Citizens !!

Share this magnificent post.

It is detailed and unforgiving in its overview of the Neo-Feudalist Techno-Fascist WEF and its army of symbiotic parasites who infest our universities, politics, culture, medical boards and agencies, corporate boardrooms and "news" media. This army, like the flying monkeys who assisted the Wicked Witch of the North in the movie "The Wizard of Oz", serves the goals of a real "Wizard", a guy named Klaus Schwab who happens to have a bust of Vladimir Lenin in his office looking down on him from his bookcase, or at least did in one picture I saw.

We have just come through a nightmare of medical fascism in the planned response to the Covid-19 epidemic. As the hero of that epidemic, the brilliant Dr. V. Zelenko MD said, what they want is for people to voluntarily walk into the gas chambers, turn and thank their captors as the door is being closed and locked.

The protests, the worldwide demonstrations against this soul destroying parasitic intellectual virus are indications that this is not going to happen. The tide has turned and the enemy of all such tyranny is awakening and demonstrating their opposition vocally, intellectually and with well deserved fury. It is a sign of the magic word which stops the likes of the WEF and their army of implementors in their tracks. That word is: "REBELLION" and its power lies in the universal unanimity against this perfidy, now being recognized for the subversion that it is.

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Lovely words.

In May of this year Justin Castreau along with most Western Leaders, will approve the WHO Pandemic Treaty, ceding Canada's sovereignty over "Health Care" to that bloodthirsty criminal gang. When that happens, the WHO can declare a pandemic at any time, and martial law will automatically kick in. They will have absolute authority to ban all malinformation or disinformation, to forcibly inject the population with whatever noxious potion on hand they just happened to have created, to force any kind of medical "treatment"; to arrest and incarcerate all dissidents and non-compliants. I need hardly add like Gonzalor Lira in the Ukraine, those arrested will never be heard from again.

And the trouble is from my persective, "the resistance" you speak of is just so much vapourware. I am aghast at the ugliness, intimidation, the implicit threat of violence, at the sheer, obdurate, mulish stupidity, of about 95% - 98% of the imbeciles around me, that I've experienced over the last nearly 4 years. Even now, to walk around a shopping mall in Victoria, BC? 10 - 15% of the morons around me, wearing fucking MASKS!

Come May of this year, or within a few short months thereafter, you and I will experience the truth of our situation... 🤔


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I do not share your disdain for the resistance I can see happening even now.

True there are many unaware of the issues or the sabotage to their freedoms that are being planned and some of these may not even care.

Instead, I refer you to events happening all around us that indicate otherwise.

LooK at the change of government in Argentina and, on the topic of elections, is there anyone who can believe that the pathetic intellectual mountebank, Trudeau, could ever possibly win re-election ?

Just look at the protests in Holland and the dramatic mass protest happening in Berlin TODAY.

There are many such examples all indicative of a widespread realization, however vague, that Big Pharma, the WEF along with cooperating "news" media and governments and tin pot academics jealously guarding their deal created academic satrapies, were all working in concert to pull off a self fulfilling stunt, a trick a subversion, that cost the lives of millions. There are ordinary people who will never trust a vaccine again and will never obey a "mask" order again.

However frustrating, however stupid your fellow mall goers may be or that you think them to be, I suggest that we are already in the midst of self organizing forces that will challenge the WHO and the hidden manipulators behind it. I also suggest you start emailing legislators and let them know that if they accede to Trudeau suggestions, they will be searching for new careers after the next election. The resistance is in plain sight. All one needs to do is state their objections and become part of it !!

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I sure hope you're right...

