Thanks again for the great work! We are winning. I’ve been struck recently while traveling, how resilient we Americans are. We work, build and continue going forward each day no matter what is thrown at us. UPS recently delivered a package to my house. The two young men smiled and yelled loudly in approval of my window sticker on my car. It simply states Eva’s substack title “ Obey little!Resist much! The intellectual winds are changing and I can smell it in the air.People are no longer afraid. They’re giving our psychopathic overlords the doubt barrel Bronx salute. It makes my heart sing.

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I wrote double barreled Bronx salute. Somehow it changed to doubt.My mistake or auto correct problem. Have a good one.

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Just edit the comment!

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Great article. But America will not be put back on track by whoever they put in the White House. Believe me it will not be Trump or anyone like Trump that puts America first. Vivek Ramaswamy, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, Dr. Shiva, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama (because his father was not a US citizen.....not because of where he may have been born), Bobbie Jindal, Marco Rubio are not natural born citizens but Americans flock to them. When we have a country of people that have no clue what a natural born citizen really is and no one even takes the time to research them it is no wonder this country is doomed. We are doomed because the citizenry is so dumbed down, complacent and would rather spend 3 hours in front of the TV watching brain dead shows and sports than attending a city or county meeting or even researching who they vote for. In the days of our founders they made it VERY clear what is a natural born citizen. Every name mentioned above had a father who was not an American citizen at the time of their birth. Our country and our founding documents were written using natural law not the British common law they ran from. They referred to a document called "The Law of Nations" when creating our founding documents because "The Law of Nations" was written in natural law (the law of nature...God). At the time of our founders everyone knew the meaning of natural born citizen and nothing has happened to ever change that definition except the people are being told there is no definition when they are clearly being lied to in order to put people like Barack Obama (who BTW HATES this country and every person in this country) in the White House. Barack Obama is still in the White House and he will be in the White House when Gavin Newsom is sworn in as President in January 2025. All because the American people refuse to get off their butts and do something. In 3 years we should have had Americans screaming at every local election board to get rid of the machines. But very few have done so. The entire country of France uses paper ballots and they get their count done by the end of the night. Argentina......paper ballots. America used to use nothing but paper ballots and hand counting and we could easily do it again. But Americans sat back while those that want to destroy this country through fraudulent election laws allowed it to happen all because they are too dang lazy to vote on election day. How cruel to actually expect people to stand in line without free food and water. The last time I voted I was in a short line and people actually walked up and walked away. Some even said they would not be back. "this is ridiculous" they said. The reason America is going to hell in hand a basket is because of the American people.

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Americans have become far too compliant, yes. When I screamed from the rooftops to not comply with draconian, and unscientific Covid mandates, I heard from an inordinate amount of people that they agreed with me, but were unwilling to step out and resist....because the stakes were “too high”. We’re talking about stakes such as not playing in that weeks sports match because missing school in protest to masking would make them ineligible. Or missing tests with no make up option that would affect grades for college entry.... and so on and so forth. I told them point blank - the stakes will never be as low as they are right now. Do something while you still can!! I knew right then that if parents were willing to muzzle their children when they knew better, then the will to stand up for other issues, like election integrity etc, would be nil. I am still learning how to deal with the sheer amount of complacency around me without going mad.

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I get your point but there were much stronger strong-arm blackmail tactics than those you have mentioned. My husband (and many, many others) was threatened with his job even though he hadn't physically been in the office in 2 1/2 years. As an employee of a federal contractor, they compelled the vaccine for everyone.... in the privacy of our home! And the absolute worst strong arm tactic was indirect. They frightened some people so badly, some of our children wouldn't allow us to see them or our grandchildren (even though neither demographic was remotely at risk) without it. They literally ripped apart families. These people should be in jail. But it will never happen.

