The renowned psychologist Arno Gruen in the book betrayal of the self, stated the feminist movement is producing women that are more patriarchal and hurt women and their role in society more than any misogynistic man could
They aren't. They're matriarchal, which is far worse than patriarchy could've ever been. At least patriarchy produces functional societies. Matriarchy produces easily-conquerable basket cases for the first barbarian to swagger up and claim it.
That’s not what history at least the history I know has taught us. Matriarchal society is not bad however, not bad for the women and society at large children. Men weren’t exactly given the same rights as the women had, the best of us were sex slaves, hehehe
It was a peaceful society not so much war.
But matrical Society was all done away when the sun became visible. The vapor canopy lifted. We were no longer a lunar cult which we were after Adam’s death.
Men and women were excoriated decades ago for predicting the dangers of radical feminist propaganda being accepted into the mainstream. But their predictions are what has actually happened. Not that men in power have a great track record themselves but it appears to be axiomatic that Leftwing women in power are generally poisonous.
Indeed, man’s nature is to lay down one’s life to preserve the next generation while a woman’s nature is to lay down with the next man in order to protect their own. There’s a reason conquerors don’t kill off the women and only the men past a certain age.
Not at all. God gave women much compassion and a desire to gather us together in harmony. That works for kumbaya sessions, but not real life. Women leaders will never kill the bad actors nor start necessary wars that must be fought for the survival of the people. It takes a man to do a man’s job. It takes men to fight in combat on the front lines. Women leaders will just roll on their bellies and take whatever the bad guy does to them.
This is why I believe that no women should ever be Potus or VP. They will never fight.
Absolutely, her actions in Falklands was a simple police action, not a war where a man like Winston Churchill, nor Lord Wellington was required. Argentina was a 3rd world country 40 years ago. Now the UK is ruled by a Hindu and the King is an imbecile who cares only about global warming hysteria and bad architecture. I agree with King Charles about bad architecture. The Royals are parasites. They should be cut off their allowance now and forced to pay taxes now. Their horrible children should be banned by the media. The Royals say nothing while the little white English girls are being gang raped all over the UK by Muslims. No one does anything. The British Royals have exactly two jobs. Defending the Realm and Defending the Church of England. They failed at both of these.
You guys really should expand your knowledge base.
Hitler could never have happened without The Crown and rather than vanquishing the Nazis, the UN was organized exactly according to a framework designed during the war by a Nazi.
At the end of the war, not only the space program and the CIA but the Psychiatric profession and
others were filled with former card carrying Nazis.
Nothing today is more of an NWO Project/Scam than WWII.
How so, increase knowledge base? Some of the royals were Nazi sympathizers for certain in the 1930’s . After the war, many nazi scientists and engineers went to the USA and to the Soviet Union. To increase the knowledge of rockets and aerospace technologies and other areas. Germany had superior military technology but ran out of time and resources before the Soviets overwhelmed them. The US came in at the end of the war and did contribute, but the Soviets beat the Nazis. Perhaps the transplants were de-nazified, I don’t know. The American Psychological Association is an evil actor now. They are pushing the LGBTQ and transgender evil into the public sphere and other forms of psychobabble nonsense. Not all are bad, but I would rather go to a solid orthodox Christian Pastor for counseling. Not a woke one. I think we agree on some of these things but describe them differently.
The multi-nationals played both sides . . . at a very tidy profit! Much of modern America smacks of the Fourth Reich, including NASA, elements you mentioned, and others.
JPL was founded by a proudly practicing luciferian, occultist, and student of occultists. Etc.
The C of E always served England, not God. At least it's well-named.
The British Royal system has been masonic for a long time. Their interests are neither nationalism for native Brits nor Christianity. Either they defend Native Britain or they are enemies.
The Church of England united church and state under a royal King. The British royals have failed both jobs. King Jesus needs no vicar, and a recent Archbishop of Canterbury was a flaming homosexual, and their church is totally corrupt. “ Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto God what is God’s”. Jesus said this during His ministries on earth. It is still the best idea.
