Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Superb analysis as always Elizabeth. God has given you an incredible talent and we’re all better off for it.

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Really do enjoy reading the Posts by Elizabeth. DISAGREE WHOLLY WITH THIS ONE.

The plan to take down America was taken seriously following the second defeat of The Black Nobility against America in The War of 1812. The Black Nobility is that hiding behind the people of the British Islands for 1000 years and they've been located Internationally in London, City of London, among all the Monarchs of Eurasia and now Switzerland. They are those of The Central Banker Family Cartel and the Corporatists owning the Multi-National Corporations once known to align with the Dutch/British East India Company.

Since the U.S. Civil War, that group hiding behind the people of the British Isles instigated and funded BOTH SIDES OF, as for all wars in the 20th Century they've maneuvered and planned. With the Russian Navy protecting U.S. Ports at Lincoln's request during the Civil War, the Nobility's forces determined they couldn't Militarily poccupy the U.S.' thus began making plans to EAT THE U.S. FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Here we are; every social Institution of the U.S. SATURATED BY THE FABIAN'S TREASONOUS RHODES SCHOLAR MINIONS PUSHING FASCISM which is really what they defined Feudal-Imperialism and is now defined Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Nazism, Maoism and all the other Novel 'Ism's' based in FEUDAL TOTALITARIANISM. THIS IS THE ENEMY NOW PERPETRATING THIS ONE/NEW WORLD POLICE STATE and all the Crimes Against Humanity as well as All Life on the Planet.

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You're prolly right on that re the City of London- but they let the USA fly for a while to create enormous wealth. However the rot, the cancer, was always there. Elizabeth is talking about what is going on today and she's right- these child ivy leaguers, child politicians, child lawyers are working hand in glove with each other taking it to the next contemporary level because that's what they've been taught in school. Her best example above is the J6 rulings by this "system"- what a disaster and what a tragedy. These children who are in positions of power, as EN says, know nothing of real life. What they do know best of all is how to indulge themselves and have fun. They know how to have fun because that is what they were taught best as they grew up in affluent households. They did not learn about empathy, they learned about expecting good lives, high incomes and dodging accountability. I think it is coming to an end but there is lots of pain to go through yet, look at the elections in UK and France.

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All is ordered directly from GCHQ/MI6, and Chatham House directly from Ding-a-Ling Upchuck as the symbolic Head of Operations. Of course, we know the Defender of the Religions instead of Christianity in the Coronation, as in the past 1000 years, MUST BE PROTECTED, SHEILDED AND COVERED.

All is PROTECTED, SHIELDED AND COVERED with the diversions/distractions of planned chaos, crisis, endless propaganda/lies, PROJECTION. It's a purposeful, DELIBERATE shambles. This is the primary directive of the Old School Feudal Imperialists once hanging the very poor for catching food when their children starved. If you believe J6 wasn't planned by EVERYBODY on both sides of the pond; you're not exactly thinking 'BIG PICTURE' which is exactly what the enemy wants.


We also know the BIS and City of London's Central Banker Family Cartel is behind the THEFT of all U.S. resources and the one most benefiting from the Drug/Slave Market at the Southern Border to cover up their BUILD BACK BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE to better facilitate transport of their Illicit Market Products through the Western Hemisphere. THE CARTEL'S LAUNDERED U.S. TAXPAYER $$$, stolen from the Invaders recruited to come here as well as that from Drugs and Slaves is DEPOSITED in The Central Bank of England having branches located throughout the Caribbean.

The PUBLICLY OWNED LAND; National Parks/Forests/Water go on the Market in November as ordered by London's Greedy Power Addicts through the TREASONOUS they've created through the Rhode's Scholar Program; 33,000 ethically elastic, morally bankrupt, sociopathically ambitious university students graduating to join The Council For Foreign Relations DIRECTLY CONNECTED to Chatham House or The Royal Institute of International Affairs.

There isn't one single agency of the U.S. Govt. NOT directly operated out of London...Including the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NATO is the Army of The Venetian Black Nobility with it's corruption now infesting all of the DOD. The Revolutionary War was not merely about 'Taxation Without Representation'. The PRIORITY was to have the right to OWN our own land and the fruits of our own work including the right to grow and produce our own food INSTEAD OF BEING BEATEN WHEN WE TRIED TO CREAT INDUSTRY. Until then, England TOOK THE BEST RESOURCES TO ENGLAND TO MAKE PRODUCTS THEY THEN SOLD BACK TO THE COLONIES AND TAXED AS WELL. Our Industries have been demolished, have they not?

This is an old game already ran before now...And, so many have forgotten due to schools indoctrinating the public and hiding the actual history. God forbid anybody actually CRITICALLY THINK, ISSUE DEDUCTIVE REASONING or even read a book.