All I know is, here in Victoria, BC, besides the Masked Morons everywhere I go, October 3 last year Reichsführer-ᛋᛋ Adrian Dix once again imposed mask mandates in health care settings. Not heard of a word of protest or resistance. Meanwhile he and Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry remain in power, they've not been arrested, I doubt they'll ever be held to account for the crimes against humanity they've committed. At this point I have one co-worker who – Doctors Orders – is reduced to 3 days work a week, no more, due to blood clots in his legs; I'm aware of another co-worker having taken 3 doses of The Lethal Injection is also sporting 3 stents to relieve a 75% aortic blockage and is on blood thinners, Thursday I'm going to be relieving another who is constantly booking off sick, 5 injections and counting (and at my stunned, nearly speechless reaction at his 5th, snottily informed me I could believe what I liked), another who found his wife passed out on the floor of their summer cottage, spent a week in the Cardiac ICU – 6 lethal injections... 😱

Not to mention my former landlady (4 doses of The Lethal Injection) having to get her cat put down recently: An inoperable blood clot in the artery feeding his legs...

And none of these fucktards, "get it" – and I strongly suspect they're representative even now, of 95% of the population – 98.659% of whom were stupid enough to have taken at least one dose. 🤔 (https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC).

I intend to write Justin Castreau about the WHO Pandemic Treaty, but the reality of it is, that's just going to get me on the Short List for when the mass arrests begin. I'll leave you with my repost of Kevin Flaherty's fell warning, "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion": https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/waiting-for-clarity-on-the-brink

PS Oh... and one other thing if you'll indulge me: "This Must End" –https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2023/05/11/this-has-to-end/

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Again, a new reason to temper your pessimism, the victory of Meloni in Italy, carefully ignored by the news media.

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Trouble is? Soon as she was in power? At once turned her back on her platform and her voters and continued the policies of her predecessors... it is to stick your fingers down your throat.

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Superbly said! You write with the same clarity, passion, & precision as Khun Nickson ('Khun' - Thai honorific), and a shared need for truth. This post took my breath away, so much about Canada that always confused me I now comprehend. And Dr. Lewyn Lewis, another impassioned advocate for truth.

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Elizabeth, this has all the makings of a victory speech!

Right before I read this I saw a headline about Argentina. Javier Milei deregulating the housing market has resulted in an immediate 20 percent drop in rental prices. Boom! This is how it's done. I dearly hope the globalist vandals don't take him out. I read it and feel an excited little pitter patter in my heart.

Were it not for Covid tyranny, I never would have recognized the true face of the climate catastrophists. As you so eloquently describe, they are the Wizard of Oz and more and more people can see behind the facade.

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We will see. I have seen a lot to suggest it's a veneer and underneath is Deep State, just like Mega Fake Elon Musk.

I hope he is real..

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If you were impressed by Javier Milei’s initial actions, you will be more impressed by his speech in Davos. He defended capitalism and free markets in a venue full of socialists. It was magnificent, check it out!

I suspect Klaus Schwab regrets inviting him and regrets more the gracious introduction he gave him just before Javier burst all their bubbles.

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Yes it WAS magnificent. But I can’t understand why WEF invited him. Surely they must have expected this?

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I suspect that they expected him to soften his stance because he was so enthralled with the invitation. If that’s the case, they didn’t get what they wanted.

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That’s seems highly plausible. I’ve been watching the odd clip and I have to say… not impressive people! Listening to John Kerry’s daughter spout boilerplate climate catastrophism just sounded laughable. She didn’t even sound convinced herself. I just said this on Facebook—if they’re the enemy, we don’t have much to worry about.

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Yes! The globalist vandals (love that epithet) are almost an unintended benefit for Canada, as now there may be a chance Canadians will stand up ... & consign the Laurentian vandals to the slag heap of history.

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Yes... "globalist vandals" is brilliant. So is "slag heap." Just has such ring!

I think there is more than a chance. I see it happening all around. But we were certainly caught off guard in 2020. Well, I sure was.

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Javier Milei is just another lickspittle globalist toady, the same as the rest of the ass-kissing suckholes. Just like Giorgia Meloni in Italy, the minute he was in power, he sold his supporters out. Watch Jeff Berwick's "Down the Rabbi Hole" from 1:06:50 – 1:09:40 to learn all you need to know about Javier Milei (https://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2024/01/14/jew-tunnels-organ-and-sex-trafficking-all-to-make-shekels-and-genocide-the-goyim/); I strongly recommend you watch all of it: As Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon warned nearly 18 years ago in 2006, there are no political solutions to the problems we are facing.

"Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion" – https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/waiting-for-clarity-on-the-brink

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For more than 40 years I traveled into and through Canada, most for enjoyment, some for my profession. Being an outsider my investment in Canada was minimal, but the people were such a joy to engage with I always looked forward to my visits. Then in the 1990's there was a change. The open friendliness was retreating. The Canadian officials, usually polite, became officious. The pesons in the towns and cities had a slight edge to them. This indicator became a substantial reality by the mid 2000's. My last and now final visit to Canada was in the initial stages of the CoVid con job. That was the last straw. From my perspective a nation of happy people went to a nation of fearful people. From a nation of essentially helpful public officials (which is saying a lot) to a nation of controlling and fearful public officials Canada is not worth any of my precious, to me, moments of life. I want to feel sad, but the truth is I do not. When the air becomes poisonous no regrets for getting away.

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Go to rural Canada.

Go outside the cities - to towns, villages.

In the main, there is still a different atmosphere.

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Agree! We have left the city of Ottawa, building a (nearly ready) house on a few acres in a rural township. People are friendly, helpful, practical. Local post office told me "don't sign up for mail forwarding online - we'll do it here, on paper. It will be more efficient, and Canada Post won't bug you with ads, emails, etc"! Mind you, these were.Canada Post employees saying this!

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G'day, g'day - deeper into the glorious Valley. Good on you!

Where I live in SW Ontario, the local village Home Hardware also contains a liquor and wine aisle, a walk-in beer freezer, four stand-up freezers with all sorts of esoteric meat, fish and soup goodies, and there is a counter of fresh homemade pies.

And they know our names. How sweet is that.

Cheers! Former Valley Gal

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100% yes

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Yea Frederick.

That's what we heard about Texas, the guns, the crime, the intolerance. The rednecks. We postponed for over a decade.

And then we visited friends. Not exactly the cess pool of hate and vitriol that i might add ,we never saw.

Did you visit Montréal? Quebec? Not really Canada but anyways.

What makes you think that somehow Canada is immune from what ill's many countries in the world.

The Canada from the 50's is gone, as is the Canada of the 60's till 2010. Not coming back, not ever.

The Canada i grew up in, not locking car doors or front doors is long gone.

Happy Safe Travels to you, please stay out of Canada , we wouldn't want to disappoint you further.

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Excellent, heartrending, article.

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This article is wonderful, AS USUAL.

I just want to add that the murderers are emptying out and have emptied out Canada's citizenry-- They're dying in unreal numbers because of the covid lethal injection. This is a site that weekly documents the dying of people around the globe:


And here is Canada's death numbers this week:


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2024 will tell the story. What will happen to Trudeau this year? To Biden? To Trump? To Kennedy? To Germany? To France? To the Netherlands? To Spain? To Poland? To the Ukraine? Those evil bastards are going to fight in their sneaky way - they "will not go quietly into that dark night" but someone is going into that Dark Night and by God I hope it isn't us! What can we do? Any ideas? Serious ideas? Actually actionable ideas? I don't, but I do pay attention, I watch my six and keep my powder dry, and I pray, seriously, I pray for us, and for them. God loves us all, and I'm sure that when I read Psalms that talk about "my enemies" they mean people like them and that means that God doesn't love what they do and in the end won't tolerate it, won't tolerate them if they don't repent. And I'm not holding my breath.

Any serious ideas?

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Serious, realistic ideas? They have been there along. They are what made each country, the U.S. and Canada countries you want to be part of. Become part of them. Get involved. Go to your local government meetings. Listen. Take notes. Take notice. Do not talk. In time you will find a thread and you will find others like yourself. Put your heads together, debate, do not allow the strongest "personality" to take charge. Press someone into leadership. When your ideas and their ideas are clear select one of them and now go back to your local government and talk. You will know then what to do and what direction to take.

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Been doing that for the past ten years, ever since I moved to this village. Finally revising the guidelines on changing the exterior of residential properties. We can influence the County on an issue or two, the State doesn't really give a darn. Climate Change, DEI, (Illegal) Immigration, etc. are all utterly untouchable. I'm still involved, but not sure we have another ten years, or that another ten years at this rate would make a bit of difference.

