Thanks, Elizabeth. Unfortunately, we all manipulate and are susceptible to manipulation. Personally, it is what drives me bonkers. Growing up as an Army Brat I wasn't exposed to very much television and so escaped a lot of programming in my formative years. After all what kid wants to watch Cowboys and Indians speaking German? WTF? Anyway, series programming always bored me but I did and still watch movies with violence. They always had an easily identified hero and bad guy, however. Now, try to find a movie where it's clear that the plot is good vs evil. Good and evil are blended further pitting folks against each other. Let me ride with the John Waynes, Charles Bronsons, Clint Eastwoods and yes even Keanu Reeves restoring justice and fair play. I saw a T-shirt a while back and wish I had bought it. It said “Don't mess with me. At my age, a life sentence ain’t much!” Be well girl, I'll ride with you.

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Thank you for this. I think we're truly past the breaking point. Mass mental illness. The naked woman in a super market pulling all the frosted cakes out of the bakery section, rubbing them on her breasts, genitals and butt while customers and store employees walk past, not even looking at her. The saddest footage I've seen in a long time. The normalization of human destruction.

I am shaken. And I recognize myself in everyone who appears there.

Ending that now. Today. This essay is supplying the perspective. They don't want us to realize: we are NOT powerless. We can choose not to participate. Starting right now.

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Yes! The POWER OF CHOICE is a Godly, supernatural power. The tremendous power of choice is an open secret which evil powers strive tirelessly to conceal with millions of tiny prevarications and deceptions.

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Godly. Yes, 100%. Thank you.

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Light will always overcome the darkness. Thanks for the examples that you have pointed out about this truth that give us encouragement and strength to face the battle between good and evil.

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You shared the entire text of the book?! Thank you!

Always appreciate your writing and point of view.

Heard somewhere along the line that Manson was a creation , so will read you reference.

I don't fully understand the inclusion of the K family - obviously you know more about them than I ever will. Funny I was talking with friends just yesterday who mentioned them, successful but possibly that they help others succeed with the expectation that one day payback is expected, that the family will come calling.

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Hey MizNickson. The link you provided about "deformation of the human" did not connect on my machine. The fail-to-connect message said "This site is taking too long to load." Is there a title we can search? EDIT: 4 hours have elapsed. In that time I read other stuff but also kept trying figure out how to load -- iceagefarmer.com/docs/Changing-Images-of-Man.pdf -- on my machine. I finally got Startpage "Anonymous View" to open it. I read the first 5 pages and then went to the Summary and Appendix A which are diametrically opposed in their approach to human life on earth. The whole thing looks like an exercise in vainglory from a 1982 collection of smart cookies. Thangs ain't got no better since...

RE: what you've written here: Once I began learning a few things about the reality of Christ, I noticed when Satan offered Christ-man Jesus "all the kingdoms of this world and the glory of them" Mister Jesus did not dispute Satan's power to do so. CIA & Hollywood, Rome Italy, London--all the major power centers on earth are now infested with Satan's evil spirit. People who love lies love Satan.

From Ezekiel 28 here is God our Father's Verdict & Sentence against His rebellious apostate son:

Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.

No doubt, we are riding hard country these days. The darkest hour is just before dawn...

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Riding hard country ❤️

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Elizabeth - I’ve commented before how much I appreciate your writing. It’s refreshing to get the perspective of someone who has been in the midst of the madness and was able to come out on the other side to talk about it. You refused to let the Devil take your mind.

Lately I’ve been listening a lot to Mike Williams - Sage of Quay. He’s a musician who has dug very deep into the social engineering and psyop that influenced the music many of us grew up listening to starting in the 1960’s with the British Invasion which he contends originated at Tavistock. He even has a Paul is Dead channel as the Beatles were there at the very beginning. Here is a great talk he recently had with David Nino Rodriguez.

I think you’ll appreciate it.


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Yes, Tavistock really is the source of a lot of this. Not sure I believe the Beatles came out of it, but.....

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Have a listen to the linked video. It’s quite revealing.... And I must say entertaining as well.

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Will watch

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Well as usual your writing is wonderful never watched the KS especially when Kim's mother had something to do with her sex tape. Always wondered why so much violence kind of thought it had to do with numbing the brain . Guess I was correct. I do not go to movies most are crap. I am not a fam of sex on screen it is unnecessary in my opinion. Just love your writing I am a fan and I share. A friend of mine we research a lot and we get a lot of truth to a lot of people and so intern it spreads so important keep on keeping on.

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Welcome to the wonderful world without TV. We unhooked not long after the forced transition to paid tv, after they killed over the air signals. By that time the vast majority of content, especially the local news shows, had become so adolescent it was difficult to stomach. (KING TV 5 comes in at your house I bet). Haven’t missed it a bit, and maybe have regrown some damaged neural circuits absent the toxic exposure

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Jul 22, 2023
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Characterize it anyway that suits you. When they killed analog ota they severely limited the ability of non city-dwellers to receive usable signals. There is/was an agenda here if you missed it. Everyone gets to throw away their fully functional analog tv and replace all of them with overpriced flat screens. Then the price plummets and y’all get to replace them again with huge SMART tvs with full capability of watching and listening to everybody in every room in your house 24/7/365. And we paid for all of it. Thank goodness they would never use that capability for nefarious purposes.

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Jul 23, 2023
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I apologize for sounding snarky. I need to watch my tone.

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Discernment meters are missing critical pieces to a puzzle.

You might want to take a look at these resources to see what's really going on.



Even Greg Reese sees the trojan horse coming.


