Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Here is a good quote:

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." ― Albert Camus

The same people (the deep state and the elites) who lied to us about 9/11 and about WMD's in Iraq lied to us about Covid and the vaccines, are lying about Russia and Ukraine, about the causes for climate change, about the border, and will lie to us about the next manufactured crisis. The fact that they want us all to shut up (censorship) and that they want to control information is a good indication that they know populations are waking up and they are afraid. As they increasingly lose control and their lies and machiavellian machinations get exposed, they will become desperate and ever more tyrannical. That's when they will be defeated. Evil has but a short shelf life.

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The thing is, so many who are buying today’s lies were extremely critical of the Iraq WMD story. If someone lies “sometimes,” how can you ever trust them?

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Populations get manipulated very easily, through emotions, and most don't know it. Liberals used to speak against the mainstream media being owned and controlled by a handful of corporations, they actually called it derisively the corporate media. But ever since Trump spoke against the media and called them liars and the enemy, the left, in an emotional knee jerk reaction, decided that the media was their best friend and everyone else was a conspiracy theorist. It works this way for every single issue.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Shoot your tv

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I watch old TV shows and movies online and don't have or want a television.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

I watch old movies and know that everything was made well and worked:appliances,cars,well built homes,government(public services,infrastructure,schools,hospitals). Clothes were wool,cotton-made to last.Furniture-wood,thick upholstery fabric,brass,iron.

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Over all I agree with you except for when it comes to cars.

As a long time auto mechanic simple cars & trucks are more durable and reliable than ever.

Where it goes wrong is all the bells & whistles. Opt out of all that, you can still have power windows, steering and brakes.

Delay wipers good heat and AC

Do you really need an infotainment system?

Digital climate control ?

Navigation system?

Most owner complaints are with these type of systems.

The information is there on line and good old consumer reports

Keep it simple, fewer problems.

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In the last coupla years I've watched all of the Rifleman and Bonanza after having lived 60 years with no interest in westerns. The Rifleman was way cool. Bonanza is pleasant, but there are some moments where the show was manipulative, ignorant, favorable to the enemy. But mostly really pleasant. Would you care to make a recommendation?

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Gunsmoke, especially the black and white episodes with Chester. Though it could have been named "Woman Trouble in the West." It has actual covert adult themes that I mostly missed when I watched it as a child. LOL The full color versions got to be pretty smarmy.

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Much as I liked Bonanza. It was pretty preachy, darn near every show was some kind of morality play with a left bias. Sort of disappointing recognizing this.

Hard to ignore for me anymore.

Sometimes I'd just like to be able to ignore that kind of thing.

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I say this having grown up with the ‘50’s and early ‘60’s programs such as Howdy Doody and the original Mickey Mouse Club with Annette Funicello and later other more adult shows. The old “Saturday Night At The Movies"program was our family’s favorite with Kool-Aid and popcorn.

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I haven't had a tv for over a decade. Lack of it sharpens your mind.

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Same here.

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Good advice. I literally haven't possessed a TV in 30 years. And it hasn't possessed me either...

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Yeah, same here. But let me just guess that we all spend way more time on the internet than we ever did watching teevee.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Most probably do...I spend a lot of time outside on the land, as well as creating art (by hand, the old fashioned way).

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aaaaakkkkk I do love my tv, but we do not watch garbage,

we watch silly old shows and lots of youtube.

Of course not all day. The best videos are the 8 hour birdbath and feeder on youtube. Beautiful birds and my kitties enjoy them

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

The OG lie was JFK assassination.This censorship nonsense must go and along w with it Harry Mountbatten-Windsor deported from US as he is an active foreign agent here w nefarious intent. He's a WEFer, working w Aspen Institute, lied on entry papers (hearing coming up) and his complicit wife jailed. Enough is enough.Their evasive tax filings acting as a charity alone would be just cause.

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All royalty is parasitic. Why would they change? I once had a moron tell me that the royal family is the keystone of democracy. I'm still baffled by his reasoning or lack of it. Why can't people see that the entitlement displayed by politicians is nothing more than parasitic behaviour? We are long overdue to send them all packing.

