This is the absolute best information on the stolen elections I have ever read. Only a brain dead MSM addicted moron that is too dumb to look outside the box could believe the election was honest after this evidence.

Cheating an election is a form of TREASON and the guilty receiving a swift hanging for TREASON would go a long ways toward discouraging voter fraud!

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Here here! If there was severe consequences they wouldn't do it. Instead they get a promotion.

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If the political legitimacy of those in office derives from winning elections, as it unfortunately does, then anyone who distorts that vote is undermining the stability of the system.

Which should be a capital crime.

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"Which should be a capital crime."

Exactly right. That is a much more accurate statement than any attempt to claim that the crime is treason. The definition of treason is clearly stated in the US Constitution. Vote fraud isn't mentioned there for good reason.

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Deliberately undermining a good and just nation is worse than murder.

It's a crime against mankind.

After all, how many good and just nations have there ever been?

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As always, you substantiate what we all know - and are hopping mad about! May God help us if the steal is in this year in the US! I don't want to dive too deeply into schemes and things - US politics stinks just as bad as Canadian - and everybody else's.

Your links and suggestions and hints are invaluable. I can't document the trail that started with you and led me to my current read - Col. L. Fletcher Prouty's "JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy" - only that it started with your "The Monkey Puzzle Tree" and RFK Jr's announcing his candidacy - dragging me back to the '60s. I was in high school when they murdered JFK, working at NASA when RFK went down. I walked away from it all in '68 (to the best of my ability) and just didn't want to know. Total disgust - I just refused to play. But by '85 it was clear that not playing wasn't an option - not for my generation, anyway.

All the data points point to an ancient conspiracy of them that have the most running the show, secretly, behind the scene, pulling strings, making kings and generals, starting wars to amass power and gold. I read Bucky Fuller's "Critical Path" when it came out in '81 and learned to call those demons "The Great Pirates" and had no idea what to do about it. Living in the woods - hiding - didn't work and I fell back into the Belly of the Beast, still with no idea what to do about it. Outraged, but impotent.

Prouty's explanation of how we got Korea, Dealy Plaza, Vietnam, and the raft of "Little Wars" that didn't stop when he published in '92 and we're seeing still in Ukraine and Gaza helps make sense of what motivates those bastards and their minions (also bastards) but then what do we do about it?

This post is another in your carefully documented pointers - thank you, Elizabeth. May God give us strength and guidance in the weeks and months to come!

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"Outraged but impotent"

That's exactly how I feel.

Sharing information on social media, voting, and working as a poll worker is all I can think to do. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I will keep trying.

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Pray, meditate, do the next right thing...

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God works on His schedule, not ours.

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Yes, thanks for the reminder.

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yes, I think you are doing the best thing - stay involved with real people at the local level! Just staying connected with real people is an act of resistance!

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We all assumed that in Europe the bureaucracies were all-powerful, unassailable, & they'd have their way regardless. But whoa, look at how quickly the egregiously sleazy weasels-in-charge had to back down. And why did they? Because they risk losing control of the public trough from which they swill their mega-fortunes. But it's compelling seeing how fast they were in backing off. So they can be nested back, exposed, arrested, & tried for their crimes.

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How about organizing and protesting like the farmers did in Europe?

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There is a convoy in Texas right now. I'm praying they aren't being set up like the Jan 6 debacle.

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Of course they're being set up.

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I have heard about it, but then I heard there weren’t many showing up.

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Anybody who went to the rally January 6 and entered the Capitol building just wasn't using the brain God gave them. First, DC is foreign territory with its own laws. That should've been a red flag.

Second, we had a VP who had already been implicated in 2 plots conspiring against Trump...one with Paul Ryan and another with Rod Rosenstein. Did any clear thinking person believe he would really send the electors from the states where the governor and SOS did illegal things back to those state legislatures and delay the certification?

Third, did anyone really believe that Pence, dubbed "Sycophant in Chief", had the stones to do something brave and unusual?

Fourth, if you could see things were turning violent and some were breaking Capitol building windows, why wouldn't you just about face and get the heck out of there? Remember, you're in a foreign territory with unknown laws.

