"...the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity."

There it is again: UN, as in unfriendly, unwanted, unwarranted, unnecessary, unpopular, unprecedented interference in human progress both here in the US as well as many places abroad. It may have been a good idea 70-odd years ago when the world's situation was a lot different than today's. It's become an albatross around our collective necks, will bring us down if left to pursue its malevolent course amongst us.

Thanks once again Elizabeth for bringing us your enlightened prose. My subscription money's well spent.

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After reading this, I watched a Tucker Carlson interview with Sen. Mike Lee (https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/how-green-activists-destroyed-americas). Lee stated that the actual number of federal laws created by governmental agencies is NOT known. The number of laws guessed at is 300,000! These laws were created by bureaucrats NOT the people’s representatives, the U.S. Congress and Senate. According to Sen. Lee, both bodies abrogated their law making responsibilities beginning in 1937 to the un-elected “experts” now in governmental agencies!

The interview is well worth watching. Because it defines why the swamp/deep state has been seen to be in as much control as they are. And why that will remain in control, lacking a silver bullet to make a change otherwise. In other words, we freedom loving citizens of the the U.S. are probably as flicked as we think we are!

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I learned a lot from this interview. Mike Lee is one of the smartest & good Senators.

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Wouldn't the Chevron ruling not gut some of this terrible problem the US has?

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It should. It’s one of the most important of the SCOTUS rulings.

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Would as it were, Mike Lee could be cloned across the U.S. house and senate!

There are others like Mike. But there are few.

Like Mike, J.D. Vance appears to be another, a patriot, a defender of freedom, the real deal and a salt of the earth sort of guy; untainted by the Ivy League culture, because his values were foundational before he arrived at Yale!

As Mike Lee, J.D. appears to be someone I would enjoy sipping a beer with and having a conversation.

Lee and Vance are NOT politician's politicians. This makes them endangered species in the swamp land of DC!!

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That was an excellent interview.

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6 references to "un".

In fairness, we could come up with a couple dozen more.

And we should.

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Feel free Indrek, feel free to expand on my vocabulary!

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OK, unconscionable, unimportant, unneeded, uninvited, unwelcome, unessential, undesirable, unsought, unethical, unreasonable, unscrupulous.

11, 'cuz I have to cut the grass before rain at 4:00.

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Hey don't call them the albatross, the albatross is good luck. It's UN fools who shoot it

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Jul 31Edited

It’s a figure of speech, maybe ill-used in this circumstance.

The phrase “…alludes to Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's poem “ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ,” in which a sailor who shoots a friendly albatross is forced to wear its carcass around his neck as punishment.”

I used the expression as though we wear the UN around our collective necks these days, worn as punishment for leaving them to their mischief the last several decades.

We’re being punished for our ambivalence to the evident corruption of the UN.

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"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." -Montesquieu-

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

-C.S. Lewis-

“There was nothing more dangerous than people convinced of their own good intentions.”

-Laura Lippman-

“We don't want a busybody government - a boss - that butts into our lives every chance it gets to tell us how to work, how to play, where to live and on and on.”

-Sonny Perdue-

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This is one of the saddest and most aggravating EN posts I've read recently. (and that's saying something!)

Here in the NY Hudson Valley it seems that the motto is "you have to destroy the environment to save it."

Thanks to to our rotten DemonRat legislature, we have our own version of the Green New Deal aka the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

Under this insane law (and to some degree with the help of RFK Jr.) the safe and reliable Indian Point nuclear power plant was shut down, causing NYC and Downstate to lose 25% of their electric power.

To replace IP, international corporations are coming into towns like mine and buying up swatches of land to install deadly lithium battery "farms" and solar panel fields.

The devastation in our suburban communities is unbelievable but what's even worse is that the liberal Demo-Commie Marxists who are in the majority, are preening themselves for "saving the planet".

I am talking about towns less than 50 miles from NYC that are suburban enclaves of sick, ultra liberal Democrats many of whom still wear face diapers to show the world which side they're on.

A few miles from me, over the border in a neighboring town, a man I know was forced to sell half his beautiful property (over 50 acres of prime real estate) to a company that's installing one of these obscene solar panel "farms". The corporation has cut down acres and acres of beautiful old trees and utterly destroyed the habitat for all the wildlife that lived there.

