Having worked for a now defunct publicly traded company in the USA and Canada and been responsible for construction of wind, biomass power projects, and the ongoing maintenance of hydroelectric projects and high voltage electricity transmission along with our natural gas fired projects, you can sure if I say wind and solar are the biggest grift since the sale of the Brooklyn Bridge that it is so. Without massive Production and Investment Tax credits, tax equity and other debt in the parfait of debt and equity that constitute each of the utility scale “renewable” projects they FAIL economically.

The most inexpensive and long term viable electricity production comes from Hydroelectric generation. The upfront coast are $60-80 dollars a megawatt hour but over a minimum of of a 50 year life span that cost drops to $20-$30 a mega watt hour, with in a 10 year span. But a very very small subset of nutbags with a fly fishing rod and First Nations/Native American entities have hobbled the hydro industry. So, no more new hydro in North American. But ask Central and South America about their hydro development. Yep, building it where feasible, etc etc.

This renewable energy BSis all a distraction, if the average Canadian and American understood how corrupt the broad levels of government and big banking and big business were they would grab the pitch forks and lanterns and storm the gates. But they do not know or understand the gravity of it all, they know they are scared and tired and demoralized. So it leaves it to those that are not tired (tired like hot and cold are just another feeling) and not scared and not demoralized to help lead everyone out of the darkness. If one wants to be scared and over come it, try standing still with their eyes closed for 30 minutes. Once over vertigo, the brain learns to adjust, and grow stronger. It’s a matter of reconditioning the brain to the fact that the vast majority of us are not the crazy ones.

Keep the drum beat up, it’s working.

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Excellent comment. We all need to speak up as loudly as possible. Yours is an informed voice, so I hope you will.

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Thanks for posting this.

Never forget that it was RFK Jr. who was in large part responsible for shutting down New York's Indian Point nuclear power plant.

He was one of the "three men in a room" who decided that it was politically expedient for them to shut down 25% of our electricity that supplied NY City and Downstate.

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One could argue that any nuclear power project of that vintage and nomenclature 30 miles from a major population center wasn’t a great idea from jump street. Additionally NY Power Authority that built the 2000 mega watt Robert Moses dam on the St. Lawrence Seaway/River was one thing, NYPA now is a grotesque bureaucracy filled with Mendalian nightmares of the blind, lame and lazy. That all said, across the river and in several other locations ear BU to IP, new very efficient heat rate (6000 heat rate) natural gas units developing the same base load megawatts were shot down. GE Schenectady facility which at most is 80 miles away has the Frame 7 jet engine and these could have been in service and providing highly efficient electric power and in some cases thermal cogeneration when Indian Point was shuttered. RFK, Jr is a wolf in sheep’s environmental clothing. He and his family’s opposition to the Cape Wind project was not altruistic rather based on the developer refusing to pay the family off. You would think someone who professes love of Birds of Prey would hate the wind business….one job of the operations teams at the utility scale wind projects is rot go through the property and pick up the dead birds before anyone can see them. It’s all a canard, when 1000’s suffer and die from freezing to death in a tough winter in the environs of NYC the scale and scope of the fraud maybe become clear but until some reall pain is felt these jokers running things will carry on.

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Thanks for an excellent post.

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If the public knew what is really going on there would have been a mass hanging of government scum and even the mainstream media liars decades ago and it just gets worse.

A I is also just another propaganda machine. It only knows what it is told! It also "is what it eats!"

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LIKE x 10.

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The quote below applies to the green agenda as well as the medical tyranny. Both agendas are being used to destroy the middle class and depopulate the earth.

"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

– Ian Watson-

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Also notice that the onus of "being green" fell on us - people without the means to do it or any power (recyle! recycle! recycle! we're all shamed into it). Why was this not a directive to corporations? Oh right: Because it's a scam. As I said above, why does everything still come encased in plastic? Why the extreme waste of oil on frivolity? I think we all know why.

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I remember a few years back where a waste management company was fined when it was discovered that their recycling was going into the same bins as the garbage. It was a big scam...and TBH I don't doubt it is the same today.

