The Norfolk Southern railroad was carrying vinyl chloride which when ignited, turns into dioxin, the great-grandmother of all toxins Within days, it spread across the 75,000 family farms of Ohio, across the Nebraska wheat fields into the underground aquifers and has killed, so far, 45,000 fish.
“They” want us to fear and sacrifice for the environment, while “they” can blow up undersea gas pipelines when it suits their evil wants. We are run by evil, evil people.
You're an order of mag better at this then anyone I've ever seen. I learned a lot from this post alone. Extremely persuasive if facts and logic are your cup of tea.
The U.N.: "The SDGs are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and discrimination against women and girls." — Now that there is some premium grade hooey!
Does anyone with half a brain, outside the platitude factories and indoctrination camps, actually believe such duplicitous drivel?
In reality, the SDGs are designed to help us believe it's simply raining hard, when in fact the globalist totalitarian psychopaths are pissing on us in unison.
I copied this comment from a previous post, concerning the fact that they want us dead:
Fauci will see no comeuppance. No covid criminals will see any. None of them. Fauci performed exactly as he was told, and if you take nothing away from the “testimony” except this you know all you need to know: After all the hoopla for the last 4 years, they are still coming after the unvaxed with a vengeance. They want you dead, and they mean to accomplish it by any means necessary. Know what you’re going to do when they come to your home brandishing needles. Don’t be caught off guard because it’s going to happen one way or another.
This is definitely true in that accountability is 100% a myth. Donald Rumsfeld and Kissinger both lived and died in luxury and acclaim. The only way these monsters are seeing justice is if we deliver it.
They have us outgunned by light years. They would love the excuse to unleash their white-hating rainbow woke army on our ilk. They have been grooming a victory-starved army that they can unleash on us since at least Obama. Anyone thinking this woke infantry will refuse the order to attack their fellow citizens is delusional.
Most of this army are born in countries that had murderous regimes put in by the Western powers. You can see it in their eyes. Remembering their dead family members while the pasty citizens of USA and Canada mew on their protest lines.
Blow up the pictures of the police lines, Ottawa, Trucker Convoy if you are in doubt.
Just because we remain willfully ignorant during and after these historical events, does not mean the people who actual experienced them can forget.
Central America, 1980's. Immigration closed in the US and Canada to all fleeing. School of the Americas. Contra "freedom fighters" - DoubleSpeak.
I think you might be injecting some things that aren't there. Certainly these things happened and they'd be justified in feeling and acting that way but I think it's a lot more simple because of maslow's hierarchy and a much more baseline shared human nature.
I'm not assuming you made an argument here I'm just commenting that imo more complicated motivations aren't needed and won't be dominant in any context. More like Hamilton, power over subsistence is power over will, or, you can always hire one half the poor to kill the other half.
Oh absolutely. Everyone is more than keen to "just doing our job" us right into a glass parking lot. There's apparently an endless supply of police, and yeah army too, especially if you consider all the border people they can just dangle citizenship in front of.
Yeah relying on people's basic humanity is 100% a death sentence. Covid alone proved that. People were literally put in camps, and people here talked A Lot like genocidal Israelis about the unvaxed. TLDR, imo, it's too late for everything. Best move is hunker down and see what the AI does. These posts and comments ironically may serve as letters to the new managers.
This whole genocide thing has me looking at Zionist meddling in history and the more I learn on that front the more inclined I am to blame that movement, not communism. Marx himself implied strongly his movement had been co-opted, when he said that he himself was not a "Marxist." A weakness shared with capitalism if our current situation is any guide.
Seriously, you look at the time line and dig into the key players and it starts very much looking like here, with a core of psychotic racists taking over the apparatus and then converting it into a murder machine.
It's not that simple of course, infinite moving parts, but I'm not entirely off base either. It's absolutely wild how much harm these child burning lunatics have done.
shibumi: There is a huge new computer facility just built in eastern Nebraska. I wonder how much water it uses? Also, Panasonic is building a giant battery plant near Kansas City.
Johnstown is near New Albany. New Albany is the home of both a Google data center, and across the street, a Meta data center. The Meta data center looks like a medium security prison.