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Democracy is a cornerstone of the 3 tiers of political enslavement:




All are founded in the ideology of the collective rather than the individual

The deception that democracy and democratic principles are based on a free society is the primary tool in use against all civilizations worldwide today

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

In my view there has to be a natural balance between the individual and the collective, without an authoritarian, hierarchical system or pecking order. Visually and symbolically, that would come in the form of the circle (no top leadership) rather than the pyramid (top leadership).

But as Russell Means once said, individual freedom cannot exist without personal responsibility. Irresponsible people must be governed, that's unavoidable. Responsible people do not need government, they govern themselves in relative harmony and balance with each other and with all life, according to natural and spiritual laws.

This was the Native American way, within the tribe. unfortunately, they were not able to expand this way to include all tribes, so they fought each other. So they half succeeded and half failed in their understanding of the best way to live free.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

Who originally decided who was a "royal" but the "royals" themselves? Just as with the Saudis "royals", they appointed themselves the lords and masters of the people. That most people still do not see through this scam is very puzzling, but it shows how cultural conditioning works: it is a form of hypnosis and basically leads to a permanent trance state, thereby many people become totally oblivious to what is right in front of them.

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This not only applies to Royalty

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Very true.

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I was just reading yesterday something that may answer your question. As clearly countries with Monarchies, Royals, etc. are better experienced in this matter, what was said was that the difference is between 'bloodlines' and 'royals'. Bloodlines obviously involve lineage and Royals can pretty much appoint themselves. JS

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This not only applies to **Royalty**

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No doubt, but this one is particularly egregious. Bad enough he's violating immigration and tax laws w impunity as he is messing w our Constitutional rights and is doing so while residing here free from any constraints. And the arrogance...

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The lies go much deeper and further back. Education was captured by the Ford foundation in 1936, just before WW2. So everything "taught" to kids was a mixture of truth and propaganda. We can't trust anything put out by the various foundations during the 20th century and before. Science was captured at the turn of the 20th century. As we are seeing most experiments not replicatable.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 21

Yes, very true, but as the Boomers are the elders of today it's within our generation that the mass awakening started w JFK so it's at least a recognizable starting point where we can all in fact have been witness to. IMO. Far be it from me to expect that enlightenment will come from those researching history back to Khazarian Mafia.

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Those in their mid-seventies and older have (in the main) a greater capacity to drone, that is, to zoom out and zoom in, able to examine seven plus decades of immense change. A bigger picture. More context. It can be immensely frustrating knowing what has been, what is, and what could be.

Doesn’t it often seem to come down to the old adage: Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

And so, as we look around at the unraveling of North America, we must do what we can, but, more importantly, fall to our knees, knowing the immense power of prayer, the vanguard of true resistance.

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Inasmuch as it's probably too much of me to ask you to read a book, instead, I ask you to go to the LEMMiNO channel on YouTube. Watch the ninety minute long graphic analysis of the JFK assassination. It's astonishing work. No non - psychotic who watches it can continue to nurse the folly that anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. Don't bother to respond to this, you or anyone else who might wish to take issue with me. I'm 71, and have earned the right to ignore you.

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you have earned the right to be thought of nearly universally as a complete dumbass and that nobody considers you interesting enough to tell you. I say this for the benefit of anybody too naive to see that you are a person who is proud to proclaim that you have stuck your head so far up your own ass that you'll need to be clever to figure out a place to insert the knife to permit you to breathe again.

And that you still don't know that your dead brain doesn't need oxygen.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

I said harsh things to you, because your comment deserved them. You're obviously very young and scary because of your ignorance, but time will take care of the former. You must see to the latter.

A big part of growing up is knowing that insulting people, ad hominem, as it's called formally, is not a persuasive tactic to anyone who can think. Why don't you give it up?

Why don't you extract your own head from the Internet for any entertainment purposes, and use it, if you must, to teach yourself something useful, such as a commercial skill? Why don't you start reading worthwhile books? Why don't you begin by subjecting yourself to the following exercise?

Take just one of the three books I cited, read it, take notes throughout, then get back to me and tell me the flaws of the argument. Just one.

Get back to me in the manner of a civilized human being, something like a man instead of a boy who needs his insolent face b*tchsl*pp*d a few times. Say what you have to say. You know that I'm right about you as you are now. You don't have to stay that way unless you insist on it.