Sincerely understand where you're coming from, I had faith in that in the '80s when I moved to the US and started consulting to the US Feds. When the Clinton admin started something changed at the top and the mid-management, the project officers, gradually changed with it. From what I've seen since I retired in 2011 nothing is getting more amenable to that gradual, '50s image of developing influence. Too many people my age, who were on the other side in the late '60s and read Gramsci or followed people who had read Gramsci after The Revolution failed and took the long road through the institutions made it into decision-making positions. All through the '80s and the '90s and aughts I was pushing for what we knew worked and gradually getting pigeon-holed as a Them and pushed out the top and replaced by followers of the narratives/models that Elizabeth was talking about.

I'd really love to think that we don't need something other than gradual influence-building from the bottom - "all politics is local" town hall slow walk through the institutions, but I'm not sure we have time even if They didn't know how to shut it down so effectively now. But don't you stop working at it! I've certainly been wrong more than once in my 76 years, and I haven't stopped volunteering here in my village.

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I’ve heard of creeping (Fabian) socialism. What’s being described is creeping totalitarianism transforming into imperialistic totalitarianism. Only well-organized (nonviolent?) civil disobedience — acts of defiance and rebellion — can stop the totalitarians. There’s going to be bloodshed or there’s going to be passive acquiescence. I don’t see a middle ground.

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On June 17, 2019 (half a year before the lockdown), the EU signed an agreement (Document 22019A0807(01)) with a third party, a non-EU state of Jordan, preparing the ground for deployment of Jordan civilian and military personnel “to participate in an EU crisis management operation”, specifically stating “an EU civilian crisis management operation” as its objective.

You may ask yourself a question why a 450-million strong continent need “participation” of country of 11 million inhabitants in resolving its “civilian crisis”. Why a state representing a culture of no relevance to any of EU countries would be so important to “management” of local European civilian crises. And a question if the government of your particular state has signed agreements of similar cooperation with any countries with which it shares no border.

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The answer is simple. Does a Jordanian mercenary give a rat's ass about what they consider "spoiled European brats"? Of course not.

If the WEF's Young Global Leaders Accademy graduate Vladimir Putin experiences that the Russian population is gettin unrully, he can call his pals in the district of criminals or in London to send a few thousand troops with no name tags or markings to clean up the mess.

I read somewhere a while back that Chinese troops had been observed in the US. Could it be for the same reason?

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They have been here a long time, decades. Russians too.

They are certainly becoming rapidly augmented via our borders.

The South is still mostly the worst, but the north is at least a close second for Fentanyl.

In Ireland, the military aged invaders have been raping and assaulting and destroying the luxury hotels they have been housed in, with an average annual cost per hotel of one million Euros.

Those who signed up are getting their just deserts, though.

Between lost traction with tourists and wanton destruction by the invaders, they find themselves " in the hole" and before things got to the point of the Irish burning down invader housing, the government was finding it near impossible to find new traitors eager to sign million Euro contracts.

All this nonsense about the Pals has been going on for seventy five years, all for 700K who should have been absorbed within a year into greater Arabia.

Ireland, a small Island,has absorbed one million "refugees" it had no prior relation to.

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If answers were simple, there would be no politics.

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If there were no politics, answers would be simple.

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We read the Chinese were in Canada, training on Salt Spring Island, in BC. Who knows what's true anymore. But. It is documented DAILY, throngs of military aged men walking across the border, unimpeded. I've seen videos by Ben Berquam. These men stand and walk with the body language of a trained soldier. Shoulders back, standing tall, even at ease. There's no slouch, or swagger, or shuffling like the poor hoards mixed in. It's an invasion and they're waiting for their free cell phones to ping.

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Check out Maui...foreign troops.

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There are enough ethnic differences among the Russians and former Soviet Republics that Putin doesn't need to go abroad to do that. Ever wonder why the Russians use Chechen special forces? The Chinese do the same thing.

