This was one of the best Stacks I have ever read. Bravo.

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Agreed! 👍🏼👍🏼 what a great, and inspiring piece.

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Elizabeth is an old fashioned trained journalist, when they were truth seekers, not con men.

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My thinking as I got halfway down…WOWZA! WOW!

Could NOT stop reading!

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"no eye has seen, ear has heard..." maybe not yet, but if what you're telling us with your latest post here actually proves even 50% accurate, the multitude of human hearts that have been imagining that it IS possible will be thankful they've lived long enough to see it come true.

I'm closing fast on 76. I was born here, lived here all my life. Never been outside the US but for a few days more than half a century ago when I visited Canada with some friends on a trip back from New England.

I'll die here too someday while counting myself as one of those who've been working and waiting for the change that finally brings about what you've described.

Thank you Elizabeth, your work reassures me with every new post.

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WOW, Elizabeth on the other side of the election! i can foresee her becoming one of the most significant voices in the new post Nov 5th world.

Elizabeth's insights into election Fraud captured my attention. nothing written about the subject came close.

it is now a brave new world, the landscape has hugely/bigly changed.

once again Elizabeth is exactly on point.

as someone who chanced upon "Atlas Shrugged" in 1957 and later named his daughter Juliayn, i can fully appreciate that we are living through the 1168 pages.

Elizabeth is showing us the light at the end of the tunnel. Argentina, it appears, is living proof.

i do believe, as she posits, it is quite difficult to appreciate the scale of good ahead of us as it has been a very very long drift into the darkness.

the forces of evil overstepped, as they always eventually do. absolute power always corrupts absolutely.

i am 84 and am going to eat my Wheaties (probably not Wheaties/RFKj) to stick around to see the show.

Elizabeth. i am a bullish on you as i am on the USA today.

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God Bless you. Just pushing 72 myself, but like you I'm excited about watching this go down.

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I so want all of this to be true and it may well yet be but the dislocation I see coming in the second half of the decade is going to of secular proportions. In any restructuring effort (I have been involved in quite a few over the years) the question is always to maintain solvency until the business, stripped down to its profitable core, can become healthy again. I have never yet seen this done without significant pain and the acknowledgement through write-offs that malinvestments of the past must be written off entirely and cost structures that serve no useful purpose (or at the nadir of the crisis are not essential for survival) must be dismantled.

If the restructuring of the US Federal Gov. really does take place politically (ie through the will of the people and in the face of fierce resistance from those being culled) then it will be the first time in history that that will have happened. In every single instance I can think of the collapse was forced by external circumstances of invasion, civil war or economic collapse and accelerated entropic decay.

The question for me is: will the US be able to restructure its massive overhead and bureaucracy whilst at the same time absorb the economic shock that that entails whilst maintaining its core societal characteristics and constitutional framework. If it can - and I suspect the US is the only country in the world that has the organisational design and character to do so - then it will be the start of an entirely new age of prosperity.

PS See David Stockman's 8 part essay on the Great Cost Cutting https://www.davidstockmanscontracorner.com/memo-to-elon-musk-vivek-ramaswamy-how-to-cut-2-trillion-of-fat-muscle-and-bone-from-the-federal-budget/

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We might just get the civil war...

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Chucky is the coolest doll ever.

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What if we get a world wide jubilee?

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My guess is that would collapse the dollar and we'd get hyperinflation.

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You have to be a subscriber to read that.

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Some of David Stockman's essays on the subject are also available for free on the Brownestone Institute website, here for instance https://brownstone.org/articles/how-to-cut-2-trillion-of-fat-from-the-federal-budget/

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Excellent and clear explanation of what can be accomplished should the appropriate cuts and controls be implemented. Thank you for continuing to analyze and communicate important issues for all of us.

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Your most important rant to date and I mean that very affectionately, dear. Dear! - a 'bad' word today as deemed by some insufferable 'journalist'.

We were accumulating wealth without even trying in Feb 2020 through Trump's deflation and it will happen again if he makes it to Jan 20, 2025. I pray every day that he does.

Remember the Depression of 1921? Me neither, because Silent Cal cut government by 40% and we were off to the roaring 20s.