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and you seem to have forgotten that the subject was your idiot views on the JFK assassination plot executed by the banker owned CIA which 75 years later you're still trying to get the 30% of the public who might believe it was Oswald to stay on that side. You and I are not the subject. JFK Oswald and the internationaly bankers who own and run the CIA (through Mossad) are the subject. Try to keep your focus, doofus.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Thanks for commenting.

You know, I was worried I'd been too harsh with you. I prayed for you. I do wish you the best. Maybe you will grow up one day.

Because as it is, you're a loser. Or maybe you're merely a troll, if an exceptionally artless one, in which case, you're still a loser.

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I'm not trying to persuade YOU of anything. I"m just assisting you with your goal of showing yourself to be a low-life troll shill doofus. That's part of your job as an official troll, so it goes with your territory.

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blobby slime blocked me from seeing his substack where he's surely doing nothing as his raison d'etre is low rent trolling for Mossad at less than minimum wage. He probably gets paid in being able to have sex with young married men who are higher placed in the Mossad hierarchy.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 21

That's really a solid, coherent reply you've made. No wonder your Momma's breast swells to size 55 when she thinks of her darling son.

It's a truism that when all else fails, a sociopath will inevitably abandon all pretense of coherence and objectivity and resort to the most vulgar, primitive, childish, destructive things he can think of to say or do.

It doesn't work with me.

You're have nothing, and you know it.

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Ever hear of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? You haven't earned shit.

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You're right. I could have been more diplomatic. If I offended you, I'm sorry.

However, I've been exasperated into a state of ongoing if manageable distraughtness by sixty years of irrationality and general lowlifery about the JFK assassination. Consider the matter of Clay Shaw. Clay Shaw had as much to do with killing JFK as you did, and that man's health was shattered and his life abbreviated by Jim Garrison's cruelty. As a citizen and as a human being, that sickens and enrages me.

Also, I know that Kennedy assassination conspiracists are as certain they're right as doctors were who for a century told patients who had a curable bacterial infection, H. plylori, in their stomachs that their ulcers were psychosomatic.

Can you see why I have become curt about the whole thing? Again, I am sorry. I was rude. But I recognize that the JFK assassination conspiracies phenomenon was the beginning of a sense of despair that Americans can do something about the nation's decline, and I get as angry about them as I do because they're like slow internal bleeds which over time destroy lives.

I do recommend the LEMMiNO video. It's so good, it's shocking. I also recommend the YouTube channel of Sean Munger, whose two part video about the assassination is deadly in its handling of JFK assassination conspiracy theories.

If you do want to read about it, here are three brilliant books:

1. Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi.

2. Case Closed, by Gerald Posner.

3. Oswald's Game, by Jean Davison.

I've heard good things about John McAdams' JFK Assassination Logic, but I haven't read it.

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Thanks for introducing such elegance of sensibility to my heretofore prosaic Tuesday morning.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

As long as our voices of resistance and rebellion are heard. This requires brave action on our part to raise our voices of truth, not bury them. Blast the truth to those not likely to pursue it themselves, that is the ignorant audience that needs the truth figuratively shouted in their faces.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

I love this. The same words of this marvelous quote can be utilized within your own mind and the abuse our very own adult children are giving us.

My younger daughter and her nasty husband are two years now into purposeful ghosting and abuse. I am done with it

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I am sorry you daughter and son-in-law are being abusive. I think that leftists have lost their minds, I am serious...they are no longer in touch with reality and are basically in a cult. Facts no longer matter to them ("facts are subjective"), which is a tale tell sign.

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all over an argument about covid shots and jabbing the 3 babies with even more "vaccines" incredible. I just remember when I was a mom with littles I was the boss of those babies, not the docs piling on vaccines. I read every single bit of literature on each shot before I decided if my child should have it.

I did not argue with the kids about it, it was just a suggestion from a mom who is a nurse. But okay boo hoo waaaah

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I am actually in awe of how minds can be made to collapse and turn to mush with fear and constant, intense propaganda. Covid was an extraordinary demonstration of this.

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This is part of the Marxist plan. The destruction of the family unit is paramount to their plans for control. It appears to me that the people who have most swallowed the bait are the 40 to 50 year olds who are for the most part steeped in drugs, alcohol and perversion.

