The one underlying inference that seems to peek out from every outrage in the descriptions depicted in the article, is that it was never about the environment, nature, species, preservation....

it was all about them controlling us.

Because we are the one thing in the way of those desirous of creating their Techno-Fascist Neo-Feudalist paradise. If only they could wipe most of us away, the earth they see as owned by them would be owned by them. And that is the value of these articles, to expose the duplicity, the pseud-science, the organizations, filings, associations, connections, that continue this infamy but which, wisely, shrink back, like a vampire before a silver cross, as public awareness of subversion grows.

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As an "old school biologist" (a bit too damm old) I could not agree with you more. Thank you.

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You're welcome ! And one other thing, there is NO too old, ever.

We know of a different world, a world in which we grew up, a world whose memory has been systematically erased and distorted since even before that day in November 1963 when a coup altered the course of history for the worse and a look of amazement filled the face of a mixed up simpleton named Oswald as he suddenly realized he had become the greatest patsy of the 20th century. Our task is to carry forward memory of that world, manifested in the remarkable music, arts, science, sports, world view, culture of those times for all to see and of which many of the young perceive despite the propaganda about all those self indulgent "worthless" baby boomers.

It cannot be suppressed, frustrating the WEF revisionists and their souless Golem philosopher Harari. it shines through with that much power.

My comment, posting as Jimserac, to THIS remarkable piece still applies:


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Science teacher here. Our kids are being taught that oil is a non renewable resource but wind farms are. Wind turbines are almost given a sainthood.

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And children from a young age are being told at school that every 5 minutes a species dies. Paralyzing and shame pedaling.

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👍 Yep exactly 👍

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Great article, when we depend upon pseudo science and leftist idealism we get into trouble. We exist within a world where facts and history no longer matter. It is about pushing an agenda and mainly about consolidating all vital resources into a few elitist hands. The green agenda has one sole purpose and that is the destruction of the middle class.

Sadly most people believe that the green ecoterrorists are benevolent human beings who are helping all of us become responsible stewards of our planet. The green insanity has been responsible for more poverty than anything else in human history. Unless we reverse course soon, all freedom, privacy and prosperity will become lost forever.

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Agreed, however the absurdities and hypocrisy on blatant display call into question the characters of the many still buying into them as “sad”.

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Is it me or have you ever noticed how just about everything we have been taught over the past 50-60 years has proven to be false? Pax

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Firesign Theatre, 1974, "Everything You Know Is Wrong"

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From A to Z.

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Climate cultism is based upon the conformist society we are being forced to exist within. Many within the green cult field are paid government stooges who are promoting this. It’s really sad how so many people sit back and watch everything implode without doing anything about it. The lies and propaganda about this green agenda have been prioritized over the facts and human survival. The green cult has managed to invert reality. Most are happy to go along with the flow….

“Truth is so rare, it is delightful to tell it.”

-Emily Dickinson-

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”

― Albert Einstein

“Most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions.”

-T.S. Eliot-

“The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.” -David Icke-

“It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti-

“The opposite for courage is not cowardice, it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.” -Jim Hightower-

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Having lived my entire life believing in radical environmentalism, I find your articles as challenging as if losing my religion. It would be an understatement to say they are thought provoking! I can observe the degradation of the environment all around me...the salmon are the worst case as the four great runs of the past are down to very few fish now.... and environmentalism has achieved nothing to prevent it. This leads me to believe that we are fighting the wrong battles in the wrong way. Industrial practices are destructive... farming leaves wasteland as does logging and mining.. Somehow this entire battle has has been waylaid by the incorrect focus. Farming and logging and fishing need not be stopped but corporate greed does. I see improved practices all around me..humans are learning better ways to do things. The battle has obviously been corrupted and co-opted by the usual villains.. which I had not realized until reading your articles. If instead of spraying crops with ever increasing amounts of toxic chemicals we could find another way to control weeds and pests ... but this conversation is not happening anymore. The WEF depopulation agenda, their control agenda does not include improvement but instead grabbing and banning seems to be the current path. I need to think new thoughts and refocus my thinking. Thank you for your articles.. they have opened my eyes. I deeply appreciate that.

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Too many people equate the outdoors with Disney's Bambi where all animals are friends and the man/hunter is evil. They then get in a helicopter or plane and fl over the forest and say they never saw any animals so the must all be non existent. Take it from someone who lives on the edge of the wilderness and confronts grizzlies on his property on a regular basis as well as moose, lynx, black bears, deer and too many other species to mention. these animals are not threatened. In fact up here where grizzlies have been protected for far too long they constitute a grave danger to hikers as they have lost their fear of humans. All of these animals are cyclical and we have known this for longer than I have been alive. The lynx population cycles with the rabbit population. The deer and moose cycle with the wolf population. Grouse are on a ten year cycle regardless of hunting pressure. That's why it's called the balance of nature.

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It is always about the money. It is always about control. I have changed my mind over the years -- I used to think 95% of what the government did was evil/malicious/crooked. I have since discovered (covid was an eye opener) that it is actually 100%. I surely hope Elizabeth has some brilliant suggestions tomorrow because heaven knows we need them.

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Dear Stephen,

Thank you so much for contacting me. My ever-constant concern is voter fraud. Jay Valentine, whose work Elizabeth is familiar with, sent me this link :


He believes that: The question for January 2025 is what happens when there is a steal so obvious over 75% of Americans believe the election was stolen?

The Left, Big Tech, the Intelligence Community, 55% of the Republican Party, 10,000 NGOs operating in every state - don’t care. Let's hope that he winds up being mistaken because he hasn't factored in GOD's omniscient plan. Best regards

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Dear Elizabeth,

Your topic today was both enlightening and frightening as to the activities of those involved.