When I say forced, I mean that the town would not allow him to build housing or even to donate the land to be used as a park! It seemed that some unelected board of bureaucrats decided that the highest and best use was to destroy the property.

At this point my only hope is that the recent Supreme Court decision that has removed the "Chevron deference" will stop these soulless and anonymous agencies in their tracks in NY, Washington state and elsewhere. We cannot allow this horror to continue.

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the gov't is at war against us. Time for some turnabout. Nothing less will make a difference.

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If by turnout, you mean turning the bureaucrats and Congresscritters out to starve in the wildernesses they covet, I’m all for it.

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I had written "turnabout", a term I remember from a story read at my u.s. gov't funded school in the 1960s called "Turnabout is fair play". I think it came from Australia.

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"Turnabout is fair play." I've heard that my entire life. My parents, born in the 1920s said it. Their parents, born in the late 1800s said it. I don't think it came from Australia.

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I knew a guy who was the local gypsy king. He fell victim to gambling. People owed him money and were not paying him. Tough spot for a gypsy king. His solution was to bury a 20 foot container and put the scofflaws in it. Instead of finding the money, the family of the prisoners called the bankers' police. They probably think that they did the right thing. But that means that they think it's ok to pay fake debts to government and refuse to pay fairly accrued debts from people who actually earned the money that was lent. Classic example of how these people who think they are scofflaws use "the man" to get them out of their own unfairness.

They'lll deserve what they get.

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Similar thing here in Maine. Endless solar farms for a few years now and still ongoing. Thousands of acres once growing food or food for animals now covered with panels. There everywhere. AND, like every state (or country) that goes stupid into this "green" power, electricity rates head sky high with no end in sight. The ends always justify the means with their philosophies. Sickening.

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I'm from government, I'm here to help. Help myself to everything you have cherished and worked for your whole life, peasant.

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---Reagan at his first inaugural:

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”----

----Obama at Ohio State:

“Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that “incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems,” Obama told the audience at the Ohio State commencement ceremony. “They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices”.----

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For once, I find something in Reagan to appreciate.

For the nth time, I find something in Obama to despise.

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There are innumerable things in Obama to despise.

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You perhaps have actually heard very little of what Reagan said.

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Try the movies Kings Row and Knute Rockne All American, you will enjoy the Gipper even more :)

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Once again obummer lying.

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Thanks again for my continuing education.

I read this and wept at the sheer evil, greed, incompetence, malice and stupidity.

Start locally people. Start looking around at all the shit that makes zero sense. Begin there!

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I've lived in North Idaho my whole life. When I was a kid I remember the mills working around the clock, and the town was thriving. Then the spotted owl happened, and things shut down all over. But what wasn't mentioned in this article is that real estate developers swooped in, bought up tons of land from families who were going broke without the timber industry, and now we're a service economy-- you would have had a steady, good-paying job in the mills or the woods back in the 80s-- now you get to be a waiter or a landscaper for a wealthy Californian who lives on his river estate 2 months of the year. Instead of a self-sufficient community, we're a "service economy", and new arrivals run the city council, the county planning board, etc.

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And will turn your beautiful state into an exact copy of Hell on Earth, Kommiefornia.

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It’s called Disaster Capitalism. And sadly it’s still happening today. Remember the riots in Minnesota and everyone lost their businesses and then the money guys sent their henchmen in to buy up the property for pennies on the dollar 💵 follow Catherine Austin Fitts on her website Solari.com and listen to her Planet Lockdown interview part one and two on her website.. also Rosa Korie Agenda 21 interviews on YouTube.. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and you’ll learn more about what Mr. Globals plans for the masses and 15 minute cities..C-40 cities… and more. Good luck 👍 and we must continue to pray 🙏 real hard for we the people who are suffering.

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Precisely Sarah! KAF has the receipts. This is a well coordinated game these evil fecks concocted to scoop up land and destroy the West. Plain and simple.

But, sure, let’s vote for more of it!

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As Bill Mollison (co-founder of the permaculture movement) once said, “Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”

Humans are blinded to their own stupidity by an unconscionable hubris. We are in no way equipped to even begin to comprehend natural complexity at scale yet we continually construct woefully simplistic models of it then proceed as if the map is the territory. No matter how well intended our actions might be, we’re like a bunch of 2 year-olds with hammers let loose in the control room of a nuclear power station.