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100%. I should have been more clear that when I formed a group with parents to protest masking and Covid mandates in schools, the parents were unwilling to resist because it would have been disruptive to their children’s sports or educational aspirations. Absolutely - the strong-armed tactics you describe, of job loss, Stripped credentials, blackballed, etc. are exceedingly less black and white.

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Here is another facet to Amusings point, as well as yours Jo and the OP.

Amusings, this is not aimed at you or meant to single you out - you just brought up a scenario I'm familiar with and have written about a few times.

I also work for a major Gov contractor and was threatened with dismissal. I saw it coming when fauci switched the propaganda from no masks to masking good, jabs better.

I drew a line in the sand then and resigned myself to making them fire me, with documentation and then finding another job and suing them later. I started looking for another job, as the first non-mandate job databases popped up. Of course there was pushback just in time, in the circuit courts and the workers won the game of chicken. The unseen shield i had, in that scenario, was that for the last 20 years, I've financially been preparing for just such a scenario.

Here's the thing. The American people - those who would be ruined by the coercion - rarely plan for the eventuality. Now, I get that situations are different, but if you compare the attitude of your great great great grand parents (who usually had multiple children to feed) on being prepared for hard times, to the modern day - the majority today, are eagerly inviting ruin and devastation.

I had many co-workers who lamented "having to take the jab" in order to keep the job. These same people were the ones who subsequently - once their job was secure - bought new cars, took vacations (because they were vaxxed of course), remodeled, bought huge tv's, piled mounds of Christmas gifts under the tree, ordered doordash 6 times a week (literally) and more, flocked to theaters and sporting events, when the bans were lifted and of course starbucks trips never stopped.

Short memories, from speaking about financial ruin, to spending like senseless idiots.

Very few ever live like they might lose a job. Look around you. How many do you think have a year's worth of savings (not in the bank) that would pay ALL their bills for a year??? WHY not?

When Trump was in office and gas was less than $1.50/gal and the economy was on the rise, how many paid off all their bills or made a huge dent in them?? Why not?

Your financial situation, well being and freedom, is ALL in your hands. You make your own decisions/bills and therefor your own success or demise.

if your living paycheck to paycheck, in most cases you're living beyond your means and are vulnerable to ANY financial pressure from the regime(s) in power, exert.

It can quickly become - If you want to keep your job: take this shot; wear this mask; trans your kids; admit your a white racist/phobe/anti sign this paper and attend the re-education; get chipped so we can track you; get a digital wallet/passport; stop eating meat; test for whatever we tell you daily and self report; report 5 coworkers a week who are spreading misinformation - anything less than 5/week goes on YOUR record and will lead to termination; turn in your car(s) and take government transportation; install a smart thermostat and report your neighbors who do not have one...I think you get the point.

If any of that sound outrageous - I invite you to revisit the last. almost 4 years and tell me none of the crap, that was implemented or mandated, didn't rise to those levels.

By the way, all that is plausible for a Gov. Contractor to enforce, so long as the regime says - "due to the XYZ crisis we are requiring all government contractors to ensure 100% compliance of their employees, with the guidelines in the current E.O./3 letter bureaucratic mandate.

If Trump gets back in office and we get a economic respite, for 3 years - how will you use the time to prepare?? Start asking your friends and families that. Plant the seed.

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Good advice. We had f-you money so he was done 6 months later... his boss didn't get it.

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Don't you love the cluelessness of the board rooms and upper managers??

What you're dissatisfied...but we have equity, and social governance, why would you want to leave, we are a safe vaccination zone.

Glad you all are out and steering your own ship. Best of luck in the coming storm.

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exactly! no one understands the importance of being prepared financially for anything that happens. If you are financially sound (have six months savings, paid for cars, etc), you are free to make reasoned responses to whatever happens. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, you are their slave. Don't be a slave, be free! Even if you half-heartedly follow Dave Ramsey's teachings, you're way ahead of the crowd & what is a crises to the crowd (the slave) is a mere inconvenience to you.

