I sat down last night with my 16yo daughter and we read about Project Mockingbird. I asked if she had heard of it and she said she had. After a lively discussion, I said, next time, MK Ultra. She responded that she had heard it but didn’t know what it was. Now, when I was 16, I wasn’t discussing stuff like that with my mom. But my daughter and her generation - I’m surprised by how open they are to the “conspiracy” of it all. And it’s because of Covid - the gift that keeps on giving. The tide is turning against them and they know it.

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I've noticed that each generation is getting progressively more aware of exactly what has been and what is trying to be achieved by the elites and they're not having any part of the status quo. Perhaps we were much too indoctrinated to see it sooner that we did.

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We were indoctrinated. That's the purpose of public school, despite the best intentions of the best teachers we may have had - the end goal was always a compliant citizenry. Learn to obey unquestioningly when authorities speak.

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When I attended Canadian public school back in the 60's there was a big emphasis on "getting the right answer" - being first to raise your hand, and getting a gold star sticker on your written work.

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I too started school on the 60s. There was a lot expected of us then. Memorizing Times Tables and countless spelling words in grade school. I remember teachers teaching us little tricks to remember things, math tricks. I think they started screwing with the History and Civics in the 70s. This is where the subtle indoctrination came from. My dad had 2 PhD's so if they would have gone radical on Math, Science, English at that time, he would have immediately noticed. It's just a little at a time

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So true. And private schools are just as indoctrinating, just a different flavor, with uniforms. The most well adjusted young adults I’ve meet have all been homeschooled.

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We were, literally, brainwashed about everything. It's amazing, really, to understand it later in life.

I am so glad that young people are doubting the "narrative". We were way too innocent and naive..

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I hope you're right about the youngest generation. My 30-something kids are nowhere near seeing the deception. Maybe today's teenagers offer us hope.

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Very interesting and informative insight.

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Wow. Fascinating that you can take such a healthy shared look with your daughter at things people really need to know. It bodes very well for her generation that they're much more open to looking hard at what would normally be dismissed. It tells us a 'governance spring' will come, maybe not as early as we'd hoped but it's still very encouraging. It's like democracy is being reinvigorated, a season of profound renewal. I'm encouraged as well by the religious awakening happening.

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This is perfect example of the brain washing. Do you even know where the word came from? Amon the cult we are still trying to unroot from society. Yes Amen iv was Akhenaton who most likely was Moses the mouse of the dessert. And also the father of Christian beliefs. https://umbertodelnoce.com/2019/11/25/the-cult-of-aton-egyptian-non-duality-at-the-roots-of-christianity/ They banned the banks and cults and got chased out of Egypt. And he changed Ra into God. Son Sun.

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Renee DiResta is the invisible ruler she warn us about. Her book is subversive projection. Here is a spicy review and a campaign to wreck the book's Amazon ratings: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/invisible-rulers-renee-diresta-book-review

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We can never live within a free America when our vote becomes marginalized rendering it meaningless. The tyranny being forced upon all of us has resulted in fraudulent elections, a lack of trust in government and a distrust regarding just about every other institution in society. A society of citizens who do nothing to stop corruption and fraud become part of the corruption and fraud. Sadly, most people do not realize this glaring fact.

This government and media are full of despots who can’t exist in a society where the citizens are informed, have the courage to speak freely and who have the courage to question these authority figures. Therefore, those in power have done everything possible legally and illegally to stifle freedom of speech and create a citizenry of docile compliant drones who worship at the altar of material gains, immorality, ego, self/immediate gratification, convenience and complacency.

People have sadly forgotten freedom isn’t free or is it ever guaranteed. Too many people today are unaware and disengaged from reality. The technocrats have hypnotized many into the worshiping of artificial stimuli over real human contact. Hence, we now have a society where fantasy, illusion and delusion reign supreme. An inverse reality has manifested.

Too many people today have become like frightened sheep, lacking the courage to speak up or ever stand on their principles.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams-

“A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.” -Thomas Jefferson-

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers . . . we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. "One word of truth outweighs the world.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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“Freedom cannot survive in any system that allows a ruling class to exist...”

—Gary D. Barnett

Live not by lies.

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Frederick Douglass opined that civil society is governed by only three boxes. In order, they are: 1) The ballot box; 2) The jury box; and 3) The cartridge box.