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Russians are Russians. Chetchens are Chetchens. Khasaks (which Romanov used) are Khasaks.

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The Jordanian mercenaries are likely ‘Palestinians,’ full of hatred for the infidel, and eager for mass slaughter. Chinese troops were seen in Canada doing some kind of military exercise.

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Thank you for this post. As a US citizen I watched your Freedom Convoy and it was the most inspirational thing I've ever witnessed. It gave me hope that we can rise up and overcome the oppression. We stand on the edge of a bottomless abyss and I think this is going to be a rocky ride, but the human spirit is resilient and strong. Together, we have the power to prevail.

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Well Canada 🇨🇦 I know the truckers got beat up, banks accounts seized. The final last insult. $8 dollars a gallon. Occurs to me that we are in a trend that people actually push back and don’t stop! Till every fisherman can fish, every farmer can farm.

I’d say Canada like Britain, Australia, New Zealand

All under the dark empire have no guns. Don’t know how you fight back unless your numbers overwhelm even the hired mercenaries thugs who don’t speak English.

Net zero is an absolute mind fuck joke!

Green energy like the 2 electric British buses that

Blow up. The Scottish windmills using diesel generators to run in cold windless weather. Like

The Sweden windmills too cold to spin.

China, India will use more coal,... so the big scam of net zero is just that. Another money laundering scheme.

So here’s a pedestrian road warrior view. A wind tower and blades made in a foreign country, put on a diesel ship, delivered to diesel truck, accompanied by two gas piloted rigs. Delivered to job site where diesel equipment is used to dig, cement and secure wind tower and blades. Then only when the wind blows. Then after 10 plus years the blades need to be buried, they are toxic and buried in some desert emitting radiation under ground. Go green absurd energy. Pinnacle of a regime that promotes healthy earth, as their sickness infects every living being in this earth plane. Net zero fake pandemic fake. Stealing from the people who actually work and the Marxist justifications for stealing the common man’s hard earned monies. Which like the truckers make to big of an indent in the genocide plan, seize their bank accounts. Because everyone of us is reliant on money. Some work. Some steal. Off with heads. Out of fucks to give!

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It ought to be a wake up call for all when massive rallies in Poland demand extrication from what seemed like a good idea at the time, a European Union. The promise of a coalition of European countries that could create an economic juggernaut, create efficiency and ergo better outcomes economically for the region, morphed into one of the worst ideas since Lenin and Stalin. They are indeed smiling from their graves. The good news? Normal hard working people no matter the country or language they speak have had it. Don’t think so, here in the States the recruitment for our military is on the ragged edge, mostly white lower middle class and working poor boys are staying home, you want to fight endless wars, find someone else. Only the US Marine Corps is holding its own, and there only for two reasons, first the recruitment pipeline is being manipulated by speeding up delayed entry programs, and second and hanging by a sinew is the Ethos of being a Marine. Believe it or not some youngsters want to believe and fight for a higher cause than their own self gratification. Therefore, the Marine Corps is reviled inside the pentagon and armed state of Washington, DC. It and it’s culture just refuses to die peaceably. They installed a Commandant who for four years worked form the inside out to finish it off. Whether his successor will provide the coup de gras remains unknown, his health a mystery, suffering a massive heart attack and open heart surgery, when and how he will return to active service is of nobody’s business. See the problem? The Secretary of Defense leading by example simply checks into the ICU and doesn’t inform his boss, and the undersecretary stays on holiday. Oh you squalid unwashed and unshaved, how dare you object. Well it is coming to a head, the media, the corporate ghouls that have raped the economies of almost every country, bribed their governments, facilitated proxy wars that turn massively hot and fast, are very nervous. The reason the Polish people are rebelling and want out of a fascist state called the EU? Well, it’s simple, because they lived in one from 1946 until the late 80’s. They have no over riding interest in going backward. Been there done that. It took just one crazy guy with a walrus mustache to hang on a gate at a shipyard to get the ball rolling. The Polish people know peaceful revolt, they hot revolt. We can only hope the virus of freedom from the yoke of these moronic demons spreads. News flash to the Midwits who think an F-16 will prevail, over the people armed with 400 million firearms in a country of roughly 350 millions. When an F-16 runs out of fuel it can’t fly. Then what? Oh I don’t know call Secretary Austin, if you can find him. The polls may not show, but travel around the world and you will see dissatisfaction, deep dissatisfaction. The kings and Queens content with the riots in the streets because everyone is fighting one another, may soon see that crowd turn their sights on Versailles, then it is any body’s jump ball.

