We are near the Quebec border. The smoke smelled like burning garbage. There had been no lightening. It hadn't been hot. It was a bit dry, but there were tons of mosquitos, and tge river is still high.

Not fire weather

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People who live their lives in the virtual world will never make the observations you have, or arrive at the insights necessary to successfully exist in the natural world. They'll believe whatever the tiny talking heads on their devices tell them to believe. I'm losing hope that there's time to turn this around.

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Good to know - Canadian side or U.S.?

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Mining here in MN - a copper capital of the world - is shut down and our forests are untouched which means a very high fuel load just waiting to happen. By design.

Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton; it is fiction but it reflects reality.

I say we hire a Mitch Rapp to interrogate captured arsonists to find out who is paying them.

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We need brave, experienced, investigative researchers.

There should be hundreds of comments here.

How can the base be built other than forwarding?

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Well it was aggregated by Lucianne and mentioned in American Thinker, but ?

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Finally, a voice of reason!

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You are welcome as a guest on Messy Times any time you like! We exist to expose the Lies of the Political Class and you have a solid bead on one of the biggest lies these clowns chant as their religious mantra. Next they'll be telling us we cannot log for lumber because trees are inherently trans-gendered.

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Cool, sounds fun.

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Please go to https://messytimes.show and fill out the contact form. Your email to me directly does not allow me to respond to you. Thanks

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I think they are not only burning to scare people that the world is on FIRE, they are adding toxic chemicals to the burning to make people sick. Their plan is to depopulate and kill as many people in Western Nations as they can in order to maintain their DOMINION over the planet. These 'green' USEFUL IDIOTS come in very hand, and follow direction very well.....Klaus Schwab has used them every where in the last 7 years.

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I would not be surprised.

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Elizabeth -

Please elaborate on “I interviewed hundreds of local activists, the ones who, with the inspiration of RFK, Jr. had shut down the biggest industrial forest in the world”.

Now that he is the darling of the anti-Big Pharma legions and an apparent Deep State opponent, where is he now on forestry management? He seems like a mixed bag to me who is perplexing because he is running as a Democrat - a party that is beyond redemption or repair.

I’m good with his clean water and air pollution reduction - but current forestry management has been shown to be a big lie.

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He and RiverKeepers operated here during the 80’s War of the Woods, which was a tragedy in British Columbia. His celebrity supercharged the protests. I’m sure there were problems, but I’ve gone through the issues pretty carefully, and the devastation that was being protested was government-created and had to do with the end of leases and lease holders clear cutting near cities where innocents were easily aroused to activism.. RFKJr was a fanatic in his early years, I think he is tempered now, but he probably has little or no idea about the destructive regulatory structure his lawsuits and activism put in place.

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Kennedy spoke with Dane Wigington on geoengineering a couple of days ago here:


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Agreed. What is RFK Jr. Stance on MAN MADE Climate Change? He believes in the SCAM doesn't he???????? He's still an environmental activist. We can't vote for someone who can use the OFFICE of the PRESIDENT to push Klaus Schwab/WEF/elite Mafia's SCAM!!!

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RFK Junior has been very outspoken on the manipulation of climate, and does not buy into the elites view of climate change. He is an environmentalist, so he wants clean air, clean water, food without pesticides, fish without mercury, but he doesn’t buy into any of the “ climate change “ rhetoric these people are pushing. I have been following RFK Junior and a half space for about 30 years and following his lawsuits with big Pharma, big agriculture etc… he knows where all the corruption is, because he’s been fighting it for decades. For this reason and for this reason only I would change my party and vote for him. I think he might be the man of the hour we are living in.

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My jury is out because I don’t think he knows the full extent of the 2030, 2050 regime, but I sure as hell wish he is the leader, people hope he is

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Jun 17, 2023
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I did above, is that enough? It’s a freaking massive subject, research wise.

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Thank you for your time and keeping us informed Elizabeth! Fine work. 🙏

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This interview is an hour's worth. The man doing the talking joined the United Nations and The Club Of Rome when he thought both were working for the uplift and betterment of all people. He don't think that way no more: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ovTpecwrT6ab/

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With the people that Biden has allowed to flood our country, expect more of the same here. The majority of our forest fires are set by arsonists. That probability to rose by about 1000 percent.

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I don't put it past them for a second, to have intentionally started the fires.

I've lots to learn about all this... wondering now about that 1993 Clayoquot Sound protest event that I almost took part in (but didn't because my young family needed me more). I must read your book (Eco-Fascists).

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