As a trained physicist and an aerospace/space engineer I've seen both sides of the "scientific" coin so to speak. The research and publications and then the verification and validation that a scientific idea can become something useful. Many do not make this transition.

I know first hand from my PhD days that peer review and the academic process is not a mark of correctness that the average person knows. It's just a marker, an entry in the messy discourse of scientific progress. Real progress is subjecting something to the engineering process and the audit process. All those lofty assumptions get stripped away into "how did you test that?".

So it is a constant pain seeing the pontifications of places like my home country of the UK all about Net Zero and what to do "about carbon". None of this basic science has been verified to real world standards. When I FOI'd the government and asked for any reports or procedures where the science was verified safe to apply to the public it returned with a link to the IPCC, even after detailed review.

And yet in the same country we have the 2016 Water Act that goes into detail about how you should ensure your testing equipment and procedures meet specs.

The minute you try and verify the temperature record uncertainty it all falls apart. And even if you could and the IPCC was the "authoritative source" as the UK often says (and I expect Canada too) you'd think it would be easy then to knock up a quick verification report.

I often think I should have stuck my hand in the Green trough but I probably couldn't live with myself.

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As a systems engineer in the aerospace industry, there was as a matter of self-discipline and assessment, a study generated called Failure Modes and Effects Assessment, I.e. FMEA. It was a rigorous process of ensuring all possible outcomes were documented and addressed.

This isn’t found anywhere that I can see in the realm of generating public policy. What are the anticipated downstream outcomes of such policy? In fact, if anything, those vested interests in looting the public trough might look at something similar to target those who would stand against it and ensure them no seat at the table. What could go wrong? We are seeing this EVERYWHERE in all areas where public-private interests lurk: Pharmaceutical, Medicine, Environment, Housing, Gender, Education…

Be afraid! The Left screams in fear of global capitalism. The Right screams in fear of global government. Meanwhile, the integrated lurkers in both camps are allied to fleece both sides and enrich themselves as the suckers cheer them on as they feast.

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"I often think I should have stuck my hand in the Green trough but I probably couldn't live with myself."

Because you have integrity.

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"REPLICATION" IMPOSSIBLE when experimentation refuses data to the public or whatever does exist IF the experiment was ever implemented is 'CLASSIFIED' even for those having pedigrees as impressive as yours.

The Criminals Against All Life on Earth expect all to know the old maxim of equality boils down to, "It's not what you know; it's who you know."

Guess you're not oriented in the Pagan Demigods with their gory and grotesque, sadistically bloody worship of evil.

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Please do not mistake my thesis supporting the application of science (truth, transparency & trust) or misjudge my orientation with inferred ignorance of the forces of darkness.

I, too, could recite the history of how we got here and where they intend to take us. The Luciferians have been at this for centuries. But, do tell.

One can just observe or choose to fight.

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At 800 ppm atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, plants thrive and life flourishes.

At 150 ppm atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, all life ceases to exist.

A year ago, the average atmospheric carbon dioxide level was 417.

Right now, it's around 412.

Even with the absurd and illogical "new math" that has been rendering children in public schools incapable of speaking or even recognizing the language of mathematics (which, btw is one of the four fundamental building blocks of wisdom and knowledge of the Universe that the Quadrivium teaches), most people are able to see that 412 is much closer to 150 than it is to 800.

If people actually used their brains and applied actual facts, they would see that we are slowly creeping closer and closer to "all life ceases to exist".

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Good grief. Don't the hucksters worry about their own grandchildren if they were to be successful? Or do they know that they won't be but want the money?

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Most of these loser frauds don’t have children let alone grandchildren…..look at most of the mother WEFers who are leaders in their corrupt nations…..

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"Brawndo makes plants grow".

That's all. Repeat slogan enough time and the lie imbeds itself into the human subconscious as a First Principle. No thought required. What's the antidote to this ? In the words of Matt Desmet, it's CONSISTENCY. Keep calling out the absurdity of it. Over and over and over again. Those who are humans and not npc's will hear you. Non player characters, (npcs) on the other hand, will never hear you because they are incapable of hearing you. Their frequency level (consciousness) is well below your level of consciousness, so anything higher than their frequency is like the buzzing of an insect; intelligible. Don't worry about them. Keep speaking the message.

