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It's a great example of a weapon that is supposedly designed for the enemy, and thus OK, which backfires, not only in wartime but peacetime.

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Human beings are horrible at predicting commutations and permutations. They can only see immediate effects and then watch helplessly as bad things begin to happen. I mentioned my experiences not to evince sympathy - it's too late for us - but to give all of you a warning about this current set of wizards doing things without any idea or care of what will happen next.

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I beg to differ, sir: This current crop of wizards knows damn well what they're doing, to whom they are doing it, and why.

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And they werenтАЩt тАЬourтАЭ enemy, either. Just like Russia isnтАЩt our enemy, Palestine isnтАЩt our enemy, Israel isnтАЩt our enemy, Iran isnтАЩt our enemy, and miether is North Korea. The one guy trying to point that out, tptb have been trying to destroy for eight years. Time to revolt in the name of world peace.

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If somebodyтАЩs dedicated to killing you to get their way, they are our enemies. You need to get out into the world more - and make sure you have protection.

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Btw, I fear our government much more than I fear those foreign entities. Iranians may want to kill us, just because Islam, but that knock on the door isnтАЩt coming from them. And god help the motherfucker that knocks here.

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We are prepared as well when evil comes to our door!

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Sorry, sir, but I donтАЩt think those Russians are consumed with destroying the us. We have made enemies of all of them, just by fucking with them. As I saw for four years of my long life, a completely quiet earth. No wars. Us being pulled back from being the worldтАЩs policeman. We arenтАЩt. So itтАЩs time to bring our military home, close all those incredible bases in places we donтАЩt need, and take care of America for once. None of the current wars that were started by the cia in the last four years have anything to do with us, and yet our fingerprints are all over them. And Ukraine wouldnтАЩt have happened at all had the 2020 general not been stolen and handed to them. Pdt was pretty much looking at prosecuting the тАЬAmericans тАЬ responsible for the chemical weapons plant that is Ukraine. Nudleman and the rest of her ilk were going to jail or hung for treason. Biden boys would also be hanging around. Treason is a bitch. Putin was waiting, knowing trump was doing that. He warned us. No nato. Funny that the whitest, most Christian nation on earth, is our biggest enemy. WTF is up with that? IтАЩm lucky to have missed Vietnam, good number but they stopped pulling them just in time for me. But I have been paying close attention since, and our federal government doesnтАЩt represent the will of Americans, at all.

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Thank you for reiterating your statement to those who turn their heads the other way! Bravo! Our military have been nothing but science experiments, they are meaningless to those in charge. Viet Nam should have never happened along with every tour our men and women suffered through since. The atrocities, the carnage, the senseless use of war at all, is all orchestrated and our service men and women used as marionettes, all in the name of evil and power. I remember the incident you wrote about with McCain, and now his protege Ms. Lindsey has replaced him as a warmonger as well. They know what exactly they are doing bringing these illegals into this country. Young military age men in mass numbers pouring into this country like lemmings, it's all in the plan. These criminals have no conscience and will destroy this country from within. It's a well-organized plan right along without brainwashed youth to help implement it. Yes, we had four years of peace, and I pray to God that President Trump takes the reins once again. Marcus Jullius Cicero said it best. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys heard in the very halls of government itself." This government needed a businessman to run it, not another ambitious politician, Trump proved himself. Like you stated we had four years of peace. To be in a political position never meant to be a lifetime position. This democracy will eventually implode within itself like the Roman Empire and become a dictatorship all in the name of power and greed.

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"I don't think" is the mark of an uninformed person. I spent three years in the USSR/Russia, and their army is designed specifically to destroy us. People like you are what got us into WWII because "they didn't think that Japan could attack us". The whole modus vivendi of our armed forces is to prepare for credible threats to our homes and independence.

Whatever Ukraine may have been with the connivance of the Bidens and their ilk, they never deserved to be attacked as they have been by Russia - it has been a murderous, all-out invasion of that country and completely illegal in every sense of the word.

When your country asked for you to fight for it, you waited around to see if your draft number would be called - and let other young men fight in your place, like me and my younger brother. You missed the one chance men get to evaluate yourself against danger and death and now you try to make up for it with inchoate ravings.

I'm sorry for you.