It is clear that no one believes that that ballot box counts for much/anything anymore. It has been completely corrupted by the Democrat's insistence on winning. The last three years have seen what was likely the most important box for centuries corrupted -- the judiciary has been changed into a lawfare instrument...and the examples are so legion, the faith in justice being blind (almost unique to the US and a handful of other Western democracies) is also now gone. This leaves us with the cartridge box.

It does not have to be a shooting war. But something radically different (nullification? Succession? Who knows?) will likely happen as the third box comes into play. Worth contemplating.

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God! Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: of him one could say the words Shakespeare put in Mark Anthony’s mouth. “Here was a Caesar. When comes such another?” Not in our lifetime.

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I read "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" and was amazed that anyone survived those camps much less keep their soul and mind.

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Excellent, except for the fact that both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were a far cry from being admirable people, as the former was a tyrannical snob and the latter a shameless hypocrite. Solzhenitsyn on the other hand, does pass muster. Ironic that he's Russian, lol.

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Isn’t it something that mortal imperfect people like Adams and Jefferson agreed to sharing in self government by rejecting a monarchy and instead agreed to cede power to “the people”? Their work product and legacy is our Liberty. So far, their achievement (despite their personality flaws) has endured the ages. Having been born a thankful American, I happen to disagree that their quotes aren’t worthy.

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Then there's the the idea that citizen legislators would go to work for a brief time, then go back to their chosen career or livelihood. They built in the checks and balances. Does that suggest a monarchy? The Founders understood the depth of evil leaders, and did amazingly well attempting to save The Republic. The true problem lies in the sheep, who want to be led and fed, not taking an interest in their day-to-day until they see they're in a shute headed toward their demise.

How many of you hear, "I'm not political"? They're too busy planning their social life. But "So many of my friends are sick - or dying". And you can't say a thing because they don't have ears to hear.

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The phrase "I'm not political" is weird, I agree. But that could mean various things. The way politics are usually done is pretty off-putting, I'd say. But we're all political, whether we admit it or not. Refusing to choose is a choice.

And yes, it's very, very hard to be silent when you know people are unwilling to hear what you say to them, when YOU KNOW you're right! Of course, we always think we're right, lol. But Covid was AND STILL IS a psy-op. As annoying, painful, even horrible as it is when people simply refuse to even listen to us, I have to remind myself that they are VICTIMS, there are EVIL people who are tricking and frightening them, and that isn't their fault. That they cannot, and I use that word deliberately, they CANNOT just "snap out of it," is sad and infuriating, but they really can't help it. They feel ATTACKED, and they turn that fear on YOU, if you challenge them, because they're --- like, LOST in their fear trip. Does that make sense?

I blame the EVIL BASTARDS that caused all this. I want them to be stripped of all their wealth and power of any kind, and either put down or put away. I think Lethal Injection is appropriate in this case.

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I agree with you. I find it odd that we so quickly judge our past leaders and hang them by their personality flaws and disregard anything they did that was worthy because of those flaws. We weren’t there, we didn’t live it. We THINK we know true history now (as evidenced by the responses to this), but that is also arrogance. All we can know for certain is the net effects of what they did. And they created an experiment in self-government that threw a wrench in the globalist ambitions of their day and created the best example of liberty in the world to date. And we all benefit from that. It serves the cabal’s purpose to have us disparaging these very real and flawed men because we don’t like their attitudes or even some actions, when they were the renegades of their time who broke the system that was supposed to enslave all people. When we dismiss that, we are petulant and pampered 21st century doomers who never had to fight for our own rights. We just slowly let them be taken from us - something the Founders could totally see coming.

You’re right - we have to stop throwing everything that came before us under the bus. That’s what the elites want us to do. We have to stop playing their twisted game of satanic inversion.