We Americans have got to start having discernment and thinking things through better before we act.

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It's sensible to believe that the corporate and government tyrants of our era are in conspiracy to enslave us at the expense of the Top 10% ( at most ).

However, the black bean in your cup is the JFK assassination. Anyone who ever takes the time to study the best sources of information about the assassination comes away unable not to believe that Oswald was the solitary psychopath they told us from the beginning he was.

You can get a crash course in the Dealey Plaza horror and who was responsible for it by watching the most remarkable video I've ever seen, a ninety minute graphic recreation and analysis of the assassination, on the YouTube channel, LEMMiNO. It will leave you speechless, because it really is unanswerable.

There is something else on YouTube about the assassination which is excellent, historian Sean Munger's two part analysis.

Books -

1. Nothing can ever top Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History" in meticulousness. It's 1,500 pages in length.

2. A briefer, equally incisive analysis of the assassination is Gerald Posner's forensic masterpiece, "Case Closed." In the foreword, Posner, an attorney, acknowledges that when he began to investigate the assassination, he was certain all trails would lead ultimately to the Mafia. They didn't.

3. Jean Davison's "Oswald's Game" should be in print forever. Alas, it is now out of print, but used copies are plentiful. Jean Davison was a shining example of what one person of brilliant intelligence and voracious energy can accomplish alone.

This is fascinating: there is one loose end which neither Bugliosi or Davison could account for, the Sylvia Odio matter, but neither considered it significant enough to matter.

Yes, we should know the enemy. We shouldn't eat our guts out with phantom enemies, enemies who were never there.

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Kennedy got shot for the same reason all Presidents get shot - he was going against the central bank - specifically the Silver cabal... he was attempting to show people the difference between money (Silver) and currency (Federal Reserve Notes). He took $4-Billion out of the hands of bankers. It had nothing to do with Cuba - or patsey Oswald. You don't cross the bankers. As soon as $4-Billion notes were sent to the Mint to coin Silver - they murdered him. And Johnson tore it all up. Look into Trudeau's Father sometime... 1973 he sold the Canadian People's bank to the Central Bankers. The reason why we never get justice or see any arrests/hangings is because all governments (including courts) are service corporation municipalities - subsidiary corporations of DC central bankers Yes the Supreme Court is no different than the Supreme Court of Burger King. The sooner Americans get it - the sooner we can get back to our lives. Until then - you are in the fight or you die.

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MUCH easier than actually dealing with the evidence, isn't it? But then, dealing with evidence requires an adult mind, and Kennedy assassination conspiracists do not have adult minds.

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That's it... nobody ever grows up - there are plenty absent-minded glad to take part in the reality avoidance disorder... the rich can always hire enough of them to do their dirty work for them. But when the time comes - there will be no amnesty.

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Why did Oswald himself say he was a patsy? Authorities at the time said he was seeking attention, etc. That doesn’t sound like someone who is seeking attention. Also, have you ever been to Dealey Plaza? You will come away asking yourself why Oswald didn’t shoot much sooner, when he had a relatively easy shot at the motorcade as it came toward the book depository and the window where he is said to have fired from. I’m open to other evidence and claims, but these are rather simple questions that must be answered.

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He was a psychopath. They enjoy playing with people. His benefactor, Ruth Paine, has never doubted that Oswald did it since she saw the live coverage in Dallas that day: the smirk, the delight which she could read on his features.

"He was in his element," she has said.

As Oswald was dying, a Dallas police detective was begging him to confess. Oswald's final gesture in this world was a clenched fist Communist salute.

The Warren Comission didn't get everything right. I think Vincent Bugliosi covers the following in his book: it's now believed that Oswald did fire the first shot when Kennedy was almost directly beneath him, slightly to the right, but that it was that shot, not the second shot, which missed, striking a metallic pole. Fragments cut up the face of a young male spectator.