Add to that basic tendency the hunger for profit and power, and it’s a guaranteed recipe for disaster.

We are living way beyond our biologically-determined scale of existence. We need to return to the scale at which our tiny brains can grasp a sufficient level of complexity to steward the land well without destroying the foundations on which the fractal nature of diversity and complexity are built. Smallholdings, villages, where intimate knowledge of place built through generations with locally-adapted food plants can be nurtured and treasured.

“Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do ...”

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Sounds to me like there is no solution when the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can know it?

Decent people are few and outnumbered. The only hope I have left is to believe the King James Bible. God’s long suffering for mankind — not willing that any should perish but should come to repentance — will soon end. His wrath will be visited on the wickedness of man, and afterwards Christ will return and rule the earth a thousand years.

Then time ends, followed by a new heaven and new earth.

He created it all. Sin entered. He brought the solution by his death, burial and resurrection. He intends to restore everything back to himself.

I’m gonna trust he keeps his word.

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He keeps his word towards us, it is we who compromise his words that is grievous. Having grown up with logging in Northern Cal, and the west coast, I understand all to well how the money has corrupted the commons. In trusting in Jesus and his words, I've also learned not to invest any trust in my own understanding. Now abideth Faith, Hope and Charity, and that which is shaken will not abide forever

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Bill Mollison's words describe the Secret Service and the DOJ's actions in Butler PA on 13 July 2024. A certain amount of incompetence is believable, even inevitable in human organizations. But when its sum total > a certain point (a point apparent to those of us who still use deductive reasoning despite it being rayciss) it is no longer incompetence but intent on display.

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It begns to look as if the conflict is tech vs. stewardship. Tech thinks that anything it can envision should be created and activated, with no regard for nature.

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Whilst I agree in principle with a lot of what you say, there are some things I'd dispute. As a matter of urgency I recommend people read Jacob Nordangard's new book 'Rockefeller'. Here you will learn how the Malthusian anti-human agenda has been manipulated and by whom. 'Climate change', net zero really is just being used to depopulate the earth - of all living things. Others have said it, but it really is a spiritual war.

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Nope. Mollison did say that. The Hanlon’s razor quote is not the same even if he’s describing the same phenomenon. I mean, it’s not exactly unobvious, is it? I’m sure lots of folk have commented on it in various ways. I just chose Mollison’s text because I like the way it’s phrased better.

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Too lazy to read the whole article? But you have infinite energy to spread lies?

The term 'Hanlon's razor' was coined by Robert J. Hanlon. It has a corollary in Clark's law, which states that “any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” Hanlon's razor is a mental model to deal with difficult people.

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All I know is that in the early eighties, I was able to support my family as a millwright at Kootenay Forest Products' mill in Nelson, BC, and today Nelson is a tourist village with no mill. It's a lovely spot with the occasional service job opening, and I won't go back - it's too heartbreaking.

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Sounds like Nelson BC is cousin to John Fetterman's Braddock PA: Once home to one of the world's biggest and most productive steel mill complexes, and hundreds of family-owned support businesses, and ten thousand families in their own homes. Now Braddock is a mega-slum with a dwindling population. Even the junkies fear and despise it.

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A very important post, Elizabeth. Very important. The blueprint of our decline to the ecoterrorists.

"State of Fear" by Michael Crichton.

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Absolutely brilliant article! In 1994, my artillery battalion and I were sent to help fight the massive Tyee fire near Wenatchee. We trained up on a Saturday at Camp Pendleton California and were issued our fire retardant clothing, tools and helmets and flew by military aircraft to Yakima and spent the next month climbing hills, cutting firebreaks and fighting alongside the Forest Service specialists. We did it - without casualties, except for one of my idiots cutting the same finger off twice (!) with a Pulaski axe. Saw first-hand how fast the fire raced through the dry underbrush and ground clutter.

I sincerely hope that sanity in land/timber/resource management returns under President Donald Trump!

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This article seem to suggest that our collective destiny is predetermined. At first glance, it may seem inevitable. Indeed, these decisions could lead to many losses. However, author John Leake suggests there is hope. He believes humanity has the capacity to overcome this Marxist takeover, as depicted here [https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-unhumans-are-coming?].