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The prostitution of science, technology, medicine?

You rent prostitutes (scientists) and you ask them to prove breathing is bad? They will come up with some lies. You rent the presstitutes to tell these lies 24x7. Voila, the retards/ sheeple will stop breathing. The eugenics will be happy to see billions of deaths...THEY WILL CELEBRATE. BILL GATES WILL BE SQUIRTING ON CAMERA ALL DAY.

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The term "CO2 sequestering" is hilarious. It sounds like CO2 is a jury in a trial. Most people don't even know what "sequestering" means.

Gov. Noem will not be re-elected. She's wrong on this issue.

I lived in South Dakota for a couple of years. South Dakotans won't put up with this CO2 pipeline crap. Put the CO2 pipelines in the suburbs of Washington DC.

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She needs a pipe up her arse

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mois78; Yeah, a crack pipe.

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Thank you for your incredible work. I think back on how I got sucked into the "green" movement, which was heralded by watching Al Gore's fright film, "An Inconvenient Truth." SHAME ON THESE PEOPLE for not just this absolute pyramid scheme/outright theft of trillions over idiotic lies, but the psychological torture they put us through. I was so traumatized for years about fear of the world ending from climate change that I wondered why people were even bothering to have children. I really bought in. I even did a short documentary on fighting climate change at the college I was employed at, which included student reactions from the screening of that grifter Leo Dicaprio's follow-up fright film. I became a vegan and did everything I could to help counter this. Thank God (and people like Elizabeth) I woke up and realized what a massive con it all is.

I do think the cherry on top for the elites running the show is being able to convince us that the air we breathe is bad for us and will kill us. How they must laugh. Or maybe they think getting us to eat crickets is a side-splitter. Can't argue, there. Isn't it amazing how they've been able to trigger our fear centers in order to get us to do everything they say?

Then they orchestrated the covid19 scamdemic to ensure people didn't start waking up and asking questions. Notice the timing on everything. When people started balking at the forced mRNA injections, then they switched gears and attacked Ukraine. It never freakin' stops.

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We grew up in a world we could trust and they slithered in on that.

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Exactly and well-said.

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At least you woke up. Bravo! I'm much older and I bought into the Feminist Mystique; the earlier scam to get women to avoid children or to leave them in care centers while working to have status as "not just a housewife." As my husband explained, "Now collectively women are competing with their husbands for jobs; as a result, salaries will take a hit." True. Now women have to work to afford the family they crave because more workers mean that employers don't have to raise salaries commensurate with inflation caused by more money flooding the market for goods (and government spending).

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Thanks, Margaret. Oh, I bought into that, too! I even refused to get married or have kids. Not sure I regret that now, seeing the trans b.s. ruin so many families. Sad! And I'm glad I like working (kinda). And I like the option to be independent. Still, it was sold to us as freedom and we aren't any freer than before. And the whole Democrat brand of feminism now makes me want to puke. And the fact they drove mothers away from their kids and interest in child-rearing and family life is also key - it stinks. I talk to women now who are just career-hungry. I ask them why they are more interested in having a demanding soul-crushing job than rearing their kids, they look at me funny. Go figure.

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Young child rearing is a sweet drudgery. You love them desperately, but they are conversationally empty!

Teens begin to be humorous, fun to engage.

Now in my 80s my grown grandchildren thrill me with their kindness & brightness. My children are caring & attentive.

Payback is amazing!

I ache at the world we have left them compared to the sanity of our young years.

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To Mary and Margaret, it is facts: feminism and communism are just TOOLS for the Khazarians to destroy the Christian West.

The more the normies refuse or scared to acknowledge these facts, the more we are reaching a point of no returns? Few percent of our public are poisoning the rest slowly but surely.

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Yes, I had to grudgingly admit (as I experienced more and more of the inevitable fall-out) that feminism is just another implement in the commie toolbox, e.g., identity ideology (like the trans garbage) used to mess with our minds and change what we are. I was raised to think it was "cool" to be more masculine, if you notice, that was all part of it, started really being pushed in the 1960s with the androgenous stuff, and "girls can do anything a boy can." Why would we want to? Why can't women be allowed to be women? I wonder now if I even know what that must naturally feel like.