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Ah yes, Elizabeth, yes, there you are. For sure, we all must be grateful for the endowment of those "mortal, imperfect" great statesmen, "despite their personality flaws" as you point out. I'm grateful for their endowment and hope that the Constitution will survive the onslaughts of the current attempts to destroy it. But what of your own flaws, if any? Are you able to see them and own them? And admit them graciously, if any exist? I refer to your last essay accusing protesters of the Palestinian genocide to be Nazis - yes, Nazis - and yet, you blithely ignore your readers requests for clarifification and simply continue down the road with continuing commentary on the vicissitudes of life, as if you had not poked a hornet's nest along your path. You have caused great consternation amongst so many people who admire you for your fearless ability to speak your mind about how screwed up this society is. So, please, deal with this matter and put it to rest. Respond to your last essay and put your current thoughts about it on display for us all to see. Hopefully with a change of position - or not - that's not the point. Your response is the point. In my opinion, your continuing silence will speak volumes of a coward. I may be one person speaking for the many unknown others, but you must own what you have birthed in terms of your accusation, and this forum is a two-way street, enabling us to communicate back to you and ask for response. If you continue to ignore this matter, well ..... I will hold any further comment in abeyance until I hear from you. Sincerely hoping to hear from you. Please don't ignore this situation, and don't think you are above the hoi polloi who clamour for your response. There, but for the grace of God go you, Elizabeth. Wake up lady!!

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Perhaps it was a mistake, but I think you meant this reply to the Author Elizabeth N. And not me. I never called anyone a Nazi.

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You're right - wrong person. My sincere apologies.

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You're right - wrong person. My sincere apologies.

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All that Adams and Jefferson accomplished was a transfer of power from one tyrant to many tyrants, collectively known as We, the People. They threw off the yoke of slavery imposed by King George III and took up one imposed by King George I, namely George Washington.

Until we get past the idea that some people MUST be rulers and everyone else MUST subject themselves to rule, we will never be free.

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What? LOL Please cite your source.

I do agree with that last sentence, tho.

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Cite my source? LOL, my source is my own opinion, shaped and bolstered by reading and learning for the last 65+ years.

If you want to question my postulation that George Washington was the First Tyrant of the United States, all you have to do is read accounts of the Whiskey Rebellion and his violent putdown of the farmers in western PA, who thought that, since they had just fought a war of rebellion against tyranny, they were actually free.

Silly them.

“Freedom cannot survive in any system that allows a ruling class to exist...”

—Gary D. Barnett

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I was CURIOUS, anyway! I like to read! xo

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I didn’t say that, but George Washington, while being a huge land grabber and a tool of the Wealthy, and he was also wealthy, he was nothing like the rest of those Native-killing, land-thieving rats that were the bulk of the “upper” class of early America. HE went and won the war after all. No, he had shoes, and food, and blankets, true, but he did DO something, while the rest of those toffees sat around in their fine clothes in their fine houses. It was all a ruse, anyway, and the poor did most of the work. I have read about the Whiskey Rebellion, and he doesn’t come off great, does he? It’s not like I’m a FAN. lol And this is MY opinion, shaped and bolstered by what I’ve read AFTER I got outta school, in MY 63+ years. ^_^

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“Personality flaws”? I imagine that like me before I read about what the REAL history of the American Revolution actually was, that you believe what you’ve been taught in school. Trust me, I didn’t know, either. Now I do.

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Please cite your sources. Thank you.

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Gary B. Nash is good: "The Real American Revolution," and of course Howard Zinn's book (and HE cites Gary Nash as well) "A People's History of the United States." There's other stuff, too, but these two are my faves.

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Thaddeus Kosciusko.

Friend of Jefferson but betrayed by justices. He's Polish.

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Wow, I'd never heard of him before. Thanks!

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He IS Solzhenitsyn because he is Russian

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Russian Orthodox, which the West conveniently omits.

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Yes. And for being brilliant.

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Jefferson hated Christ mightily. Yeah Tommy because you were SO MUCH better than him, eh? lol

Most of the Almighty 'n Holy Founders hid behind the 'Deist' tag which placated the peeps but did not = Christianity. To say the least.

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Jefferson hating Christ? Better you go see The Jefferson Bible.

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And you better start with reading the plain old King's James Bible, instead of following after the teachings of mere men who 'condense' and 'simplify' the Bible according to their own predilections (The 'Jefferson Bible'. Hey, why not 'Michael's Magnificent Improved Bible', that should be ok too eh?)

I'd suggest you begin with Rev. 22:18-19:

'For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

'And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.'


'It is not to be understood that I am with him (Jesus Christ) in all his doctrines. I am a Materialist; he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance toward forgiveness of sin; I require a counterpoise of good works to redeem it.' -- Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson 'requires' what GOD HIMSELF did not emphasize. But Tommy -- what with being so important and all, just ask anybody! -- decided to improve upon the mind of God.

'It is not to be understood that I am with him (Jesus Christ) in all his doctrines' etc.