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I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think Trump can or wants to deliver what you outline (perhaps because Trump is on Epstein’s list and there is video of him diddling) I appreciate the optimism and enthusiasm, and I listened to the Millei interview, and was encouraged by his enthusiasm, but I think you need to understand the cultural differences between Latin America and the ole US of A.

People in Latin America know that all of their society is corrupt, from the street vendor to the central banker. They have been screwed over for hundreds of years repeatedly by poor governance. Argentina’s corruption and inflation are legendary. And everyone knows it. I think America’s corruption is even worse, but we view ourselves as the city on the hill, the shining example of God’s light on humanity. Unfortunately we have nowhere even close to the critical mass of people necessary to swallow a nonviolent political transformation that is necessary for the US not to continue down our debt path that we are on. I agree wholeheartedly that housing is unaffordable due to Federal Reserve policy, regulation and the allowing of corporations and foreign investors to purchase US real estate (notice none of these things are under consideration in the Trump camp).

Most Americans don’t believe me when I explain to them why they can’t afford houses, or they can’t understand or they don’t care.

I agree that our culture is broken, but unfortunately not broken enough because most people are still sheep being led to slaughter. Most people are asleep. Most people don’t understand what you write about.

IMO Argentina was ready for political upheaval. Americans are not. Think about the American populace’s reaction to COVID. We swallowed that hook line and sinker (including myself, and Trump, to which he has never publicly repented). Americans live for institutionalism. We love county health boards and building departments and environmental review boards and architectural review boards and all other sorts of nonsense. We are puritans in regulation and heathers in faith and we love to tell our neighbor what they can and cannot do. We regulate the height of grass in lawns and the colors you can paint houses. We love BS regulations just for the fun of it. All of this drives me absolutely crazy every day of my life and I try to point out that we should all live and let live, but that is not how Americans think. We actually hate freedom. I wish I was wrong, but no one protested outside public health departments when 70-90% of family run restaurants went out of business.

Unfortunately I think we need a cultural revolution before our political one, and until we can ban our local public health department we will never be able to get rid of the department of Energy, or the Department of the Interior. Revolution comes from the bottom up, not from the top down, and I think we as Americans have much more work to do in our local communities before it spills upwards. I think there will be more misery before people wake up, it’s only human nature.

Trump, Elon and Vivek are not the white knights they are claimed to be. At best Trump is a strawman (otherwise he would be dead). Elon is a government grifter whore whose entire biz empire is dependent on Federal Gov largesse. All of Tesla’s profits comes from carbon markets. Space X is a NASA, DoD contractor. Solar City is dependent on gov subsidies, and I would be surprised if Twitter no longer is an intel carve out (nothing in the Twitter files suggests a lack of continued cooperation between Twitter and the NSA - I also find it suspicious that the bulk of the Twitter files was related to the FBI, I imagine there are insane conversations with the NSA). If Elon doesn’t have the ear of power he is up a creek without a paddle. And Vivek is a “biotech founder” which is political jargon for “risky, falsely tested pharmaceutical magnate”. These are not your heroes.

You are the ones that we have been waiting for, not them. Change and revolution comes from the ground up, first let’s focus on local building and health departments and then we can worry about the other stuff, because no one is fighting for you.

I wish I wasn’t so blackpilled, but this all has been too easy, and my spider senses feel like Admiral Akbar in “Return of the Jedi”: “IT’S A TRAP”.

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Oh for the Lord's sake. Trump is not on Epstein's list. He came to know early on who Epstein was. He kicked him out of Mar a Lago and never met with him again after the pedo tried to pick up an under 18 year old daughter of a friend. Get smart and stop talking smack about Trump as if you know the score. You don't!

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"Change and revolution comes from the ground up,"

Indeed and that starts with farmer's and people growing food.

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Sadly, I agree completely. It's hopium all the way. Why people continue to believe the father of the vaccine who oversaw the lockdowns that ended so many small businesses will, this time, save them from all that is beyond me.

Musk may indeed oversee the firing of tens of thousands of federal employees... to replace them with AI. (Why else would he take the job? Why him if not this?) We can applaud that they'll finally feel the pinch. Or we can realize what's being ushered in via the front door.

