Climate change fanaticism has done more to destroy freedom and prosperity than any other scheme the elite have concocted in history. The elite get to regulate, corrupt or destroy businesses and people who they feel are detrimental to their agenda by simply screaming “climate change.”

This simple two word phrase has been used to destroy countries, businesses, families, homes, minds and souls. This climate cult agenda has ushered in the apocalypse. So sad, so evil and just plain idiotic what most people have allowed to happen. It defies logic…..

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End of times doomsday prophets have always cursed humanity. Always been opportunistic purveyors of dread and fear that empowered the established powers. Mayan ritual sacrifices were in service to the rulers who accumulated great wealth from the fearful they ruled. "Human sacrifice or the crops won't grow, the rains won't fall, the volcano won't stop erupting!" You have to be pretty fearful to offer your children up for sacrifice, compelled by your community.

Like a Hunger Games. And we thought that was just entertaining Sci-fi! When it was intended as a Coming Attraction by the decadent ruling class peddling doomsday fear for their own enrichment and status.

Thing is, when they said "the science is settled, there's no debate" every thinking person should've said science is never settled and only tyrants would silence debate. Instead, many highly educated 'nice' people have been willing to watch and demand the children of others be sacrificed atop the Temple of Climate Doom.

And will continue to do so until the doomsday sorcerer's spells are broken.

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When they said "the science is settled, there's no debate", we should have garotted the filthy bastards.

Well, OK, since they started saying it before I was born, my parents generation should have done it, but the point remains.

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I tell my wife's son that it's his generation that's going to have to fix the mess of the world that my generation and my elders have made of it. I still have more fight in me than most in my generation, they've either stuck their heads in the sand or resigned themselves to accepting the dystopia their selfishness and inattention is ushering in.

It's on those of us who see the doomsday sorcerers for who they are to fix it, to do all we can to break the spells. To be Toto's pulling curtains back to expose the powerful machines used by the pathetic Wizards for all to see. That's God's purpose for us, no use crying about it. Elizabeth's, yours, mine, et al. There's a higher duty and obligation to humanity that falls onto those who know than on those who are ignorant. To shirk it while knowing is selfish, inhumane, and against God's plans for us.

In 2019 I didn't know my destiny was to become a warrior for humanity. It's hard to always be a happy warrior, sometimes I turn to anger and rage. But I know to get others to look behind the curtain it's going to take a happy face that draws their gaze in.

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You're not wrong.

Totally agree with your pointing out that the Climate Cultists are just yet another millennial doomsday cult. Unfortunately, with rather a lot of acquired power. Though I don't think the people at the top even actually believe it, they're just using whatever is convenient to suck the world dry.

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Weeelllllll..... I don't think it's any "generation" that's made the mess. I think it's a deliberate and quite EVIL little group, a little cabal-- these Filthy Rich Psychopath Globalists... I blame them. With their outrageous over-rich power, they have caused SO. MUCH. DAMAGE, and on purpose. I blame THEM.

Have a look at these two videos, I'm sharing them all over everywhere, because until we can all understand that the threat to Humanity and even to this planet is DELIBERATE, we're wandering in the wilderness, pointing fingers at each other...

Frances Leader interview... audio only Her SS page is "Uncensored"


David Hughes, academic analyst with a brilliant assessment...


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Science is never settled … it evolves with knowledge over time… problem is pseudo science which questions nothing while it makes its opposite way to hell.

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Hey, FFox! I agree. And those who break the spell...? Let's US be them.

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greenhouses without roofs don't hold any heat. Convection is a major force in the atmosphere, it's a large negative feedback, why is it never mentioned when the public is "informed" about global warming?

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All that "global warming" nonsense is a crock. We're actually COOLING, a bit, slowly.

And nothing on this Earth is even a factor, much less the CAUSE... It's the SUN that determines the climate. This is established science. You have to dig to find it, though, because it's being CENSORED. Hmmm, wonder why? Because there are some very Evil people trying to kill us off, that's why. If it's a real conspiracy, then it ain't a "theory."

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John Scotto: People are not logical, they are irrational emotional apes.

