Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

“As soon as we do that, all laws will be harmonized. There will be no national boundaries. Global corporatist tribunals will be set up to sue local municipalities, so that they can move in and take anything they want. All nations will be forced to change policies within their country. There will be a Global Police force. Freedom of speech will end. Like the private army that broke up Canada’s truckers, there are unmarked globalist police guarding the Lahaina “dust fence” today.”

Well, now, there is a massive, sword-piercing-heart mouthful. No national boundaries - ah, yes, and aren’t we well on our way here in Canada and the US? With gaping mouths and force-eight shock registering in our eyes, we observe our borders crumbling, just one more bit of nasty news in an exhausting, roiling, boiling pot of daily nasty news.

And border crises continue, increasing exponentially. How can this be? Weren’t we the well-defined, successful societies here in North America, a longtime oases for the globe’s tired and huddled? Yes, but the entry of the tired and huddled was kinda sorta on our terms, with reasonably efficient gate-keeping hoops that required jumping. But, in Canada, a trojan-horse gate-keeping challenge commenced 50+ years ago. Think. Think. Think. Think, gentle Pooh Bear. Who was PM? Ah. And 55 years later, who is our PM? Look at me, Pops.

La question du jour begs: This shiznit we find ourselves is ugly and getting uglier with each news cycle - but, seriously, what can we do?

What can we do? Job One: Since it seems to be acknowledged by more than a few we are dealing directly with the pure evil of the devil and eager minions, then the answer lies in the antipodean spiritual counterpart: God, creator of the universe, creator of us all. But, what does God want of us? To believe. Okay, but what are we to believe, and where can we find it? The four Gospels - where He tells us He loves us and wants us to turn from sin. So, what is sin? Read the four Gospels. Read the Epistles. The first sharp, two-edged sword in this Mephistophelean war is repentance … personal and national repentance. Examine ourselves, name our sins, fall to our knees, repent, and beg for the grace and power of God. Yes … power.

Damn, it shouldn’t be that simple - but it is. It’s the difference between stepping out the door into a heavy storm deluge with a folded newspaper over our heads, or being well covered by a fisherman’s mackintosh and sturdy wellingtons. That’s Job One. Jobs two, three, four, and more will become clearer once Job One has freed us.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Donna Ruth - So from Ms. Nickson's article I looked up the term Psychopath used in her article i.e that Climate Change = Psychopathy. The definition reads thus: "Signs That You Are A Psychopath are: Grandiose sense of self-worth, Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom, Pathological lying Cunning/manipulative, Lack of remorse or guilt, Shallow affect/emotional range, Callous/lack of empathy, Parasitic lifestyle, Poor behavioral controls" Does this not very succinctly describe Liberal Progressive's and American DemocRat party politicians to a tee !!!!

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And it seems that from the way the structure and function of our dysfunctional society works, in order to make it to the top of the heap or to keep your place there, a narcissistic psychopathic state is a must. When the World Economic Forum looks for global leaders, they don’t want greatness or intelligence or God forbid integrity. Yes men who don’t think twice about stabbing someone in the back are perfectly suited.

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Ooooooo! Well said and Hear! Hear! I was contemplating saying similar things but your elegant analysis puts me to shame.

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Donna Ruth: I agree. At my age I'm just looking for redemption. I'll be Cool Hand Luke. I'll be Private Pruitt. I'll be Mad Max.

I'm just looking for Redemption.

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Life isn't a Comic Book.

You should look for Salvation. You can't really do it alone.

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Beautifully stated Donna Ruth, only thing to add is Amen

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Please quote 1 verse in the Roman gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke in which the Roman antichrist tells his communist slaves he loves them? There is none. No, not one. Neither does the false Roman antichrist ever state that eternal life is gained by being born again in the Roman false gospels Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Instead, the Roman antichrist (whom the WEF quotes) says his communist slave converts must surrender all private property to own nothing to enter the communist kingdom of satan ~ the empty promise "You will own nothing and be happy". There is only one True Gospel spoken by the Hebrew Messiah Yahshua in the Gospel of John alone: "You must be born again." The Hebrew Messiah Yahshua is God and Love. He, of course, tells His disciples He loves them and commands His disciples to love one another as He has loved them. Did you not see that the antichrist of Matthew, Mark, and Luke is the Roman antichrist of Caesar preaching communist totalitarianism, death, and hell? But the True Messiah Yahshua of the Gospel of John is the Way, the Truth, and the Life preaching freedom, abundant life, and love as He ministers the True Kingdom of Heaven. These two are not the same. Who canonized Matthew, Mark, and Luke originally? Where and when? Please check your sources. Because that is where the deception shows itself. Do you believe that people knew the Lord before formal religious councils convened to give them common core education books to read and believe to be the Gospel? People are indoctrinated to believe the WEF doctrines. But knowing THE LORD is being born of the Spirit from above. Word to the wise that takes study.

