It's true, some doctors are getting paid for the medications they give you. I'm assuming most "trust" these pharmaceutical company's. After this civid and vaccine forced on us I agree with your relative. My sister died in a TX hospital bcuz of the CDC protocols hospitals forcedd on patients.
In my state, small situ, dozens of patients dieā¦
It's true, some doctors are getting paid for the medications they give you. I'm assuming most "trust" these pharmaceutical company's. After this civid and vaccine forced on us I agree with your relative. My sister died in a TX hospital bcuz of the CDC protocols hospitals forcedd on patients.
In my state, small situ, dozens of patients died after given the drug Remdisiver. One being my sister-in-law. Another 48 yr old patient went to the ER, with a bad sinus infection. They gave her the CDC protocol, Covid 19 test. It was positive (PCR test results have been found to be unreliable bcuz of the type of testing will give a positive result every time),
So this 48 woman, who suffers yearly with sinus infections (this time a very bad one), goes to this ER, bcuz it happened on a weekend and her doctor wasn't available. They test her, its positive, they gave her 5 shots of Remdisiver. Her kidneys failed, so she was out on a ventilator. She wakes up a few days later and was frightened from everything she was booked up to. The protocol was to sedate her..she died in 2 weeks. From a sinus infection! This happ5iver and over until someone said...No more! The hospital finally quit administering this drug. My friends took their mother's to this ER during the middle of this and told them no remdisiver and no ventilator. The ER doctor then told them to take their mother home. This happened over and over. They will not administer the old drugs that worked at that time...aka CDC protocols. Hospitals lost funding or licenses if they refused to follow cdc guidelines. That's why my sister died..She refused the remdisiver. She had her yearly sinus infection & her insurance appointed doctor refused to give her her normal drugs that always worked. So her husband , desperate to get her help, took her to this hospital. Upon arriving she said " no remdisiver ( it was being pushed nationwide ), and no ventilator, also being pushed as CDC protocol. This hospital took all day to admit her for refusing saying that she didn't have insurance, which she did. They gave her a hard time. I wished that my brother inlaw had taken her to an urgent care instead..but maybe there was t one open. The lockdown protocols was still being pushed at that time...even in Jan. 2022. So after a long time to get her admitted, and she told them her stances on this drug and these ventilators, they admitted her and assured her his and shed be well taken care of. He wasn't allowed to stay with her. He went home and fell into a deep sleep. Once she signed herself in, little did she know she gave away her rights. They were forcing a ventilator in her. She said it was pounding her chest. Shed text her husband in the middle of the night to come get her or she'd be dead by morning. She told him they put a nurse in her room to keep this ventilator on her..begging him to come for her. He didn't hear the text, bcuz he was in a deep sleep. By morning when he saw the text and got to the hospital, she was gone! I'm sure they listed her death as covid. You see..In the very begining of the Pandemic, and it was planned as far back as 2015, the CDC in coordination with the WHO, listed every coronavirus symptom as Covid-19. So the symptoms for sinus infections, common colds, bronchitis, regular flu, regular pneumonia were listed as covid symptoms. So amodt covid test was covid.
Did you know that NIH sent out "worldwide" Covid 19 trmestkits in "2018"? Did you know Faucis wife, Christine Grady, oversaw these testkits as well as coordinating with the FDA the drugs administered and had Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin banned? Fauci knew in 2015 that these two drugs were instrumental in curing covid along with antibiotics and steroids. But, in order to use their covid vaccine, that had failed lab tests, killing the mice, they had to ban these 2 Therapeutic drugs. Their vaccine couldn't be used if they were available. Their vaccine never passed the protocols that normally had to be used.
Follow Rand Paul Revenues on all this...itll open your eyes. Mine were opened quickly. I refused the vaccine as my sister did. You're immediately listed as a dissident for this with the WHO, CDC, FDA, your State Governor, if he/she's involved in these Lockdowns. My husband took the vaccine because he trusted his doctor s advice. Now he wishes he hadnt. He's been sick constantly year round, since 2020, with a nagging phylemish cough that strangles him until he can get it to come up. .
The most frightening thing is, and this is coming to light..the covid vaccines SHEDS. Meaning the loved ones, like me, has been now exposed to what this vaccine has in the vaccines. His kisses, coughing, spewing this into the air at home.. Im now Stage 2, HERS breast cancer. Not realizing it. I spent 3 hours a day as well visiting my friend ( she took this vaccine), who was recovering from a mastectomy ( lstage 2, HERS breast cancer). I was with her after all her chemo/radiation treatments. I recently told my long time friend in a city, an hour away from me, about my cancer diagnosis, and she told me that in the last 6 months, that 4 of her friends were all diagnosed with Stage 2, HERS Breast cancer. Odd, it's happening in clusters, As I said, competent virologists are warning this vaccine sheds (and so will this new, but not new, only rebranded, Bird Flu vaccine). I wondered if they or their spouses/ lovers were vaccinated?? I've asked her to find out.
