They are hopelessly ignorant, but blissfully content and militant in their mask delusion. No real science can penetrate those craniums. They're "too smart" to be fooled by nonsense such as testing results.
What gets me is that many have the "masks" not covering their noses but since these "face thongs", as Kurt Schlichter calls them, solve nothing this shows these people have bought the medical/political garbage hook, line, and sinker.
we could solve a lot of problems with search warrants for all of the records of the world's patent offices. There we will find technologies which would bring general prosperity and would reduce to near zero any one person's dependence on any other person. The private owners of these patent offices have illegally and unconstitutionally "worked" with the governments they illegally but effectively own to have these great inventions called "top secret". This is the property of the people who invented them, not of people who became owners of the patents through illegal means. We need to take all of these patents for the collectivity by eminent domain. As with eminent domain we must compensate the owners. If the owners are people who gained ownership by coercion they get nothing. That will be the case for the best inventions. Free energy is real. We just need to believe it is real and it is real. We are that powerful.
he's excellent. Other lawyers won't take him seriously because he makes them look like the turds they mostly are. The thing that will probably save us is that their own boundless greed is likely to work against them in the end.
Dogs can assess the age of your scent that you’ve left behind. They learn that at a certain point of scent decay, you usually come home. They can also tell the difference between the ultrasonic sounds of your car engine from another. Physics tends to explain everything we wish were just magic.
Pandemic Demoralization: They amplify the roller coaster of locking down and opening up, of loosening and tightening of restrictions, all while gaslighting the public endlessly with shifting narratives: the vaccines, masks, school closures, and lockdowns work, then they don't, then they do again—all of which are part of what makes the PSYOP so effective and exhausting.
These mind-games are a major component of the demoralization phase where people begin to grow more and more mentally exhausted from the constantly shifting goalposts, social rules, and behavioral expectations, that they eventually just throw their hands up - or fall over from fatigue - and stop resisting with zero fight left in them. This is the wicked trick that the USSR exploited in order to expand its territory by grinding countries down time and time again.
And, crucially, people begin to lose all faith in the system and the government running it—after awhile people stop showing up for work or if they do they stop putting in a real effort which causes the economy to grind to a halt. It also becomes far less likely that they will continue to participate civically in their societies - they simply check out mentally - causing these society to crumble.
A tired, exasperated society is easy to control, overtake, and change.
The goal of the WEF is to turn the entire world into a 'single administrative unit'. Meaning one entity will own and control everything on this planet. Including you. The WEF says that “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”, and they aren’t kidding... unless we stop them. And we must stop them.
If you think about the nearly 8 billion people on the planet, their daily interactions and commerce and exchanges with each other number in the hundreds of billions each day. There is no way any centralized operating system is going to corral and control all those interactions.
This is where the law of unintended consequences comes into play. All contingencies cannot be considered and prepared for. All it takes is a few million disruptions to burden and overwhelm the system. Each of us can be a force of disruption in our own ways especially by not doing the things they want us to do.
Understand that the retards behind the great reset, the 2030 agenda and the depopulation agenda are operating in their own little brain dead vacuum. They never take into account the costs of their silly agendas and that is why they constantly need to steal from everyone else. As they try to take down the bottom 98%, they are causing the foundations of their very wealth to crumble.
It is always gonna be tit for tat. By refusing to be a slave, you become free.
"That’s what these awful people envision for the future of people in western democracies. Prison camps with entertainment complexes."
Honestly, when the "wizards of smart" started getting together in back rooms in earnest at Bretton Woods back in the 40s, they were almost all Christian Dispensationalists. At least that religious underpinning led them to be cautious and a touch more humble about what they could do to their fellow human beings, than this current post-Club of Rome crowd. But I knew the current crowd were off the rails when the best idea they could come up with for socially controlling the masses 30 years ago now, was CCTV cameras on every street corner. Totalitarianism is like the Eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings: everywhere searching for dissent, and missing the very small things under their noses all the time.
If I knew how to construct one of these memes it would be a picture of herr Klaus over the picture at the end of the article with the title “The face that launched a million tractors “
Even though, as you wrote, you "spent seven years in the same journo stable as the men who built the Obama censorship state" I believe you have more than adequately redeemed yourself. As my Aussie friends say "Good on ya."
Tucker Carlson in his recent presentation of Mr. Benz, not surprisingly what names show up? Walter Issackson and Rick Stengle(sp). Elizabeth you are over the target. 👌🏻
Elizabeth, thank you for your work. I met Sheldrake in the 80s and I admire his son't work also.
Do you have any links to support what you said about Dweck's work? I would love to read them, limited hangout or no... "but is being investigated as a legitimate study in places like Stanford by people like Carol Dweck."
I'm a researcher and writer and pretty familiar with Dweck, but not with that aspect of her work, so if you come up with something in your digging I'd love to see it.
I still see people wearing masks in shopping centers. The delusion is deep in these folks.
They are hopelessly ignorant, but blissfully content and militant in their mask delusion. No real science can penetrate those craniums. They're "too smart" to be fooled by nonsense such as testing results.
Onward, Christian soldiers!
What gets me is that many have the "masks" not covering their noses but since these "face thongs", as Kurt Schlichter calls them, solve nothing this shows these people have bought the medical/political garbage hook, line, and sinker.
