private island in the middle of Vineyard Sound from his estate on Marthas Vineyard, checking to see that the care takers on four wheeled ATV’’s are patrolling for the little people making the mistake of crossing the high tide line in the sand. Yes, Johnny, it is the “people’s” water up to the high tide mark, and so many rules to make and so little time left for you to do it. The question now becomes how hard are these psychopaths going to try and go to, to stop what has happened here in the States in the last several months, and more notably how fast the 47th POTUS and his team have moved in 5 short days. Wasn’t it rich to see Trump scold the scolding class in a ZOOM call to Davos?! Get onboard or drown Klaus, note Klaus has traded in his Dr. Evil Nehru jacket for a blue blazer, change is in the rarified air of Davos. We know it’s over for them, when the President of Argentina gives the crowd holy hell in Spanish, fresh from his VIP spot behind the podium in the rotunda of the US Capital as Trump took his oath of office. Oddly “live shot” Johnny Kerry wasn’t there…hmmm imagine his horror when he didn’t get an invite to sit next to his Yale classmate the male cheer leader Georgie Dubya Bush at the inauguration, and insult to injury, not even an astrix * on a footnote at the WEF this year…the horror! Humiliations galore. Ain’t gloating, just the fact Ma’m just the facts.
Brilliant! Prose worthy of Elizabeth Nickson herself, and that's high praise indeed. The most incredible thing about the Davos set is that they really believe their own propaganda. They are actually surprised that Trump -- a k a the people -- won. These vignettes of Kerry, Klaus, et al are a superb record of that rare moment when they realized they'd blown it. And Trump and Millei telling them exactly why they'd lost complete the picture.
What a great gift you have, Dear Elizabeth; a trifecta of intellect, insight and the ability to express it. Forgive the glaze, but your writing is…transformative, not unlike the moments I’ve been privileged to view a great work of art, I’m partial to painting myself, and some photography. Each piece of yours feels like an education of the highest order, a pulling back of the veil, that deserves to be framed and memorized. Thank you for your dedication to your craft; and God bless you for the discipline to share it with us.
When they say Trump was a "dead politician," that is true.
But the irony is that the people in power couldn't help themselves, with their bull-crap, one-sided, hypocritical charges on classified documents (oops, Joe did much worse), "election interference" (apparently, complaining to the governor that something is fishy and could you please look into that is "rigging"), a laughable rape/defamation case, and a twisting of the statute of limitations to turn bookkeeping errors into 59 felonies.
Trump was dead and buried, basically a disgraced Nixon, and they kicked him when he was down for no reason other than to make an example that HOW DARE anyone challenge the status quo, ever. And as it turns out, at least 53% of the (voting) public is VERY much against that "status quo."
Instead of making an example, they made an avatar.
(I don't even like the guy, but he still beats the last 4 years of abject misery, not to mention the 50 years of slow decline and selling out America, and YES, I *do* count Reagan in that as well, before his first term).
Thankfully neither of them pulled it off. FL guy didn't really get far. PA guy got *way* too far and *had* to be a CIA/NSA/DHS stooge.
Note that PA guy was dead and not autopsied and FL Slava Ukraine guy was I believe taken into custody. FL guy was probably an independent nut, he was kind of a loon. If the government was helping him, he'd have gotten much closer, at the least.
Although why the government would want to potentially set off permanent Middle Eastern sectarian political violence... that I have fewer ideas about. Maybe for power and wealth but it's better and safer to keep that stuff abroad. Violent areas always consume themselves and are a royal pain to clean up.
Nailed it, Elizabeth. Especially the boomer part where we have our stuff. We are getting rid of our stuff (except hubby who will no doubt leave me to sort out his hoard) and mostly have paid off stuff. We’re no fun in a consumer world. Out with ya! (The underlying job of Covid Plandemic?) Replacement.
My Fortune 100 employer stealthily deleted all of its DEI web pages as if they were drunk naked selfies. The wind turbines scheduled to soon desecrate our precious pristine Jersey Shore coastline are suddenly just an abandoned fantasy cooked up by deranged pot heads. I’m literally having difficulty being excited over all of this because I’ve been trained for so long by life to accept that things only get worse, not better. This isn’t gonna be easy for me.
Those windmills are giant, in your face F Yous to those of us who cherish the land we were granted. It’s notable that Palm Springs CA would be littered with hundreds of them knowing how blue the residents vote. That desert valley is now visually destroyed, all in an effort to demonstrate hatred of oil.
We are dealing with mentally/visually-impaired people who exercise superiority thru those white spinning towers of hideousness. This issue pits me against these “climate” retards more than anything.
I’m trying to understand why you are being read by such a small number of people. It seems you should have thousands reading this. Especially when you post yourself for free. And it seems if you want to find out what’s going on in leftyland, it’s always behind a paywall. Ty ma’am,for being the light!
One of the best summaries of the current situation I have read. Great article
... And Jeff Childers "Coffee & Covid" is a great adjunct to Elizabeth's summary:
Always anticipate Elizabeth's Substack posts and was into agreement with the whole piece until the very end when the 'Nut Job' at WEF declared, in summary, Trump to have risen and taken them down.