See also this:


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IF people stand up. IF IF IF IF It is the only way. These regs were put in place through participatory democracy. Greens turned up and worked the process, no one else did. Now even the greens who know what they did won’t go back and fix it.

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Of course humanity has the capacity to overcome this Marxist takeover- Elizabeth has said this in many ways and many times previously. Humanity has the ability to solve any problem- this is a huge problem too. This human needs to know where do you start. There is so much platitude out there, so much refusal to see what is happening. People will fight you and say shut-up, then sit back down on their couch and pick up the remote. This article talked a lot about the beurocracy, (however the hell you spell that), well the government found out long ago that elected officials can wash their hands of responsibility because the trolls on the lower offices will do all the work. With that too they found out that planting communists in those positions works out very well in the longer term- the commies are self directing. Elected officials are such trash. They're there to collect fat salaries and then fat pensions, and to lie to us. We're all suffering because of that. The map above of future "wildlands" where you'll not be allowed is scary. Burgers made of grasshoppers is part of that picture. How's your appetite?

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Fifteen minute cities-passports where in Slavelandia , you trade your freedom for obedience. . 9-11 was an exercise where the masses traded freedom for security. COVID 19 (Certificate Of Vaxxcine Identification -chapter 19 book of revelation. Is this the last harvest -is our time running out/ Agenda 2030 has been in motion since Rockefeller and Maurice Strong started this crap! remember you'll own nothing and be happy!

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True.. very true!!!! and Disaster Capitalism.. Catherine Austin Fitts her website is Solari.com listen to her Planet Lockdown interview part one and two.. Rosa Korie Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 interviews.. and her website and her book… she knew.. sadly …she doesn’t walk this earth anymore but her voice and YouTube videos still carry on her very important messages to all who will wake up and listen. Good luck 👍

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Deforastation leads to the black horse (famine) and the opening graphic image of Olympics featured pale green horse! Predictive programming. Opening 2012 olympics was was Smashing Pumpkins theme The world is avampire-featuring the Covid Cult / plandenic machine telling us what is coming!

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Absolutely! All predictive programming! I think there was also an Olympics with ships & black goo representing graphene.

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The most bizarre thing is the ecocide done by solar and wind while claiming that the intent is ecological.

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Clear that forest for solar panels!! Blast that mountain top for them whirly gigs!! --- Watch your power rates go sky high.

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When asked about the knee deep dead birds and bats “climate change was going to kill them anyway “. I am not joking.

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Every 'Special Interest' defined as every animal, plant, tree, river, forest...EVERY SINGLE NOUN producing Non-Profits which are in reality, NGO'S able to act ILLEGALLY/UNCONSTITUTIONALLY is a WEAPON; USED AS A WEAPON.

Nothing is about Conservation or Diversity of Species; they could give a lousy dang less.




Anybody made aware of this Bill, already signed, and the beginning of sales of PUBLIC LANDS OF THE TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION LOCATED IN THE SEWER OF D.C. CAN ELABORATE ON THIS as I'm not aware of the details and can't find anything about this annoucement made a few weeks ago.

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Wow. This is intense. I feel the need to print this, along with info on the UN’s various enslavement goals and go to our local government to find out how deep we are into this …manure…. in our own county 😳thanks for a well written and enlightening piece of real journalism!

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Another fine essay on our Planned Obsolescence and Ritual Degradation.

Brother and I lived many years in a forest cabin near Barney's Junction. By far, the sweetest years of my adult life, praise God. I recall the chem-trail operations carried out mid-morning, almost daily in summer, and the increases in forest fire frequency and severity during my years there.

Lived in Republic awhile, too, around about 2009; what a wonderful place it must have been before Our Betters deconstructed it. They love that word, deconstruction. All the rage in academia the past forty years, beginning with the Lit departments. It was a pretty way of saying We're destroying the oppressive cis-white-male canon and replacing it with . . . ourselves.

Left the area around 2014. Many loggers forced from employment turned to petty timber pilfering, to sell as firewood in Spokane. There is no other industry there to speak of, aside from some summer tourist recreation in Colville and the Columbia River. Back then, there was still one working mill down near the Columbia, by Kettle Falls.

Each generation must learn the truth anew. But the scheming inter-generational families that build our fresh hell, nupe. Each new generation of theirs knows the agenda right outta the gate. They're always way ahead of us.

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