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You appear to not understand the gospel, and the process Jesus outlined for His apostles to spread the good news. He wasn't asking Christians to follow communist principles, He was providing a drastic methodology for His willing disciples to be able to carry the gospel to the whole world. The willingly desired to give up their easy lives to travel and teach for the rest of their lives.

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How should I know?

Word to the wise: if you are going to preach you should edify.

Instead, you choose to mystify.

That makes your long post pointless.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Oh, my. I wish I could link much of what I wrote to much of your response. Of the first part of your reply, perhaps you read too much into what I wrote. The regrettable part of any communication is that we do not know the fullness of the depths of others thoughts, positions, opinions. Perhaps I put my thoughts poorly in my comment. Actually, from what I can decipher in your first paragraph, we are on much the same page … for what it is worth. But what can I say? I suspect our thoughts shall pass each other in the night. That’s fine. It is what it is. Blessedly, we are still able to exercise freedom of speech and state these thoughts. But, for how much longer???

You appear angry about faith. I completely understand. I do. Once I might have written something very similar. I have verbally accused others of being brainwashed on the matters of faith and God. But contrary to the opinions I once firmly held, faith and God are not constructs; they are a person, the person that is Jesus Christ. I did not seek Him out. He sought me out. I did not ask for faith. I was not brainwashed. Like a bolt from the blue I knew His presence and His abiding love. I could not have made it up. I let my guard down for a moment and asked if there was a God. In one instant, my life was turned upside down (or “right side up,” my daughter said). As heard in Amazing Grace: “Was blind and now I see.”

Government here? Nope. I was suddenly wrapped in the total love of Jesus Christ. I never could have imagined the depths of pure peace. It starts there - in the person of Jesus Christ. If we only knew God loves us totally and unconditionally. I did not deserve this great gift which has comforted me again and again, given me peace in lifestorms, and guided my life and growth for 40+ years into my old age. I pray all find this peace, monsieur.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

I agree. But "suing them out of existence" implies the rule of Law, which is also as polluted as our climate

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nevertheless, people are suing. And some of the courts still work.

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sorry. this is a war with no rules

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This is terrifying. People don't want to believe it. Keep waiting for the parents/families of the Lahaina children to come forward with stories/reports.

Love him or hate him, Trump was a mixed bag, but they nevertheless had to take him out because he can't be relied upon to do what he's told. They're all invested up to their eyeballs in this 100% global capture.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Within hours of Russia and Saudi Arabia announcing they will continue to restrict oil production to keep prices high, Biden rescinds all Trump era oil and gas leases on national lands in Alaska. These coincidental decisions are designed to increase the pain on the poor and middle classes. They are sociopaths openly trying to demoralize us, but they are failing. It has taken three years since the lockdowns, but the ranks of the based are swelling daily with every new outrage.

Elizabeth is right. No one can sit this one out.

In our neighborhoods, at work, at school board meetings, even at a McDonald's--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSzm5kyc9uk&t=1s--expose them, ridicule them, resist them.

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As depressing as your reporting may be, I really appreciate your insight and wisdom. And you always include some powerful rays of hope and faith in our divine nature to ultimately obliterate these monsters who believe that they are our gods and can do whatever they like to screw us over.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Can't wait for next time and more backup and references. Keep it coming! One brother-in-law lives down the road from Lytton, the other sheltered evacuees from W. Kelowna at his Vernon home, and my eldest granddaughter is just south of the Shuswap - this is far too real for me to let slide.

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Excellent, excellent article. Thanks to the Diva for recommending. Here during the CZU Lightning Fires, as they were called, one mountain town defied the order to evacuate and used their tractors and earth-moving farm equipment to dig a breakline and stay and fight. They're the only town that survived. At the time, in 2020, I thought the world was ending from the ubiquitous smoke and red sun. I thought at the time, 'This ain't natural. We never have lightning.' Since then I've come to attach more data to that realization, like in this article: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/under-the-ominous-sky. Thanks for putting this so clearly!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Thanks again Liz! The biggest story never told is the CIA ASSet Barack H. Obama . Groomed from his early youth to finish off what the Bushes put into full swing. Of course they were all puppets of the Rothshield cabalists and they were under the control of the Archons above them. I predicted through no real intel that his phone baloney past would soon be widely distributed as it just seemed like it was about to explode. For anyone interested I would recommend the fine work of Joel Gilbert who wrote a very detailed account , although not the last word, on the scam which in Obama's own words transformed America. I keep chiming in on the fine platform of how we have continuously have been bamboozled and lied to on every level. Every thing has been a lie from the very beginning.The climate scam is their big Kahuna for complete control. Once they implement it there will be very little chance to undo it. We will soon see what we humans are made of and if we have enough brain power left to understand this.