I'm in a JFK assassination Facebook group with a lot of guys who are ex military. I'm not sure that this has been established as fact, but their thinking is that Oswald realized his scope was misaligned, pushed it aside, and fired the next two shots using the gunsight. It wouldn't have been that hard a shot. He'd made much harder ones many times when he was in the Marines. Still, Gerald Posner has pointed out that if the headshot had been six inches higher and to the right, it would have missed.

And why was Connally even hit? That, the missed shot, and the barely made kill shot do not suggest a professional assassin.

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I watched the Lemmino film. It was new to me. I think it is excellent. However, all it proves is what any criminal lawyer knows, witnesses are unreliable. Notoriously so. The court’s - and counsel’s job - is to sift through testimony and find truth by presenting an argument. Since JFK’s death never went to trial, it was not and will not ever be subject to courtroom proceedings. This movie proves nothing.

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Thank you very much for your mention of lemmino... lately I have been trying to recall who/where I saw that video about the kill box at dealey plaza. Love reading the comment section.

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That is one remarkable video, isn't it? I really do not see how it can be controverted. The Sean Munger two part JFK assassination video is excellent, as well.

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You have added immeasurably to my life. Thank you. I especially loved "Jacqueline Kennedy Catches Husband's Brains With Grace, Aplomb."

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You're welcome.

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I regret that my mention of Col. Prouty's book distracted us from the subject of Elizabeth's important essay.

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It's important, though, because irrationality dumbs people down, and the dumber people are, the more easily they'll fall for anything, and eventually, be enslaved.

Example: some guy has just published a book asserting that MK-ULTRA, which was a real and awful thing, killed John Lennon. A lot of people will believe this. It's lunatic, of course. If MK-ULTRA had had any interest in killing John Lennon, they would have done it in 1970. By the time he was killed, it was extremely apparent that Lennon, who was never more than a flake, if a brilliant one, had lost all interest in politics.

But as I said, a lot of people will believe it, just as they believed that Paul McCartney was dead, that we never landed on the moon, that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be hit, you name it.

You sound rational, David, and you certainly seem to be a gentleman. I do hope you'll watch the LEMMiNO video, at least. As I said, let's take a fair measure of the enemy. I think these people can be defeated, but they have to be understood.

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Red Herring everywhere.

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So you’re saying Oswald did it?

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Yes!! If you don't do anything else, watch the LEMMiNO video.

I know that for most people, it's a settled matter that Kennedy was killed as the result of a conspiracy. It's just that literally all of the evidence points right back to Oswald and Oswald alone.

For Heaven's sake, look at the mugshots the Dallas Police Department made of him shortly after midnight on November 23. If his insolent countenance doesn't scream, "GUILTY AS HELL!!" to you, I could never understand why.

The LEMMiNO video doesn't get into that. It's strictly science and forensics. The Munger videos are the same.

The books I mentioned do deal to a greater or lesser extent with who Oswald the persona was, the Jean Davison book's being primarily about that. There's very little of it in the Bugliosi and Posner books, just hard evidence. Bugliosi does aver that Oswald was nuts.

There is another book which I didn't list because I haven't read it, but I've heard nothing but good things about it if you exclude those people who are as certain that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy as they are that the Earth orbits the sun. That is John McAdams "JFK Assassination Logic."

I remember the day very well. It was sickening. And it was so obvious that Oswald and Oswald alone had done it.

But as I say, at least, watch the videos.

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No, Oswald did not kill Kennedy. He was a patsy. Oswald tried to save Kennedy. There were more than one shooter. George W. Bush Sr., was part of this killing of JFK.

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That's what they want you to believe.

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Who's they? Our lying criminal govt?

I read 3 books by Judyth Vary Baker - all true stories:

David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot, Participant in Anti-Castro Bioweapon Plot, Friend of Lee Harvey Oswald and Key to the JFK Assassination

Kennedy and Oswald: The Big Picture

Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald

Maybe you need to brush up on your reading.

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Attorney Jesse Binnall from Nevada conducted a voter forensic audit cross-referencing many of the same publicly available data and found similar results, which he delivered under sworn testimony to the Nevada Senate. They did nothing with this information. Here is is an excerpt from a report on the findings:

1,500± dead people are recorded as voting.