'He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.' -- (Matthew 12:30)

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Adding is not the same as any man feeling that simple repentance is not enough for himself.

Would that many would take time to try and right their wrongs.

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What makes you think the ROMANS didn't meddle with the Bible waaaaay back there? It would have been just the kind of thing they'd have done, and frankly, I find it very difficult to think that they DIDN'T "edit" it. There are some things in there that I find suspicious... such as the very famous line about "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's..." Hmmmm. So Jesus, the revolutionary, the Fighter for Social Justice, he's gonna tell those countrymen of his, the people that have been invaded and enslaved by the Roman Empire, to PAY TAXES to the ROMANS? It just seems unlikely to ME. But we'll likely never know. And there are other things, too, that just sound very... Roman.

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I see. So because the words of Jesus Christ 'seem unlikely to you', you will set aside the Scripture and instead discern for yourself. Good to know.

As for 'we'll likely never know' this demonstrates a similar lack of Scriptural understanding. The Bible makes it clear that Christ will rule on Earth for a millennium, after which some will be translated into the 'eternal condition'.

During both those periods, we will know EXACTLY what 'the truth' about anything, including Scripture is. Because Christ is the incarnation of Truth. To assume the (many) deceits of this deceitful world never will be exposed is not a Christian position, but a pagan position without faith.

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And who is "Tommy"?

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Ohhhhh, you're talking about Jefferson, LOL. And you're saying the Founders were anti-religion? Or...?

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I am saying many of them were 'deistic' which is to say, expressed a belief in a 'god'. Pretty much any god, goddess or whatnot qualifies. Certainly, for example, Lucifer can be god just as much as the Biblical Jehovah, under deistic structures.

Deism is one of those wonderful fuzzywords that sounds like Christianity, but ain't.

Ancient Babylon was deistic too. So was ancient Rome. Quite accepting and tolerant of any god, goddess or elsewise that folk would like to conjure or worship.

The Puritans and the Pilgrims were quite real in their establishment of American Christianity under God the Father and Christ the Son. Less well known is that they were not alone as 'colonists'. Many other forces were at work advancing their own deities and causes, and some of those forces long preceded Plymouth.

George Washington was a Master Mason. At his funeral, the rites were masonic, straight outta the Alexandria Lodge. He did not call upon Jesus upon demise, and neither did his funerary attendants. Ben Franklin was a key member of the Tun Tavern Lodge in Philadelphia. He was made a Provincial Grand Master in 1734. Etc.

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Had you known that Harry Truman was not just a 33 degree Mason but was also given a Masonic funeral? His widow, Bess, insisted on something like a dual ceremony, because he was also given a traditional Episcopal funeral.

Truman had read The Bible through twice before he was twelve, but was regarded by Masons as a Masonic theologian.

Quite depressing, isn't it?

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There's a lot about Masonic things that I have reservations about, the most obvious being that it's all very secretive. And I've read things and had conversations with people who swear there is some nefarious stuff going on... I really don't KNOW. But it is unsettling somewhat, as my dad was a Mason, and he was a lovely guy, very cool. I just can't think he would ever be in a group that did evil things.

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There are a myriad of reasons why the early Americans might not have wanted to get a lot of religious stuff into the Revolution. They DID want to have freedom about it, and the DID put that into the Bill of Rights. Obviously, religion can be a source of a LOT argument...

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For those interested in the notion of links between MKUltra and the 60s hippie scene, read: "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream": https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18617616-weird-scenes-inside-the-canyon

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Also - Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, by Tom O'Neill


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George Webb

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Sharing as widely as I can. Keep writing and publishing, exposing and building! God bless you, ma'am.

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Thank you so much EN, for the clarity and inspiration.

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In response to your postscript, Congratulations! It's excellent to hear of your publishing offer & interviews, etc. It's so fully deserved, you're tireless in your research & writing. I've found your recent series fascinating b/c it's an untouched field, how land is being sequestered & stolen out from under people. It's crucially important to expand awareness of this b/c it shows how the globalist project of replacing our current system keeps advancing in the background. Thanks again for your classic 'Paul Revere' work sounding the alarm!