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Hmmm. Maybe sometimes. Certainly not even MOST of the time. When they're frightened or under duress, more so.

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The Word Herder, Hormones, all those young hormones also affect human behavior.

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Sure. But there are MANY things that affect Human behavior. And those hormones back down after a certain age. (Thank Dog Almighty! lol)

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The Word Herder, Years ago, I was watching a documentary film about the troubles in South Africa. The blacks, mostly Zulu, wanted to rob, expel, or kill the Afrikaaners even though the Afrikaaners grew the food and kept the lights on.

The videographer asked a Zulu, "If an Afrikaaner would get 100,000 Rand, and you would get 10,000 Rand, would you take that deal."

The Zulu replied, "NO! I would prefer if both of us got nothing."

That is irrational and emotional.

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Except it makes sense when one understands that the Afrikaaners were DUTCH and came to Africa and STOLE the native people's lands and treated them rather badly. So... context. CONTEXT is huge.

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Well put John.

"So sad, so evil and just plain idiotic what most people have allowed to happen. It defies logic…"

And that's the crux of the whole rotten debacle - OUR apathy, complacency and cowardice has allowed it to happen and will continue to allow a lot more. ('We ain't seen nothin' yet').

You said it defies logic, I find such a blatant absence of logic so mind numbing, that if I think about long enough, I literally go dizzy! How can ANYONE be this stupid...

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Isn't that blaming the victim?

"What people have allowed to happen"? Seems a bit harsh, considering that it's been FOISTED upon the whole world, this "what been 'allowed' to happen"... Why not blame the people CAUSING these problems? That makes more sense to me. Yeah, people do stupid and sometimes hateful things, when they're being attacked.

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Yes indeed it is 'blaming the victim' and rightly so.

Many of us have tried to warn them (about 90% of my sleeping and compliant fellow citizens, including my own family members) about these psyops and the false flag events that are all based upon lies and false narratives, including the recent covid scamdemic and the much longer established but very similar MO: CAGW hoax.

All of them so obviously FAKE, yet these TV programmed fools live in fear of them, thanks to them all swallowing the rampant and incessant propaganda being pumped into their unthinking little minds. (The same humanity loathing governments and media try in vain to pump the same lies into my mind but I treat it all with the scorn and ridicule it deserves and ignore everything they tell us).

Those sleepwalking drones choose instead to ignore us and our warnings based on facts, rather than television news bulletin's rampant and incessant fear porn, and even ridicule us as conspiracy theorists, antivaxxers etc.., because they are too dumbed down and stupid to see that THEY are under attack! Yes, the 'victims'. Who still believe they can 'vote' out things like the UN's 2030 Agenda at rigged (S)elections. 🤦‍♂️

It's almost as though they like being victims. I am a victim of this global war that's been declared on us all too. The difference though, is that I can see the lies - what's really going on and do not just 'go along to get along, as most of my pathetic fellow citizens choose to.

NO-ONE has EVER complied their way out of tyranny.

I vehemently oppose what the unelected overseas based cabal that controls our governments are doing to us. If the sheeple ('victims') would only wake up, grow a backbone and oppose it all by simply refusing to comply en masse, with any of their dehumanising mandates and diktats, the whole nightmare agenda the UN and WEF are imposing on us, via our governments, would collapse like a fragile house of cards.

People's COMPLIANCE and weakness has enabled the whole nightmare to progress in leaps and bounds, beyond even Bill Gates's wildest dreams.

It's those compliant and cowardly 'victims' who yes, I am blaming, who are responsible for what's happening today and I make apology for saying so.

They are the true enemy. The one that walks among us and it needs to be stopped.

You said: among other things:

"Why not blame the people CAUSING these problems?"

Exactly what I am doing: I am blaming those you call 'the victims'.

Victims who by their cowardice and willing compliance to the diktats laid down by our oppressors, utterly sickens me as it should also sicken you.

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Well, I’ve heard this argument before. It’s one thing to be frustrated with a VICTIMS’s lack of appropriate response, according to those of us who had one. It’s still blaming the victim when we BLAME THEM for what the EVIL guys responsible for all this are at fault. It’s like blaming a deer for freezing in the headlights of your car that is going 60 mph at night… That’s how I see it. Piss me off? Yep. But they really can’t help it, or they’d react like we do.