The fact is, Trump announced on the second day of his current Administration to LAUNDER MORE U.S. Taxpayer $$$ to support and FUND the Billionaire Bro AI Hounds in their execrable Agenda of AI oriented Bio-Digital Convergence attacking all organic DNA on the planet to thieve all God's creation as IMPERIALISTS have sought to do through all millennia.
Some are NOT deceived or diverted and distracted from the KEY ISSUE of all time.
Was sincerely hoping Trump would destroy THIS Agenda; the evilest SOCIAL REGRESSION INTO SLAVERY ever conceived. Voted for him three times even though suspicious. We now know the reason he NEVER addressed 'WARP SPEED' and the Bio-Nanoweapon Injections POISONOUS to all life which were mandated and are now making all sick if not murdering them...What appears Iatricide on a Global level is in fact, FIRST DEGREE DELIBERATE HOMICIDE. TRUMP KNEW WHAT HE DID BY ALLOWING 'WARP SPEED'. ALL WAS DELIBERATE.
AI whether we like it or not is a major part of the future. Trump is right, better we control it, than China. Trump was at an announcement where loony tech bros announced they were going to invest $500B in a JV. Why would he not be good with this?
As far as Warp Speed NO ONE predicted the entire medical industry had gone Lizard People evil on us in 2020. I am sure Trump thought ‘okay this is out of control. We need to open things up. Give everyone some medicine, make them feel like they are doing something, and let’s get this country opened up ASAP.’
In April 2020 I wrote a thoughtful FB post on why I didn’t believe COVID existed. At least half my engaging ‘friends’ are conservative. NO ONE AGREED WITH ME. By June some had come around. But still to this day many haven’t.
COVID was a long well thought out scam perpetrated on the world. Their poison vaccjnes had already been invented. They conjured up a psyop and used it to ruin Trump. And to make a few T$. No one anticipated this.
No one knew the entire medical industry was evil. Which it is. When I say entire I accept a small %age of individuals are good. But even those good guys are heavily brainwashed and are therefore compromised to some extent.
As far as AI goes. Real life is not science fiction. AI can only collect info that is known and collate it well. Or poorly. But the idea AI can cure cancer is absurd. An individual might cure cancer. But a tool, even a potentially useful one, can’t.
It is not much different than saying ‘I have invented a hammer. With this hammer we can build much more easily than before. This hammer will create beautiful buildings’. No! The tool might be helpful. It can’t create.
You can’t actually reason with people who believe AI is the antichrist and dooming to humanity. Just like people probably panicked at manufacturing automation. It was the end of the world as they knew it. I’m seeing a lot of takes on this tech development - and I wonder, how did they think this was going to work? Trump would tell them to just stop it? Quit innovating with AI? Tell everyone to go live in a house you build yourself, eat food out of the ground that you grow yourself, and use the medicinal plants you grow on your windowsill for your medical care? Sounds kind of nice, honestly. But that’s not the century we are in. And Trump knows that.
AI can actually be very flawed and inept. The net is also littered with it's monstrosities.
Ai need NOT be inserted into life on the planet with the Biodigital Convergence oriented Bio-Nanotechweapon Injections, Crop Dusting Geo-Engineering and infection of food. Energy consuming and water guzzling 'Data Centers' used towards the acquisition of absolute power/control by the Billionaire Bros Ai Hounds for their Trillionaire Masters in the City of London's Central Banker Family Coven is pathological. (No, am not getting into the weeds of the technologies surrounding this heinous and evil agenda resulting from the dreams of Demon Worshiping Imperialists towards absolute power/control...A REGRESSION OF ALL SOCIETY INTO GLOBAL SLAVERY).
Those creating Ai are PATHOLOGICAL...'EVIL', NUT JOBS requiring IMPRISONMENT to protect society more than Serial Murdering/Raping Monsters which can be argued...THEY ACTUALLY ARE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. All the pathological, evil create is as pathological and evil as they...
Any agreement with those perpetrating MURDER, DISABILITY, STERILIZATION and SLAVERY upon the global population is EVIL in itself. Doesn't require a genius to know creating an evil, pathological entity more efficient and intelligent than the most efficient and intelligent on Earth is to create an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' even beyond that of attacking the DNA of all organic life on Earth. THERE IS NO OTHER LOGIC NECESSARY TO KNOW THIS AS FACT AND TRUTH.
Very well put. Thank you.
Always have to remember, per Trump and his actions, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!"
Blaze, I hear you. I confess that I swing back and forth between Liz's optimism and your and others' pessimism. Hope dies hard.
Hope? It's totally understandable.
Always sought optimism.
Learned during a challenging time in life before Covid, one is utterly stupid to deny or avoid facts defining enemies or those seeking in their own frailty to harm others or in seeking approval of humanity.
When seeking comfort, arrived at John 2:25 in The Holy Bible, "and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man."
It is NOT negative to confront the fact of evil existing and attacking the souls of humanity...Creating enemies. Trump is of the Imperialists as nobody is wealthy, popular or allowed influence unless of the Demon Worshiping clique comprising the International Crime Syndicate.
Be optimistic, it's good for your mental health ... and anyone you hang out with.
OMGosh...Am happy here on the farm in the middle of Amish Country. Just because the world at large is insane doesn't equate to all of life being so. We laugh and gather here ALL THE TIME with music and joy in both work and play.
Prefer this to continue instead of being surrounded with zombified Borg.
I concluded Trump’s sincerity to handle and eliminate the virus threat relied on a CDC (deep state) he didn’t understand. They hated him and played him. He assumed people best interest was motive not power, gain of function obfuscation and WHO policy participation. Covid at great cost exposed them all. So it was with great jaw dropping astonishment when DJT announced his blessing and coordination of the AI corporations (are they not part of the WHO/WEF/Davos crowd?). I get his thinking -jobs and USA $$$ and China battle preparedness BUT can’t help thinking he’s being Covid played again. Who will control who? Is AI a who? Can’t help wondering if AI is the born anti-Christ already declared in some saintly quarters. Has the sci fi Star Trek BORG already been established? Dystopian movies and books were supposed to be warnings not instruction manuals.
Don't wonder. THink rationally andsupport what will work. The world is full of wonderers who do nothing real to change things, with no ideas or practical support for those who have..
This is a hyper reading of what was done, and it’s understandable why we are prone to sensationalize anything here. We won’t agree with everything he does. Victor Davis Hansen does a good summary of why Trump has partnered with these weird characters. (Per coffee & covid.) AI is here and it’s not going anywhere. I saw the tech “lords” bending the knee and him keeping them close because there’s no stopping this stuff anymore. And if we fall behind and pretend it’s not happening and declare AI to be the antichrist, etc, well, when we get invaded by China’s AI and we’ve shut it down pretending it’s not happening? That won’t play well. Trump is not stupid. He knows how his base feels about digital surveillance and MRNA vaccines. But he also knows WAY more than we know about what’s going on. And he’s not sitting on the sidelines and letting it play out. He’s in full control of what’s going on. He may have a vision for the future that you don’t want. And you should stand your ground. But he can’t pretend we’re not launching into the future - he has to grab the reins. And has.
Those creating Ai evil and pathological which means ANYTHING THEY CREAT IS TO BE EVEN MORE EVIL AND PATHOLOGICAL AS THEY. That is the crux of the problem, and no human being is efficient and intelligent enough to control any evil entity more efficient and intelligent. THAT IS SIMPLE LOGIC.
It's not necessary for human beings to be Bio-Digitally Converged into becoming a TRANSHUMAN BORG. THERE IS NO REASON WHAT-SO-EVER FOR THIS TO MANIFEST. That is about ABSOLUTE POWER/CONTROL by the Imperialists as they've always dreamed of acquiring.
Any agreement with those perpetrating MURDER, DISABILITY, STERILIZATION and SLAVERY upon the global population is EVIL in itself. Doesn't require a genius to know creating an evil, pathological entity more efficient and intelligent than the most efficient and intelligent on Earth is to create an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' even beyond that of attacking the DNA of all organic life on Earth. THERE IS NO OTHER LOGIC NECESSARY TO KNOW THIS AS FACT AND TRUTH regardless of the WESTERN CREATED THREAT OF CHINA/CCP.
January 26, 2025 “From Donald Trumps Desk”. Substack
Exactly why, when I see that Elizabeth has posted a new piece, I read it before anything else. Always a good read, always rewards my attention, always the bare perspectives I believe will help bring about changes many of us have been striving so hard to achieve for the half century behind us, around this world.
There are two absolute daily must reads, Coffee and Covid by Jeff Childers and recently I have discovered Elizabeth's Absurdistan. I do not miss them.
This is a majestic article from Elizabeth.
Jenna’s Side rounds out my top three ;).
agree!, Dan!
I totally agree! Elizabeth has a special and unique perspective that has enlightened my own world view.
Because Elizabeth doesn't pretend. A rare commodity in today's absurdistan.
Trump's re-election had certainly brought some hope. Let's see if this administration can do what Javier Milei is so good at doing: Destroying the parasites who feed off the populace and create obstructions and resulting misery! The only way to ensure freedom from all of this centralized socialist control is to make the state close to extinct! I'm not so sure that is what Trump wants. Keep watching Argentina...
President Trump is doing what he was elected to do:
But Trump always has been a parasite, a life-long grifter and con-man. His parasitical and grifting impulses will now be turbo-charged and given full rein.
Especially as he is in the process of demolishing all of the institutional checks and balances of his now unfettered power. He has effectively been given the permission/right to do so via the Supreme Court granting him legal immunity for (almost) everything he does.
All the negatives that Elizabeth featured re the Davos gab-fest will be turbo-charged on steroids during his "administration".
Yeah, you haven’t studied Trump at all with any integrity if you believe any of those things. Or read any of Absurdistan. 🙄
Well, Biden has just pardoned all the unforgiveables. Are you trying to say that Trump, after nearly a WHOLE WEEK, is worse?
Until he has RFK confirmed, the health initiatives will have to wait. Suggest you grab a seat, stock up on popcorn, and wait for Trump's cabinet confirmations.
Zippy.. I sincerely believe the “presidential immunity” was to cover ALL past (future) presidents. I’m sure he reads on his truth social how many angry posts re: Obama/clintons/bushes… and Biden. They are all covered in that immunity.