“Face diapers”
we could solve a lot of problems with search warrants for all of the records of the world's patent offices. There we will find technologies which would bring general prosperity and would reduce to near zero any one person's dependence on any other person. The private owners of these patent offices have illegally and unconstitutionally "worked" with the governments they illegally but effectively own to have these great inventions called "top secret". This is the property of the people who invented them, not of people who became owners of the patents through illegal means. We need to take all of these patents for the collectivity by eminent domain. As with eminent domain we must compensate the owners. If the owners are people who gained ownership by coercion they get nothing. That will be the case for the best inventions. Free energy is real. We just need to believe it is real and it is real. We are that powerful.
Dr David Martin (a patent expert among other skills) talks a bit about this.
he's excellent. Other lawyers won't take him seriously because he makes them look like the turds they mostly are. The thing that will probably save us is that their own boundless greed is likely to work against them in the end.
Dogs can assess the age of your scent that you’ve left behind. They learn that at a certain point of scent decay, you usually come home. They can also tell the difference between the ultrasonic sounds of your car engine from another. Physics tends to explain everything we wish were just magic.
If only we would just admit and celebrate that fact!
Pandemic Demoralization: They amplify the roller coaster of locking down and opening up, of loosening and tightening of restrictions, all while gaslighting the public endlessly with shifting narratives: the vaccines, masks, school closures, and lockdowns work, then they don't, then they do again—all of which are part of what makes the PSYOP so effective and exhausting.
These mind-games are a major component of the demoralization phase where people begin to grow more and more mentally exhausted from the constantly shifting goalposts, social rules, and behavioral expectations, that they eventually just throw their hands up - or fall over from fatigue - and stop resisting with zero fight left in them. This is the wicked trick that the USSR exploited in order to expand its territory by grinding countries down time and time again.
And, crucially, people begin to lose all faith in the system and the government running it—after awhile people stop showing up for work or if they do they stop putting in a real effort which causes the economy to grind to a halt. It also becomes far less likely that they will continue to participate civically in their societies - they simply check out mentally - causing these society to crumble.
A tired, exasperated society is easy to control, overtake, and change.
The goal of the WEF is to turn the entire world into a 'single administrative unit'. Meaning one entity will own and control everything on this planet. Including you. The WEF says that “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”, and they aren’t kidding... unless we stop them. And we must stop them.
So let's get started shall we? No one is going to do it for us... except ourselves. Here's how:
People only become mentally exhausted when they are paying attention to this indoctrination nonsense. They need only turn off or ignore the sources.
If you think about the nearly 8 billion people on the planet, their daily interactions and commerce and exchanges with each other number in the hundreds of billions each day. There is no way any centralized operating system is going to corral and control all those interactions.
This is where the law of unintended consequences comes into play. All contingencies cannot be considered and prepared for. All it takes is a few million disruptions to burden and overwhelm the system. Each of us can be a force of disruption in our own ways especially by not doing the things they want us to do.
Understand that the retards behind the great reset, the 2030 agenda and the depopulation agenda are operating in their own little brain dead vacuum. They never take into account the costs of their silly agendas and that is why they constantly need to steal from everyone else. As they try to take down the bottom 98%, they are causing the foundations of their very wealth to crumble.
It is always gonna be tit for tat. By refusing to be a slave, you become free.
Exactly too big and way too complex for them to administer through people and or systems.
Their ideas and words are just what they want not what they will every be able to pull off.
Also they do not have the energy they need yet.
Great article Elizabeth. Chin up. Eyes forward. Become a dignified unstoppable force.
"That’s what these awful people envision for the future of people in western democracies. Prison camps with entertainment complexes."
Honestly, when the "wizards of smart" started getting together in back rooms in earnest at Bretton Woods back in the 40s, they were almost all Christian Dispensationalists. At least that religious underpinning led them to be cautious and a touch more humble about what they could do to their fellow human beings, than this current post-Club of Rome crowd. But I knew the current crowd were off the rails when the best idea they could come up with for socially controlling the masses 30 years ago now, was CCTV cameras on every street corner. Totalitarianism is like the Eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings: everywhere searching for dissent, and missing the very small things under their noses all the time.
If I knew how to construct one of these memes it would be a picture of herr Klaus over the picture at the end of the article with the title “The face that launched a million tractors “
The face that launched a million tractors. That is the best observation, thank you Richard. Jean
It makes me happy someone else has heard of Rupert Sheldrake! I am so fascinated by his work.
And I make it three. As a homeopath I am totally into the Morphic field.
Evil tyrants won’t achieve a permanent victory. The Good will prevail.
Even though, as you wrote, you "spent seven years in the same journo stable as the men who built the Obama censorship state" I believe you have more than adequately redeemed yourself. As my Aussie friends say "Good on ya."
Tucker Carlson in his recent presentation of Mr. Benz, not surprisingly what names show up? Walter Issackson and Rick Stengle(sp). Elizabeth you are over the target. 👌🏻
Love your spirit Elizabeth!
"It starts with a single, No, followed by a second, and before you know it, an army of noncompliance.
Farmers across Europe all got behind a single, No.
But it is that first No, that is just as vulnerable as it is courageous."
(this is one of my more popular comments. It seemed apt to repost here.)
This is very inspiring thank you!
Elizabeth, thank you for your work. I met Sheldrake in the 80s and I admire his son't work also.
Do you have any links to support what you said about Dweck's work? I would love to read them, limited hangout or no... "but is being investigated as a legitimate study in places like Stanford by people like Carol Dweck."
I have a book by Dweck. That Stanford Institute doesn’t do PR, so you have to dig in the scientific literature.
I'm a researcher and writer and pretty familiar with Dweck, but not with that aspect of her work, so if you come up with something in your digging I'd love to see it.
Thanks again! I think that Sheldrake’s “Morphic Resonance” will turn out to be the pivotal awakening around the world.
I think so, too: