I have seen this movement in action!

When I challenged my children’s Catholic school because they were encouraging elementary aged students to leave class in support of the climate strike movement, organized by MoveOn.org and promoted by Greta Thunberg, I received a phone call from “Father Mike” on a Sunday morning berating and bullying me for daring to challenge his direction. Among many egregious accusations, he repeatedly called me misguided, claiming support for the climate strike was simply part of the Pope’s Laudato Si movement. This Priest was loved by all, so I knew if I told people what he did they wouldn’t believe me. I began referring to him as, “the wolf in sheep‘s clothing,” because he was not at all who he portrayed himself to be. This was in 2019 in deeply progressive Portland, OR. We moved about a year later in 2020 during the George Floyd/BLM/Antifa riots. We now live in the free red state of TN.

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Why is Soros always involved in the destruction of the world. I swear he’s the devil himself. The priest are so different since Vatican II.

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He is apparently in the Luciferian cult, and a priest.

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Did you mention that before because I heard that recently and I heard Mrs Clinton is the high priestess which explains A Lot. It’s amazing the information that’s been exposed over the last 9 or so years isn’t it? Who knew the world is run by luciferian pedos that hate all humans. I’ve been seeing the patterns for years I just couldn’t figure out why. Well now we know and your articles fill in a lot of gaps.

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You might find this a bit strong but George Soros is a nasty piece of work.


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Jo, since the pope recently said that refusing the covid vax was the same as suicide, well, clearly he's been captured or is an imposter. As for charie, I've always thought the guy was an enormous TWAT

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Bourla was entertained by the Pontiff on two occasions I understand, who opted for Pfizer 'products'. It seems reasonable to suppose that the 'chosen' are offered the Pfizer employee route?

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Whats the pfizer employee route?

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A route that highlights the obvious; no pandemic, no required shot, no AESI. ...so they received a "placebo."

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When Laudato Si was released, I read it pen in hand while sitting in a chapel. Not the ideal place to throw up one’s hands in total frustration and utter a few unladylike words - more than once. I expect the Lord understood.

This purposefully long document meandered through a tangled forest of climate verbiage, hoping, I expect, that the reader’s eyes would glaze over and miss the frequent subtle, ambiguous sentences. An unsuspecting reader might conclude that this darling pope was in harmony with nature and a wonderful steward of the need to save the planet.

Sitting there, I knew for sure this pope and the curia clingers were now off the rails, embracing this nonsense … for what? What, indeed? He is elected only as guardian of a deposit of faith, yet now was banging the one-worldy climate drum?

Cui bueno? It was the globalists who saw that Christian faith was the last hurdle of opposition to a global syncretism that would act as a “spiritual” adjunct to their novus ordo, new order of life. Better to infiltrate existing religions and subvert from within. And indeed, they have; they have been at it for more than a century … chip, chip, chip.

But, it is God’s Church that has weathered many storms, too many of them from within. The core remains untouched, though temporarily obscured. Popes come, popes go. Many are good; some bad. The Catholic Church has been labelled the Barque of Christ, a sturdy ship tossed by storms, yet the faithful lash themselves to the mast and hang on. This is one of those times. The storms abate and the barque emerges battered and stripped but with the core beams and ribs intact.

We will survive Laudato Si and the rest of the worldly nonsense that has crept inside. As Benedict XVI prophesied over four decades ago, she will emerge smaller, but stronger.

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Let’s pray for him. He's terribly off the job of saving souls.

The road to Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops. Let’s ask for a conversion of his heart and to misleading the flock

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First of all who listens to the globalist/apostate pope? Start by getting rid of him.

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He really is an apostate, I'm not a religious person, but I remember getting enervated about the awful things one of the popes past was doing , it was the early 90s, maybe they have been 'the devil in disguise' for a lot longer than most people think.

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Yes at least since Vatican II

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The one who sided with the Kissinger types in South America? Yeah. that demon in disguise.

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You're so lucky you can move to a red state! Say a prayer for those of us, for whom there are no red States.

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During lockdown in my blue state, Illinois, I would drive 7 miles to Wisconsin and shop because, while not truly red, sane people walked the earth unmasked and gas was 70 cents a gallon cheaper. I feel for you all up north. Hope and pray Turd’s collapse and removal 🙏🏻🙏🏻comes fast.