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“The Polish people know peaceful revolt.”

“peaceful.” Therein lies the rub.

Churchill reminded us that it is better to jaw jaw than war war.

Indeed, but there needs be a wise measure of “peaceful revolt” in the model of the Walensian Poles, because once a pandora’s box of outright armed revolt is opened, all hell breaks loose. No turning back.

As a forerunner - a peaceful “resistance.”

Or, is it too late for more peaceful resistance in Canuckistan? Was the Convoy our best shot? As Elizabeth skillfully pointed out, some watched in horror when those masked military-like Jackboots suddenly appeared in Ottawa during this Convoy. Around the same time we heard nasty, arrogant, dismissive, ministerial rhetoric, and we are being reminded again of the ill will and governmental overreach as the Tamara Lich trial grinds on.

Peaceful Resistance: The National Citizens Inquiry - NCI - (TheyLied.ça) was a brilliant, brave and effective peaceful resistance last year. God bless the organizers and supporters, especially Shawn Buckley who became a chief spokesman. These were the courageous, deeply personal c19 testimonies of over 300 Canadians - expert and lay. But how many Canadians know of it and have listened in shock, anger and sadness? I mention it everywhere, and have the website as my email signature, but too often am met by folks who do not have the heart to listen, still traumatized by the mind-numbing, three-year nightmare, eager to put it behind them, and “get on with life.”

I get it. I know it is hard, but unless we push back, we will never return to a semblance of the life we knew. There will be no true getting “on with life.” We must keep moving, lest we become the belly-up goldfish in the ever-warming bowl. There is a steady, relentless push which must be peacefully resisted.

My small, peaceful resistance will be creating personal snail mail letters for MPs and MPPs, sharing the links of a dozen of the most effective testimonies of the NCI, plus a short plea to the Parliamentary or Provincial Member to awaken and find some fire in the belly - for their families, their children, their grandchildren. If not now, then when? If not here, then where? Carpe diem.

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Read the gulag archipelago. Then tell me about peaceful revolt. Frederick Douglass had it right when he said our freedoms are secured in three boxes. The ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Well we’re at box number three. Time for a revolution, with guns and shit.

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Well said! I hear you, devoalan. I really do.

And, God help us, it may come to that, but I really doubt it. Canuckians seek comfort, even in adversity. They might discern the ongoing current political and cultural woes and grumble amongst a few trusted folk, but generally lack the will to swim upstream. Perhaps it is that for 4-5 months a year we fight cold, ice, snow, and slippery roads. We are already an embattled populace. We cannot imagine wasting decent weather on warfare.

Is this also coupled with an innate national sense of insecurity? Pleasity, please, please like us! We’re nice.

Generations are forged by many things. For the last 70 years we have been formed by an increasingly left-leaning legacy media. And it has become so pervasive, we don’t realize we’ve been swimming in a socialistic soup. It is our norm. Currently we have a PM who smugly delights in telling us who we are: “Canadians are …” “Canadians always …” Well, Buster, you don’t speak for this Canadian. You refuse to recognize my sovereign rights.

But, box number three? Whew. We have to exhaust peaceful resistance first, because cartridge revolt is a road that has no return. As some comic pundits remind us it’s “blowin’ up things reel gud,” and it can quickly escalate of control, despite any good intentions. The problem, of course, would be ego and pride, as too many citizen generals would want to lead the charge. A potential mucked up fess.

