Bam! Take that Laurentian elite! Right between the eyes. We’ve been a frog in slow boiling water all this time, barely aware of the ruling class turning up the heat. We can thank this pandemic for kicking over the rock and exposing this abusive relationship.
Thank you Elizabeth for this. It really sums it all up so perfectly! Brava! 👏
Brilliant analysis, Elizabeth. Many thanks, speaking as one whose paternal ancestors arrived in Canada in 1799 and helped to build this country into the functioning, welcoming dominion it became. Until recently. Now, it's been trashed by the scummy elites.
I had the "danced on the tomb of the unknown soldier" propaganda from a Facebook "friend" - accepting Deep State propaganda (and False Flag tactics) as truth. I have zero regard for people who are fooled by this stuff anymore.
It is actually painful to dwell in their minds for even the seconds it takes to read those comments. I just block them. It's like Greek Furies on steroids and crack out there.
Thanks for a fine, very insightful essay. I would note in passing that some number, possibly not inconsequential, of your before people also came to escape persecution in their former homeland, as was the case with my royalist ancestors who arrived in Parrtown in 1783.
Yes, and Mencken didn't do them any favors either with his famous quip. Ouch! As a side note, most people think of the Puritans and Pilgrims interchangeably, although they were vastly different: Purifiers as opposed to Separators. Save the baby, versus throw the baby out with the bath water. Love your term "before people."
Bam! Take that Laurentian elite! Right between the eyes. We’ve been a frog in slow boiling water all this time, barely aware of the ruling class turning up the heat. We can thank this pandemic for kicking over the rock and exposing this abusive relationship.
Thank you Elizabeth for this. It really sums it all up so perfectly! Brava! 👏
Brilliant analysis, Elizabeth. Many thanks, speaking as one whose paternal ancestors arrived in Canada in 1799 and helped to build this country into the functioning, welcoming dominion it became. Until recently. Now, it's been trashed by the scummy elites.
I had the "danced on the tomb of the unknown soldier" propaganda from a Facebook "friend" - accepting Deep State propaganda (and False Flag tactics) as truth. I have zero regard for people who are fooled by this stuff anymore.
It is actually painful to dwell in their minds for even the seconds it takes to read those comments. I just block them. It's like Greek Furies on steroids and crack out there.
Thanks for a fine, very insightful essay. I would note in passing that some number, possibly not inconsequential, of your before people also came to escape persecution in their former homeland, as was the case with my royalist ancestors who arrived in Parrtown in 1783.
Indeed yes, my first were Puritans out to build Christ’s millennium on earth. Horribly maligned from Arthur Miller on down.
Yes, and Mencken didn't do them any favors either with his famous quip. Ouch! As a side note, most people think of the Puritans and Pilgrims interchangeably, although they were vastly different: Purifiers as opposed to Separators. Save the baby, versus throw the baby out with the bath water. Love your term "before people."
I have never seen such joyful optimism and national pride among Canadians since Confederation Year of 1967. Remember Expo 67. Ad mare usque ad mare.