Whatever happened to what Anne Heche was going to release before her death? 🤔 And it’s true what passes for entertainment is garbage that tries to desensitize and normalize perversion and darkness, even when it starts out innocent enough. Sexual abuse is a life sentence, and it seems those trying to expose it are extinguished.

Also there were no videos in this article for me, but it was disturbing enough. Take care of yourself🙏🏻

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Not to mention Chris Cornell of Soundgarden, who was reportedly going to expose a pedophile ring in the music industry when he was found dead under very suspicious circumstances -- https://www.wattpad.com/560584935-music-conspiracy-theories-were-chris-cornell-and

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and Chester Bennington...John Podestas son.🤔

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Could never find any evidence that this was true - though they certainly resemble each other.

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in her inimitable retro vernacular, daisy moses went down the anne heche rabbit hole https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/anne-heches-death-may-be-a-cover

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From that Substack: Please search for “THIS JUST IN” in the comments for more on a very important piece of reader-provided info. The late Representative Jackie Warlorski who was, for years, working hard “to end human sex trafficking” was assisting Heche with the late star’s new film addressing the topic, "Girl in Room 13.” Both dead in very suspicious car crashes.

***And remember when Biden was at an event asking for Jackie after she passed?🤔🤔🤔

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i do remember. wow. makes sense now. thanks.

edit: and georgia state senator nancy schaefer, 2010 "murder-suicide"


"she wrote frequent online articles on topics as diverse as the Obama administration’s health care program to the possible biblical significance of solar eclipses. Her last, decrying implanting microchips in humans, appeared Feb. 17."

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Schaefer was also very passionate about how CPS is trafficking children in their care.

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Yup, mentioned Schaefer's important work here :


An' more HERE (also Walorski's included:)


Just in case the gang here wants some more links on it all...

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I'll never trust you nymusicdaily after your support of Sage's attack on me over a year ago. So what exactly are you doing here aye?

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the Heche story is a 3-stack'er an' in the piece below (the UPDATE) I "follered" up on the Jackie W lead as the congresswoman was helpin' Heche with her research:


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Thank you! I'll check it out.

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aw shucks thank ya kindly nymusicdaily--I'm full out sure Heche would'a revealed puhlenty if they didn't take her out

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I couldn't access videos either (the ones marked "link to video"; when I clicked on the link "they do the most inhumane things" couldn't access it.

GREAT article, though - I've been researching all this for 26 yrs and this article had info I didn't know. Kudos to you Elizabeth for some really good deep dive research! It couldn't have been easy.

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Me too. Couldn't access those videos.

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Jan 15, 2024
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Jan 16, 2024
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Mike?! Is that you Big Mike? Mike Obama. 😂😂

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Big Mike don’t lie.

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The flop in Big Mike's pants don't lie. Unless an extra large tampax got lose.

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Did you not get to SEE the clip of the wang hanging free and moving during that dance scene on the Ellen Degenerate show? Or the other pictures where the wang ain't tucked up nice n tidy like? The blue/teal dress? Did you not see the line back shoulders and muscles in the strapless white dress he wore? Face it, that ain't no woman!!

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Jan 27, 2024
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Not attractive, not a woman. His d*ck flops around in public. Just weird and Satanic, like all trannies.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Time for that earthquake California has been so worried about... let Hollywood fall into the sea.

It's just so absolutely fucking disgusting what humans can do to each other.

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Then every state, country, church, and almost every home would also have to fall into the sea as it's so widespread. It is the number one pastime at the Super Bowl, for example, not football.

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Thank you for facing this horror, and for inviting us to face it. The headline is just right--I have reached the limit of what I can learn and still maintain faith in humanity and trust in my world.

You may be interested in the story of Anneke Lucas, who was sold into a satanic ring of European royalty and corporate billionaires as a 5-year-old in Brussels. She survived 8 years of this before she was rescued and delivered to America. She works with prisoners, teaches yoga, and helps other trafficking victims to recover their humanity. https://annekelucas.com/

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Her story is horrific and heart wrenching.

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I reported this after Trump took office & his DOJ made twice the arrests [of Obama] of Hollyweirdos for this crap AND it was a reason the CIA went after Trump...the CIA used these perverts for blackmail etc.