Anecdotally, New Albany is also home to the Friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Les Wexner. Wexner is also the richest person in Ohio.
Consider the Incompetence of not knowing burning the chemicals would release Dioxin.
Madam. This is a COMPETENT mass poisoning, not incompetence. Ohio is learning to vote Democratic or Die.
Punish your enemies, reward your friends. -President Obama.
This is normal human history, you punish disobedience with violence, admittedly poison is exceptionally effeminate and loathsome.
Even the Nazi gassings were over in minutes. Then again their Sadism was usually more contained. It happened but not widespread. Also the Nazis were men enough to do their own dirty work.
And they blamed Trump for it for rolling back the regulations that supposedly would have prevented the derailment in the first place. Typical. But the department of transportation hasn't been attending the railroads in the country. Instead, they've been touring the country extolling biden's infrastructure program.
If someone could point me to the exact text of the UN's sustainable development goals or in the official documents regarding the Convention on Biodiversity that explicitly describes the intention to depopulate large swaths of currently populated rural land in the United States, I would be grateful. I live in a rural area on a farm that my grandfather built, and it's my intention to stay here. This proposal, if genuine, concerns me directly, but I'm having trouble locating any specific mention of it in the UN's sustainable development goals or in the Convention on Biodiversity.
Yes. I've spent considerable time on both the UN site and the Convention on Biodiversity site. That American Policy cite is not affiliated with the UN or the Convention on Biodiversity.
30x30 is the plan to depopulate 30% of the rural areas by 2030. When asked, long, long ago , how they would do it, They answered:
We will just make it too expensive to live there.
So with the fee per km, for driving, the fee per litre for private well water use, the banning of woodstoves, chainsaws and collecting water, I will not be able to live on my rural property soon.
Read it yourself and educate others. Wildlife corridors. It is well documented in Elizabeth's book.
“30x30 is the plan to depopulate 30% of the rural areas by 2030.”
I know that’s the narrative, but whenever I ask the people pushing it to provide their sources, they either link to other conspiracy mongering websites or they say something truly inane like, “Look it up.”
I was taken in my Elizabeth Nickson’s impressive CV at first, but this is looking more and more like David Icke-level brain rot. I hate to see the right sidelined by these kinds of tactics.
Just humbug of the Bully Billionaires loyal to the Demons in U.K., Switzerland, D.C. and more recently, Beijing. We know all the Newspaper 'First Paragraph' demographics concerning the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits and instead of indicting, trying and executing them following complete impoverishment of whole families perpetrating the horrors; we're EMPOWERING THEM out of laziness, cowardliness and complete stupidity.
Is there any way to curtail this agenda 2030, agenda 2050 without violence ? Voting will NEVER do it. Letter writing will never do it. The worst part is that though the globalists want a one world order, there are Oligarchs that want the US governments hegemony for that order. My self I'm for a multipolar world where everyone gets a say.
I was told by Americans , when I tried to talk about politics with them, that they were “so free they did not need to know geography or history.”
They had no idea what I was talking about.
Yet this is historically what is cultivated in the heart of an Empire.
Talking with people in the countries under corrupt control , due to American policy, they make it clear that US citizens can still vote, can still stop the murder of their loved ones. They see the US citizen as more powerful than them.
Wilful ignorance is NOT a legal defence.
If you are that dumbed down, you are ripe for a coup.
Few people know what is being planned so it is always Reaction. It is all they have because the deal is essentially done before the word is out. As for those who are distracted, or couldn't care less, and who vote without any understanding they sre only legitimizing these criminals it's their prerogative isn't it. Which is why the world is such a mess.
Yes, there is. Guess what's coming in 2029? Apophis, an asteroid about the size of a football field. NASA predicts its impact in the Pacific in April 2029.
They can't predict the weather correctly for one day. I'm not worried about an asteroid, but it would be nice if it hit just off the coast from Washington DC and the tsunami washed the swamp completely away. Of course it would also cleanse some other east coast beach property and quite likely some European beaches as well.
I no longer consent to be governed I will not obey I will not comply and I will not surrender..The Government all of it can pack sand..My rights don’t come from government therefore I don’t need permission to live my life as I see fit..