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Dear Elizabeth, you said "Bribed, threatened, compromised or scared out of their wits, it is the Deep State who runs the show. And no one stands up to them. We know they killed Kennedy, but even Trump backed down when they warned him. Mike Pompeo actually threatened Tucker Carlson if he continued to ask questions about Kennedy’s assassination by the Deep State. This is just one of their appalling actions. The secrets they hide could spur the world into a new era, but it would mean their end, their prosecution as traitors, so they strong arm, threaten and ruin anyone who comes close."

We all must be braver, more clear eyed, more steadfast, more vocal and more resistant at every juncture. and you are providing us with both the knowledge to fortify us, and an example of courage to speak plainly and clearly. Thank you. ~ Ginger Breggin

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To most of humanity, DiResta makes perfect sense. She is simply speaking on behalf of: THE HERD: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-herd

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I first heard of RD on a YT channel The Royal Grift who points out her nefarious activities and how deeply involved with her are our 2 Royal grifters Harry and Meghan who are working ceaselessly to support the leftist dogma, censorship, she espouses. He is, no doubt, working here illegally and must be deported. The Royal Grift has been digging deep into this hornets nest for a while now so I was really blown away by your post Elizabeth. It ties so many important aspects of what is going on right now together for me. You do not cease to amaze. This is a very important article that cannot be expressed too much. Thank you. I, too, find the entire Catherine situation very sus. Is she dead? The handwritten note blew me away.

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If you believe Catherine has died, do you believe that Paul McCartney died in a car wreck in November, 1966, and was replaced by a double who looked and sounded exactly like him and had his fabulous songwriting gifts? Because they're really in the same league of irrationality.

And this will be incendiary: in contrast to the article and what most people believe, we do not know that the government killed JFK. We don't know it because it isn't true.

There are three books, in particular, which make an overwhelming case that Oswald acted alone:

1. Reclaiming America, by Vincent Bugliosi.

2. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner.

3. Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison.

There are others, and I may not be getting the title of one and the author of another exactly right. The first is by John McAdams, and is called ( I think ), JFK Assassination Logic. The second is Mrs Paine's Garage, and its author is Thomas Mallon ( I think ). You shouldn't have much trouble in finding them.

You may have no interest at all in this, but if not, others who come along may. The Bugliosi book is 1,500 pages long, with a preposterous number of endnotes. It was published in 2006. Posner's book is about half the size of Bugliosi's, but as rigorous. In the introduction he admits that when he began work on the book, he was certain he would find abundant evidence of Mafia involvement. He found exactly nothing.

I have no idea whether Jean Davison is still alive, but if she is, she should receive a Congressional Gold Medal for citizenship. Over a fifteen year period, she went through all twenty six volumes of The Warren Commission. Her book is vindication of the old idea that if you want to know whether someone committed a particular crime, study his psychological life. It's out of print now, but you should be able to find a copy pretty easily.

If you ( you or whoever ) haven't got time or patience or one or both for working your way through such material, there are two superb videos on YouTube which make the case for a lone assassin. The first is on Sean Munger's channel. Munger is a historian. His two part, three hours long video uses the Bugliosi book as his source. The second is on the LEMMiNO channel. His ninety minutes long graphic recreation of those eleven seconds in Dealey Plaza is like nothing I've ever seen.

People who wonder how it is we haven't had a presidential assassination since 1963 should reckon with this: if you examine the amount and strength of security presidents have received since 1963, it's not mystery at all. I was eleven when Kennedy was killed. A year earlier, my parents and I had stood on a curb in Houston as an open limousine carrying JFK and LBJ passed us. My father commented that the lack of security Kennedy had in that limousine made him nervous. He was right, of course. Kennedy went through his presidency tempting Fate in his disregard for the Secret Service. Any one of millions of people could have shot him fatally in those years.

One did.

I'm aware that what I have written is to this kind of readership the rhetorical equivalent of questioning the Genesis narrative. I don't care. I'm right. If you actually study the evidence, you will find that I am right.

Here's something funny: if you're a JFK assassination hobbyist, you recognize the name, Sylvia Odio. The one matter which neither Vincent Bugliosi or Jean Davison could figure out was the Sylvia Odio instance. ( I don't remember whether Posner deals with it. ) However, as mystified as both Bugliosi and Davison were, neither thought the incident significant to the question of whether Oswald was a lone assassin.

At 72, I don't have the patience to respond to every lunatic who wants to argue with me, so I will respond to none.