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Wow, that is incredible.

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Praise God you got out of Portland, the state of Oregon and the ‘Left Coast’! 🙏🏻💓

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I read recently that Highgrove recently sold for £20m to Zalensky!

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What is Zelensky doing paying $20M for property in the UK? Oh, that's right... he took it from US taxpayers.

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Getting ready for exile. He'll become the tragic hero and the UK govt. will congratulate themselves for hosting him.

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The U.K. government will look the other way when the C_IA comes in and finishes the wet work biden requires to keep him silent. There’s a whole lot of men dying in that country to protect the secrets of the world mafia or DS whatever we’re calling it these days. Last report 500,000 men, an entire generation it’s just unbelievable. And the establishment in this country have the wool pulled completely over the eyes of half the country.

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What in the world? Now they’re selling our towns. Wasn’t good enough to sell our flagship companies like Hershey, US Steal, Anheuser Busch and our wonderful American jeans manufacturers. What is £20m like $18m here?

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"misguided" such an ugly, treacherous word.

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Yes, like making excuses for him, but... we don't know the man, so it's not our place to judge.

Most likely he got enticed by money and/or the prestige they manufacture for these people, so likely appealing to his vanity as well.

Regardless of all that, these criminals are clever demons, they are very crafty liars, they are very good at inverting reality and creating convincing narratives, so they also could possibly have 100% sold him onto the ideology of "saving the planet", of the necessity and inevitability of saving the planet, so he could possibly also be totally convinced that he is doing good.

Probably the former, but still possibly the latter.

Karma or God will sort him out when they see fit to do so.

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I think it's the latter. If covid has taught me anything, it's that people who sincerely believe they're doing good are much more dangerous than people who know they're being evil.

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Yes, surprisingly they'll go much farther than the evil-doer who at some level knows he's doing wrong, while these sincere blelievers are somehow able to rationalize any manner of atrocity.

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Charles a pompous and spoiled horse’s patoot. While I have always admired his garden at High Grove , it was built of the backs of people he stole from and those he has deceived. The name High Grove has always rubbed me wrong. In the Old Testament, the places of pagan worship were in high groves. This is probably not a coincidence. Great work Elizabeth!

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Patoot - brilliant word, but what does it mean?

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In this case ‘patoot’ refers to…an ‘ass’! Never heard the expression “Horse’s patoot”? Same as “he’s a horse’s ass”! And that is not a compliment!

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Excellent stuff!

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Not a coincidence at all. Satan and his minions are pathologically compelled to tell you what they are doing because they believe you're powerless to stop it. Hiding in plain sight as it is. Like the snake in the grass.

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I bow to nor acknowledge no royalty. It's all a farce based on extreme arrogance and control of humans.

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"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator." Romans 1: 25

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Excellent piece. I was sort of hoping Elizabeth would out live Charles. Maybe he was afraid of that.

I go back to Psalm 2…. These pompous fools won’t succeed because they won’t kiss the Son. God is laughing at them.

The question is what is our part in the resistance.

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Thank you so much for this substack. I don't think most people are aware of the extent of KC AND the Monarchy's reach or the extent of their degeneracy and the fact that chuck and his ilk are the culmination of evil proven by their unabated, unhidden participation w WEF. People of US would be wise to DEPORT THE EVIL SPAWN HARRY OUT OF THE COUNTRY ASAP. HE AND HIS MENTALLY ILL WIFE MEGALOMANIAC ARE HERE TO CARRY OUT A LARGER POLITICAL AGENDA. WAKE THE HELL UP.

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They won't even let world-renowned climate scientists who disagree with their "findings" engage in any sort of publicized debate. If you even question anything they do, they immediately get almost violently angry. There is no debate, only censorship and ad hominem verbal attacks on anyone who dares to even question, "The $cience." If you can't question "The Science," you can be rest assured it's not science. Why are they so defensive about their climate science findings? It's a scam to gain absolute power and steal the remaining wealth of the "uneducated" masses. Oh, the spectacular hubris of these people!