Your reporting and writing inspires the most anger of all current writers. This is a good thing. People need to be motivated.
You are highly motivational.
Yes, anger, but also sadness that evil is so prevalent. They want us dead, one way or another.
I feel you but..
”Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.”
Action, even small acts, just one thing like mending something or making a politicians life more difficult can lift the mood.
If we die standing it’s better than living on our knees
It is this attitude that will keep us from despair. Go down fighting.
I want to resist and fight from a place of peace in some way if I can.
the works are against us, and it's not even august...
“They” want us to fear and sacrifice for the environment, while “they” can blow up undersea gas pipelines when it suits their evil wants. We are run by evil, evil people.
To quote another writer on Substack…
They want you dead
Do not comply
Which writer? Sounds like I’d like that one. 😆
2nd smartest guy in the world
He is awesome!
You're an order of mag better at this then anyone I've ever seen. I learned a lot from this post alone. Extremely persuasive if facts and logic are your cup of tea.
We need Trump back with new cabinet members that actually know what they’re doing and will shut down this global 2030 plan.
WHOAH ! Nellie...
Don't Believe it for a second-
Operation Warp Speed Ozempic
The U.N.: "The SDGs are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and discrimination against women and girls." — Now that there is some premium grade hooey!
Does anyone with half a brain, outside the platitude factories and indoctrination camps, actually believe such duplicitous drivel?
In reality, the SDGs are designed to help us believe it's simply raining hard, when in fact the globalist totalitarian psychopaths are pissing on us in unison.
You would be surprised at the number of educated idiots who believe. Even here in the midwest. Obama voters all.
Actually I wouldn't. My question was largely rhetorical.
Human stupidity is equalled only by human gullibility. Also, the more "educated" people are nowadays, the more likely they are to resemble idiots.
One of the anti-christs here to sew dischord and hatred. He did/is doing his job well and the dumbocraps eat it up.
I copied this comment from a previous post, concerning the fact that they want us dead:
Fauci will see no comeuppance. No covid criminals will see any. None of them. Fauci performed exactly as he was told, and if you take nothing away from the “testimony” except this you know all you need to know: After all the hoopla for the last 4 years, they are still coming after the unvaxed with a vengeance. They want you dead, and they mean to accomplish it by any means necessary. Know what you’re going to do when they come to your home brandishing needles. Don’t be caught off guard because it’s going to happen one way or another.
This is definitely true in that accountability is 100% a myth. Donald Rumsfeld and Kissinger both lived and died in luxury and acclaim. The only way these monsters are seeing justice is if we deliver it.
We will deliver it when we stop believing we need to support criminals to live off of their crumbs.
Mass Trauma Bonding
They have us outgunned by light years. They would love the excuse to unleash their white-hating rainbow woke army on our ilk. They have been grooming a victory-starved army that they can unleash on us since at least Obama. Anyone thinking this woke infantry will refuse the order to attack their fellow citizens is delusional.
Most of this army are born in countries that had murderous regimes put in by the Western powers. You can see it in their eyes. Remembering their dead family members while the pasty citizens of USA and Canada mew on their protest lines.
Blow up the pictures of the police lines, Ottawa, Trucker Convoy if you are in doubt.
Just because we remain willfully ignorant during and after these historical events, does not mean the people who actual experienced them can forget.
Central America, 1980's. Immigration closed in the US and Canada to all fleeing. School of the Americas. Contra "freedom fighters" - DoubleSpeak.
I think you might be injecting some things that aren't there. Certainly these things happened and they'd be justified in feeling and acting that way but I think it's a lot more simple because of maslow's hierarchy and a much more baseline shared human nature.
I'm not assuming you made an argument here I'm just commenting that imo more complicated motivations aren't needed and won't be dominant in any context. More like Hamilton, power over subsistence is power over will, or, you can always hire one half the poor to kill the other half.
Oh absolutely. Everyone is more than keen to "just doing our job" us right into a glass parking lot. There's apparently an endless supply of police, and yeah army too, especially if you consider all the border people they can just dangle citizenship in front of.