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I am reminded of a line from a song about abortion from 40 years ago.”Don’t turn away . No one else will hear my voice.”Thanks Elizabeth. Your articles from the past few days has been hard to contemplate and fathom. We are the empire, that should never have been an empire, in complete decline. Moral decay, a populace that is easily manipulated and distracted and a country being completely overrun .

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It seems so beyond the pale that there’s no way any of this could be real, yet our gut instinct tells us it’s 100% true.

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People have a hard time believing that covid was a bioweapon and so were the covid "vaccines."

The amount of evil in the world is unimaginable to normal people.

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Pretty much how I feel too

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If I were the benevolent dictator I often fanaticize being I would make Cathy O'Briens book mandatory reading at an age appropriate time . It was the defining moment in my quest to understand this sorted business we are discussing here . As I have stated in previous comments related to this it was a very difficult book to get through and I had to keep pausing my way through it . I gave the book to a friend I thought might be able to handle its subject matter but never heard from him again or was the book returned . If you have no foundation to ease you into this subject I can see it being impossible to believe but that was 10 years ago or more and this stuff has been circulating around and around long enough now . Of course I learned about her through David Icke from whom I have learned so much and continue to. Oprah Windbag is someone I called bullshit on 20 years ago or so as some one being groomed for something I couldn't put my finger on at the time but had a good feeling she wasn't what most people thought she was. She exuded a pompous phoniness I could see through. I sure would love to know how and who was behind her grooming. Was it the same group that gave us Barack Obama? Seems they might have graduated from the same institution. As Elizabeth stated that this god awful operation of child grooming, exploitation, sexualization , blood drinking child sacrifice is coming from the top (so called elites) it presents to us the clues as to its origin and reasons. It is something that has been going on almost since time here began. It is in the Bible and in ancient writings. Carved in stone blocks around the world. Sacrificing "virgins" to the "gods" Who were these so called gods ? I say they were the same entities in charge today and they are behind all of this and have been all throughout the history of man. It is all controlled from above our plane of existence as we know it.

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I so agree with your first sentence. I can not get that book out of my head, but I'd never believe this sex trafficking stuff had it not been for that book. Nor can I stomach hearing about Dick Cheney.

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"Trance" was a game changer in many ways . It made you look at everything you thought was reality and turned it on its head. It made me question everything . I have despised the country I live in ever since and put front and center the fact that evil is and has been running the planet.

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One of the most popular TV series, Yellowstone, has a wonderful backdrop, the innocence of nature as represnted by a pristine wilderness in Montana (which in itself is bunk) being protected by the guardians, the Dutton Family. A family that for several generations has used murder, force and threats against any and all they deem not worthy of life. The tendency to pair appearance with virtue is a quick way to justify desire. The Duttons are not guardians of anthing other than their twisted value system. The land is just an excuse for, a justification, for their particular brand of evil. Sound familiar? Hollywood? The irony is that the Duttons are incapable of love. Land, human, critter or life. They are all tools to be used to promote their evil. There desire for Death.

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The Duttons sound like the WEF and their climate change, save the earth, kill everyone nazi control freaks.

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Hollywood, like DC, needs to be nuked. Huge Hives of villainy and scums they are.

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You need a two-pronged approach. Start in Hollywood AND DC simultaneously, then work our way to the heartland, where it prevails, too. It's ubiquitous. Perversion does not respect antmy economy or power more than any other. It's an evil, poison, reptilian pox on the world.

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I’m so pissed I could lead a battalion of red necks through Hollywood.

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That’s exactly what they want Brent. An excuse to blow us away. Black suited NATO thugs imported to split your skull open while the press frames you as a terrorist. Think Canada truckers and J6. Nothing short of the German farmers protest would survive their retribution.

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Dont support them-- thats been shown (re: Disney) to work very very well.

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Don't stop digging, and don't stop reporting. Thinking about the Kidman's made me think of her movie with Tom called Eyes Wide Shut.

Was that a confession?

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The director Stanley Kubrick died six days after screening the final cut of the film. Apparently some have claimed foul play was involved. He was an extraordinary filmmaker and lost too soon at age 70.

