Dec 4, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

The sins of the past argument is moot. Name one country or civilization who's people have not committed atrocities. This is resentment, 'social justice' is merely a veil to cover the god shaped hole as we spiral deeper and deeper into the seedy cellars of a velvet underground nightmare.

Our ramparts were sovereignty and religion. They tried dressing up as grandmother but those of us with eyes couldn't help but notice 'what big teeth she had'. They slowly eroded our culture and now they have breached the perimeter. The devil reveals itself on entry.

As Douglas Murray once said "One of the dangers of of resentment is they'll achieve their ultimate form of revenge, which is to turn happy people into unhappy people like themselves, to shove their misery in the faces of the happy so in due course the happy start to be ashamed of their happiness and perhaps say to one another, 'it's a disgrace to be happy, there is too much misery.' For the sick must not make the healthy sick too or make the healthy confuse themselves with the sick."

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This is an absolutely stunning essay - thank you. We need to ensure visibility into these abominations. The more people are aware, the more they will step back and say NO. The buck stops here. Bravo Elizabeth πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

And, of course, the late term abortion industry, the trafficking in fetal body parts, is no doubt related to this commodification of children, the devaluation of human life. Murray, yes, the "madness of crowds." I am a grandmother, and I worry for my little ones, because the perversion, the evil, resides everywhere. Put your zip code into a sex registry, they're in your neighborhood, around the corner, in your building. Parents must NOT be afraid of side-looks, eye-rolling, to be vigilant on behalf of their children. Pray for the defeat of this dark phenomenon. Elizabeth, your work is so important. God bless you.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by elizabeth nickson

Brilliant, Elizabeth!

My sister used to work in the industry and she told me years ago that Disney was disgusting and would only hire children 'managed' by a parent because no legitimate agent could legally permit the 'overwork' that Disney required.


'The sins of the past...' This is the thinking of foolish utopians. We live in a 'fallen' world. Always has been, always will be. But of course, the utopians have probably never heard the words; Judge not, that ye be not judged. Matt. 7:1

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Dec 4, 2022Β·edited Dec 4, 2022Author

I didn’t mean you. I meant most journalists see normal people as inferior in some way or other.

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Thank you and shared.

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Disgusting, evil, criminal people. Bravo to those ferreting them out!!

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