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Yup- That is big-picture thinking. Those sales in November- the election will be the bigger news. The gov't agencies- owned by City of London- and Israel. I'm going to study up with the link you provided.

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Link is merely the Tactic and Strategies used and Outlined with 'The Tavistock Institute' out of Surrey, U.K. and Saul Alinsky in conjunction with Experimentation in Eugenics out of Chicago...To form what is now 'Community Organizing' as Obastard and Hitlery did their Internships.

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Re fraud in the coming US election: Watch CrowdStrike (Hillary Clinton's agent in the Muh Russia anti-Trump scam in 2016) and beware their ability to shut down much of the Microsoft-enabled internet at will. "A bug in an update", my azz. This week's loss of service was a test of their abilities and reach.

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Make no mistake, Jan 6 was a trap set not for Trump but for the normies who vote, who participate in their communities. Guys like Corey Comperatore. Then there are people who have walked the halls of Congress, know how it works, and know how media plays along, who beguile themselves into believing that the "enemy"--us--is too stupid, racist, dangerous--to be worth risking their careers to champion or defend.

But the X factor the party leaders could not control was Trump. And on some reptile level, after lawfare didn't stop him, they went to assassination. The FBI can't get into that kid's encrypted phone? Bullshit. They overcame that problem with the Saudi shooter at Pensacola Naval Air Station. And now, reporting Trump's shooter had two phones? Do not hold your breath on reporting about what's in them. There is a reason NO ONE STOPPED HIM. Why did Jill Biden have an event NEAR Trump's rally requiring more Sect Service personnel? Question everything.

And once again, the X factor was Trump. They have to mock that photo of him, bloody, with his fist in the air, "fight, fight, fight." Because it scares them. They saw what we saw: a warrior's heart. We won't defeat them until we realize we have everything to lose. Look to the school board meetings to see what that is: our kids. America's future.

Do not be heartened that "the donors" want Biden gone. That doesn't mean they object to the mission. It means they think he can't fulfill it. They are the self-interested, corrosive element that funds this treachery.

Elisabeth, you also have a warrior's heart. God bless and protect you.

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I am very grateful for you Debra.

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“Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption.” -James A. Garfield-

“When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed. -Ayn Rand-

‘When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

-Theodore Roosevelt-

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” -Carl Sagan-

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth, it is a great shame that you do not have more reach. We desperately need more people to read your analysis. Your ability to explain complex situations in a way even I can understand is a great gift.

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I grew at 525% last year so it is happening. I just have to keep at it!

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

It's up to her readers to re-stack and share broadly.

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This is only the beginning

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This is increasingly about us - can we show the courage, can we "Fight, Fight, Fight" and push back?

Can we rely on prayer to be constantly aware that God is at our back? That we may be called to take a bullet to the ear, or worse? The second reading in today's Morning Prayer is Luke 14:25, " And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple."

The opportunity to push back will come for each of us, and until it does we can find someone that is already called and support and protect them.

And all of us, and particularly you, Elizabeth, watch your 6 o'clock, and always remember, Don't Feed The Trolls!

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

I'm sure the Jews of Europe prayed plenty after 1925 or so, but we all know how that ended. Those doing the evil must be defeated. Only then, when the evil-doers are defeated, will there be peace and security.

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We can do both

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Free human beings in a free economic system have a tremendous ability to solve problems! The following phrase is fantastic!

“The foundational idea that humans need to be restricted, the population drawn down because of resources, is dead wrong. It is the stated purpose of every tyrant who ever lived, afraid of the power of his or her people. It flies in the face of reality. Every single problem man experiences can be solved, given enough self-determination which leads to creativity. And accountability. That doesn’t work? Fine, let’s try this. Until something works.”

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“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.” – Vladimir Lenin

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – Philip Fisher

“Hyperinflation can take virtually your entire life’s savings, without the government having to bother raising the official tax rate at all.” – Thomas Sowell

“The actions of private citizens do not cause inflation, but by the government: by an artificial expansion of the money supply required to support deficit spending.” – Alan Greenspan

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Jul 20Liked by elizabeth nickson

Two well known quotes from the 19th century highlight our problem: "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana, and "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" Lord Acton. Perhaps that everyone knows they are true lulls us to ignore them. For the world has, while maybe not embracing the centralizing of political power, submitted to it. Americans are almost completely ignorant of the function of the Constitution.

The separation of powers among the Administrative, Legislative and Judicial Branches was designed to prevent the centralizing of power inherent in government. The many powers reserved to the citizens have from our beginning been arrogated by Federal and State governments, whose powers are few and enumerated in our Federal and State Constitutions. The unfortunate byproduct of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments, was, by enumerating the powers therein, the limiting of those rights as the only rights reserved to the people.