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Deb- you are 100% correct about the garbage.

I live in the NY suburbs and the towns mandate that we separate our garbage into two bins: one for "regular" garbage and the other for "recyclables."

Meanwhile, we have the garbage police (trash collectors) who will put a red tag on garbage that isn't separated. If you get enough of these red tags you can get fined $100 or more.

Come to find out that ALL of our garbage is dumped at the same landfill anyway!

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I take my garbage directly to the dump. $10 for 8 of the 55 gallon contractor bags. About 1 of these a bags a week stored until I have a pickup load.

$85 for 12 of these bags per quarter if I use a refuse company. Our recycle place went broke after about 8 years.

At the Dump there are separate places for Tires, Trees, Concrete, and enameled metal and they will not accept electronics.

They throw all the old mattresses, furniture, building materials, and bagged trash into the same pile and bury it.

One of the heavy equipment landfill machines broke down and they ordered parts. Boxes of parts arrived and guy at the shop said take these boxes to the dump. The guy takes them and tosses them and thousands of dollars in parts get buried God only knows where. They didn't tell him the parts were for the mechanic!

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I'm on the west coast in Canada..we have garbage police too. He checks the cans. Imagine paying or an inspector when they could pay people at the landfills to do it and leave us alone. We pay enough in taxes already. We are in a self managed strata..5 units...our garbage was costing $1000 a month for 2 pickups. Unreal. We thought about canceling the garbage company and bringing it to the dump..but I can't do it..don't have the vehicle..nor do I have a husband..so that's out. I called the garbage company and complained about cost...she just dropped the price by 300 bucks, no argument.

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I read once that the % of "recycling" that actually gets recycled is FOUR percent.

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In my town the recycling dump mysteriously burns to the ground every five years.

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Are you in the USA? They sure like to burn things down there. I thought Canada was bad.

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The whole system/economy is based upon planned obsolescence. If they really cared about the environment they would make products which last. Instead they have created a throw away, consumer society. The products today are being created with very short life spans and this is being done on purpose.

They have made light bulbs in the past which lasted over 100 years.


The Michelle Moore Show: The Light Bulb Conspiracy (Jan 16, 2024)


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Absolutely! Replaced our washers/dryers that lasted 40 years (in my mom's case!) with computerized garbage that last 6. Planned obsolescence is totally the key - what a waste. From cars to computers, it's all cheap garbage. If they were serious about sustainability - they would go back to building things that last. Thank you.

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LIKE (like button doesn't work).

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I absolutely love that you called Obama the "Lightbringer" ;)

I recall when I was a brainwashed lefty back in 2008 or so, that conservatives were criticizing Solyndra, laughing about what an insane and losing endeavor it was, and no one would listen because they were conservatives, so they could never be right. I was a Green at the time and only grudgingly voted for Obama in '08, but soon regretted it. His capitulations to Wall Street immediately after being installed (and bamboozling the public on a mass scale) proved who he was. Still, most people didn't want to emerge from the bamboozle.

So, trillions of dollars and a bunch of wars later, with most of our constitutional rights stripped away, can we finally see the man for who he was?

Excellent article and thanks for bringing it to us with such clarity and eloquence. I have recently read about a lot of solar farms failing - from everything from broken down equipment to hail - and it's just cringeworthy seeing the now-entrenched and institutionalized systems still clamoring for this God-awful "alternative" energy.

We run on oil and gas, and that is not changing any time soon.

Logically: Why would corporations not be stopped from wasteful things such as encasing everything in plastic if we were "running out" of oil? Something to ponder...

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lightbringer= Lucifer

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The Definitive List of 365 Products Made from Oil / Petroleum


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Funny how you don't see any news reports condemning all this, huh?

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Just shared that baby around

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The police don't police themselves. The bureaucrats and politicians don't police themselves. So now we the people have to police them. But they have all the guns!

How does this "There is no future unless this is stopped." supposed to work?