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Amen Momcat

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It is too late to change their earlier lack of resistance, but I hope those same people have surveyed the damage, “stiffened their spines” and are brave enough to decide differently in the future. If they can’t see the horrible consequences of their passive trade off, then there is no hope for them. Their compliance ultimately led to more suffering for their own children than missing a sports event. They now not only have to fear the psychological set backs of their children, but whether their kids will suffer medical damage from the vaccines they insisted they received. We must never let the government drive us into a frenzy where we agree to unconstitutional restrictions on our freedom or agree to be injected with unproven experimental pharmaceuticals. We must be smarter and better prepared to form a mighty collective resistance. We must stay fearless.

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Jo Highet: I agree with you but am now confronted with having to renew my driver's license in person at a California DMV. This is a trip to HELL! The state wants so much data on me including a thumbprint along with the photo. Who knows what they'll ask on the application. Maybe a blood test is next.

It's an hour's drive each way and at least an hour in the DMV, probably more.

And yet, if I don't renew the damned license ... well, you know what happens.

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Damned if you do and damned if you don't. The government strips everyone of their god given rights as soon as you are born . Then when the time comes they sell them back to you in the form of licenses . Everyone needs a license to do what they have every right to do . Then, as if that's not good enough , they make you renew it every so many years. As far as the DMV is concerned , the real punishment is having to go there. It is a freak show reminiscent of the Star Wars bar scene.In reality no one should need a license to do anything. They are a form of extortion , like the old mafia. Do what we say or we will pull your license. Covid made that very clear.Have you noticed how the government has no taken over for the Mafia?

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Ron.C: Exactly. The government is the Mob. It's a "Privilege" to drive. A "privilege" given to us by the State. I figure when I'm done renewing my driver's license, it will cost me $130 and six hours of my time.

Next fall I have to renew my passport, my "privilege" to travel.

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Ron.C: Exactly. The government is the Mob. It's a "Privilege" to drive. A "privilege" given to us by the State. I figure when I'm done renewing my driver's license, it will cost me $130 and six hours of my time.

Next fall I have to renew my passport, my "privilege" to travel.

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Timmy, They don't care about you and your wasted time. They smirk at the lineup of sheep that have to fake being nice to them so they get moved on. Be brave. Maybe you will meet a new best bud. No, Not likely.

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That's one of the reasons I left CA - the bureaucracy was INSANE especially DMV in Calif. I was born in Calif in early 1950s, left 2 yrs ago and am very glad I did. Things are much simpler here in my new state.

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"I told them point blank - the stakes will never be as low as they are right now."

That's it.

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Karen, I understand you are despairing. HOWEVER, the decision to be actively positive is a spiritual decision, or, in alternate terms, a decision of character, to refuse defeat and refuse despair (which is a sin in the Catholic faith - I am not Catholic - but it is there for a reason). My father landed at DDay and the company of men he headed went further into enemy territory than any other company in any other army. They then went on to liberate Holland and then Germany. I grew up with the children of other men like him. They taught us how to live with the possibility of defeat (in their cases, agonizing death) but to still fight. And not to depress others. Not to take the fight or hope out of them. It is the adult way, I am afraid. And is the only way that life on earth improves. We are no different than any other generation. It is only the consumerist peace given to us by men like my father, who lead us to believe that life was easy and safe.

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I have never said to give up. My point is that we must put our time and energy where we will get the results and that is not at the level of DC. The federal government is dead to me. I am fighting at my state level and we are making progress. We have legislation to make gold/silver legal tender, a precious metals depository and the most important legislation of all is legislation that creates a process in which to invoke Nullification. This is not a law to make Nullification legal. It is already legal and our legislature support Nullification but we need a process and this legislation does that. I am the founder of TN Citizens for State Sovereignty and we are organized and getting bigger all the time. tncss.substack.com and our website is tncss.weebly.com We have 5 Constitutional experts on our team and one member of the Tenth Amendment Center. Please take a look at the website. I have been fighting federal corruption for 20 years now and have no intention of ever giving up. But I also do not believe in beating a dead horse and the federal government is a dead horse no matter who sits in the White House.