I hope that Maria reads this. She’s been very courteous to her guests at Davos for many years. I would wonder why she gives the attendees “audience” as I watched her show. (I understand how she was providing accurate coverage for her business following). You accurately present its demise. Thank you. The “hookers” is really an indicator. In ‘85 or ‘86 I arrested a pimp in Falls Church, Va who was wanted for murder in Wilkes Barre, Pa. As the Detectives from Pa. picked him up, they explained to me how his “stable” of hookers had made him very wealthy at the L.A. Olympics & when the Olympics ended, the guy had to move his “stable” to a circuit and rotate them between Wilkes Barre, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore, DC. The pimp kept the hookers at a cheap hotel in Falls Church. They opened my “innocent eyes” which previously saw Pericles’ noble purpose in creating the Olympics as athletic competition. Tracking “hookers” as an “economic indicator” is a valid metric. Ironic that the Olympics are rolling back to L.A. soon. Thank you.
Maybe the rarified air of Davos has a personal appeal. POTUS did quite well at Davos, remotely; everyone understood him clearly,without him having to be there. He didn’t mind the air in Western NC and the L.A. basin. Priorities.
Safer for Trump.
No lead poisoning
Ditto - money honey is in the EuroTrash league now…
This year she looked less polished.
Wonder if she is losing her touch, should have been broadcasting from burned out LA.
Stopped watching her so much after she ignored the Covid scam, deaths and IC using FISA-7002 to violate all Americans 4A rights to judicial approval on ANY spying on US citizens, including PDJT-45.
I had the same thought. I wondered if the fact that the demand for hookers is down 60% will touch off massive short selling.
Thank you for this interesting take on current events. I propose another theory:
This is all scripted—-Trump winning, Trump losing, Trump winning. Davos complaining. The purpose of the theater is to push people toward the Great Reset in increments. Obama boiled us. Trump turned down the temperature. Biden boiled us raw. Trump turns down the temperature. The Davos crowd allows Trump to throw us some bones and we feel sated and saved.
Meanwhile, Trump does a press conference with some of the globalist’s most horrid actors about mRNA and cancer. He hangs with Bill Gates at Mara Lago. He begins the effort to normalize some of these evil people and their evil ideas. It’s a soft, subtle introduction, but it begins right away—just three days into his presidency. He addresses Davos remotely and is kind and complimentary to the sanctimonious assholes gathered in Switzerland. “I hope to be there next time,” he says.
Most of the crazy evil events we watched during Biden’s term were all show: the speech he gave with red stage lighting and the weird Nazi-like guards standing behind him. The threat of war, pushing fear of annihilation. The odd diseases threatening us after COVID—monkey pox, bird flu, with the mad scientists conditioning us to believe it was going to happen yet again! Biden’s job was to push fear, incompetency, and catastrophe and “end times” foreshadowing. This way, when Trump came in to save the day, we were expected to be quaking in our boots by then. Trump will soft roll globalist goals and ideas while “saving” humanity with Executive Orders. It has already begun. He’s already joined Ellison, et al at an MRNA press conference—a true slap in the face to his supporters who were expecting a “Make America Healthy Again” stance on Day One of his presidency.
This is why he’s never denounced the COVID vaccines. This is why RFK Jr. has been sidelined.
It’s all one big show folks! Biden made things look so bad so Trump could make everything look so good. Already his followers are making excuses for him, trying to explain away the inconsistencies. He’ll give you all a lot of what you want—a closed border, water flowing in California again, for example, but he’s also going to ask for a lot in return.
And It’s not going to be pretty.
I think you truly misunderstand Trump. He is 100% not a davos puppet. But that doesn't mean he doesn't keep his friends close and his enemies even closer.
Like Lincoln? Cue the Lincoln haters.
Everybody has their panties in a twist about Larry Ellison and his mRNA cancer vaccine claims, as though Trump has betrayed us. I personally don't think so. More than one scientist (Robert Malone among them) has cogently pointed out that Ellison's claims are laughable. "The most gentle thing I can say about all of this is that the idea that one could sequence the genome of a cancer cell and based on that (within 48 hours!) develop a universal cancer vaccine for that type of tumor is profoundly naive," says Malone. His title here on Substack (AI, mRNA, Cancer Vaccines and "Stargate") has the subtitle, "Reality check. Curb your enthusiasm, and beware of grifters." My view is that Trump is about bringing in dollars, and if someone says they will invest some billions in the U.S., he'll stand back and let them spew all kinds of pseudo-scientific nonsense if they want to. (Don't you think Larry the impressionable investing billionaire may have been fed some wild claims?) He'll meet with Gates and listen to him blah blah blah, because Trump in person is a gracious host. He'll let Zuckerberg and Bezos show their support and act like they are now truly men of the right. He's not the hall monitor of the masks and personas people wear. He's tearing down the infrastructure that will allow any of them to effect their ultimate plans. Ellison et al can come up with whatever cockamamie version of a "vaccine" they claim to have, but the ability to provide it will be stymied by transparent clinical trials, personal choice, and the open publication of every single side effect and injury reported so that all will know what they are getting into. Trump is about the investment. Yes, he has inconsistencies. But they get stripped away in history, and we will be left with legislation resulting from his glorious EOs (some already in progress) so that the next weasel of a lockdown-loving, humanity-hating, Satan-worshipping "globalist" won't be able to come in and easily undo what's been accomplished.
Plus, he's giving all the so called big players the opportunity to showcase themselves. If we get a few billion dollars out of that here and there..well, that's just part of the game. Would we even know what guys like Ellison have been up to before one of his developing demonic ideas actually takes root? That's how all the marxist, racist, trans, sexist, etc.,crap took over. Initally, this stuff was pretty much in the freaking dark for most people. Few really knew what was shaping up behind the scenes with the big money/big power/big intel people until we woke up one day with it being shoved down our throats. Trump's offering us all a 360 view 24/7. Then we can make decisions with more complete iinformation. It's the real participatory democracy part of the Constitutional Republic that people have been supposedly clamoring for. So let's get off our asses and participate. I'm done with whiners speculating endlessly about what Trump's darker motives might be. Losers.., holding us all back, like it's their *job* or something.
100% with you. And damn well said thank you.
I’m done with whiners and all or nothings as change for the better slaps them in the face. I scroll past now. I get it but come on.. pessimists just gotta do pessimism.
Our concierge doctor told us to never take the Covid vaccine in summer 2020. Still unvaxed. I will listen to my doctor and try to ignore the WEF. I belong body and soul, in life and death, to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be all glory and honor.
So, Trump is just naive then. Or he’s playing 5-D chess?
What do you make of annexing Canada, buying Greenland, and uniting the North American continent? That’s a globalist wet dream, and yet he came out with that weeks before his inauguration. Do you think he really came up with that himself?
It could be that Trump is a hero but the Deep State approached him and showed him their deadly wares. He had to make another compromise—-promote some of their futuristic ideals or annihilate humanity. Perhaps Trump is balancing both things for our benefit.
But to mention mRNA again in the first 72 hours of his presidency? AI date centers? See this. Admit this. Take this in. Always strive to see the bigger picture. We must. We must always be watching.
If you listen to the first Canada conversation with Trudeau, it went along the lines of “We’ve given Canada $200 billion, for what? I might as well make Canada the 51st state at that price.” That comment was so effective in getting the media in a twirl that he kept it up. It made people think, “Damn…we’ve given Canada THAT much money while our infrastructure is collapsing around us? Why?” Greenland is a different story. We need that military base on Greenland.
We also need guaranteed negotiated rights to mineral resources in Greenland before China belt'n'roads them. Like China is doing with the Panama Canal, and with half of Africa.
What we need is unfettered access to the Northwest Passage into the Arctic Sea. Canada to the west and Greenland to the east. We already have the other end in Alaska to the Bering Sea.
We are closer in miles to Greenland than Denmark is. Who is to say they own it. Greenland has told denmark to pound sand (ice) at times.
Of course always be watching, but remember the art of the deal - you always start out asking for the moon if what you want are a few thousand stars. Trump has started out brilliantly.
Thank God for you, Sir. It was looking pretty dreary in the comments for a minute.👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Correct. Well said. Thank you.
If better heads are distributing the money as time goes by and oversight and accountability become more a part of this plus conflicts of interest taken into account, this whole thing can change substantially. That is what we have wanted and it looks like it is heading that way. I see a miracle. Being an optimist is way more fun and peaceful. I’m so over worry and panic. Something good happened and I’ll take it, some warts and all.
Certainly fits the MO.
Ellison is creepy and a whole lot more. I have anagrammed his full name, Lawrence Joseph Ellison. We can have:
• lo NJ Orwellian speeches
• encl AI Jews snooper Hell
• er Napoleons Jewish cell
• Jew loon creepiness hall
• an eel Jew hell’s scorpion
• Jewish oracle neon spell
• lo nee all Jew censorship
Seems to be appropriate.
…… FROM DONALD TRUMPS DESK. January 26th. Substack
Great Comment, astute observations.
I can buy most of what you say. But the only way we'll have transparent clinical trials and honest reporting of side effects is if RFK Jr gets affirmed, so that's far from a sure thing. Also, I don't trust Malone, even if I agree with a lot of what he says (limited hangouts?).
So I understand your cynicism, but if you keep painting with such broad strokes all you’ll ever create are crosswalks.
Listen, you don’t have to abandon the idea of “the show” completely, as it definitely is a show, but try to at least appreciate the back stories of the players a little more: your take allows for precious little depth and nuance, which might not seem like a big deal, but I think it’s contributing to you getting not just the details wrong, but also the purpose and outcome. Give Trump a little more credit, and don’t believe the mischaracterized headlines I’ve seen all week about Trump “supporting” what Ellison is doing and “hanging out” with Gates of Hell. Trump’s madness is rooted in method - we’ve seen it over and over - and it fascinates me that people still don’t see it.
Well said.
I wish I didn’t agree with this well-expressed theory but I see it as a likely outcome. If it’s true that Trump hangs out with Gates, and Gates is not held accountable for his crimes, we’re in deep trouble.
Well, Gates - the walking crime against humanity - owns the WHO, Trump shut down the WHO, that should answer your question. I think Gates has more trouble coming than he possibly knows what to do with for his dastardly roles in the pLandemic.
If everything is scripted, shutting down the WHO is part of the plan. It’s a bone they’re throwing us to make it look like we’re back in control. Sorry, on Trump’s first day, an earnest, forthright player would have told our keepers to throw away the fluoride and the poisons in our food, not do a press conference with the Pharma Gods and investors to push a deadly, untested vaccine.
He’s either incredibly stupid, or he’s one of them.