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As an insider of the environmental "experts" the globalist cabal one day came up with the words ACID RAIN, claiming that the lakes of America are all acidic from the SO2 emissions from power plants. Reagan went, ok, I will test all our lakes for such acidity...one billion dollar later and a 6 inch report saying there was no acidity in most lakes, and few lakes were a bit acidic because recent forest fires. Unfortunately, Reagan was gone by then, and a new POS named Bush was in the WH. He didn't need to to read the one billion dollars report. He didn't want confrontation with the libtard environmental whacks. He signed the Clean Air Act of 1990. I was part of that bull crap installation and compliance.

The idea was called cap&trade? Every power plant has a given "allowances" not to exceed. You deposit these allowances with a broker and trade them with other power plants as needed AND THE BROKERS WILL TAKE A CUT. Fast forward to now, Bill Gates sprays tons of sulfuric acid in our air with the total blessings of Biden and the environmental retards.

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It astounds me that the Climate Change hucksters have been wrong, wrong, wrong for decades, and that it seems impossible to get the public to grasp this, when the evidence is there for all to see: "Understanding Climate Change - 97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/understanding-climate-change

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I think a part of it may be as simple as people needing a religion. Ay this point they've walked away from the religion of their parents/grandparents. The "green" religion is offered up 24/7 and makes a nice fashion accessory.

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Some doctors told us that virus means poison. They said when a person eats or breath poisons his immune system works on cleaning out such including mucus expelling dead tissues and so.

Hence if you tell normies THERE IS NO VIRUS, AND THE SCIENCE OF VIROLOGY IS FAKE, you will never get any respect as a thinker? But, if you said there is no god, most people will not stone you to death...people never seen either god or the virus.

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Not long ago I began to read up on the "carbon-sequestration" idea. I am in no way an advocate of the silly notion that our future, or even the present, is threatened by elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Well, when I began to read articles flatly stating that we could "sequester" lots of carbon by felling and burying trees, the very things that the climate change zealots have hectored us, ad-infinitum, would save us from CO2, I knew with metaphysical certainty that the entire "climate crisis" industry is a blindingly obvious fraud on a collision course with itself.

These people have no self-awareness, and have no business running anyone's life.

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Excellent article. This is an example of the evil, and I rarely use that term as it is metaphysical and I prefer to stay in the lanes of reason. But how else does one describe all that is taking place today?

You raise a very important point, which is that of voting majorities either endorsing or not endorsing the imposition of green policies.

But I have written a piece here on substack in which I argue that with Google/Youtube, Facebook and Media all censoring actual debate on the Green subject, no resolution of the issue through democracy is possible or meaningful as you lack the most important brake on the abuse of power which is an informed populace.

Censorship which kills robust public debate, es exemplified in this most important of issues, is essentially the mechanism in my view that destroys Democracy by preventing an informed public that can issue mandates through the ballot box.

The Devastating Practical Impact of the Censorship Industrial Complex

Death of the Democratic Process


I subscribed so I could comment on this issue. I have written emails to these companies expressing disfavor to put it politely in a way the emails I sent them did not.

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I looked up the greenway maps for Illinois and a proposed capture point is right outside my hometown. I’ll ask my brother if he knows anything about it. And the fraud.

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For a human scale comparison, 400 parts per million factors down to 1 part in 2500. Further, it is 1 penny in $250, and it gives life to all plant life on earth.

And if one uses the activist language, plants 'spew out oxygen pollution' that in turn allows us to live.

Yet irrationality abounds. Never take advice from a carbon life form that labels carbon as a pollutant, and yes , a human being is 20% carbon.

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"Further, it is 1 penny in $250"

I'm showing $25, but your overall point is absolutely valid.

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I should pay more attention when playing with numbers.;_)

Thanks for the catch. I will leave the error here as a reminder to to myself.

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Kristy Noem came across as some mighty conservative for so long, but she is just a leftist shill.