Yeah relying on people's basic humanity is 100% a death sentence. Covid alone proved that. People were literally put in camps, and people here talked A Lot like genocidal Israelis about the unvaxed. TLDR, imo, it's too late for everything. Best move is hunker down and see what the AI does. These posts and comments ironically may serve as letters to the new managers.
Covid gave free license to the bullies.
Same as communism did.
Not merit, but collaboration.
This whole genocide thing has me looking at Zionist meddling in history and the more I learn on that front the more inclined I am to blame that movement, not communism. Marx himself implied strongly his movement had been co-opted, when he said that he himself was not a "Marxist." A weakness shared with capitalism if our current situation is any guide.
Seriously, you look at the time line and dig into the key players and it starts very much looking like here, with a core of psychotic racists taking over the apparatus and then converting it into a murder machine.
It's not that simple of course, infinite moving parts, but I'm not entirely off base either. It's absolutely wild how much harm these child burning lunatics have done.
Keep digging. We are in agreement.
Same group, different costume.
For what it's worth, East Palestine is located in the NE part of Ohio, south of Youngstown.
The Intel plant is being built in Johnstown, which is outside of Columbus. It's near the center of the state.
There's 144 miles between the two cities.
Not sure if this is about getting land for Intel or just killing local farmers and poisoning the farmland.
They want the water from the farms, all of it.
Killing local farmers? Many are Amish.
Killing the largest vaccine Control Group?
ie No jabs
shibumi: There is a huge new computer facility just built in eastern Nebraska. I wonder how much water it uses? Also, Panasonic is building a giant battery plant near Kansas City.
Interesting little side notes:
Johnstown is near New Albany. New Albany is the home of both a Google data center, and across the street, a Meta data center. The Meta data center looks like a medium security prison.
Anecdotally, New Albany is also home to the Friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Les Wexner. Wexner is also the richest person in Ohio.
All data centers have more security than most prisons.
Poisons are such effective killers, and cause such long drawn out deaths. This is all as blatent as democide gets.
Consider the Incompetence of not knowing burning the chemicals would release Dioxin.
Madam. This is a COMPETENT mass poisoning, not incompetence. Ohio is learning to vote Democratic or Die.
Punish your enemies, reward your friends. -President Obama.
This is normal human history, you punish disobedience with violence, admittedly poison is exceptionally effeminate and loathsome.
Even the Nazi gassings were over in minutes. Then again their Sadism was usually more contained. It happened but not widespread. Also the Nazis were men enough to do their own dirty work.
'This is normal human history, you punish disobedience with violence, admittedly poison is exceptionally effeminate and loathsome.'
Across history, when women want to kill, they use poison. And America's a feminist nation, no doubt. D.C. is a coven with attached military.
It was a passive-aggressive, fully deniable way to kill and toxify the environment.
And they blamed Trump for it for rolling back the regulations that supposedly would have prevented the derailment in the first place. Typical. But the department of transportation hasn't been attending the railroads in the country. Instead, they've been touring the country extolling biden's infrastructure program.
Love you Elizabeth. You are NOT ALONE carrying these burdens of knowledge.
Love you too!
If someone could point me to the exact text of the UN's sustainable development goals or in the official documents regarding the Convention on Biodiversity that explicitly describes the intention to depopulate large swaths of currently populated rural land in the United States, I would be grateful. I live in a rural area on a farm that my grandfather built, and it's my intention to stay here. This proposal, if genuine, concerns me directly, but I'm having trouble locating any specific mention of it in the UN's sustainable development goals or in the Convention on Biodiversity.
The UN's statement is here:
Learn more about the dangers of Agenda 21/2030 here:
Yes. I've spent considerable time on both the UN site and the Convention on Biodiversity site. That American Policy cite is not affiliated with the UN or the Convention on Biodiversity.
Look it up.
30x30 is the plan to depopulate 30% of the rural areas by 2030. When asked, long, long ago , how they would do it, They answered:
We will just make it too expensive to live there.
So with the fee per km, for driving, the fee per litre for private well water use, the banning of woodstoves, chainsaws and collecting water, I will not be able to live on my rural property soon.
Read it yourself and educate others. Wildlife corridors. It is well documented in Elizabeth's book.