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The blurb on the back of my old Brave New World copy: "...a grave warning of the pitfalls that await uncontrolled scientific advance."

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Genuine scientific advance, i.e., the increase of true knowledge, is always good. The problem is with the use of that knowledge and of engineering skill, something very different, by unscrupulous and foolish people (who will never be in short supply..) We have an ethics crisis, in my opinion the unavoidable result of a lack of recognition of any Higher Absolute Authority and the resulting infinite arrogance of those in power.

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First, Prince "tampon" and now king "tampon" is an out of touch moron with far too much power. I met him a few times in his time with Diana and then when married to whoresface. Just being in his presence gave me dark chills. A couple of years ago...can't find the reference now...he stated at a WEF Meeting that he would ensure a global takeover through WEF, UN, WHO and all the evil, unelected acronym agencies. He stated that nobody and nothing will be able to stop him. I suspect his cancer will be miraculously cured after his lenghthy strategy session with Klaus, to counter people waking up to WEF evil, is concluded.

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The House of Windsor was always involved with facism. They ran this game for generations. They are the ones that needed a cull.

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However, these are not Windsors, the original bloodlines were infiltrated and conquered long ago by the Khazarian Mafia. It's well worth your time to do the deep dive.

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I completely agree with you. By coincidence only, I have a long history of being in the company of the royals. I have literally met them in various parts of the world in both formal and casual settings. My first foray into a royal meeting was at age 4 when I was chosen to present Queen Elizabeth with flowers when she visited my hometown. She was lovely as was Diana...the rest...not so much. In fact, arrogant, disgusting, superiority complex, in most cases

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While he is definitely at the top of the pyramid of planning, there are others above him, who have likely guided him to where he is today.


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Lets hope not eh?

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I agree 💯.

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They look ridiculous in those oversized crowns - especially the woman on the right of the photo. These dimwits are flaunting their unearned symbols of authority.

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King Chuckles III.

Still trying as King George III to rule the colonies. IMHO the Commonwealth colonies should prepare for a bloody revolt starting with refusal to fund or recognize the crown because it's not going to happen otherwise.

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For quite some time it has been obvious that "King" Charles had fallen for the complete WEF package of techno-fascist neo-feudalism, hook line and sceptre.

The utterly hilarious aspect is that in all likelihood, Schwab and his henchmen...sorry, hench-associates, despise Charles and utilize him as a useful idiot completely unaware that the WEF members dream of ending the monarchy. Perhaps they can convince Charles to end it himself...yes, he is that stupid. Diana might have provided some common sense enabling genuine charity without the ideological baggage but she is gone. Charles also speaks glowingly of the Covid-19. "opportunity", apparently completely oblivious to the coerced vaccinations that were neither "safe" nor "effective", and the glaring censorship and denunciation of all that dared disagree. Incredible. Just incredible.

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Agreed. This is working to usher in the Fourth Reich, a global totalitarian system.

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“hook line and sceptre”


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Ha ha. I sometimes wax poetic.

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KC is part and parcel of WEF he didn't just fall for it. Someone is clearly trying to end the Monarchy which is why they planted the American wife there and she is being allowed to run amok in a most insane manner where chuck allows it. It's incredulous at best

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Omg When one combines this with what organizations like Catholic Charities are up to, or the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, it becomes clear that our organized religions are already subverted and are acting AGAINST the faithful. Nothing short of full scale revolution is sufficient to rip all these power mad lunatics out of power, sorry to say it but that's how it looks to me at this point.

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Don't be sorry, that's what it's all about.

I had just about given up on Catholicism but having read the "Open Letter to President Trump" by Archbishop Vigano (look it up, it's good !) in which the Archbishop castigates the WEF and outlines the general drift of where the "Great Reset" is heading, I've become a fan of his. Try this link to keep up on the real church as opposed to the "official" one:

https://novusordowatch.org/ .

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Unfortunately, since WW2 we have all been so domesticated that we almost instinctively recoil at the thought of any use of force. This plan has been going on for a long time.