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Raphael: Slavery has been around for all of human history. Evil endures.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

This is a philosophical question. Yes evil has endured in different forms throughout time, and dealing with it is like playing whack a mole, because it is an integral part of a polarized creation, and as natural as night and day, up and down or matter and anti-matter.

But evil is like gravity, it is a challenge we must respond to rather than ignore, not to forever eliminate it, which is not possible in this realm and at this point in time, but to resist it, which makes us stronger. Without the challenge of gravity, our muscles atrophy. Without the challenge of evil, we become weak. This is how I personally look at it...the aim is not the permanent defeat of evil, at least not by us human beings, but our strengthening in the face of evil. In other words evil calls us out, and we must take a stand.

It ultimately all works out for our benefit when we understand it in a spiritual way, when we understand the dynamics of duality, and when we remember that death is not the end.

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Raphael: What if we quit reproducing and just walk away from it all? What if we stop producing life and then death? What if we decide to take our sperm and eggs and go home?

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Home (the spirit world) is a nice place, a place of peace and rest and harmony and beauty, but it is my belief that we learn and grow so much faster in this physical realm precisely because of the resistance and the challenges we encounter. The greater the challenges the faster the growth. That's how I see it...

We will all go home at some point. But we are here to understand ourselves and develop our abilities, and to experience, in real terms, the consequences of our feelings, thoughts and actions, so we can also understand our own creative power and how it affects us, other people and the world.

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Feb 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Raphael: My first girlfriend was gang raped when she was in 8th grade. I don't think the experience helped her grow.


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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I am sorry to hear that, that's terrible.

We grow in unexpected ways. Many people have awful experiences which might be difficult to understand and leave a lot of scars. But understanding always comes in the end, if not while alive in this realm, then later.

How does the video relate to this topic?

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But a new generation of completely ignorant people is always being born, and that is why our ability to educate our children as we see fit is primary.

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ISRAEL is really running EVERYTHING here

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May evil war with evil and defeat itself.


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I still see people wearing masks in shopping centers. The delusion is deep in these folks.

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They are hopelessly ignorant, but blissfully content and militant in their mask delusion. No real science can penetrate those craniums. They're "too smart" to be fooled by nonsense such as testing results.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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What gets me is that many have the "masks" not covering their noses but since these "face thongs", as Kurt Schlichter calls them, solve nothing this shows these people have bought the medical/political garbage hook, line, and sinker.

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“Face diapers”

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

we could solve a lot of problems with search warrants for all of the records of the world's patent offices. There we will find technologies which would bring general prosperity and would reduce to near zero any one person's dependence on any other person. The private owners of these patent offices have illegally and unconstitutionally "worked" with the governments they illegally but effectively own to have these great inventions called "top secret". This is the property of the people who invented them, not of people who became owners of the patents through illegal means. We need to take all of these patents for the collectivity by eminent domain. As with eminent domain we must compensate the owners. If the owners are people who gained ownership by coercion they get nothing. That will be the case for the best inventions. Free energy is real. We just need to believe it is real and it is real. We are that powerful.

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Dr David Martin (a patent expert among other skills) talks a bit about this.

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he's excellent. Other lawyers won't take him seriously because he makes them look like the turds they mostly are. The thing that will probably save us is that their own boundless greed is likely to work against them in the end.

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Dogs can assess the age of your scent that you’ve left behind. They learn that at a certain point of scent decay, you usually come home. They can also tell the difference between the ultrasonic sounds of your car engine from another. Physics tends to explain everything we wish were just magic.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

My father did not drive a car, worked at home and went out once in a while, without regularity in his schedule (totally randomly in terms of the duration of his absence as well). Yet our cat was at the door waiting a few minutes before he showed up at the fourth floor of our apartment in the city (the cat could not see him through the windows either). I am not dismissing physics, but I don't think that we have acquired the knowledge to explain everything yet.

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If only we would just admit and celebrate that fact!

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Yes, some things should remain a mystery.

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Pandemic Demoralization: They amplify the roller coaster of locking down and opening up, of loosening and tightening of restrictions, all while gaslighting the public endlessly with shifting narratives: the vaccines, masks, school closures, and lockdowns work, then they don't, then they do again—all of which are part of what makes the PSYOP so effective and exhausting.

