I didn’t follow the trial/story. Personally I don’t like Trump but I also don’t delight in him “losing” as some of my friends who still suffer TDS do. There’s a lot that I would change about my own behaviour back in the 80’s based on what I’ve leaned. Mostly at the root of it all is that feminism lost the plot when it stopped being about equal rights for women and became women are better and men are all bad/weak/dangerous... pick your adjective. Women choosing to be mothers at home should have been exalted rather than looked down on.

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Can I ask what you would change Irene? There is a Christopher Hitchens interview just before his death. He was asked “Tell me about are your regrets?” To which Hitchens sighed and said “ in life, you get to choose your regrets”

I see the many mistakes I’ve made in my life as much more valuable to me than the things I got right. I treasure them, keep them locked away, but close at hand for quick access to act as a reminder. A foundation for wisdom before the freedom of choice, in life, is gone.

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i appreciate your question but i respectfully decline to answer on a public forum

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Sorry. I didn’t mean to put you in that position. I shouldn’t have asked.

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May 12, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

My impression of Trump (met him twice) is that he's too big a narcissist to resort to rape. He was a good-looking guy back in the day and, even now, surprisingly charismatic. He's an active listener. This is the kind of guy who enjoys seducing women, not raping them.

In a normal world, an old claim of rape of this sort wouldn't survive a summary judgment. So she sued him for defamation--at the suggestion of the very sketchy Lincoln Project Trump obsessive, George Conway.

I don't know much about this woman's personal life but the comparison to Blassy-Ford is a good one. Without a happy family life, or any family life at all, with a fading career which tapped into feminist anger (even at its height may not have filled the emotional need for personal happiness), entering the fray as a victim, and on a massive public stage, is all too seductive. Can I see this now-brittle woman lie about being raped in a dressing room at Bergdorf's in order to become relevant again? Oh, hell yes.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

MsNickson has described what happened after the little boys of the baby-boom generation were carefully, incrementally weaned from the notion of becoming a faithful husband and a loving father. Teach the boys they can be promiscuous without consequences and give the girls the pill.


Here are two links about a hit song that played on the AM radio back when baby boomers were little children. https://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/anniegetyourgun/doinwhatcomesnaturlly.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doin'_What_Comes_Natur'lly

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If E Jean was really raped why wasn't Trump charged, arrested and prosecuted? Makes no sense but what does anymore? She is just another predator trying to eat at a table she didn't earn a seat at. So sad. I was blessed with identical twin boys late in life. They are 25 now and out of college a few years. They would tell me stories about girls having contests to see who would be the first to bed down both of them. Really I would ask? Yep dad, a lot of nasty bitches out there was the response. We steer clear of them. Whew- something from mom and dads conversations must have clicked. There is hope for restoring sanity to society.

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May 12, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Wow. Thanks.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

You know, I really would like to be able to put things in quotes evident - you know a different text format on these comments, but this statement from the beginning of the article is a classic:


"I was married at the time, exhausted, just out of grad school, to one of those guys everyone loves, walking with him through Soho was a royal progress, me the little shadow that enhanced his greatness. "


I'm laughing now just thinking about it.....I think it is possible I can read your mind in a way, and I say that with no harmful intent, but rather empathizing with that statement in a weird sort of way being I'm a fella.....anyhow, I guess I'll read the rest - but I know this via my daughter especially - it ain't easy having a trophy husband (or boyfriend for that matter - but boyfriends are easier to dismiss if they lack substance). Are you all still married - or should I know already?

Ha, ha.


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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I thought this comment might merit a response or maybe a like but I guess I thought wrong. Now I know I suppose what it is like to walk around NYC with a trophy husband.

After awhile - alpha females get kind of boring...they have no staying power.

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Sorry, took a break from email for four days. Not still married to him but it was great fun until it wasn’t.

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I saw Mary Harrington in a fascinating interview on lotus eaters. I bought her book but haven’t started it yet as I’m finishing Proust.

Link here https://youtu.be/YfokLJIun9E

She seems to have a post feminist take very similar take to that of Jonathan Haidt, in his brilliant book “coddling of the American mind”.

It’s the ethos that can be summed up with a Jordan Peterson euphemism “you can either build a big fence to protect your children and keep the snakes out. Or you can teach them to cut the snakes up. But, beware, if you build a fence, one day you have to open the gate and let your children out”

Women are being sold a lie in the name of depop. The whole empower women thing is about cuckolding high achieving men to suppress resistance whilst allowing the real agents of power get to virtue signal about the wonders of intersectionality and how “diversity is strength”. It also undermines highly capable women through an arbitrary selection process based, not a capability, but on the ability to spout woke gibberish verbiage.

I saw the lady who accused trump on CNN or whatever anti Trump channel that had her on. The interviewer states “most people think of rape as a violent assault” to which she replies “I think most people think of rape as being sexy, think of the fantasies”.....before the producer can be heard screaming “go to commercial”

it took a while to find it as you tube has memory holed it but here it is. link https://youtu.be/wh6NCoO6h74 scroll to 3.15

The fact this woman won her case. Thirty years after the alleged event with zero evidence is an indictment to a political head hunting system that is no longer about blindfolds and the scales of justice, more, who you are and what your views are. And things are only going to get worse.

Slouching towards the digital gulags, maybe even genocide.

Ps. I had to Google the meaning of “ambisexual”. I must have led a sheltered life.

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I love your writing. You get at things nobody does, it's got so many dimensions. I agree with every word here needless to say. The tragedy you speak of rarely gets addressed. It feels too deep and too catastrophic. What they did to women, to men, to us all. We're all victims of this thing we can barely talk about. I have one child, grown now, and wish I had many more. But I'm grateful to God that I have one.

E. Jean Caroll wrote a very strange book about Hunter S. Thompson. It was very sexual. I get the feeling she is extremely but extremely traumatized.

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thank you - it means a lot. SO interesting about her being traumatized. I've started to think differently about a lot of women, friends too - you can pick out early/childhood sexual abuse - Kim Richards on Housewives, Paris Hilton, all the Disney kids male and female, crazed emotions, quick to hysteria. But it's across three generations of women too, isn't it....like we returned to tribal rules and had zero protection. I'm babbling.

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