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At 72 you had the patience to write a short time tho. I didn't have the patience to read past your second sentence. Yes I believe PC is dead. Six months is a long time for this recovery most patients would be in hospice if not recovered by now. The first 'double' they trotted out of her was an insult to intelligence. We have been living w FAUL since 1966 IMO. Careful study of photographs is a must. The CIA,et al, killed JFK. Anyone w half a brain knows that. FYI there is an abundance of technology available to clone, cgi, hologram and other sordid manners of diversion and they are in use. Also FYI OGs Of the following are long gone what you see are fakes: HRC, Bill too more than likely, Hunter, Big Mike, FJB, Pelosi, Fetterman, Prince Harry compare ears, many have been replaced.

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Yes exactly. DiResta is a mouthpiece for the Herd, the bovine collective. Or as is my preference, the Hive, as their nature and behavior appear largely insectoid.

Dissenting writers like Elizabeth sometimes forget that DiResta, Jankowicz, Nuland and the rest have a VAST base of powerful, active supporters who obsessively WANT the Total Safety Daemonium they are ushering in. Most of this base is female, empowered to the gills over the past five decades.

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Baa, baa sheep

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Follow the CIA/MKUltra/LSD rabbit deep into its lair with this book, about the Laurel Canyon scene during the late 1960s/early 1970s: "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon" by David McGowan.


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The pharmaceutical industry is a parasite on the back of humanity. "The goal lies in the path by which you get to it" Wilhelm Reich from , Listen ,Little Man!

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I agree the EVIL of the rich want mass depopulation as class war of the ages is now modernized to the point where it IS possible to "tailor" the level of the living to what THEY want, etc. WHY do you NOT mainline the FACT that their main weapon is all our money which has been non-sovereign to the American public and counterfeit since about 1871/1913 ... which means the mostly wrongful 'national debt' is also totally CORRUPTED, especially as Smedley Butler quipped in "War is a Racket". What we MUST have is DEBT-FREE, full legal tender, public money especially like Abe Lincoln printed, but even the lesser Ben Franklin versions which first established America, then saved it due to ticking off the khazarian/Ukranian/city of London/NWO/Davos/IMF/WB, etal. bankers of the ages. My old blog has more if you want.... http://usssaratoga2.blogspot.com/

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Wow. Just... wow.

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So so good! I’m thrilled you will be expanding your reach. I just found you & must hear more from you!

For many years I’ve heard bits & pieces of the things you’ve put together. Ive learned a lot from the faithful, the Badlands crew, Pirate Wires & obscure posts by many others. Those who have been shouting from the back, who have been derided, bankrupted, tortured, jailed & killed, like Andrew Breibart, Steve Bannon, the J6, and so many more. Ive ignored the outrageous, but searched for those who have similar facts. I hate uttering these words, but was changed after learning about the torture of infants.

I thank God for bright & talented people who are doing this thankless work.

God is giving power & stamina to those who must do this.

Your reward will come when we ALL KNOW the TRUTH!

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Can't imagine anyone's surprise about the British 'royals'. For God's sake, their masonic ceremonies largely are out in the open, strutting around in fancy duds and jewels, with all of satan's pomp a-play. Yet people around the world cling to the fantasy that they are royal and noble and patriotic. Eliz II looked like everybody's granny, so obviously she was incapable of misconduct, much less outright evil. What are ya, some kinda granny-hater?! etc. Eliz Uno was a total monster, just ask John Dee.

So very, very easy to zoom the Almighty People in the mass-com age.

The hatred of the spoken and written truth, and the drive to censor all dissent as 'hate-speech' derives from collective feminine power dominating the West, concentrated in the Anglo nations. These are all feminist nations, and their interlocking Deep States are composed largely of (empowered, privileged) women like DiResta and her predecessor, Nina Jankowicz, of DHS' 'disinformation board'. Drawn largely from the UC and UMC with heavy participation from the Ivy and related colleges.

The modern bureaucratic Deep State is feminine both in membership and activity. It is collective female power that drove America to the extreme Left over fifty years, and it is collective female power that drives the NWO now.

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Further to the stolen election, SEE the movie Denish Dsouza made documenting without a doubt the stuffing of the ballot boxes. The six critical swing vote states like all the rest cut off the electronic voting machines at 10 pm. Then it was a piece of cake simplicity to just switch thew names for the vote count of Trump to Biden. Scrubbed from the net by now.

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