These mind-games are a major component of the demoralization phase where people begin to grow more and more mentally exhausted from the constantly shifting goalposts, social rules, and behavioral expectations, that they eventually just throw their hands up - or fall over from fatigue - and stop resisting with zero fight left in them. This is the wicked trick that the USSR exploited in order to expand its territory by grinding countries down time and time again.

And, crucially, people begin to lose all faith in the system and the government running it—after awhile people stop showing up for work or if they do they stop putting in a real effort which causes the economy to grind to a halt. It also becomes far less likely that they will continue to participate civically in their societies - they simply check out mentally - causing these society to crumble.

A tired, exasperated society is easy to control, overtake, and change.

The goal of the WEF is to turn the entire world into a 'single administrative unit'. Meaning one entity will own and control everything on this planet. Including you. The WEF says that “by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”, and they aren’t kidding... unless we stop them. And we must stop them.

So let's get started shall we? No one is going to do it for us... except ourselves. Here's how: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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People only become mentally exhausted when they are paying attention to this indoctrination nonsense. They need only turn off or ignore the sources.

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If you think about the nearly 8 billion people on the planet, their daily interactions and commerce and exchanges with each other number in the hundreds of billions each day. There is no way any centralized operating system is going to corral and control all those interactions.

This is where the law of unintended consequences comes into play. All contingencies cannot be considered and prepared for. All it takes is a few million disruptions to burden and overwhelm the system. Each of us can be a force of disruption in our own ways especially by not doing the things they want us to do.

Understand that the retards behind the great reset, the 2030 agenda and the depopulation agenda are operating in their own little brain dead vacuum. They never take into account the costs of their silly agendas and that is why they constantly need to steal from everyone else. As they try to take down the bottom 98%, they are causing the foundations of their very wealth to crumble.

It is always gonna be tit for tat. By refusing to be a slave, you become free.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

i'm living in a high tech western country, yet when i'm in my house, i still have to stand near the door for a clear cell phone signal when someone calls me at home...they greatly over estimate what today's technology can actually do.

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Also they do not have the energy they need yet.

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Exactly too big and way too complex for them to administer through people and or systems.

Their ideas and words are just what they want not what they will every be able to pull off.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Great article Elizabeth. Chin up. Eyes forward. Become a dignified unstoppable force.

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"That’s what these awful people envision for the future of people in western democracies. Prison camps with entertainment complexes."


Honestly, when the "wizards of smart" started getting together in back rooms in earnest at Bretton Woods back in the 40s, they were almost all Christian Dispensationalists. At least that religious underpinning led them to be cautious and a touch more humble about what they could do to their fellow human beings, than this current post-Club of Rome crowd. But I knew the current crowd were off the rails when the best idea they could come up with for socially controlling the masses 30 years ago now, was CCTV cameras on every street corner. Totalitarianism is like the Eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings: everywhere searching for dissent, and missing the very small things under their noses all the time.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

If I knew how to construct one of these memes it would be a picture of herr Klaus over the picture at the end of the article with the title “The face that launched a million tractors “

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The face that launched a million tractors. That is the best observation, thank you Richard. Jean

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

It makes me happy someone else has heard of Rupert Sheldrake! I am so fascinated by his work.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

And I make it three. As a homeopath I am totally into the Morphic field.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Evil tyrants won’t achieve a permanent victory. The Good will prevail.

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Your most important essay and you are so correct: the morphic field will defeat the satanic agenda. I'm reading a 1931 book titled "On the Edge of the Etheric" which was widely heralded by the mainstream press and establishes a similar universally unifying principle.

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Hear hear!!! 💗

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson


Even though, as you wrote, you "spent seven years in the same journo stable as the men who built the Obama censorship state" I believe you have more than adequately redeemed yourself. As my Aussie friends say "Good on ya."

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Feb 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Tucker Carlson in his recent presentation of Mr. Benz, not surprisingly what names show up? Walter Issackson and Rick Stengle(sp). Elizabeth you are over the target. 👌🏻

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

Love your spirit Elizabeth!

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

"It starts with a single, No, followed by a second, and before you know it, an army of noncompliance.

Farmers across Europe all got behind a single, No.

But it is that first No, that is just as vulnerable as it is courageous."

(this is one of my more popular comments. It seemed apt to repost here.)

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Feb 19Liked by elizabeth nickson

This is very inspiring thank you!

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