You've got it wrong and I understand you want to push your narrative. Trump has got RFK Jr coming, if we can get him past the deep state and globalists who really want to keep the flouride and poison in our foods.
Have you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr. You should read it. Really.
I’m not pushing a narrative. I’m merely trying to make a point. Humanity got into this mess because we failed to see things clearly, we were intellectually lazy and trusting of our overlords.
I am merely being vigilant.
I’ve been at this since 1997. Imagine being awake back then. You think it’s hard now? I’ve been around long enough to spot patterns, things that seem “off,” and have taken in the troves of people that have cycled in and out of the Deep State for the past thirty years. I see things from a different point of view—-a very substantive one. I was also a member of the press for many years and was, in fact, working in a newsroom when the press was literally bought out by corporations and taken over by the Deep State.
I’m not coming from a bad place, but rather a place of experience.
Humanity got into this mess because evil abounds in this world. There are treacherous people behind every corner, waiting to mug you, to steal your bank account, your home, your life.
We were busy running our lives and our families, we hoped our "representatives" were representing us. That was our mistake. They weren't, in fact, they were stealing it all. They weren't our representatives at all, they were infiltrated to destroy us and our country.
Finally, we are awake, moreso than probably ever in the history of our country. And we finally have, by the grace of God, our champion, in President Trump who has taken every thing they can throw at him, including bullets and fought on. You say he is nefarious, I say he is for us, for we the people. Neither of us know for certain but I sure like what he is doing to restore the country from the horrific abuses of the global marxists, deep state and uniparty.
I'm going to support him. I'm going to pray for him. I think God has a purpose for him.
For many years now, "being part of the press" means you are a narrative spreader, the press has lost all credibility, I mean every last drop of it. I hope you will be part of the effort to restore a free press.
You sound just like the left. You want it all and you want it now because you are gloriously "right". Maybe you are, but you still have to prove that to an awful lot of still brainwashed people, many of them with a whole lot of money to throw around.
Trump is putting it ALL on the table and letting the ideas battle it out. Except for the instances where stuff is really critical (illegals, unaddressed floods and fires, effeminate "soliders") he's allowing all arguments. May the best ideas win. Now stop whining and get to work. You have a lot more people to win over to your side than you think you do.
Candis, there is no such thing as a savior. We have the government we deserve after years of not being mindful and watchful of our government. The Deep State actually found space to stage a coup. We were too busy keeping up with the Jones’s, idolizing Hollywood types and hoping our government t would run itself. People didn’t even bother to vote. In 1997, when I woke up, the media was beginning its takeover. 911 was being planned. Environmental wokeism was on the rise and corruption in our government had taken hold. The people slept.
We were not good stewards of our democracy. We had to get to the point where our country was in full demolition mode for anyone to pay attention.
I hope Trump is everything we want him to be, but I have little tolerance for his refusal to fight against the oligarchs from Davos. He failed to denounce them in his first meeting with them. And he staged a press conference with the Pharma Gods, joining in the praise for mRNA—-a kind of vaccine that continues to kills scores of people around the world every week.
Don’t go back to 1997. Keep watch over our government. It is your duty. And mine.
I agree 💯
Give me a break. Trump "hangs out" with everybody. That's how he collects his info. Firsthand.
Your are correct. Trump doesn't waste much time ... he is always working, regardless of what things appear to be ... He keeps his enemies close.
Do not underestimate The Donald.
Gates spent three hours at Mara Lago last week, along with a cast of other shady characters. But the MRNA press conference took the cake. Droves of MAGA supporters spoke out in alarm and many in disgust.
Trump is building data centers for AI with foreign investment. Death shots and surveillance. They were two of his shadow themes last week.
Don’t look at the surface—at the pretty things. It’s in the deep, black bowels of the machinery where things really happen.
They've taken multiple attempts at assassinating him. By the grace of God and a slight turn of his head, he is still with us.... or do you believe that too was scripted? Do you believe in God? Could you possibly believe that God took decades to prepare Trump for this moment, this place?
Nothing will get some off their unicorn dreams. Nothing is perfect, but maybe they think they are.
Here's deep for ya'. Think about this. How many Americans even knew any of this stuff was in the works or how far these egotistical assholes with a lot of money had gotten with it, until a couple of days ago? And what has the general reaction been since then? It's a process that has been taking shape in relative shadows, and Trump just invited us to the party. Do something, anything constructive about ait and stop your insufferable whining.
Aw Candis. Not whining at all. But hey, learn to let others have an opinion. It’s the rational, grown-up way to be.
Once upon a time, Orson Wells did a radio broadcast called War of the Worlds. People flipped out, and that was when the US government supposedly decided that if alien life were ever found, it would never be disclosed, because people would flip out.
Fast forward to today. Do you really think that Trump or any president would be advised to tell millions of people that they voluntarily took an injection that is, at best, going to shorten their life span and at worst, going to give them cancer/heart disease/etc? Oh, and people all over the world took the same injections, so it wouldn't just be US citizens going on a rampage, it would be the WORLD looking for revenge.
Depopulation is the WEF plan. Free peoples may depopulate the WEF
Good point, but those mRNA injections were not taken voluntarily. The injuries inflicted, the damage done, will have to be compensated. The anger that will be unleashed by telling people the truth will enable or push RFK Jr to set up a compensation fund with money from the pharmaceutical industry.