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Yes, ma’am, it wont be pretty. And we here i the south don’t have that five or six months of the year to try to keep warm. And I guess when I say “ the south” I should probably limit it to the last three or four southern states, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. It’s much smaller than a couple hundred years ago. Maybe add Mississippi ,Arkansas, but most of the northern southern states are owned now by progressretards. I’m just not sure how it wont come to that. The next one pushing the edge before he he is deposed will be amnesty. That might be the straw. PDT will be cranking up the “catapults of rehoming” immediately. But if this bastard grants amnesty, which is probably already drawn up, there will begin the revolution 2.0.

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Without an honest media it will be a steep uphill slog!!!

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"...what seemed like a good idea at the time, a European Union."

Leftist politicians make centralization of power sound good, but it almost never is good.

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How do we peacefully stop them? They've been outed, their masks have been ripped off. They're all swanning about naked as jaybirds, and the emperor who had no clothes is totally put in the shade by their excessively large egos and willingness to believe the demonic liars whispering in their ears--and here we are, shouting at them, "You're NAKED!" But they've found ways to not hear us.


I respectfully recommend that we must all resolve to reject their money and their handouts. Their money must become no good at every restaurant, at every gas station. When they try to buy from us online, they must be turned away. When they try to hire us, we must refuse to work for them, to do business with them.

And we must tell them firmly why. "You are murderers and thieves. You are pedophiles. You defile the dead and spit on their memory and dance on their graves. We want nothing to do with you."

They will not, of course, accept this message easily, but the point must be driven home by a thousand million papercuts of rejection: you can't have your rich lifestyles, you can't have your perks, when you refuse to be of service to humanity, when you use your positions of power to abuse us. And WE aren't having any of that.

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Great post. All true but it presents the questions I struggle with too. But there is an answer and it's easy and clear. Factually they are, and have done, all the things you say. The cases against them are already open and shut. But they play a very effective psychological game. It's deep and intricate and has more players than you think. Think about Rep Jim Jordan. A folk hero to many. 'A lone voice fighting the system from inside. He should be speaker". Well is this true, or just what it looks like? He spent months having hearings on the 'lab leak theory'. He had deep insider info, documents and grilled people hard. Except here's the thing: there is no virus and never was. It was just a diversion and stall tactic, to give cover to the guilty. It's likely the most provable fact in all of medical science at this point. Everyone from priests to firemen to the thrice vaccinated get this now. 200 governments have admitted in writing they do not have a shred of proof of it's existence or origins, nor ANY supporting science whatsoever. Including ours. Yet here is Jim Jordan pitching deep and elaborate theories around the least likely scenario possible. Because it's a mind fuck by design. Designed to give you an outlet for being completely duped by COViD, not inviting your family to Christmas and losing friends over their fake vaccine status. The weak person, of which there are many, NEED Jim Jordan to do this. They love Jim Jordan for doing this. But it's all a fraud. And he's a fraud. He knows that you will never get justice for these crimes because they didn't actually happen and could never be successfully prosecuted. As such he is protecting the very thing he postures as being against But he has taken residence in the minds of many. Because psychology is the game they're playing and facts be damned to them or the people who fall for it.

So what is this easy way to fight back? With the same tools of course. Psychology. Because the reality is that these are the most psychologically broken people that exist. It would be shooting fish in a barrel to battle them on this front. We simply need to break the psychological hold they have on people by presenting them in their true light. By exposing them for who they really are and not just the image they've duped you with. I float some examples in my post above. They seem strange at first but would definitely work because they go entirely against the grain. For example an MMA fighter challenging Klaus Schwab to a fistfight. Followed by asking him EVERY TIME HE SPEAKS PUBLICLY if he's going to take the challenge. So instead of seeing some 'elite' in a Darth Vader suit talking about owning the future, we see a fat old man scared of getting his ass kicked and bumbling over his words to save face. Even his own most devout supporters would be snickering behind his back before long because he would be painted as the person he truly is, a fat old coward, in stark contrast to the grand production around himself and the WEF that people have fallen for. You wouldn't be able to unsee it and he would become a laughingstock. We need monkey wrenches in the machine. We need to go hard against the grain. We need to do like them and not respect the rules. We don't need to be violent, just unafraid to say the quiet parts out loud. To expose just how flawed and broken they are so that they are rendered incapable of selling the agendas they're enlisted to sell. To ask and insist on the things we know to be true and not fall for the social pressure or mock ridicule or fear of being on the wrong side. THEY are the wrong side. We are the nation. We ask the questions we dictate what answers are acceptable and we will pass he judgement on what is acceptable. But it won't happen until we break our psychological chains and (figuratively) strangle them with them. This starts with not being afraid. Not putting it to someone else to save you. But to pull together and resolve to play to win with open eyes and clear hearts. Because the victory would be the most precious moment in human history. Wrap your emotions up in that then march unafraid and undeterred towards the goal. And yes do all the things you mention too. Boycott everything. Use your worthless dollars to buy precious metals then bury them in your yard. Starve their system. Break their banks. We're the ones doing everything anyway. Let it all crumble until they have no power and no place to hide. We can have it all back up and running in the first 24 hours on the other side. It's all closer and easier than you think.

