Yeah, a dangerous road to hoe, this human trafficking thing... The WSJ finally acknowledged 'pizzagate' last week. And Epstein killed himself... As you elude to, Liz, this whole thing is far larger than we care to imagine... 40% of those chiquita's 'crossing' our southern border are raped at the very least.

My Catholic Church left me for government cheese supporting this trafficking(billions fund the 'settlement' of 'immigrants') and the Covidians, but there WILL be a reckoning.

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I have been talking about this for years not how you have written it which as usual blows me away . It seems in very few words if you have power you have rape.

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thank you thank you thank you

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I don't totally agree here with the author. Jesus's 12 disciples were male. And the main persecutors of Christians throughout the centuries was the Catholic so-called church that killed millions because they refused infant baptism and to believe Christ was literally present in the Eucharist. Also, for Catholics, the words of the Pope are infallible for doctrine pretty much equal to the Bible. This is a far cry from what the New Testament church taught and I wouldn't consider them New Testament Christians. They are more a hodgepodge of tradition and the Bible. I know; I'm a former Catholic...

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My parents did not raise me in the church but did teach and reinforce the precepts of scripture AND natural law. I have always believed in a supreme being regardless. Unfortunately I am at a point in my life travels to understand that power and ability to control attract pretty nasty individuals. The organized church is no different. As in all things to discover truth follow the money trail.

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The Catholic Church has not had "waves of pedophilia scandals." It has had waves of ephebophilia scandals. The overwhelming majority of sexual abuse has been of pubescent and post-pubescent males. In short, the Church's problem is one of gay predators grooming and abusing teenage boys and young men. Since the scandals broke in the early 2000's, the Church has become one of the safest, if not the safest, institution for young children and infants, as all safety guidelines are to protect the very young. Unfortunately, the mischaracterization of the priest scandals as "pedophilia" has allowed the hierarchy to ignore the gay predators. A gay mafia rules the Church at every level, and most bishops and cardinals are subject to blackmail.

It is scandalous and a disgrace, but as a Catholic, I separate the men from the Church. Our Lady has warned of a great apostasy in the hierarchy of the Church, and she said the last battle will be over the family. I will never abandon the Church to the gay wolves because Christ promised the gates of hell will never prevail over the Church.

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All of this is difficult for the many, many good priests who get up each day and do their job: saying Mass, hearing confessions, counselling parishioners, preparing congregants for the sacraments, visiting the sick, anointing the dying in the middle of night, funerals, weddings, comforting the bereaved, praying, preparing homilies, balancing the parish books, organizing and overseeing parish repairs, meeting with committees … and the list continues.

Because of the odious sins of a small percentage of their priest brothers, they are oft ignored and denigrated.

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I think individual priests do a great deal of good. But at the top, it is a predatory organization. As all seem to be now. The magnificent thing about Christianity is that it morphs and changes in response to the times, and I see that in our developed world, materialists - educated, cultivated ones who used to either hide or foreswear - are now turning to God (represented by Christ) in great numbers, despite the culture's wholesale attack for the past fifty years.

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Many faithful Catholics are appalled at Vatican activities under present pope.

I am cheerleading for the footsoldiers in the trenches, good priests seeking to glorify God and minister to their people.

It is not easy fighting off the world, the flesh and the devil.

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Donna Ruth, yes!, and the priests who do speak out are cancelled by their bishops for speaking the truth and the mainstream media ignores it. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy parade marches on while Hollywood, the mainstream media, K-12, academia, the federal government and multinational corporations celebrate and promote the very thing the they bash the Catholic Church for: ephebophilia.

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Opportunism is alive in humans. Sexual intercourse, treasure hunting, Antique Road Show, eating, power accumulation. We band together to stave off the predations of the outside world only to suffer the predators in our group. No one is "safe." No one can make you "safe." Think for yourself... you have the personal connection to God. You can have mentors and associates and you can, and should, cummune, but be careful. Be thoughtful. Be mindful of the reason for Constitutional Checks and Balances. And practice your faith.

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And happy father's day to all of the Sheep Dogs out there. Stay vigilant.

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Your article on the sex trafficking of innocent children and harvesting of children for their organs is almost too painful to contemplate. As described by Thomas Paine from an earlier time of crisis of lesser magnitude, these are truly times that try our souls. Tyranny is not easily conquered and freedom is not free...but the the forces of unspeakable evil will be defeated not by the "summer soldier and the sunshine patriot" who by their silence empower evil (“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”— Dietrich Bonhoeffer) but by a growing army of courageous men and women in all walks of life - scientists, doctors, journalists, authors, activists, etc. - spreading truth and exposing the endemic lies that now engulf and enslave all western nations. Only the truth will set us free.

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”

― Thomas Paine, The Crisis

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If this is true it is horrendous. Unspeakably sick.

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Interesting. I am reading The Immortality Key right now and it's fascinating,

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it is so so good. The work that went into it!

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