I remember a short statement Bill Gates ( who's not a doctor or virologist, but a billionaire raking in billions), said that "only about a third of the worlds population needs to be vaccinated, to achieve a 90% de-populstion"...think about this statement. He's well on record, as is the WEF, WHO, in wanting to de-populste the world by 90%> Those who are helping them..will be in this 90% depopulation but are too ignorant to realize their helping their own Denise.
Your sister-in-law is right not to trust any medications. You do know in the 80's, our government handed over all our pharmaceutical companies the right to manufacure all our drugs in China. I didn't until this plandemic. I thought we had pharmaceutical companies here in the US who had to follow strict protocols. We do have some, but the big ones are mostly overseas. China is not our ally and is working to conquer our Nation. This Administration is handing it to them I pray every hour of the day for God to help us, but I don't think He's listening because of who we allowed to be in our White House. We tried to fight back but those we trusted in our Intel agencies, and our Legislative, Judicial Branches are all compromised as is the entire Executive Branch. Our mistake. Instead of leaning on God, to oversee our Government...we allowed our Government to take away our Liberties. We thought they, who we entrusted, had our Liberties protected. But they didn't, and havent for at least 6 decades They too are deeply owned by China. I'm talking about the Democrats and Rhinos. They could've stopped all this, Jan 6, 2021, but they were too cowardly, or owned or both. Only a few like Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Blackburn, Cong Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, MTG, Gaetz, fought back, but were out voted. Getting rid of McCarthy was a good thing, but by the time they could oust him, it mayve been too late. IDK if I even trust Johnson, which right now I don't. Pray for Our Nation that God will have Mercy on us and deliver us from what's coming if we don't get President Trump back in. Like him or not, he kept every promise he made..He revitalized our Economy and kept our non allies at bay..He closed our Borders, revitalized our Energy to where we were Energy Independent all while fighting against these frivolous impeachments, Indictments, assassination attacks, that the Democrats, Rhinos and the Intel agencies are doing to him. He's only a man, but a strong Patriot. He truly loves our Nation. If they do win, be prepared for the worse case scenario...and it will pale to 9/11. I fear they attack prior to November. This administration has given aid to our enemies and to the millions of dangerous militants crossing our borders. Pray like your life depends on it, bcuz it does. My life may be over now...but my spirit will live on...and I pray America does fall to these monsters within.
No more corporate Doctors for me, only functional medicine and naturopathic, my Dr has a wellness practice. Sheās an MD, practice internal and family medicine then had enough of the insurance industry dictating what she could & couldnāt do. She hired. a naturopath to work in her group. They stopped taking insurance.
Iām a nurse to boot who left nursing because I saw the lies. And my own Dr said what ever you do, donāt go to the hospital. Fear is your worst enemy. I will take care of you. And she did.
Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, other nutraceuticals. Iām no spring chicken mind you and I did fine.
It's true, some doctors are getting paid for the medications they give you. I'm assuming most "trust" these pharmaceutical company's. After this civid and vaccine forced on us I agree with your relative. My sister died in a TX hospital bcuz of the CDC protocols hospitals forcedd on patients.
In my state, small situ, dozens of patients died after given the drug Remdisiver. One being my sister-in-law. Another 48 yr old patient went to the ER, with a bad sinus infection. They gave her the CDC protocol, Covid 19 test. It was positive (PCR test results have been found to be unreliable bcuz of the type of testing will give a positive result every time),
So this 48 woman, who suffers yearly with sinus infections (this time a very bad one), goes to this ER, bcuz it happened on a weekend and her doctor wasn't available. They test her, its positive, they gave her 5 shots of Remdisiver. Her kidneys failed, so she was out on a ventilator. She wakes up a few days later and was frightened from everything she was booked up to. The protocol was to sedate her..she died in 2 weeks. From a sinus infection! This happ5iver and over until someone said...No more! The hospital finally quit administering this drug. My friends took their mother's to this ER during the middle of this and told them no remdisiver and no ventilator. The ER doctor then told them to take their mother home. This happened over and over. They will not administer the old drugs that worked at that time...aka CDC protocols. Hospitals lost funding or licenses if they refused to follow cdc guidelines. That's why my sister died..She refused the remdisiver. She had her yearly sinus infection & her insurance appointed doctor refused to give her her normal drugs that always worked. So her husband , desperate to get her help, took her to this hospital. Upon arriving she said " no remdisiver ( it was being pushed nationwide ), and no ventilator, also being pushed as CDC protocol. This hospital took all day to admit her for refusing saying that she didn't have insurance, which she did. They gave her a hard time. I wished that my brother inlaw had taken her to an urgent care instead..but maybe there was t one open. The lockdown protocols was still being pushed at that time...even in Jan. 2022. So after a long time to get her admitted, and she told them her stances on this drug and these ventilators, they admitted her and assured her his and shed be well taken care of. He wasn't allowed to stay with her. He went home and fell into a deep sleep. Once she signed herself in, little did she know she gave away her rights. They were forcing a ventilator in her. She said it was pounding her chest. Shed text her husband in the middle of the night to come get her or she'd be dead by morning. She told him they put a nurse in her room to keep this ventilator on her..begging him to come for her. He didn't hear the text, bcuz he was in a deep sleep. By morning when he saw the text and got to the hospital, she was gone! I'm sure they listed her death as covid. You see..In the very begining of the Pandemic, and it was planned as far back as 2015, the CDC in coordination with the WHO, listed every coronavirus symptom as Covid-19. So the symptoms for sinus infections, common colds, bronchitis, regular flu, regular pneumonia were listed as covid symptoms. So amodt covid test was covid.
