:) revenge is sweet but belongs to God. We don’t have much time in this life and we must try to be creatures of love and the light, these powers belong to the darkness and that is their fate. As Jesus says “ there’s not virtue in to love the lovingly or the ones who love us back” the real virtue that makes us a little more like our Creat…
:) revenge is sweet but belongs to God. We don’t have much time in this life and we must try to be creatures of love and the light, these powers belong to the darkness and that is their fate. As Jesus says “ there’s not virtue in to love the lovingly or the ones who love us back” the real virtue that makes us a little more like our Creator is forgiveness and the best suffering for them is “ to pray for them to come back to the light “ that is our “ revenge”, St Paul says that every time we pray for a bad person they suffer some kind of phenomenon, he says like “ burning coals in their heads” or something similar, maybe that give you some “ encouragement “ to pray for them. And think about this, few pray for them, what would happen if millions of people cried to God ??? Remember the Exodus? We must be united in prayer and expose the lies, we must be creatures of light and love and feel pity for the ones that don’t understand that Hell is real.
:) revenge is sweet but belongs to God. We don’t have much time in this life and we must try to be creatures of love and the light, these powers belong to the darkness and that is their fate. As Jesus says “ there’s not virtue in to love the lovingly or the ones who love us back” the real virtue that makes us a little more like our Creator is forgiveness and the best suffering for them is “ to pray for them to come back to the light “ that is our “ revenge”, St Paul says that every time we pray for a bad person they suffer some kind of phenomenon, he says like “ burning coals in their heads” or something similar, maybe that give you some “ encouragement “ to pray for them. And think about this, few pray for them, what would happen if millions of people cried to God ??? Remember the Exodus? We must be united in prayer and expose the lies, we must be creatures of light and love and feel pity for the ones that don’t understand that Hell is real.
Good insight.