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I completely agree with you especially re: states rights. One rarely hears anyone talking about that any more, yet it used to be possibly the most important aspect of govt. They began to be weakened in Civil War, which was fought because of state's rights. Lincoln wanted to impose tariffs on the south, which was uncsonstitutional. It wasn't about slavery, there were lots of abolitionists in the South but tariffs were so high, they would have broken the thriving economy of the South. The South had every right to secede, as Lincoln was ignoring state's rights. South was trying to maintain the constitution. It was the last time Americans as a group stood up for the constitution; yet most Northerners have no idea about that because they have been told it was only about slavery. Vast majority of Southerners did NOT own slaves and that point gets missed a lot.

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Some of this I agree with - people do need to get off their butts.....but I have to say that I am not a natural born citizen either - but I am probably among the most active people here in my local area, and I am extreme pro America and our future, more than most natural born citizens. I have also noticed this about other immigrants who are outspoken. We understand what it is like in other countries and have a perspective others do not. That makes us better warriors for the cause, and we seem to know our civics lessons better than most do!

Yes Americans do need to take this country back, need to see and understand who and what is infiltrating our country and how they are being mind hacked at a base level and every level. We need the Constitution taught to every kid in America until they understand it. What we have is being taken away and they have been working on it for years and most don't even see it as they head to Walmart on Black Friday!

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I NEVER stated that a person that is an American citizen but not a NBC could not or is not a loyal patriot to our country. Many that have immigrated to America are THE MOST patriotic. My issue is that we cannot ever vote for a President or VP that in violation of the Constitution from the git go. Believe me they KNEW Obama was not a NBC and they KNOW Kamala Harris is not a NBC. They KNOW Nikki Haley is not a NBC and they KNOW Ramaswamy is not a NBC. They KNEW Cruz was a natural born Canadian citizen. But look at what has happened to this country since Obama was elected. Would you make a good President?? Probably better than most NBCs BUT we cannot ignore the parts of the Constitution we do not like. There is a process to change the Constitution and they tried EIGHT times to remove the NBC requirement (the last time was when Obama was a Senator......coincidence??) and it failed each and every time. The sad part is that if they tried to do it today it would probably pass.

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Yes, you are right, sad but true - it probably would pass today This country does need to waken up!. And yes - Obama is still running this country into the ground and the hands of our enemies!

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I've known lots of immigrants who come here to America LEGALLY, almost married one of them. They are some of the most patriotic, freedom-loving, America-loving people I've ever encountered. We need people like you! Glad you are here, you are reminding those who have lost their patriotism that we are indeed very lucky to be living in America. Thank you!!!!

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All things are possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Amen.

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Absolutely but it is up to us to do the work here on earth. God will control the outcome but if we sit back and do not defend the God given gift of this country God will not be pleased and when God is not pleased things will get ugly. Judges.....

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We should be about our Father's work. I agree. Hearing the words of Jesus Christ and doing them remains the prominent theme of my posts. God bless you. Amen.

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And, “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. “. Amen.

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Amen. We must build upon the solid rock of the teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Statistics are Created Internally. The Remedies are Always Internal as well. What a game it is to Restore a Republic! It's never been done before in Earth history to my knowledge, but that is no reason not to try. It is called a "Hail Mary" pass for a reason, sometimes it succeeds and the Joy of it is beyond tremendous.

Just Be Ready, and Play the Game, leave It All on the Field, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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Karen Bracken: I voted all my life. It never changed a damn thing. I finally took my name off of the voter rolls after the crooked 2020 "election".

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I hear ya BUT I will vote regardless. Not every vote is stolen and not every state has mass voter/election fraud. The REAL problem is the people who refuse to fight for paper ballots, creating smaller precincts and hand count vote counts and who also refuse to volunteer to work on election day. People sat back and allowed laws to get passed that encourage election fraud. Until people turn off their TV and stop putting more effort in packing up to go to a football game and put more time in their community and their country elections will be stolen BUT again I will not allow their criminal behavior to take away my privilege to vote.