4,000± non-citizens voted.

8,000± people voted from non-existent addresses.

5,000± votes were cast from commercial or vacant lot addresses.

19,000± people voted even though they did not live in Nevada.

42,000± people voted more than once.

“All in all, our experts identified over 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada. But the actual number is almost certainly higher. Our data scientists made these calculations not by estimations or statistical sampling, but by analyzing and comparing the list of actual voters with other lists, most of which are publicly available. Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored.” [Note: Trump lost Nevada by 33,000± votes.]

Here is the report: https://election-integrity.info/Misc/Testimony-Senate-Binnall-2020-12-16.pdf

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It was obvious to anyone paying attention that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. I asked my few liberal friends one question which they refused to answer. “If it was stolen do you think that was justified to stop Trump?“

Of course the answer is yes. As you point out, their livelihood depends on the continued flow of government money and principles about fair elections take a distance second!

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Their livelihoods depend on it therefore cheating is ok to keep Trump out. It’s totally immoral and anti-truth but there it is. I can’t think this is a great majority of people, but regardless, they use their agency ( and opportunities, for access)for evil in order to better their own lot. Another concern I have is for the people that don’t benefit directly from fraud, but their ignorance, of the facts of the matter perpetuate the fraud. Our public and private education systems have failed (perhaps deliberately ) to educate citizens on the workings of the world and in our own country and the mainstream media and the captured social media perpetuate this: for example the “orange man bad “ low information, voters. I realize this is not new information I’m sharing here, however, after watching President Putin and Tucker Carlson interview for two hours, seven minutes and Putin speak articulately, and in depth and detail for 25 minutes about Russia’s history, with the intention of explaining the Ukrainian Russian ownership dispute(which he laid out very well) I was left greatly impressed by the Russian leaders education, intellect, knowledge, love of country, understanding of the world powers, and the management of the same. At the same time I reflected on the leadership that is in place In our first world countries, and it was depressing. This is made worse when in conversation about the Putin Tucker interview (at work )that firstly, no one knew what I was talking about, and mentioning the title of the Tucker, Putin interview the response was “is that the Russia guy “followed by “he’s the bad man that started the Ukraine war isn’t he “? and here we are …right back to Orangeman bad territory.

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Right. And let’s not forget the media which is constantly stoking up the war machine and demonizing anyone who dares to ask a question, such as Tucker. You might enjoy my YouTube video where I comment on a section of the Putin interview here:


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So true.

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Essential reading! I hope you are correct about England and Europe. We have our own parasitical class.

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Fascinating explication in the video of the Georgia voter fraud. I totally admire your enthusiasm and belief that we can beat the monsters. Thank you also for displaying a Canadian natural gas bill. When natural gas began to be traded on the stock market as a commodity I saw red.

But when gas billing added delivery charge, supply charge, and then to top it all, carbon tax, in a very, very cold country (-45-50 celcius for weeks, -25 the norm, every winter where I live) and WEFER Trudeau pushes little heat pumps that don't work, I think that people have got to stand up and shout! No more garbage ideology!

Thank you for your work.

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Links to the carbon tax law and gas surcharges laws would be good. I could then compare what it would look like here.

The issue in both Canada and here is these are not in any way promoting energy/carbon conservation as the cash disappears to Ottawa or D.C. to be used for pet projects and crime syndicates at the halls of power.

If we were truly serious about helping the public and businesses we would have had by now and energy fee and monthly dividend system distributed to all.

I was making those changes over three decades. Had a small wood fire last night with 5 sticks of 10" long 6" rounds. Morning was 57.7 deg F inside at 6:30 a.m. 32 deg. F and snowing outside. No heat pump. No furnace on. Gas bill was under $25 last month for a gas stove, instant gas hot water heater, and gas dryer Used 1/2 cord of wood since November. Bought $90 more of attic insulation this year. Getting the level up to R50. 1200 sq ft house with 8x24 vertical solar hot air collector built in the 1980's. Works every day with sunshine and that energy is stored in the exterior insulated CMU block walls.