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Be great if there were any way to do so. You seem to forget who completed owns the means of communication to large groups. Hello? It ain’t us. And as long as the total commercial media enterprise is owned by that deep state, they will control a solid 60% of the normies. That is power. And a good percentage of those imbeciles are active fighters. They believe in their social score matrix, dei, and lmnop. No, I disagree with you. This is gonna take hardware to really expose the criminal enterprise we call the federal government.

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I have friends who became seriously ill from that 'not-a-virus'* (as you insist it must be). I lost one of my best friends when she entered a hospital in Colorado Springs, severely ill, and a month later, she was dead. Now; we all know that they killed her because the hospitals in Colorado then--and even now--are in absolute denial about using ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, and they've been pushing ventilators and Fauci's utterly ineffective and excessively expensive pharmaceuticals, but--the fact remains that if she hadn't gotten sick, she would NOT have been there at their mercy to be murdered like that.

And she's far from the only person who has gotten sick that I know of, or who has been at their mercy or died tragically when their deaths really could have and should have been prevented.

As far as Jim Jordan is concerned, I figure they're all political animals in D.C. It takes someone insanely brave to buck the Deep State at all. While I could wish that they would do more, I'm well aware that they're all being spied on--aggressively--and threatened in ways that most people really just do not have any imagination to grasp. Jim Jordan is not the problem. But if we want Jim Jordan to drop the chains that bind him and go full bore against the people who have abused us, then... we must find a way to pick the locks on those chains and set him free.

*Just because something is crafted as a bioweapon doesn't mean that it can't be a virus too. How fortunate for the rest of us that at that time the scientists weren't able to defeat the strictures of viral programming which require them to mutate aggressively while becoming far less virulent with every mutation. With their latest experiments, it sounds like they might have created a monster that will go beyond that.

Yes, mocking Klaus Schwab does seem to have some real merit--if we can find ways to do it loudly enough and with great enthusiasm. But, we have to stop him and his minions NOW, before they unleash great evil upon us.

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Very well stated ... The net-zero cage being lowered over every productive individual and enterprise.

Kill productive action and. You’ve killed a nation. If we want to live, we can’t let Justin Trudeau succeed.

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One MOAB dropped during the sessions in Davos would sterilize..

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Not big enough. Better a cobalt enhanced fusion weapon just to make sure no one gets away.

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Fusion requires no cobalt.

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ANOTHER jaw-dropper eye-opener. I've spent a lot of time in Canada over the years; this makes me sad beyond sad and madder than hell. I saw the tyranny coming in Canada clear back in the 80s, but pointing it out to Canadian friends wasn't welcome, except in Alberta, where people seemed to be more American than Canadian with regard to how they viewed things. I urged them to come south, where one's rights and freedom were protected by the Constitution. We're all in the same boat now, my friends. And the message is clear: it's time we stand the fuck up!

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I hope you all realize Musk is one of the Princes of that WEF Army and a complete and utter fake from A to X.

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Wow. Hit's home for a Canadian podcaster who has migrated from the coast to Alberta and now just to further east in small town Saskatchewan. I feel like we are in for a long drawn out slow battle over the globe for autonomy. Great article.

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