The link below is from last night's Common Sense Show, hosted by Dave Hodges. We know that GOD is in control, but uses people, in this case, "White Hats" to perform His will. The episode is about 45 minutes. I think you will be inspired. GOD bless you, Best regards, Rich Gabbay.


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Excellent talk. If true, then likely by next year the Deep State could be gone, entirely. And this 'white hat' operation is happening now in 30 countries, which may explain how over-the-top Starmer has been in UK (he knows what's coming). They're about 80% done in taking down the DS players that orchestrated & ran the jab, global child sex trafficking, & the prevalent pedophilia. Putin has been taking out the Ukraine biolabs & underground tunnels used for sex trafficking. Plus the guy who reveals this got it from 3 separate sources in the military. It's starting to sound credible. It's like a cult is being quietly rounded up.

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Great article I remember working in the gas fields of Wyoming doing wireline work in conjunction with fracking and we would get moose walking onto our job site..So much for the industry scaring off the wildlife lol..Everything they say is a lie..The greens and the demonic elite consider humanity a cancer on the planet and have made their intentions clear we must be eliminated.And they have never hidden their agenda in fact they must be open and honest about their intentions..They are the only cancer on the planet and they must be eliminated Period.

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"They are the only cancer on the planet and they must be eliminated. Period."


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Well Al, the polar bear is doing very nicely thank you, and has been for many decades with no help from you whatsoever. And as for the Spotted Owl, well as it turns out after billions down the drain, it just isn't particularly good at owling when compared to other owls.

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This is actually just as heartbreaking as it is outrageous.

I have always been a proponent of sensible ecosystem preservation, but I do not abide by this lawfare trickery and I always believed there was some real science behind doing so.

Blaming this on government incompetence is too easy. There are definitely more people than just NGO organizations and lawyers getting rich off of this.

You may actually have a simple plan to fix it, but do you have a simple plan to overcome all the people getting rich (politicians)?

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We're seeing this malicious irrationality in numerous fields now. Something has emerged in our Western culture that is gradually subverting the scientific method, and this largely passes without challenge. The destruction occurring due to such junk science is unprecedented, as we see in this analysis of how a habitat / species' extinction mathematical model was created that drives this horrendous shutting down of agricultural land, on no sound biological basis. It's much the same story in other fields. But why? Why is this accepted with a fatalistic shrug?

Perhaps it ties in with the strange self-hatred so evident now in Western nations. In what & where? In the 'replacement migration' thesis-become-policy, which the left supports outright. Europe & Britain are awash in the impacts of this now. Western humanity is so 'evil' it's apparently desirable it be replaced. Few strenuously object. Or in the overturning of precedent in legal procedure across the West. Or the elites' expressed desire to replace democratic process with an administrative state model. Note too how capitalism & Christianity are rejected & vilified. It's akin to a psychological condition of Western self-hatred, self-vilification. Were the C19 injections & their harms accepted by the informed in part

b/c of an implicit belief Western nations' populations should decline.

I suspect the junk science behind species extinction hypotheses is the same attitude at play. It's an almost religious belief in returning habitats to their sacred 'pre-Columbian state'. This irrational cultural misanthropism won't be easily dislodged. Once the irrationality of specific policies or legislation is shown, that law may be repealed but the basic attitude will persist.

How to redeem our culture in our own eyes? and stop pursuing such self-destructive paths? This is so deep-rooted it'll likely require a religious awakening of sorts to our own collective value.

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"Misanthropism". Gonna steal that fine term.

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The only corpses we see are those of the animals unlucky enough to live in the forests that the PTB are burning down in order to control human migration, so they can set up their Smart Cities. And the people killed en masse in wars for profit for the same PTB, and the people who died from the "covid vaccine" forced on them by the same PTB. Great article.

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"Conservation biology starts with the assumptions that humans are wreaking havoc on the natural world and that resources are finite and decreasing."

I have come to believe that "fossil" fuel is a myth. Oil is a resource that is replenished somehow. It has nothing to do with dinosaurs. Finding out so many things are just not true.

Dr. Thomas Cowan says that we are "scientifically ignorant".

"Oil finds, for example, in 2010 and 2011 surpassed even optimistic predictions by an order of magnitude, at which point the peak oil argument went all quiet."

I would have agreed that the "peak oil" argument went quiet except that on Monday night 8/12 when the "genius" Elon Musk said to Trump that "Fossil Fuels are finite" and they will run out maybe not tomorrow but in the future, and we need sustainable energy.

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Man presuming to know it all when we know so little. Hubris has taken over the control freaks.

I am thrilled to know that the level of extinction is nothing like they claim.

I knew the EPA and other govt agencies have lost their collective minds, but at the cost of human life, community cultures, it is just devastating. These are hard-core ideologues.

To change focus for a second, I have been following a story out of Nantucket where a wind turbine has fallen apart and gigantic pieces of fiberglass are in the ocean and coming onto the beach.

So going down that path come to discover that whales dolphins, turtles and who knows what else are dying. Whales in UK and now here (a few just in this month in the US) are washing up dead on the beach. I had been focused on the majestic birds being murdered (I saw a video of a bird getting killed by the blades, awful) and didn't realize the extent of what was going on in the ocean.

Apparently when they put them in the digging that is done as they go down inch by inch make a loud boom every second. There are plans to have entire wind farms in the ocean off the coast of New Jersey and New England.

I had an argument on twitter with someone who said, do you think crude oil in the ocean is better?

My reply was well nature would likely have a way of dealing with that much better than fiberglass, giant blades, rust, and toxic elements.

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