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Karen Bracken: I can see your point. Every county is different. There are about 10,000 counties in the USA. Sonoma County has had mail in only voting for as long as I can remember. Folks here vote 80-85% Democrat. Folks in our town voted 3:1 to keep Fluoride in the tap water. Voting is hopeless here.

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Well then.....that explains why they make such poor decisions.

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"Cause the people got fat and grew lazy" Steppenwolf From The Monster

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Here, hear !

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100%. It's on the classic peak of the rollercoaster now and they won't be building any more track going up.

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What an exhilarating Apocaloptimistic roundup, elizabeth! This is what I was talking about when I said we pulverized the Overton window in this piece:


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One issue is we keep looking to a ‘Leader’. We shouldn’t. We need a Billion non compliant people. The leader will arise. It has to begin with non compliance. Everywhere. No masks. No vaccines. Resist in every possible way you can. It will snowball. Zero traffic on a road, the sign says ‘don’t walk’. Everyone stands there...until one person shrugs and walks and then most of the rest do too. Same dynamic.

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Yes, chip, chip, chip - little by little.

I have been churning through the testimonies of Canada's National Citizens' Inquiry (NCI) that commenced last March. The team travelled across Canada and skillfully gathered the Covid testimonies of hundreds of Canadians, from average folks to experts. All the testimonies are available on TheyLied.ca. They range from 20 minutes to 50 minutes (average 25 min). It is both heartbreaking and uplifting to listen to these brave people speak.

Heartbreaking because of the many tales of average Cdns who lost jobs when they refused a vax (including those with medical exemptions). Then there are those who have had injuries. And those who are still reeling from the events - enduring continued shunning and financial privation. But, in large, the heartache was hearing of the wicked, cold reactions from some in the medical community, employers, government officials. Faith has been lost in all these institutions.

Uplifting because we hear the naked courage of those everyday people who took bold stands and endured (and still endure) privation. Listeners can't help but feel their spines turn steelish, with a deeper resolve there be an accounting.

Ballot boxes are not enough. Machines can be highjacked/jiggered, and third parties can wick away votes, leaving propped-up minority governments. Problem: we are Canucks who spend half our year fighting cold, ice and snow. And we are said to be polite. And bloodshed is not in our DNA - but then again, shifting demographics may challenge that old saw about what may be seen as the old colonial politeness.

Talk is cheap. There are surely many methods of passive resistance, personally and collectively. I am not used to thinking in these alleyways, but we have the fine example of the Truckers' Convoy. But, what else is there? It does not need to be nationwide, provincewide or countywide. Quiet pockets of lawful resistance - offering messages, educating. Signage. On posters, billboards, trucks, cars, our shirts and caps. Resistance need not be a big movement.

We must, of course, first pray for inspiration to use our resolve so as to quietly and lawfully resist - and educate.

And to stiffen the spine: TheyLied.ca. Listen to one testimony per day.

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The Ntl Citizens Inquiry was organized by two of the think tanks I know, one I work with. That is what I mean by people self organizing.

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Great! Good on you! And now that the NCI Final Report is here we must redouble efforts to alert all Canadians to those 300 brave NCI witnesses. If the average Canadian (or American) listened to even 10 of these testimonies, their hearts would be touched - and perhaps healed. Folks can listen while they are cleaning - and the task will fly by.

The most recent is a round table with Catherine Austin Fitts and Shawn Buckley, an NCI spokesman, and one of the key NCI organizers. This lovely, likeable man is a wonderful spokesperson for NCI. Humble, well-spoken, knowledgeable. So much hope!

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...great article Elizabeth!....i had forgotten what good news reads like!..🤔😐...there's 'movement'... it's dynamic is irreducibly unfolding!...🙏➕🙏...sharing and assuming its alright to crosspost?!....