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Actually I wasnтАЩt old enough. So yeah but no. And donтАЩt feel sorry for me, sir. Our armed forces are to protect us. Here. In the USA. Israel, Hamas, Iran? Ukraine? How many wars you hoping to fight at one time. And what years were you in russia? Seems to me, if we quit sticking our nose into everybody elseтАЩs business, and let them kill each other,weтАЩd be very well equipped to protect our homeland. What right do we have telling people how to live? тАЬ you must live in a democracyтАЭ!

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Hamas runs all the news sources aka AP, AlJezzerra..

You hear what they want you to hear..and they do use the Palestinians as hostages keeping them in the middle of their Headquarters. The people off Gaza are useful to them to use as victims and most are killed to increase the death counts..which they then blame Israel. I saw this happening since Obama ignited the conflict during his terms. The PLO of the 60s and 70s are now Hamas and , bcuz of Obama's meddling, they control Palestine.

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Actually, no: we live in a Republic. And luckily for you, there are still some men and women ready, willing, and able to fight for your freedom to hide under your bed.

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Fight for your freedom??? Who the hell has taken away OUR FREEDOMS? None other than the US government so if you want to go and risk your life for constant wars that the USA is always starting "for your freedom" then go ahead. I just hope the younger generation is smarter than that and realize that it is actually the USA who is the culprit. Leave these other countries alone.

Do you not think that the USA has their own agenda to pillage whatever resources that other countries have? Then they tell you they are protecting your freedom. Like I said before ......stop listening to fake news which is the mainstream media and take you head out of the sand before you Americans have absolutely NO FREEDOM only created by your government and nobody else.

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Wow. Time to start using decaf, buddy. Go ahead and wander to Iran and see how you last..

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You are all brainwashed by your government. Have you EVER been to Iran. IF you did go you would see people like anywhere else trying to have a normal life with their family. But of course you believe your government propaganda that all these Muslim countries are out to get you. How many false flag events has the USA done over the years?????? Answer.......many.

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Do you not know that the Ukraine war was initiated by the West to weaken Russia. Even the US government admitted to that. But let's keep blaming the big bad bear Russia when the war was started as a proxy war to weaken Russia but has only made them stronger.

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Victoria Newland worked for the DOD and was called into a Senate Hearing. When asked if the DOD had working Bioweapons Labs there, she actually said yes. From what I ve read, 20 of them. Obama was in on the building of them as a Senator...Graham, Kerry, and top Democrats were also aware of these labs. You're right, the Ukrainian citizens don't deserve their country torn apart. Z is involved and has become extremely weary buting his parents and in laws villas as well as himself. He's arresting his opposition, shut down churches..He's evil and Billions of our tax dollars are being poured into this war we won't win. I read a comment on a prayer line of a mother whose son has been sent to Poland as well as his unit. This DOD is poking the Bear on purpose. They want this conflict and they don't care about the citizens in harms way or our own troops..they're collateral damage to them.

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No question whatsoever that the links between the Democrats (and some Republicans) to the corruption in Ukraine are there - but it was also no excuse at all for what the Russians are doing in Ukraine. It's like "well, FDR imposed sanctions on the Japanese and that caused the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor". No, the Japanese were primitive, invading butchers and no matter what FDR did or didn't do, the Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of civilians all over Asia and wanted to kill us too.

Quit making excuses for thugs.

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Jun 24Edited
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Sure: every reason in the world for Russia to wage a war of annihilation against civilian apartments, shopping centers, unwarned civilians in villages - and then kill prisoners. I guess you'd be in favor of seizing Cuba by force of arms too?

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Jun 24
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Yeah, yeah: "invade" - the United States rescues, defends, supports other countries' rights to self-governance and freedom. We don't make anyone a new colony or add them to the list of our states, or steal their resources. And when they're done with us, we leave.

The Soviets/Russians on the other hand have supported "National Liberation Wars" - externally supported "civil wars" - and have wreaked havoc all over the world. Angola, the Congo, Central America, Eastern Europe for decades, Afghanistan, and of course, the naked and genocidal attack on Ukraine.

You, as a Russian bot, should know better.

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Israhell is the planets enemy! The ziofascists are literally the root of all evil on our planet and must be annihilated!

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Was that supposed trigger a reaction? WTF.

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Why would that trigger you? Called a response fren

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