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The gas delivery and supply surcharges are individual based on one's location, gas company and consumption. I live in one of the coldest places. My provincial government, Saskatchewan, instructed the gas company which is a crown corporation, not private, to cease charging the carbon tax as of January 1 this year. What a relief.

32 degrees F is 0 degress celcius, the freezing point. In my life, that is not very cold! Your home sounds very nice and comfortable. I don't where 'here' is.

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Albuquerque. At 5,200,' elev.

In your climate i would have built Nebraska styled straw bale with a sunken solar greenhouse to the south and an air rock bed under the house. R 100 in ceiling and R 50 in straw bale walls. I'd probably keep chickens on the lower greenhouse section during winter.

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Great idea. I didn't purchase land though. Green house and chickens - my thinking also, wish I could.

Alburquerque is another world from mine!

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It takes a special kind of stupidity to imagine that millions of ballots can be honestly distributed, filled out and collected without the slightest shred of supervision under a structure which, by design, cannot be audited. This kind of naivete is beyond my comprehension, but here it is. Mail-in voting is now the norm across the USA. "Seventeen mail-in voting security vulnerabilities": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/seventeen-mail-in-voting-security

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All our elections are stolen... world wide.

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Here in the Netherlands, we count the votes and then we send them to a private company named: "Ipsos Mori". They come up with the totals, and nobody can verify whether it is correct, or not. From that fact alone we can conclude that they cheated. Because, if they had not cheated, we would be able to verify the results.

Ipsos mori is Latin, it means "They shall die" ®

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Ipsos Mori. No kidding. Good luck to you, then, to use a phrase often used when sending off RAF pilots on bombing raids...

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Thanks. I did not vote. I founded my own little republic, and voted myself in for president and ministers. We have one inhabitant, and his dog. We are faring fairly well. :-)

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Congratulations, then! Glad you are doing well with your elected gov't. 😸

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Ipsos Mori should be the name of the Neocon Party.

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Miglos: Are they really "our elections"?

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I knew something was wrong on election night when there was a “pause” in the count. “Uh oh…..!”

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David Bridges: Yeah, a pause in voting in all five swing states at the same time.

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Funny how no one thought that was odd.

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The ‘Zimbabwe-fication’ of US politics continues apace, spearheaded by the Obamugabes.

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You can NEVER trust a voting machine; even their manufacturers can't know what software they're running: https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/you-can-never-trust-a-voting-machine

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Ole Uncle Joe has F-16’s so all you hayseeds out there in HIS America which is bordered by Gaza and Ruusshhaa, better get in line. Well hayseeds of every background, shape and color who are the middle class, lower middle class and working poor, won’t fight your civil war Joe; they aren’t coming to bail you out Jake and Victoria, start a war on the home front and not in some far off jungle or desert and the rules change fast. They are done. So Chuckie you and your cronies (all 100 of you) better take a break, get a reality check and realize if you steal it this time, it is on. There is no way once the genie of angst and the anger of the majority of the American voter gets out of the voting machine that you will put it back in the bottle. The worst of it is the dopes who write these moronic books that sell only to all 50 remaining subscribers of the NYT’s really don’t have a clue. But in NYT’s best seller Country voter fraud is the tip of the iceberg how else does a lousey book of any sort make it to the top of the best seller list? Thanks again Elizabeth for a great awakening on a Saturday morning in a North American winter!

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Charles Wemyss, Jr.: I had a friend named Ron Oliver. He was an F-4 Phantom pilot in Vietnam. He wrote a book "Mock Two" which is very good.

On Ron's first night at DaNang Airbase, the Vietcong blew up 24 F-4 Phantoms in their rivetments.

Airplanes do have to land and be maintained where they are vulnerable.