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I'm going to re-read this every morning right after Morning Prayer. We will be propelled by good news. Good News. Gospel.

Same day voting - paper ballots. Right-o, that's the ticket!

As always, bless you, Elizabeth!

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It will only happen by action of the American people not by sitting at your table reading it each morning. In 3 years very little in the larger scheme of things has happened to secure our elections for 2024 and that is why you will talking about President elect Gavin Newsom after the election in 2024.

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I still comment occasionally, but came to realize, at least for me, that my substack was just a continuation of decades of words with little or inadequate Action. So I suspended it.

We must all be active in some form of activity from individual prepping to participation in aligned groups.

If Gruesom is sElected Resident, so be it ... Stand Your/Our Ground. They /Them always loose, just the price and time are varibles.

Anger is better than Grief, Cold Fury is Best, imo.

3% fought in the Revolution with 30% supporting, Most sat it out.

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Quite so, Karen. And I'm inclined to think that, since the Enemy's tactic is to keep us afraid and hopeless, "action of the [fill-in-the-blank] people" will be predicated by first "sitting at your table" and hearing that since it's working somewhere, it can work here...or why not try, at least?

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You’re scaring me Karen...Gavin in 2024? I actually envision worse because I think Gavin is way too White and has the outward appearance of a male. That’s 2 big strikes (and no balls), but then again he CAN hit from either side of the plate so W.H.O. knows? Trump was outsmarted by the Geneva cartel on nearly every move and undermined by his daughter and her limp-wristed husband in plain sight to everyone, so he’s not the one. Maybe Gavin and Michelle (not necessarily in that order) are what it takes to bring this country to its senses. Have a little fun imagining the freakishly grotesque composition of a cabinet formed by that pair!!

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Charles Sumners: My wife and I have lived under the Newsom Regime in CA now for many years. It's a nightmare. Part of me wishes he would become President just so that he isn't in California anymore.

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Hey Tim, I gotta sick hunch Gavin’s replacement will be worse. Maybe the illustrious mayor of SF? Spreading her shit to rural CA! It’s all they know how to do. I bailed out of Tacoma after 70 years and I watch (with morbid enthusiasm)Inslee and his tribe of affirmative action wenches spraying shit from Olympia all the way to Walla Walla and Colville and everywhere’s in between. It must be something in the salt water that causes this insanity. BC, WA, OR, CA. WTF? Going to the DMV makes me despondent. Where can you find a greater assortment of employees who hate their jobs and hate you for walking in the door? I need drink now

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Charles Summers: I fear that you are right about Gavin's replacement. The politicians in SF run the state. It's always been like that. Gov. Arnold was the exception and he failed at every turn. Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon should create their own new state IMO. California should be 5 states, maybe 6. I can't stand Inslee up in WA. He's a commie.

Tacoma was never the same after the smelter closed down. Ahhh, the "Tacoma Aroma".

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Back in 1969 I had a job pumping gas at Dan’s Hancock station on 6th Ave just across the Narrows bridge, next door to the Cloverleaf Tavern. Due south of the smelter stack. Best pizza in the country back then. We were 17-18 years old then (drinking age was 21 )and could get in and have a few beers and eat pizza after work until Dan found out and ratted us out at the Cloverleaf. It was good work if you could get it. Anyways, on nice days with the accompanying north wind, the smelter pumped its arsenic and sulfur up the smokestack and it would settle back down to us all day long until it tasted like you were sucking on the red end of stick matches. Cigarettes didn’t get rid of the taste either, but the beer helped till Dan wrecked it.

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Oh, and I saved those amazing August posts as an ebook in case I lose the Internet. They are simply amazing and not to be missed! And I said I'd read this every morning after Morning Prayer - here I am on Day 2!

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Si vis pacem; para bellum

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And I don't recall Sun Tzu saying that the wise leader prepares for war by disheartening his troops at every turn, or did he?