The tenth amendment is without doubt the most marginalized in the whole Constitution. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

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Actually I was under the impression that the 9th amendment was the most marginalized. "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people". The entire "Bill of Rights" has been completely ignored by the autocratic bureaucracies with rare exceptions. The ninth amendment refers to those unenumerated rights, that reason and logic would dictate are universal to all people. I have recited parts of the "Bill of Rights" like the 4th amendment to police only to be stonewalled and talked over by them, like any other plunders system, they refuse to acknowledge that "Truth has no agenda".

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There is hope... 2 Chronicles 7:14 reads:

"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

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Oh, He will absolutely. In fact, He hopes and waits upon exactly that opportunity. But of course, it's up to us. It always is.

These, also relevant to the hour:

'For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

'But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. . .

. . . 'turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse' (Malachi 4:1,2,6)

That right there is what you've got to do. He will restore you if you let Him. I've seen it. Plus, of course, consequences for disobedience.

'The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name.' (Exodus 15:3)

Praise my Holy Father's name, and praise his Son, the King.

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RemovedJul 20
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I agree that nothing absolves citizens from resisting evil. At the same time 2 Timothy 3:16 reads: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". God gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews... should we now say those don't apply to Gentiles?

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A favorite quote from another favorite author of mine:

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions that by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” – Thomas Sowell

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Thomas Sowell, Like Elizabeth is not one to pull his punches. Elizabeth is a reality based human gifted with describing a fictional based world. The truth is stranger that fiction is one of those turnkey phrases that is undervalued by those who depend on "whose version" of the truth is more profitable. Quo Bono comes to mind.

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Before we count our Chevron chickens, let's remember that this ruling removed discretion from the 3-letter agencies and gave that discretion to the courts. Whether we can get reasonable, balanced rulings on technical issues from overworked, jaded Federal judges remains to be seen.

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Here's a realistic scenario: A man is harmed by statin drugs. He sues Pfizer, and Pfizer brings in an expert who cites a dozen peer-reviewed articles in top journals that say statins lower cholesterol and save lives. The plaintiff also puts an expert on the stand, who cites a dozen peer-reviewed articles in top journals that say cholesterol has nothing to do with heart attacks and statins do more harm than good. What do you think the judge will do? What would you do if you were this judge?

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Except in the case of Covid vaccines two of the most respected medical journals--NE Journal of Medicine and Lancet--published the results of a FAKE clinical trial involving hundreds of hospitals here and abroad and almost 2,000 volunteers who received a vaccine. The "peer reviewed" article was retracted 10 days later when doctors at the participating hospitals contacted these journals, saying "what ate you talking about?!" No trial at my hospital. The fake trials were organized by a couple of guys paid by one of the vax pharmaceutical companies' vax sub-contractor.

These articles were boasted as "peer reviewed."

After that happened it was clear nothing put out from the USG or big pharma and the fake "Trusted News Service" could be actually trusted.

Today, juries are not always passive, gullible recepticals.

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Like Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox on her substack mentioned, most judges appear under capture of “the system/narrative” and are unwilling to make a decision. They’re more and more weaseling out by declaring the plaintiff lacks standing and therefore no decision (ie: go away and bother somebody else). Gonna be chippy times for a bit with Chevron now gone. Took away the easy decisions. Now we’re at a new place called “game on”.

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Trump re-elected needs to focus on the DC Circuit and appellate level bench. That's where all the SEC cases go.

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Why must " Trump " do everything? Now granted, the excuses are that as President,he will have the power and authority, but please, let's stay with strong citizen influence, input, and direction, lest we quickly return to the system which has controlled us.

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Yes...agree. Our VISIBLE support gives our leaders more firepower. The "Silent Majority" no longer silent.

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One little nit to pick: There's no such thing as a vegan bug eater. The two are mutually exclusive.

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i can't wait for the vegans and bug eaters to duke it out; throw in the breatharians and raw foodists and the high temp raw foodists and low temp raw foodies.

Insane in the membrane.

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Jul 22Liked by elizabeth nickson

Call me cynical for sure, but I'd bet someone is already crafting the language that could be tacked onto any bill that could (if passed) would nullify this overturn of Chevron. Obviously gov't wants it, but the Congress has gotten so used to doing so little that they'd be happy not to add to their 'workload.'

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TY, Elizabeth, for your courage. The great work you're doing gives us hope.

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The same thing is going on in England where water is in abundance in Cornwall but we are told there are droughts, which anyone with a modicum of common sense would know is utter nonsense. One reason for this is because it's being sequestered by a corporation wanting to develop lithium mines, which requires vast quantities of water. www.ukcolumn.co.uk 's Debbi Evans reports extensively on the subject. She did a really good report on Friday 19th July on this. I think it might have been on the Extra section which is for members only. (PS So glad we found you via James Delingpole's podcast - he manages to find the best guests!)

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