As an aside , does anyone out there think that B.H.O might have caught their live in chef in a little hanky panky goings on with their adopted daughter and well you know the rest...

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

The first I ever saw or heard of Barack Obama was @ 2 a.m. half-asleep, surfing the channels. I stopped on CSPAN to listen to a moderately attractive obviously excited young black woman gushing about somebody named Barack. Turns out it was Michele and she was introducing Obama after he'd been declared 'the winner' of an Illinois seat in the U.S. Senate. Still half-asleep, I listened to her gush. And then Obama hisself took the podium. Ten words out of his mouth and I was absolutely wide-awake thinking to myself, "Either this dude is gonna get a lot of good done for everybody or he is one of the smoothest liars I've ever heard in my life." Good is God's business. Barack Obama is a lying, snot-nosed agent of Satan. Obama ain't pure evil, but he's close. Those Chicago communist creeps that run Obama (Ayers, Axelrod, Emmanuel and Jarrett) are the ones behind every word Obama says and every thing Obama does. They pay Obama well and keep him in debauched luxury. Obama does precisely what he's told, no more, no less--or else...

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The tribulation will put paid to all of their plans.

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Thank you, Ms. Nickson, for your ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS writing. I’m a subscriber, and I just a few days ago purchased your book, The Monkey Puzzle Tree, and I’ve read 90 percent of your articles. Your mind, your writing is so straight, so clear, so honest; you so refreshingly do not diddle about in generalities, like so many do-- either intentionally, on their part, or not. The relief I feel when reading your writing is profound. Here, I keep telling myself, is a great mind.

Thank you in the extreme for your honesty and your work.


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Wow, thank you!

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Brilliant. insightful writing. Thank you!

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson


Welcome to the Roman Empire and their sacrifices!

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Thank you Elizabeth. I truly appreciate your work. To summarize: We said toxins everywhere. We said we can't breathe. Nobody of import cared. Our families accused us of being crazy. We said no to smart meters and 5G. We said airplanes are dropping crap on us through the air. Families and friends said conspiracy theories. Some of us said conspiracy theory is an invented term to discredit those who see through propaganda. Laughter. COVID was planned and dropped on us. We said no. We said stop. We were isolated, punished. The UN is a criminal organization. Land seizures, global 'agreements.' More laughter, and finger pointing. Displaced peoples numbers goes through the stratosphere and is impossible to be supported financially anywhere. More and more so-called law means more and more criminal harm as society crumbles; children are gaslit through multiple ideologies as structure to hold and support community and family disintegrates.

Four days ago - I was not in a fire zone as my community had not been targeted, but of course we were, due to smoke. I witnessed from my living room window a woman walking with a six-month old in a stroller and her dog on a leash trailing behind. The air - smoke-blue.

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Charkate: I've had people in our town, and at the hospital, laugh at me too about masks and natural immunity and mRNA injections. I've had people avoid me because my wife and I didn't evacuate during the Kincade Fire.

The herd hates individuals.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Some of this makes me ill, of course that is what they want so I will NOT succumb.

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Hi Elizabeth, good reporting. Just a recommendation to add to your resources. Jim Lee has a genius website, Weather Modification History https://climateviewer.com/interactive-timeline/ and Climate Viewer News https://climateviewer.com/ . Also, a YouTube chan.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

This is my first time to read you, and I really like the totally direct way you dive into things, instead of dancing around the topic, trying not to sound too radical. Things are radical, and need to be addressed as such, so I appreciate your style, and look forward to reading more.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by elizabeth nickson

Elizabeth, you’re severely interfering with my ability to dismiss these many manifestations of evil as figments of my own paranoid overactive imagination. For a startling introduction to reality, I read your book “Eco-Fascists”. Something wicked really does this way come. (Donna Ruth’s comments on our prescription for action on job #’s 1, 2, 3 is soooo true). Thank you for identifying the many faces of the enemy. Forewarned is forearmed.

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