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And PS: You want to know why we are here in this situation? Because most people are lazy, stupid, and living in a fantasy world. Look at the last four years of the Covid Con Panic. That convinced me that humans are as dumb as sheep and just as compliant.

"Atlas Shrugged." "Who is John Galt?"

Where is John Galt is the question.

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Seventy-five percent of $7 trillion is not $1,750,000,000.

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It will collapse… under its own weight. But what has to happen first is our Federal governments have to deflate. No more subsidies, these companies collapse or end up doing something profitable. How about building some refineries or a few nuclear power plants.

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The problem is that it will collapse at our expense. The fat cats - the grifters and profiteers like the Obamas, Bushes, Clintons and Bidens - will walk away with their trillions and never look back.

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John- I so LOVE that you said it will collapse under its own weight.

After reading Elizabeth's articles, I am starting to hope and believe that the massive Evil cabal that is concocting this insanity will HAVE TO collapse at some point.

It's like what happens in nature. An example- for years the deer population in my area had exploded. There were so many deer that there wasn't enough food or sustenance. Then from out of nowhere came this virus that killed off more than half the deer population.

Maybe the same thing will happen to our Satanic Overlords.

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The Constitution says, ARMS but they still won't let us have missiles to fix the REAL world problem.

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If the U.S. government had taken responsibility for the first "oil crisis" in history, we'd still be hunting whales and petroleum would be seeping from the ground.

Solyndra wasn't the first energy boondoggle. Few remember the shale oil effort under the Carter administration - Synfuels Corporation; defunded by Reagan in '85.



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---Reagan at his first inaugural:

“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”----

----Obama at Ohio State:

“Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems,” Obama told the audience at the Ohio State commencement ceremony. “They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices”.----

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I bet somebody got that in their account though!

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We have a country full of mental dropouts with a main goal of more drugs and no work. Obama was one of these and was planted in by evil morons. I believe his was also a crooked election and was tried again with Hillary but she just didn't or couldn't cheat quite hard enough.

Because the Resident wasting oxygen and sniffing hair we now have is worried he now can't even cheat enough, the fix is to somehow stop Trump by any means.

If we don't get rid of RINOs screwing us over with the Democrats and stop this climate change lie, we are doomed as a nation to go bankrupt.

If they ever control our money electronically they will take us down with them.

THAT, I believe is the goal.

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The saddest part of it all is that the cheapest and most environmental friendly energy production has been suppressed for nearly 100 years by those that line their pockets, stole Tesla's secrets and hid them from us all. The things they did use are top secret weapons, anti gravity propulsion, and reverse engineered technology that the public is forbidden to use or have.

They also go so far as to ridicule, lie about and murder anyone that invents any method that skips their greedy hands.

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I don’t understand, how can Bloomberg “pledge $500 billion “? Does he hold public office? Does he have that much money?

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"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." -Montesquieu-

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." -C.S. Lewis-

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How The PhD Scientists Totally Wrecked And Ruined The World


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Spot on. A total ripoff of the tax payer with these projects and war. Inflation will persist but because of the current global demand for $US, the rise is global and not localized to US taxpayers. Despite the many claims to the contrary, the $US remains the best haven in the storm of stupidity we are experiencing from our own and global sociopaths. The reason for this if one digs deeply enough is that the US remains the best option, despite all attempts to cancel, for free speech. Free speech is the basis for innovation that is only found here and not anywhere else globally. America remains special not because of it people. It remains special because of the rights supported by the US Constitution that foster freedom of thought, expression and protections to property ownership that includes intellectual property. All the damage that has occurred recently can be reversed with the right leadership and a return to local governance that which should be controlled by local voices. I remain optimistic that the lawfare used to stifle those who have countered this topdown control mania is gradually being reversed. The Trump conviction has exposed the the underbelly of the elitists like nothing else. 70% of the population, which includes all sides of the political spectrum, agree the country has been headed in the wrong direction and want change.

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California ‘clean energy’ company set to bulldoze more than 3,500 Joshua trees, so coastal homes can go ‘carbon neutral’


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