Did you know that NIH sent out "worldwide" Covid 19 trmestkits in "2018"? Did you know Faucis wife, Christine Grady, oversaw these testkits as well as coordinating with the FDA the drugs administered and had Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin banned? Fauci knew in 2015 that these two drugs were instrumental in curing covid along with antibiotics and steroids. But, in order to use their covid vaccine, that had failed lab tests, killing the mice, they had to ban these 2 Therapeutic drugs. Their vaccine couldn't be used if they were available. Their vaccine never passed the protocols that normally had to be used.
Follow Rand Paul Revenues on all this...itll open your eyes. Mine were opened quickly. I refused the vaccine as my sister did. You're immediately listed as a dissident for this with the WHO, CDC, FDA, your State Governor, if he/she's involved in these Lockdowns. My husband took the vaccine because he trusted his doctor s advice. Now he wishes he hadnt. He's been sick constantly year round, since 2020, with a nagging phylemish cough that strangles him until he can get it to come up. .
The most frightening thing is, and this is coming to light..the covid vaccines SHEDS. Meaning the loved ones, like me, has been now exposed to what this vaccine has in the vaccines. His kisses, coughing, spewing this into the air at home.. Im now Stage 2, HERS breast cancer. Not realizing it. I spent 3 hours a day as well visiting my friend ( she took this vaccine), who was recovering from a mastectomy ( lstage 2, HERS breast cancer). I was with her after all her chemo/radiation treatments. I recently told my long time friend in a city, an hour away from me, about my cancer diagnosis, and she told me that in the last 6 months, that 4 of her friends were all diagnosed with Stage 2, HERS Breast cancer. Odd, it's happening in clusters, As I said, competent virologists are warning this vaccine sheds (and so will this new, but not new, only rebranded, Bird Flu vaccine). I wondered if they or their spouses/ lovers were vaccinated?? I've asked her to find out.
I remember a short statement Bill Gates ( who's not a doctor or virologist, but a billionaire raking in billions), said that "only about a third of the worlds population needs to be vaccinated, to achieve a 90% de-populstion"...think about this statement. He's well on record, as is the WEF, WHO, in wanting to de-populste the world by 90%> Those who are helping them..will be in this 90% depopulation but are too ignorant to realize their helping their own Denise.
Your sister-in-law is right not to trust any medications. You do know in the 80's, our government handed over all our pharmaceutical companies the right to manufacure all our drugs in China. I didn't until this plandemic. I thought we had pharmaceutical companies here in the US who had to follow strict protocols. We do have some, but the big ones are mostly overseas. China is not our ally and is working to conquer our Nation. This Administration is handing it to them I pray every hour of the day for God to help us, but I don't think He's listening because of who we allowed to be in our White House. We tried to fight back but those we trusted in our Intel agencies, and our Legislative, Judicial Branches are all compromised as is the entire Executive Branch. Our mistake. Instead of leaning on God, to oversee our Government...we allowed our Government to take away our Liberties. We thought they, who we entrusted, had our Liberties protected. But they didn't, and havent for at least 6 decades They too are deeply owned by China. I'm talking about the Democrats and Rhinos. They could've stopped all this, Jan 6, 2021, but they were too cowardly, or owned or both. Only a few like Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Blackburn, Cong Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, MTG, Gaetz, fought back, but were out voted. Getting rid of McCarthy was a good thing, but by the time they could oust him, it mayve been too late. IDK if I even trust Johnson, which right now I don't. Pray for Our Nation that God will have Mercy on us and deliver us from what's coming if we don't get President Trump back in. Like him or not, he kept every promise he made..He revitalized our Economy and kept our non allies at bay..He closed our Borders, revitalized our Energy to where we were Energy Independent all while fighting against these frivolous impeachments, Indictments, assassination attacks, that the Democrats, Rhinos and the Intel agencies are doing to him. He's only a man, but a strong Patriot. He truly loves our Nation. If they do win, be prepared for the worse case scenario...and it will pale to 9/11. I fear they attack prior to November. This administration has given aid to our enemies and to the millions of dangerous militants crossing our borders. Pray like your life depends on it, bcuz it does. My life may be over now...but my spirit will live on...and I pray America does fall to these monsters within.
No more corporate Doctors for me, only functional medicine and naturopathic, my Dr has a wellness practice. Sheās an MD, practice internal and family medicine then had enough of the insurance industry dictating what she could & couldnāt do. She hired. a naturopath to work in her group. They stopped taking insurance.
Iām a nurse to boot who left nursing because I saw the lies. And my own Dr said what ever you do, donāt go to the hospital. Fear is your worst enemy. I will take care of you. And she did.
Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, other nutraceuticals. Iām no spring chicken mind you and I did fine.
Worried bcuz I'm going to have to have the lump removed at a time they're ramping up another plandemic.