As I understand it, approximately 80% of the population of the USA and Canada took the jab, willingly or not. So now, the 20% of us who said no and took the heat, lost jobs, lost friends, lost family, had bank accounts frozen many were tossed in jail FOR PROTESTING.
We lost whatever faith we may have had in our so-called leaders ... much of that 80% wanted the rest of us thrown into concentration camps to be reeducated or put to death... Yeah really.
Actual medical expenses for all the mRNA-inflicted injuries including cardio-vascular, neurological, immunological, and other disorders; compensation for every mRNA-injection-caused death in accordance with actuarial principles of normal life expectancy, plus pain and suffering; compensation for loss of livelihood due to illegal or unconstitutional firing, plus back pay. No compensation for loss of friends who proved themselves unworthy of your friendship. About family ties cut, that’s tragic, but the only thing to do is wait for those poor deluded souls to come back, if they do. The compensation funds should come from the entire pharmaceutical industry, one of the most obscenely profitable industries in America. Whether any of the above will actually happen, I don’t know, but certainly RFK Jr as HHS Secretary and Pam Bondi as Attorney General (when both are confirmed) should experience continuous pressure from the vax-injured and bereaved to set up such a compensation procedure and fund. The reason the Attorney General should be involved is to invoke criminal and civil penalties, particularly on Pfizer and Moderna, to motivate them to cooperate.
I lean towards trump keeping enemies close as wwll as letting them expose themselves to the world. He cant go around pissing off and alienating all these a-holes on day one. Thrre are stil too many normies who need to see and get it.
Sad to say this is how reality works. They are all in the same club. You would never ever remotely get to become this powerful. If you would be doing what’s good for the people. Nothing new under the sun. Different players same script.
I agree with Great Reflects theory on the situation. I listened to Trump talk in Davos by video. My stance on all these character's is they are global psychopathic predators and mind controlled people blinded by ideology, money, greed , power, fear etc etc. When I listened to Trump, oh how good it sounded. I wanted that hopium but I also know we are dealing with an energy that is miles ahead of us ,we are in a war These handler of us know exactly how we shall act as a herd .It is narrative and perception control through this reality TV show called life. This energy in my mind is utterly anti-human and each day it gets closer and closer to total control, what is it AI. Trump will indeed make positive changes all you have to do is pledge allegiances to an AI, Technocratic , Transhumanism, Totalitarian regime , you will be excluded from society if you do not. And people will happily agree, mankind has been traumatized beaten down, just wants to be left alone to live life. I do not want to be ruled by machines and people who act like machines. The more we engage with the machine the more we lose are humanness. So better times are ahead but the price is steep indeed. That is my take on it. Elizabeth love your work.
You'd bitch if you were hung with a new rope.
lol, like
Agree with your assessment. Both sides are zig zagging us to total tyranny. Not sure where we go from here? Just try to “enjoy” the ride while we’re alive?
RFK has not been sidelined. His confirmation is comingJr. next week.
We shall see what he’s able to get done working with a president who continues to push vaccines.
An interesting theory. In part plausible, but let's see what happens. So far, Trump is doing what he was elected to do:
But it's a tightrope walk between the people and the tech oligarchs. RFK Jr has not been sidelined, he has to wait until he's confirmed before he can do anything. It would be great if he could find a way to end the covid-vax atrocity before Senate confirmation.
How do you think RFK felt about Trump’s meeting with oligarchs of the medical murder cartel?
Good question. The exculpatory narrative now being promoted is ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’. We’ll see how that works out. RFK Jr must be confirmed first before he can take appropriate action, such as revoking covid-vax EUAs, taking the covid-vax off the market, removing funding of all bio-weapon gain-of-function ‘research’. There’s a lot to do, or actually un-do. ‘Just stop it’ is my mantra:
I’m not going to worry about that right now. Lincoln kept his enemies around him.
The left and the Davos crowd have their hair on absolute fire, Orange Man Bad is BACK! His coterie of henchmen led by the most evil of all the dreamer crazy zealots (electric cars, pay pal, AI, space craft to Mars, THE DOGE, good by US Treasury “Penny”) Musk, must be stopped. This writer really missed the “live shots” of Johnny Kerry (aka Voldemort) this year at Davos. Poor little Johnny, boarding school in France, St. Paul’s School (Pedo prep school) Yale and sent out of Vietnam before his sailors and peers could roll a Grenada under his rack, now has nowhere to take the “Flying Squirrel” his hyper wealthy wife’s private jet to lecture us. Maybe he can take time to smell the flowers in the garden the little people maintain for him, or get his field glasses to scan his “family’s” private island in the middle of Vineyard Sound from his estate on Marthas Vineyard, checking to see that the care takers on four wheeled ATV’’s are patrolling for the little people making the mistake of crossing the high tide line in the sand. Yes, Johnny, it is the “people’s” water up to the high tide mark, and so many rules to make and so little time left for you to do it. The question now becomes how hard are these psychopaths going to try and go to, to stop what has happened here in the States in the last several months, and more notably how fast the 47th POTUS and his team have moved in 5 short days. Wasn’t it rich to see Trump scold the scolding class in a ZOOM call to Davos?! Get onboard or drown Klaus, note Klaus has traded in his Dr. Evil Nehru jacket for a blue blazer, change is in the rarified air of Davos. We know it’s over for them, when the President of Argentina gives the crowd holy hell in Spanish, fresh from his VIP spot behind the podium in the rotunda of the US Capital as Trump took his oath of office. Oddly “live shot” Johnny Kerry wasn’t there…hmmm imagine his horror when he didn’t get an invite to sit next to his Yale classmate the male cheer leader Georgie Dubya Bush at the inauguration, and insult to injury, not even an astrix * on a footnote at the WEF this year…the horror! Humiliations galore. Ain’t gloating, just the fact Ma’m just the facts.