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Ok good response, We agree then. 🙂

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And believe me, I DO understand, I have been victimized by my own brothers, and it is ongoing. I GET IT. I’m not saying it’s GOOD. I’m saying it’s a human response to fear and confusion. K. I want to be clear, I’m not HAPPY about it. People are not in their rational mind… They’re in Fight or Flight and trauma response. I still blame the PERPS.

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How can it not be seen as a scam right out of the gate? I mean, the people that are shoving it in your face fly around in jets and use big SUV caravans to go wherever they feel they need to be seen. They scared everyone out of buying beachfront property then scooped it up themselves. Al Gore is a master propagandist. Not a particularly clever one. He was just the mouthpiece, but his movie was incredibly effective. Problem was, for suckers like me who first bought in, unlike way too many people, I started asking questions when not one of his predictions came true.

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I am 47. The same people (and in some cases I mean literally the same person, Paul Erlich) was predicting that the "world would end" in catastrophe since before I was born. I don't mean they made the predictions before I was born. The catastrophe was predicted to occur before I was born.

Yet, here I am.

Why do people still think this guy's crystal ball is any good?

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It's not just one guy. Here's a list (with links & references) that'll knock your socks off: "Understanding Climate Change - 97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/understanding-climate-change

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Nice work there, David.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to imply he was alone, more just trying to point out that there is this one guy, though, who has been consistently wrong for fifty years. And people still keep listening!

I absolutely agree with the bit about funding. *sigh*

It's really depressing to watch up close, lemme tell you.

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I remember dragging my 8 year old to that movie... I feel like an idiot now.

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I also just cringe thinking about what I bought into. I even did a student video/short documentary pushing some of the sustainability crap. This was in 2016 before I finally snapped out of my stupor.

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Algore was always living proof that vaudeville is not dead

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When I saw preview of AIT there was a clip with a satellite image of Hurricane Katrina smashing into New Orleans that was supposed to be evidence of Gorebull Warning. I knew then it was all bullsheet because there have always been hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico in late summer, always will be. Katrina wasn't unusually strong by the time she made landfall (Cat 3) and the reason for the catastrophe in New Orleans was levee failure.

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Spot on 100%

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Evil facts and dead-on true. I am thankful for every Truth purveyor on the planet taking a more than brave stance against the lies of the wicked greedy globalists and their immensely corrupt ‘World system’, (a system which God says will collapse not in one day, but in a single hour!) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2018&version=TLB

I trust God’s ways and timing but I do have to say that the comeuppance on the wicked cannot happen soon enough. Make no mistake, it’s coming…

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"1 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

3 When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

5 When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse! And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”

Revelation 6: 1-6 ESV

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Yes, we can count on God’s justice. It seems slow in coming, but He waits until the evil has reached its apex.

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A return to the 'old days' to recover a moral and intellectual compass or use the current morass to spur us forward to a deeper understanding of this element of human personality to properly consign it to a much, much lesser influence going forward? Going forward with the insights you and others have brought to the surface is the only way to prevent another 100yrs block of the current context from repeating. We are in the process of doing this. There are many with insight writing with critical thinking as you are but many thousands listening and agreeing. I see 500,000 views on some podcasts with only a couple thousand 'likes'. It shows how many people listen vs how many put themselves out there with support. There are a minority of you but many who agree at various levels and is the reason Trump is supported at the level he is. The Last Refuge posted "Its All Fixable". In my opinion, absolutely. We need to take the insights and lessons learned, be as skeptical as s...t and even with imperfections we will do far better going forward as long as we are persistent.


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Yes, I do enjoy The Last Refuge. Also an excellent group of followers

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I had to stop going there because of the interference. The screen jumped around, and it was impossible to write a comment.

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oh gosh. I have never had that problem.

Perhaps it is ad blocker software. I do have ad block on my laptop but not my ipad

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There used to be anti-monopoly laws, and there used to be laws granting access to public land.

Governments have been bought, making people slaves, even though these corporations don't need that much land.