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Timmy, you are in good company with your colleague Ron Oliver. I heard lots of stories from the Marines I served with who had been in Viet Nam, sappers and insurgents taking on the straight leg infantry and so forth. Many of my SNCOs where at Khe Sanh and the Battle of Hue City. We defeated the NVA and Viet Cong, but at enormous cost to the Marines and our nation. Fast forward the Marine who replaced me as General Charles Coopers Aide De Camp, stayed on to be the CG of Regional Command Southwest, and MEF (forward) in Afghanistan. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time on 14 September 2012, when Taliban insurgents attacked Camp Bastion and carried out a devastating raid which resulted the biggest loss of aircraft and equipment since Viet Nam. The damage was devastating, but he took his medicine took responsibility and retired and my guess is that there is a lot more to the story. Unlike General Frank McKenzie (USMC ret) who oversaw the debacle of the withdraw from Afghanistan whom to this day refuses to to take responsibility for that disaster. Point being the men and women who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan KNOW insurgent warfare. There is no better unit in the world than the US Army Special Forces, (Green Berets) at stopping insurgents, read that also as there is no one better at starting an insurgency. The hubris in Washington DC is astounding and as they say, Pride cometh before the fall.

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Just keep pointing out to places that carry TNYT that it has now a history of promoting illegal unconstitutional undeclared wars by lies and it has no greater value than lining the bottom of a bird cage or use as a Sunday fire starter.

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Oregon has had mail-in for decades, and democrats thru-out govt. - elected and appointed. The fix occurs in the "cold room" between the hand counting and the Sec. of State. Only takes a few votes in selected precincts. Finding these fixed votes is difficult and EXPENSIVE. Re-counts cost the candidate and if you find a couple of votes in a precinct of 100 votes - So What? If you talk about this in Salem, Oregon - branded as a wild eyed CONSPIRACY THEORIST. If I were younger, I'd write a book: "The Cold Room".

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It is a great title.

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WOW! positive news. And the best explanation I have seen so far. I hope you are right about the states that have adopted the fractal verification system. I am in one of the stolen states and work the polls. I started doing it because I wanted to help keep it honest. I want my candidate to win. But mostly, I want the candidate to win that the American public has chosen. I want people to be held accountable, but I think that horse has left the barn.

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I hope so too.

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Below is more sobering information on the spraying of the atmosphere with toxic metals that is poisoning the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. This secret genocidal program, known as operation Indigo Skyfiold, may be even more lethal than the mandated Covid mRNA injections rolled out during the Covid pandemic which are estimated by Dr. Denis Rancourt to have killed over 17 million people worldwide as of September, 2023 (https://denisrancourt.ca).

Is Florida Under Chemtrail Attack? DR. JOSEPH SANSONEFEB 16, 2024100


Don't Look Up! - Airline Pilot Exposes Truth about Chemtrailshttps://rumble.com/v36l9qi-dont-look-up-airline-pilot-exposes-truth-about-chemtrails.html

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I have written about it, more people read it than any other piece. Will republish.

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You're one of the few journalists who will talk about Masonry being the machine which oils this corrupt world.

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I don’t know enough.

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Masonry has many levels to it and you can guess what level is running this country and the symbolic satanism which goes with it which is complex to understand unless you have family history within it like ours who were original colonists who brought it over from Europe where it has long been engrained in how the world is run.

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I'm a little surprised there was no mention of the electronic voter fraud that has been going on since electronic voting machines were invented.

This issue has not been addressed. Even if there were no fraudulent votes cast, the machines can be manipulated in absolutely any way they wish without oversight or audit ability. Keep in mind that no one gets elected without being chosen or allowed. Not even Trump.

For anyone interested, this is a fantastic bit of research into the issue and is highly worth reading:


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Cant fit in everything. I did say the cheat was multi factorial - if you look at the other pieces I have written on the stolen election, I do write about the digital cheat, and will again - it is fascinating. Thanks for the link.

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Just keep in mind that even if they "fix" all of the fraudulent votes being cast everywhere in the country, that does not help whatsoever because of the electronic fraud that counts however those in control wants them to be counted and so they can continue to fix every election how they want to.

All of these frauds going on everywhere about everything have multiple layers so that fixing one doesn't fix the problem, which is what they actually want to hide and protect. They can sacrifice whatever and whenever they want to without giving up any control, while the people cheer that corruption is being cleaned up when it's not. And then those people calm down.

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