Yes, Trump would be dead if he really meant to make good on his hype. Of that we can be sure.

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Thank you from Surrey BC.

I get my information and news from few chosen ones….

You are one of them, so thank you! I hope to subscribe for paid subscriptions in the new year ahead and your Substack will be a first.

Be well, Be Blessed 🙏🏻


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Langley here! My words exactly!!

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Thank you so much Elizabeth, for your impeccably researched and grounded optimism. I am heartened by your messages and am committed to supporting this massive transition in any way I can.

As a firm believer in The Impossible Dream, it feels like the tectonic plates are shifting and we might just pull this off! It’s a joy to see intelligent, experienced people who are based in reality taking the reins. To infinity and beyond!!❤️‍🔥

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Excellent article that explains what many have sensed for many years but were unable to articulate. I am currently in Ukraine. No place more true than here, although I suspect the globalist have infiltrated every country. Their corruption, even evil, knows no bounds.

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By far one of your best articles Elizabeth! So inspiring. I really hope Trump and his team can pull this off. I've said for years now that THE USA was our last hope. It was on its knees, but if it fell, there was no hope for any other country. It didn't fall, and in 2025 forward it will stand hopefully on the top of the hill. I really hope Canada follows. Pierre is all we got. I hope he follows suit with Trump. Every time we flip another country it's like a snowball rolling down a mountain, gaining speed and growing..END the WEF, WHO, NATO, and many other alphabet agencies, END government lobbying by NGO's completely! Put in TERM LIMITS in all government levels...THEY WORK FOR US! Not the other way around...(watching Trudeau sign autographs like a celebrity makes me ill) in fact even watching people idolize celebrities makes me ill! I know a retort will be look at Trump...I love Trump! But I don't want his autograph!

Reduce Federal govt and return it to the districts...small govt that has to prove success or they're out!! And all Govt officials should be reviewed and audited annually! If found to be corrupt or committed a crime, they loose their job, AND THEIR PENSIONS, and face the law like regular citizens...Nancy Pelosi's favorite comment..nobody is above the law...let's see her and all the cronies eat those words.

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In reply to Pitchfork Papers above, because this site won't let me reply directly.


I agree. It don't think it can be done. I hope I am wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and disappeared in 1991, it (the system) could not go on any longer and everyone knew it. It had hit rock bottom hard and, at that point, it was easier to let go and start over than it would have been to try to patch things up and tweak the system to make it work. The people had nothing better to look forward to, so were willing to take a chance on breaking the State's mold and try a new path. In doing so, they went through an extremely painful period of redesign and rebuilding, but after years of perseverance, it has paid off. Today, much of the former Soviet Union (especially Russia) is better off for having made the switch.

Likewise, Argentina has gone through decades of theft, corruption, and government graft and bureaucracy on a massive scale, so much that the average person probably realizes that what Milei is attempting to do will benefit him/her in the long run. This same person probably also understands that there will be incredible dislocation, pain, and suffering in the short run, but is willing to withstand it to gain the future goal set out.

The US? I have my doubts that we can even cut the dog catcher's position without a gigantic hullabaloo over the "injustice". We are too ensconced in our comfort zone, complete with recliners and large screen TV's, and will rabidly oppose the massive reality which will bring about the scenario described in this article. There are far too many people in this country whose lifestyle and well-being are dependent on the continuation of the System and to expect them to embrace a major change of direction peacefully is folly.

As a nation, culture, and economy, the US is still in the thrall of the materialistic, socialist god, believing that wealth and prosperity originates from the government (via taxation and abuse of your neighbor), and we have a long, long way to go before that bubble of delusion is popped forever. People will not give up or lose what they already have to follow a philosophical ideology which preaches a message they are firmly opposed to, i.e., that the government is the source of our troubles and must be excised like a cancer. Better the devil they know than the one they don't.

And, yes, I read Stockman regularly and wish him the best. I wonder if he is pissing into the wind. Time will tell.

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agree on your points. It is going to get ugly, and unfortunately, it has to reach that point.

as with so many other drastic cuts with sacrifices, there is a grieving and shock that must be over come and finally acceptance when we can understand it is for our benefit, the money is ours not theirs.