Brilliant! Prose worthy of Elizabeth Nickson herself, and that's high praise indeed. The most incredible thing about the Davos set is that they really believe their own propaganda. They are actually surprised that Trump -- a k a the people -- won. These vignettes of Kerry, Klaus, et al are a superb record of that rare moment when they realized they'd blown it. And Trump and Millei telling them exactly why they'd lost complete the picture.
Nicely said.
When does vaccine genocide Nuremberg v2.0 begin?
2021 with Moderna and Phizer
What a great gift you have, Dear Elizabeth; a trifecta of intellect, insight and the ability to express it. Forgive the glaze, but your writing is…transformative, not unlike the moments I’ve been privileged to view a great work of art, I’m partial to painting myself, and some photography. Each piece of yours feels like an education of the highest order, a pulling back of the veil, that deserves to be framed and memorized. Thank you for your dedication to your craft; and God bless you for the discipline to share it with us.
These are facts.
What wondrous new writing have I happened upon here??!! Utterly brilliant!!!
When they say Trump was a "dead politician," that is true.
But the irony is that the people in power couldn't help themselves, with their bull-crap, one-sided, hypocritical charges on classified documents (oops, Joe did much worse), "election interference" (apparently, complaining to the governor that something is fishy and could you please look into that is "rigging"), a laughable rape/defamation case, and a twisting of the statute of limitations to turn bookkeeping errors into 59 felonies.
Trump was dead and buried, basically a disgraced Nixon, and they kicked him when he was down for no reason other than to make an example that HOW DARE anyone challenge the status quo, ever. And as it turns out, at least 53% of the (voting) public is VERY much against that "status quo."
Instead of making an example, they made an avatar.
(I don't even like the guy, but he still beats the last 4 years of abject misery, not to mention the 50 years of slow decline and selling out America, and YES, I *do* count Reagan in that as well, before his first term).
When "they" say PTrump was a dead politician, they mean it literally; see Butler, PA and Mar a Lago.
Thankfully neither of them pulled it off. FL guy didn't really get far. PA guy got *way* too far and *had* to be a CIA/NSA/DHS stooge.
Note that PA guy was dead and not autopsied and FL Slava Ukraine guy was I believe taken into custody. FL guy was probably an independent nut, he was kind of a loon. If the government was helping him, he'd have gotten much closer, at the least.
Although why the government would want to potentially set off permanent Middle Eastern sectarian political violence... that I have fewer ideas about. Maybe for power and wealth but it's better and safer to keep that stuff abroad. Violent areas always consume themselves and are a royal pain to clean up.
Wow! The best synopsis I’ve read in a long time. Brilliant work and thanks for such a great post. Pax
Nailed it, Elizabeth. Especially the boomer part where we have our stuff. We are getting rid of our stuff (except hubby who will no doubt leave me to sort out his hoard) and mostly have paid off stuff. We’re no fun in a consumer world. Out with ya! (The underlying job of Covid Plandemic?) Replacement.
My Fortune 100 employer stealthily deleted all of its DEI web pages as if they were drunk naked selfies. The wind turbines scheduled to soon desecrate our precious pristine Jersey Shore coastline are suddenly just an abandoned fantasy cooked up by deranged pot heads. I’m literally having difficulty being excited over all of this because I’ve been trained for so long by life to accept that things only get worse, not better. This isn’t gonna be easy for me.
Those windmills are giant, in your face F Yous to those of us who cherish the land we were granted. It’s notable that Palm Springs CA would be littered with hundreds of them knowing how blue the residents vote. That desert valley is now visually destroyed, all in an effort to demonstrate hatred of oil.
We are dealing with mentally/visually-impaired people who exercise superiority thru those white spinning towers of hideousness. This issue pits me against these “climate” retards more than anything.
The irony was always that the wind turbines are more toxic to the environment than drilling rigs.
Feel the joy, sir. Do something fun today. Sniff the tendrils of change for the better!!
Definitely not gonna be sniffin’ any tendrils. 😱
Don’t let the b****rds beat you down, and don’t let them make you stay there.
I’m trying to understand why you are being read by such a small number of people. It seems you should have thousands reading this. Especially when you post yourself for free. And it seems if you want to find out what’s going on in leftyland, it’s always behind a paywall. Ty ma’am,for being the light!
I do have thousands, at least 50,000 for every piece.
I’m glad of that. It’s shows a few hundred here, and I never understood that. Yay!
💯 A stellar breakdown. Thank you for a brilliant and detailed critique. From a reader and soon to be supporter from Canada.
Re Rory Stewart: The louder the mouth, the smaller the dick.
The true “Canadian personality” showed itself during the Truckers’ Convoy.