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Kubrick did a pretty good job faking the moon landing on the set of “2001 a space odyssey”. 2001. Hmm. 9/11. It’s a small club and you ain’t in it. Because you’re not evil enough.

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Were there videos attached to this article? None appeared.

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Jan 15, 2024
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Thank you (although the content is heart breaking).

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I still cannot see it, thank you for trying

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In 1948, traumatized World War ll American veterans struggled to resume a normal life. Our Greatest Generation was unaware that the evil they defeated overseas had invaded their homeland with sexual libels defiling the Judeo-Christian foundation for which so many had fought and died.

Stunned by their children's 1960s Sexual Revolution, our WW ll warriors were helpless as Alfred Kinsey's pornographic, homosexist lies, which were backed by Indiana University, the Rockefeller Foundation and mass media, became "revealed truth" to all from PhD to Kindergarten. Kinsey's influence has Stolen Honor from our WW ll veterans.

In 1977, following the indifference of trusted adults toward her young daughter's rape. Dr. Reisman discovered Kinsey's barbaric sex abuses of up to 2,034 children and infants --some as young as two months of age--by his "team" in Indiana University's protected soundproof laboratories. Kinsey's influence has stolen innocence from our Children.

Dr. Reisman has conclusively proven how Alfred Kinsey's frauds gutted our children and family protective laws, as well as justified Planned Parenthood's school sex education, Hugh Hefner's pornography plague and the "gay rights" movement.

"The Kinsey Institute" still gets millions of your tax dollars. Dr. Reisman demands an immediate congressional investigation for Kinsey's victims and university complicity in mass child sex abuse atrocities--employing at least one German, Nazi pedophile.

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hear hear! Dr Reisman devoted her life ta exposin' Kinsey-the-Monster an' all his followers--thanks ta her fearless work I understand how the entire nation was conned inta buyin' this false line of thinkin'--an' as ya say, the trauma it still is causin' today...

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Hi Daisy, about a month ago I bought a used DVD from Thrift Books, Music,DVDs, titled The Kinsey Syndrome, How One Man Destroyed the Morality of America. An Adullan Films Production. Produced by Christian J. Pinto & Meg A. Pinto. Written & Directed by Christian J. Pinto.

www.emissarypublications.com. ( I don't know if they are still in business.)

Ph. 503-824-2050.

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this'un wuz recommended ta me too--didn't watch it yet but seems worthwhile!


ps replied ta yer postin' but I think it landed wrong--found a link online ta the film ya shared! thanks agin'!

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Did Bill Barr’s father hire Epstein to work at the prestigious school he ran in NYC?

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I believe so

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These are the very people organizations like the WEF promote and vice versa. They want to exterminate the majority of us and own the rest. It is past time for them to be gone.

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There were about seven videos with this, they didn’t make it through Substacks filter.

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I had the same slow revulsion watching Ozark.

my wife and I watched it during the pandemic. what became evident even early on, was how dark the show was. I mean this quite literally as the photography is intentionally washed out and underexposed. corners and shadows that a DP would normally fill in with light are purposely left black. this creates a mood where every character is surrounded and swallowed by literal darkness.

of course, this is all done in service of the theme of the show which could be described as race to the bottom as every character competes with the others to see who can be the most cruel and ruthless. in a very modern twist, the cruelest characters are all WOMEN. almost all of the male relatives in the show are bumbling, emotionally fragile and weak. at some point during the series, I recall turning to my wife and asking if this was a pro-feminist show or an anti one. I imagine the producers think the former as the show seems to fit neatly into the line of Anti-Heroes that have come to define some of the best shows of the 21st century. in the Wendy, Ruth, Helen and Darlene characters, they created suitable female versions of Tony Soprano, Walter White and Al Swearigen.

in the world of Ozark, we see women usurping the world of men, not by the virtues of the feminine, but by their absence. these women advance by being crueler, more cunning and more greedy than the men around them.

the writers of this show seemed to have answered the age old question:

"since men have started every war in history, wouldn’t the world be much better being run by women?”

Ozark seems to have answered…”We’d all be dead within a week…”

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I didn't watch the final few episodes...I knew the correct ending ( the main characters arrested or killed) was not going to take place...and i was correct. glad i missed the guilty getting away with murder again...

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