“30x30 is the plan to depopulate 30% of the rural areas by 2030.”
I know that’s the narrative, but whenever I ask the people pushing it to provide their sources, they either link to other conspiracy mongering websites or they say something truly inane like, “Look it up.”
I was taken in my Elizabeth Nickson’s impressive CV at first, but this is looking more and more like David Icke-level brain rot. I hate to see the right sidelined by these kinds of tactics.
Where do you live? In the US, look up the Wildlands Project.
Canada? BC Caribou Recovery Project. Look up protected wildlife corridors.
The COP agreements.
I parrot no one. I go to the source documents. You want someone to do it for you.
This is why we are in this mess.
Call it a Conspiracy Theory and get back to me in 6 years.
Ever graph what Icke said and his record on what happened? See the video clips from the last 3 decades.
Time is of the essence. I have no time to argue nor do your research for you. There is a plethora of information out there.
Go to the UNs website and read about Agenda 21.
Agenda for the 21st century.
The first publication has now been deleted, but still able to be found online.
2030 being the first benchmark.
30% target levels.
The DOT press release has "all the Hallmarks," as our secret police leaders like to say, of the latest Newspeak proclamation by Minitrue.
Just humbug of the Bully Billionaires loyal to the Demons in U.K., Switzerland, D.C. and more recently, Beijing. We know all the Newspaper 'First Paragraph' demographics concerning the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits and instead of indicting, trying and executing them following complete impoverishment of whole families perpetrating the horrors; we're EMPOWERING THEM out of laziness, cowardliness and complete stupidity.
Just remember all targets become legitimate in war. It’s time.
Including all here...
"Freedom is not free; nor cheap."
With their Neuroweapons; it will be excessively challenging in ways
never imagined where only the vast superior numbers, Faith in God
and creativity have any chance of success.
Is there any way to curtail this agenda 2030, agenda 2050 without violence ? Voting will NEVER do it. Letter writing will never do it. The worst part is that though the globalists want a one world order, there are Oligarchs that want the US governments hegemony for that order. My self I'm for a multipolar world where everyone gets a say.
Curtail it?
Why do we always discuss reaction? Why not be proactive and not let it be passed in the first place?
Paris 2015, read the documents. Who lets their leaders sign that?
Farmers upset? Not a peep from them in 2015, where it was all written out what would follow.
Bataclan massacre, caused the banning of demonstrations during the summit, remember?
Or do you just remember the hockey scores that month?
This is on us.
Bread and Circuses, Arrested development, Infantilization of the adult population who obviously do not read history.
Americans just don't care. They'll take it up the rear end every time and smile while doing it. They just don't give a shit .
I was told by Americans , when I tried to talk about politics with them, that they were “so free they did not need to know geography or history.”
They had no idea what I was talking about.
Yet this is historically what is cultivated in the heart of an Empire.
Talking with people in the countries under corrupt control , due to American policy, they make it clear that US citizens can still vote, can still stop the murder of their loved ones. They see the US citizen as more powerful than them.
Wilful ignorance is NOT a legal defence.
If you are that dumbed down, you are ripe for a coup.
Mission Accomplished.
Few people know what is being planned so it is always Reaction. It is all they have because the deal is essentially done before the word is out. As for those who are distracted, or couldn't care less, and who vote without any understanding they sre only legitimizing these criminals it's their prerogative isn't it. Which is why the world is such a mess.
Just Sayn: The government yokels will screw up somewhere and poison themselves or blow themselves up.
In the meantime we should be proactive and push them to the edge of the abyss.
Yes, there is. Guess what's coming in 2029? Apophis, an asteroid about the size of a football field. NASA predicts its impact in the Pacific in April 2029.
They can't predict the weather correctly for one day. I'm not worried about an asteroid, but it would be nice if it hit just off the coast from Washington DC and the tsunami washed the swamp completely away. Of course it would also cleanse some other east coast beach property and quite likely some European beaches as well.
Let’s hope it is an American asteroid. Then it will not know how to find Earth on a global map.
I no longer consent to be governed I will not obey I will not comply and I will not surrender..The Government all of it can pack sand..My rights don’t come from government therefore I don’t need permission to live my life as I see fit..