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Indeed. In fact the mythology of WW1 and WW2 have been used to justify American empire, in opposition to every principle and ideal of the American founding. I grew up on that mythology and finding out how many lies I'd been told about WW2 in particular broke my heart. Thinking about how many Americans had their good, compassionate natures used by globalist, imperial lunatics like Churchill and FDR. Fyi, I can back these assertions up with facts/cites etc. Once you know the truth, you'll realize this game and our govt has been an enemy of the American people for over 100 years already...

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Interesting. I once asked a family member about WWII and what it was like before and after. She said, "everything changed." When I asked for details she had a look like there was no way to explain it. Having lived through this fake pandemic and aftermath, I think I know why she couldn't explain, it was such a comprehensive change.

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Consider that it's an accepted fact that FDR intentionally provoked Japan to war over a 1 year campaign of ridiculous actions that could only result in war. Consider that Poland was negotiating productively with Hitler over Danzig and other issues until Churchill manipulated the British cabinet to offer Poland a 'War Guaranty' that Britain could never fulfill. The Poles walked away from the negotiating table and war became inevitable.

You are taught most of all to hate Neville Chamberlain and to love Winston Churchill. But in reality, back in '38, Chamberlain was lauded as a hero by millions of Germans who came out spontaneously to celebrate the agreement. Same thing when he arrived back in Britain.

You are told to believe all the Americans who wanted no part of a Euro war were fascists but in fact they were nothing of the sort. Many were family members or veterans of WWI who believed there was simply no reason to ever fight in a Euro war again. Fyi, we pretend to be so moral but in fact we aided communism in Asia and Europe which killed far more people than Nazism. None of these facts will matter if you bring them up on conversation with Americans. In fact, the worse sorts are the military veterans and others who are in NatSec in govt. They are soooooo bought into the mythology of the U.S. as a 'savior nation' to justify how many people we have slaughtered that any suggestion it's not a great idea flips them out.

Some nation we've got here, yes?

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Excellent piece. Thank you.

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The guy who would have the serfs owning NOTHING, living in 15 min cities (open air prisons), riding bicycles, etc lives in a large country manor and palaces. A narcissistic, pompous windbag. He does have cancer. Look at how puffy his hands are. Something not right there. His son's have drank the Kool-Aid unfortunately. I wonder if Charles took t he jab? Sad about Kate who probably also took the jab. Young, healthy and has cancer. I don't think the state of America or England is due to the power of evil but the weakness of the church. The REAL church. Christ's bride. Real Christians should have never fallen for this garbage. the purpose of the church/born again believers is to advance the kingdom of God. when you live in darkness you are blinded by the darkness.

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But does he really have cancer? One can only hope Idk that we know the real story behind Catherine either.They are Khazarian Mafia not original bloodlines. It goes back centuries, I'm not good w dates so won't go into detail here. It's been said these are all doubles, I believe it. If you examine Harry photos, there are definitely two, the ears are the giveaway. They also tried to pass off a brown eyed Harry at one point but it was too obvious He must be removed from our country.

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Since the citizens of the UK support them, I don't understand why it is not law that ALL ROYALS BE SUBJECT TO DNA TESTING and the results made public.

You can imagine the surprises that await with that one, but it'll never happen.

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I think that over time the laws got very lax. For example what they put Diana thru before she married Chuck just to prove she was a virgin, pretty horrific if true. I think ALOT of decorum was lost when Queen died and she was no innocent either.

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Brilliant and thank you. This has been on my mind for some time.

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Holy Moly!! I had no idea this was going on.... Thanks for the education, if terrifying.....

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"I say we take off and nuke the planet from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." Ripley.

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Timmy, the best line.

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Thank you for this article. All new news and shocking to say the least.

For what it’s worth and which I have zero proof of but seems totally plausible now, especially in light of your article, is that Queen Elizabeth was alive and mostly well in a photograph taken 3 days prior to her death. I happened to see this photograph the day after it was taken. So it was quite interesting to hear she had passed so shortly thereafter. I had the immediate impression that she was murdered because the Great Reset couldn’t wait another 2-5 years for her to pass as they needed the lynchpin of King Charles.

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Those were my exactly thoughts.

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Wouldn't surprise me

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It may have had to do with Trump, who moved too fast for them with Warp Speed to win an election. So, plans had to advance faster than wanted and she was still hanging in there past when they thought she would.

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