Or did Jubal Early hold the Shenandoah by saying, "Boys, there's not a hope in hell, but hang in there, anyway."

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Force rules this Universe, We add some grace and beauty to it as we can, while others enjoy destruction and chaos.

That may be why we are reluctant to resort to destruction and the chaos that results from force.

The Feral DC Gov destroyed much of the South because these States withdrew from the Union. The South never desired to destroy those States remaining in the Union. It was not a CW by definition.

It was a very Dangerous "Idea" that must cause much terror in the DC Ferals even Today, as Confederate statues and graves must be Removed.

I suspect this time around there will be many, many more "Yankee" Rebs. :-)

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GenEarly: Robert E. Lee never should have gone north in Pennsylvania. He should have fought a guerilla war. When fighting a superior foe, never fight on their terms.

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The so-called U.S. Civil War was actually a war of secession, just as the so-called American Revolution was actually a war of secession. In neither case were the rebels attempting to overthrow an existing government and replace it with another (revolution); they were simply seeking independence. That's not to say they were always "good guys" – the southern states seceded mainly to preserve chattel slavery. But Lincoln didn't start a war that left hundreds of thousands dead in order to end slavery. He didn't sign the Emancipation Proclamation until well into the war, and even then it only freed the slaves in Confederate territory, not in those states that had slaves but had remained in the Union. Like most rulers, neither he nor King George III wanted to give up control over people or territory. This Government Greed is the cause of most conflicts in the world. If the principle of self-determination were universally respected, and people allowed to secede *even when they have bad motives for wanting independence* it would prevent a vast amount of bloodshed.

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David Smith: And who is on the ballot? Same two crony parties? Voting won't matter.

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Vote Libertarian. The leading alternative party to the 2-party ruling cartel in the United States, and the only one that wants to treat you like an adult, not a child or a serf.

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Waiting for the day when the Biden Administration, Hilary Clinton and her whole cabal, Obama and his are all thrown into the gulag for their treasonous activities!

Thanks for this uplifting piece!

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BE: Some idiotic doctor and his surgical team put a new heart in Dick Cheney. That was it for me. There is no justice in this world.

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I wonder if the person who donated it was alive at the time they extracted it and if he had something demonic in his past that qualified him as a donor?

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Ron. C: LOL!

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You will be waiting a VERY VERY long time. The only justice these people will ever see is after their death and their souls burn in hell for eternity.

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You are probably right, but I am trying to be optimistic. 😉

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I prefer being a realist. This isn't about being a pessimist or an optimist. It is about facing the facts and taking action to optimistically insure a better outcome.

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Karen, I understand you are despairing. HOWEVER, the decision to be actively positive is a spiritual decision, or, in alternate terms, a decision of character, to refuse defeat and refuse despair (which is a sin in the Catholic faith - I am not Catholic - but it is there for a reason). My father landed at DDay and the company of men he headed went further into enemy territory than any other company in any other army. They then went on to liberate Holland and then Germany. I grew up with the children of other men like him. They taught us how to live with the possibility of defeat (in their cases, agonizing death) but to still fight. And not to depress others. Not to take the fight or hope out of them. It is the adult way, I am afraid. And is the only way that life on earth improves. We are no different than any other generation. It is only the consumerist peace given to us by men like my father, who lead us to believe that life was easy and safe.

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I’m not so sure of that. If they ( tptb) continue, they are going to end up ultimately facing a armed population that’s had enough. That won’t end in court.

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Very possible. That is why we here in TN believe Nullification is a last peaceful solution.

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This is a magnificent piece of work, Elizabeth, thank you! The sense of hope is everywhere building.

More compilations of the good news at:




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God bless you, Elizabeth.

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Spectacularly uplifting post; thank you, Elizabeth!