Sad… what makes people turn?

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It is more common than not. Blackmail, family pressure, failing nerve, attempt to compromise with dishonest people, money, stupidity. Happened here shockingly.

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The “cortisol carousel”- LOL!

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The scam goes on and on. Al Gore was a huckster - obvious to some of us that he made lots of money on climate change BS. These people don’t care as long as they get theirs. We regular folks need to step in soon and stop the madness!

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As a high schooler, I read the Time Magazine article ('75) about the 'coming' ice age. Well, that is how it is always reported now, but in fact it was put forth as a theory. A THEORY that we may be heading towards an ice age BASED ON THIRTY YEARS(!) OF TEMPERATURE READINGS IN THE US. The 1930's in the US had been exceptionally hot and subsequently the temps since then into the seventies had been slowly falling. An interesting article on a general subject of my interest, but back in the day, there was nowhere near the level of everything being political. So, I just filed it in the back of my head. AND only 7 years later I start reading articles TELLING us that the Earth is warming and it's BECAUSE of man's pollution. I was taken aback by the 180 degree turn - and I'm NOT talking about the cold to warming. Science presented a THEORY based on thirty years of data. 'Something other than science' was now not only TELLING us of warming but also WHY without giving any data at all. All they would do is explain the THEORY of the greenhouse effect and then act like it was completely true. I don't even know how well I could have voiced what I had picked up on, but my BS meter was on high alert. And even after all the climategate email scams, known fudging of the data, ludicrous predictions and more, I still just considered myself a 'skeptic' because I couldn't prove them wrong. I'm also not a scientist. It was only in 2015 after reading parts of The Paris Climate Accords that I finally just called bullsh_t on the whole thing. And I've not come across anything before or since that has changed my mind. If you are not aware of SuspiciousObservers(dot)org, check it out, especially the playlist on climate change. ---- The sun controls our weather and climate. It's warmer during the day than at night. Even a three minute eclipse cooled the time period by 6-10 degrees. When you really begin to fully grasp the simple and commonsense clarity of the only thing that keeps this planet from being an ice ball in space, you begin to see the absurdity of the entire man-made climate change scam. Have a good day.

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The President sets energy and economic policies and Trump is a business guy who unleashed cheap hydrocarbon energy which is the basis of our lives. Xiden reversed all of it.

Here we are. The world is upside down by the grifters of Gaia.

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"Co2 is an unstable gas, unlike oil and natural gas. Co2 pipelines explode and kill people."

Not correct. CO2 is hugely stable, the end product of exothermic reactions. The danger of concentrated CO2 is that it's an asphyxiant: you can't breath it. Unlike natural gas, which is lighter than air and tends to float away from where it's released, CO2 is heavier than air and tends to form a deadly blanket. It doesn't help that concentrated CO2 is often mixed with toxic gasses such as hydrogen sulfide. But it's neither unstable nor explosive.

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Thank you, you beat me to it. You are correct that CO2 is a very stable substance, not explosive or reactive or flammable or even toxic. Just simply an asphyxiant, just like every other gas or vapor that displaces oxygen in the air below the 19.5% minimum concentration needed for normal breathing.

In the Mississippi pipeline explosion the CO2 had hydrogen sulfide (H2S) mixed in, which is a highly toxic gas, fatal to humans at a few hundred ppm concentration. I’m sure the injuries in that incident were caused by H2S exposure rather than CO2.

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It occurs to me that SOME touch of a gas with a noticeable odor might be beneficial, as it could give people warning to flee. Highly toxic H2S wouldn't be a first choice, of course. The stinky mercaptan that's mixed with natural gas might be an option (I'm guessing its concentration could be low enough that there'd be no danger of flammability).

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Yes, H2S is only smell-able up to about 25 ppm, above that it deadens our sense of smell. So if there's enough there to kill you you probably won't be able to smell it first.

I agree an odorant like a mercaptan would be a good idea for CO2 pipelines, just like natural gas. At least there'd be a chance people would notice it and take action before being asphyxiated.

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They know that their audience is ignorant and perhaps also stupid, and so they can get away with saying anything they like, no matter how preposterous.

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