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Re: Russia, are you serious?? 9% inflation, 21% interest rate, shortages of chicken, butter, eggs, now even potatoes. Have not met 3/4 of bond sales to finance their debt. Labor shortages. Railway tonnage falling off a cliff. Soldiers, workers not paid for months. Foreign companies penalized 95% of assets if they try to leave. Soldiers beaten, tied to trees, wages stolen, personal vehicles confiscated. Yes, much, much better!

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Your sources?

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He lives in Ukraine. Or claims to. So...

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Tell me what you disagree with. Multiple sources...

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Just post the sources. Thank you.

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Don’t you get it. James is quoting 1917 figures. That is why the Bolsheviks took over.

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In 2007 a close friend started regularly publishing original creative content on YouTube. It was monetized and popular enough that by 2012 monthly income from the channel was about $1500, and increasing. Then in 2013 Google “recalibrated” payout from the channel and today that monthly income averages $150 per month. And this despite views on many of the videos in the high six figures and quite a few over seven, and climbing.

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Google's grip on media deserves to be broken up. The economic trauma of this century's first decade's recession still affects our economic well-being. Google has been a 'bad actor' all the while, using their technological expertise and financial clout effectively to bias their products for political purposes instead of keeping to a more neutral centrist path.

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This morning I found myself thinking about Google’s once-upon-a-time core principle and tagline “Don’t be evil.” This was removed from the preface of its code of conduct in early May 2018.

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You got me with the title. As an investor, former scientist with considerable chemistry, physics and mathematical training, one lesson matters above all. People skills matter most! People skills operating within the context of free speech and protections to individual property rights are the most powerful value creation combination ever devised and even with our flaws, the US remains top of the globe in its benefit for humanity. If successful, if Trump survives the massive elements at multiple internal and external levels against him, the next 4yrs (+ if Vance continues the effort) will prove you have underestimated the positives.

I am simultaneously exceptionally positive but exceptionally cautious. There is no mathematical solution to many decades of financial issues as many promote. The only solution to over-printing of money and inflation is to have the right people elected who recognize that it is their mandate to operate with the smallest government-by-the-people possible. We do not yet know what that level is but we have the makings of learning what that is with the people coming into the next administration if they in fact get there.

I would like to see the US Constitution in part stripped of some of its baggage, namely the many amendments should be cut down to three or four as only necessary. 1) Free Speech, 2) rights to self-defense and any products that fit, 3) full protection to personal property be they physical or intellectual and 4) States retain all rights to self-governance not specifically allocated to the Fed govt. The legal system will take care of defining how we do this.

If the people remain informed, then add-on amendments were never needed as society evolves. There should be a clause added that every law or regulation passed have an expiration date that is the same for every law or regulation passed. We still have laws on the books passed 100yrs+ ago that are brought up whenever it is convenient for some top-down manipulative political type to force some self-serving action on the people. Conditions of society change and the past limitations for specific contexts need to expire for representatives and the people to reauthorize if needed.

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Fight fight fight

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Such an absolutely excellent distillation of the corruption that has been devouring us. Thank you. I feel like most of us that I have spent the last several decades isolated and shouting at bricks--. Whether it was being cut cold because of my vaccine skepticism (which I got through being a dog owner with problems vax related in the 90s) to railing against the FCC and media consolidation and propaganda, a hobby horse of mine also from the 90s, to outright arguments about my refusal to bend on the knee to absolve me from imagined racial guilt--oh one could go on and on. Is this finally the moment? I've waited since 1988....

At my last job, one where the company had Federal Contracts through the National Park Service, I had to do ARRAS reporting under the Obama administration. We had to report "figures" on how many jobs we had created because of the work. We had created no jobs. If the definition of creating a job is to give work to someone who previously had no work. I had to tally the number of hours worked and divide it by some percentage and come up with a figure of hours worked and report that. It made me absolutely livid to report this fiction. It was an ethical compromise I was forced to make. We didn't get the contracts because of ARRAs, we had had contracts with the government for 20 years prior to ARRAs--we were just swept up in the fiction.

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