Greg Reese: Angel Studios [Sound of Freedom] Directing People to Pedophile Clinton-Podesta NGO's!


Carlos Slim, Drug Lord and Close Associate Of Pedophile, Funded The Sound Of Freedom - Biden Clinton


Tim Ballard wearing a Freemason Tie


In 2014, I went on a vigilante raid to “save” kids sold for sex. What we did haunts me now.


Seems Ballard is more interested in a reality TV show than child trafficking.

Sound of Freedom (2022) Funded by Medicare Fraud?

"Long before Operation Underground Railroad existed on paper, Tim Ballard dreamed of having his own reality TV or becoming a movie producer. ... He had suckered the LDS Hollywood connections with the same feel good, “do it for the children” speech twice, but third time was not a charm for the Ballards. ... Despite the film’s authenticity being in question, (Ballard envisioned elements used in the script back in 2012 for a reality TV show, before Operation Underground Railroad even existed) and principal filming completed in 2018, which means O.U.R. only existed for 5 years “on paper” and Tim Ballard is already making a biopic on himself?"


A trafficking survivors thoughts on the movie "Sound of Freedom"

Hint: You're being played!


Dr Amandha Vollmer has the best answer coz one thing is for sure, you can bet they have something lined up that's NOT in your best interest. This is the nature of the beast that you can count on!


Bonus Resources:

Derailed: Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.)

American Crime Journal’s ongoing investigative series into Operation Underground Railroad and its Founder and CEO Tim Ballard.


Tim Ballard Exposed


Psyop 1:

Problem: Child Trafficking

Reaction: Public Outrage for a Solution (it's why they want you to see it)

Solution: It's about chipping your children and possibility everyone to track down networks since they are run by adults.

Btw, all these problems people are reporting about having trouble viewing it is just another psyop on top of a psyop. As you talk to people that they won't let you see the movie as usual, it's going to want more people to view it to see what they're missing.

Psyop 2:

Problem: Can't see movie as usual

Reaction: Public Outrage for a Solution (it's why they want you to see it and even more to see it)

Solution: Add it to more movie theaters so more people can view it and even more outrage for a solution to Psyop 1 - Child Trafficking.

They want the whole country to see it and be outraged over it. There are only a few people who can see through the freemasonry beast and how they operate.

Missing a child. No worries the Freemasons will chip them like a dog. Ty Illuminati.


Noticed how they want that DNA? Well this goes even deeper and is hooked in the jabs.

Be very careful of what you wish for. It's likely to be an enslavement tool.

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Pretty much everything is an enslavement tool.

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I did see an article a few days ago where Tim Ballard is on the record supporting the microchipping of all children. I also read that he was “pushed out of Operation Underground Railroad”. Just red flags everywhere.

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Excellent read, going to do some reading. The normalization of destructive and deviant behavior has come a long way. At age 69 I went thru the 60’s and in many ways the turmoil was much worse than now. I loved the music and free expressionist thought although I knew the political left was poison. The horror of today is the left / deep state operators with the power of the censorship and the levers of their Gestapo. They own the communication system. But in the end unless they can breach the human DNA( they will try) they will fail. Hopefully.

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they are failing. One in 200 vaccine injuries has created an entire new cohort of the disaffected and angry and no longer available for propaganda.

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Swiss research out today is horrific. 1 in 35 with Moderna booster has myocarditis when they checked. A full 5%, 1 in 20, have some heart issues. This can’t be ignored. Especially as it has been duplicated in a Thai study done at a private boys school.

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Thank you. I have no opinion on the K family

But the movie industry almost killed a family member. Horrors became real until I turned the TV off and got out of Netflix.

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Big Corporate Media is poison to the living soul. Howdy Doody time ain't comin' back...

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Just read this out loud on a dock overlooking Muskoka Lake to my friend who was absolutely riveted. She also puts an asterisk over the Kardashian praise. I don’t. It’s obvious they are red-pilled though perhaps they haven’t fully realized it yet. At any rate, like all sane people, they are alarmed by the fervour and insanity of the radical left.

We absolutely agree that Hollywood is dying. It took Barbie to get people to even think about Hollywood again at a cost of $150 million in production and another $150 million in publicity. So far that’s only a profit of $40 million. Meanwhile, Sound of Freedom cost $15 million to make and has already made $100 million, before any distribution beyond North America. Hollywood can only produce to many Barbies. Moral of the story: it’s doomed and deserves to be.

While reading this, I kept thinking about Quentin Tarantino who is surely wise to the CIA’s mindfuckery circa the 1960s. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood hints at the influx of broken souls (from all the newly broken homes) descending on LA at the time—a steady stream of fresh meat for Hollywood degenerates who paid Manson for ‘introductions.’

Now it thinks AI can save it. Good luck with that!

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The Kardashians? Really?

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Keep in mind the Kardashians are characters they play. I know people who know Pamela Anderson personally, they grew up with her, etc. They say she is nothing like the ditzy blonde of TV. In the Ks situation who they are, family and children oriented, blends into their characters.

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The Kardashians, really? Well if you are into a vapid, ignorant, wasteful life, which includes surrogacy (treatment of women like things), then OK.

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K theory is trash. Article is decent. Except you need to research the actual statistics of murderous religions for Christianity, that falsehood of lies built upon an "Immaculate Ejaculate" is, quite literally, THE most murderous killers of all religions, worldwide, throughout history. Absurdistan indeed.


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Thank you.

Kardashians ... not sure but is see the benefit vs the climate cultists Orwellian future

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