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America is not doomed. Period. America is being freed of the global empire built by secretive satanic psychopaths thousands of incestuous generations old. Patriots who worship aircraft carriers and stealth bombers are themselves psychopaths. The internet is blowing through the mindscape like firebombs dumped on Dresden. However painful it may be to have our internal dialogues shredded, most of us will live on and be kinder and better people. There will be suicides. There will be controlled bloodletting--minor lethal battles and major blood sacrifices-- that lead nowhere.

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Thank you

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But nah, just this outlook alone is symptomatic of the problem's insolubility. Terminal patients always get relapses before they shut down forever. History is immutable and nobody gets out of here in one piece after the 250 year watermark. Men who say it will be different are themselves the same.

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Systems of lies fail. Systems of partial lies fail more slowly. The truth remains.

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Beautiful sentiments but you've been on a losing streak since November 22, 1963 for the past 60 years and it's not likely to revert course because Geert Wilder got elected this week. I would not be shocked to see him stepping down in a month, it's the usual pattern now. Which war did you fight in John?

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Nov 26, 2023
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Does that mean you sent a lower class black or brown person to die in your place? Do you realize that means you are irrelevant in your old age because you didn't show you were willing to sacrifice yourself in order to demonstrate you deserve to vote in your own concerns as a patriot? I don't approve of conscription because I am in favor of allowing men to show us who they are. When I was 18 I decided there is no way when I turned 60 I would have to pull up my collar and shrink in the presence of poor black kids who had given more service to the country and earned their place here. I didn't want to be that craven wretch who exclaims he attended protests about things so he sacrificed too. Again, despite all your toga and turban posturing, you decided you would let other men die in your place but didn't want your lifestyle inconvenienced. Here we are 50 years later and you are complaining you don't like the way the nation turned out and what are we going to do about it? There's no "we" in this, you chickened out old man. I hold my head up because I stood with others and showed I was willing to put my own a** on the line. Deeds not words. I'm a native American - Apache & Sioux. There was never a coward amongst our ranks in the entire history of our existence. We don't let poor black kids go and fight in our place or earn a right we don't actually qualify to claim. You don't know how nation-states work and so you should go and live elsewhere but do not concern yourself in our affairs. Women used to wander the streets and give men like you white feathers, we need to return to that practice.

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Why you so angry?

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While young American men were killing Vietnamese men, women and children in Vietnam, and dying on that distant land that they didn’t care to live on some of us fought for our land on our land and welcomed you home. If we hadn’t stayed and defended our American soil you would have had nowhere to come back to. Perhaps you would have stayed in Vietnam and made a life with the men who survived that war. IDK. Respect and honor. We all fought our righteous battles we were given. I am proud and fearless. And no, I did not go to any gay ass peace marches. I wish we could meet. Peace and respect.

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Nov 26, 2023
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All wars are banker's wars. Who are the bankers? ZIONISTS! Every fed chairman in the US of A a zionist. Many of these archons have duel citizenship.

What percentage of Americans ask why that is? It is the prime example of the tail wagging the dog!

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It's good to have some good news but:

"One hundred police called out after protest surrounds Trudeau at restaurant. “You have blood on your hands”, call protestors referring to the vaccine mandates."

Everything I've been able to find says he was booed for his stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict.

But that is lame stream media so...

Can you source where this came from?

BTW, I did confirm many of these...well at least the ones regarding Kanada. Most of the sources were MSM so now I feel dirty and have to have a shower. :)

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Thanks for the laugh. Hope you used the Solvo the soap with the sand in it

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I pray we can turn this behavior around for the sake of our children and generations to come. Thanks for your ongoing effort.

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SOOOOOooooo Grateful for your conscious, honest work and reporting. Like the joy of sitting down to a nourishing, delicious, s--t free meal.

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Fantastic work as always. So important to keep our eyes on the prize and present a positive forward direction. I found your lineage's works to be so inspiring and clarifying.

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Elizabeth, you are a treasure. Isn't Magatte beautiful? This whole post is a lecture. Love it.

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