When they aren't trying to destroy the land, they are trying to think of ways of putting the world in darkness, literally.

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Confiscate all conservation easements. Anybody who has locked away land to save taxes should lose it. Have you heard about Bill Gates's plan to sequester carbon by logging trees and burying them in the desert?

Being pro free-markets and capitalism shouldn't mean letting monopolists who have legally perverted the system go unpunished

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joe blow: Monopolies always fall to competition. This is why monopolies enlist the State to hinder or wipe out the competition.

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We still have anti-m onopoly laws. They're just ignored - unlike the "crime" of resisting a government that has ceased to serve the people.

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I won’t use the expression ‘climate change’ in any other than a derisive context.



Excessive consumption

Environmental poisoning

All fine

But CC is a scam.

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The change from Global Warming to Climate Change was an obvious one when temps plateaued in the 90's - early 2000s. The more subtle change which always pissed me off was from "man-made" climate change to simply Climate Change. The former at least had some inherent acknowledgement of natural climate change while the latter ASSUMES climate change is virtually completely man-made. Which by the way is complete rubbish. I'll save my rant.

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Well done!!!

I’m sure a number of those immigrants have been shuffled out of their lands but there are significant number of them intentionally sent here by there government to infiltrate the country and create organized mayhem. Look at the French and British subcultures that have evolved as a result and the spineless leaders that encourage it and refuse to impose any order to their countries. Check out the Chinese camp in Panama full of military age men sneaking into the southern border along with the midwestern and Latin refugees. This is t just the climate agenda at work!

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Finally someone else has said it “Slavery without the whip.” climate scam.

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It is much more than a wealth transfer. It is also a depopulation agenda. When you attack the sun, photosynthesis, farming/agriculture, then you are literally attacking our ability to even live.

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You can actually look for yourself - using the government's own data and tools: "Rising Oceans - Not": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/rising-oceans-not

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If you ever wanted an incredible list of failed climate-change predictions, here it is: "Understanding Climate Change - 97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/understanding-climate-change

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The convenient benefits for the nuclear energy industry are too incredible to be coincidental. Where do the fantastic political pressure and money behind the climate change farce come from? "Climate Change is actually about going all-nuclear": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/climate-change-is-actually-about

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Thank you for this. Very powerful, very depressing. It occurs to me that we in the U.S. are the new Natives. What was done to them is now being done to us. They want to (already have) destroyed our diet, just as this gov't paid for the slaughter of 10 million bison in 20 years in order to defeat the Plains Indians, to drive them through hunger into the reservations, they are faking CO2 excuses to kill herds of cattle and they are now preparing reservations for us, but reservations with surveillance so they call them "smart"{ cities where we will no doubt be denied all that makes life worth living. They've destroyed art, culture, genuine creativity; the paucity of any beauty or creativity in our current architecture is a reflection of their dead souls. Their only value is money and power at any cost, even to the planet they live on. Makes one wonder if this is really their home planet when they have so little love for the earth or any of its creations.

“It was land – it has ever been land – for which the White man oppresses the Indian and to gain possession of which he commits any crime. Treaties that have been made are vain attempts to save a little of the fatherland, treaties holy to us by the smoke of the pipe – but nothing is holy to the white man. Little by little, with greed and cruelty unsurpassed by the animal, he has taken all. The loaf is gone and now the white man wants the crumbs.” ~ Luther Standing Bear

I would only amend that to change "white man" to predator class" as I think it's more what Paul Levy calls wetiko - a sickness that afflicts just some, the predator class, of enough is never enough and they come in a variety of shades and both sexes (no doubt though mostly male, mostly white). I only hope the human race can last long enough to create a "vaccine" to deal with this affliction. Either that or start evolving.

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Great piece! Very shareable and the headline helps with people who consider themselves ‘compassionate.’

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Most people are in a third category called "tools", IMHO.

Many don't understand that the so called 'climate change' mitigations of wind, solar, and batteries for electric everything have been worse for the environment than the prior energy production, and are therefore susceptible to the marketing that suffuses all the news, educational and entertainment products that they consume.

Corporatists have enriched themselves by exporting most of their environmental damage to less 'developed' countries.

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