Hilary is toxic poison. She kills people to gain more power. Normal folks call that Arkancide. There are dozens of people she had murdered through Arkancide. Hillary is evil, plain and simple. Her husband Hill Billy is a simple lecherous cretin who rapes women.
I think there is no question Hilary would not hesitate to send millions to their deaths in camps were she given the power to do so. She might be the most malevolent public figure I've seen in thirty-five years following current events. And yes, that includes esteemed company like Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, etc.
So can Taylor Swift, doesn’t mean I care to hear either of the shit they spew. Trump is a much garbage as Biden while desantis just keeps improving Florida. I don’t vote for unapologetic people or fake Catholics. Have some integrity and choose a third party candidate
Yea those women never even opened the first pages of the Bible and if they did, they certainly didn’t grasp the message. Personally I’m tired of hearing about their emotional response to everything. There is no ability to talk logically with so many. Easy lives these days causing it all.
I worked in a heavily female profession for years. With one exception, every woman I worked for was a poisonous bitch. Men challenge you straight up; women smile and pretend to be your best friend while they secretly look for the perfect spot in your back to plunge the knife.
Question? How did you survive all that estrogen attack? Don’t misunderstand me. I absolutely love women. Normal women, in all shapes and sizes and colors. I love feminine women. Good Providence Sir, in every way. Hang to the truth. Men need real women and real women need real men.
I worked for a brilliant woman who was straightforward, honest, and direct. Men absolutely hated her, because her role in the social hierarchy was not easy to define. It seems to me that the "underhanded" nature of female power application is due to the way men interact with women. Us men are simple creatures, and we relate to women on a subconscious level we learned in childhood. We see women first and foremost as either mothers or mates. We tend to have a subconscious aversion to women who we come across that act like fathers or brothers (male companions). The mother/mate behaviors of women tend to disarm men or temper their agressive reactions, while a woman acting in a more male-like way illicits a stronger negative reaction from them.
Women are vicious with each other, especially the ones who are insecure. Not all women have maternal instincts - unfortunately some of these women have children.
I only know a couple of those sorts of women in my family. In my normal life as I usually experience, I know none of them like that. The women I experience almost all the time are actual Christian feminine women who love God first, then their husband, then their children and grandchildren and their sisters in Christ in our little church. And me. My wife rocks my world with love and affection. The other women in my church are all loving sisters. They also rock my world with philileo, brotherly and sisterly love. Brothers and sisters in Christ. We will live forever in eternity with King Jesus. The macho men in our church, including me, would do anything to help them fix things that were broken. To improve their life and protect them from harm and bad dudes that wish them harm. And love them as we are able, as actual men. That is what makes us men. Our love for our women that God gave us. Our love and protection, makes us men.
I had a female boss ( hard to call her a woman, she was a c#$t) that befriended my ex wife before she was my ex. Used to come to all my gigs, get piss drunk, and I had to drive her home. Finally woke up to the shitty wife, divorced after one year. Boss still my boss, up one more level. Comes to a gig a year later,and sees me with my new young pretty non alcoholic girlfriend, and I’m fired one year later after breaking my neck at work. Coincidence? I think not.
I had a great female boss before transferring locations because she was a no nonsense type of person that didn’t bother you as long as you got the work done in a reasonable time. Those that went above that minimum requirement were treated like gold, she even got the transfer done for me.
I used to wonder about that. Present events have proved to me, naive as I once was, that power corrupts women as easily as men. I’d say power is a narcotic, regardless of biological sex.
I have come to believe that it's not so much that "power corrupts," but that power is the aphrodisiac OF those who are already corrupt in heart, mind, and/or spirit.
Not a single decent person actually *desires* power. And every decent person desires even LESS so to wield power as a cudgel, the way the elite overlords do.
Truly decent people probably would prefer there to be no massive all-powerful entities at all, anywhere in the world, were that an option.
It's common sense. Why wouldn't one want somebody who cherishes and guides them to rule over them? And He is the only option when it comes to the pure love that creates and sustains us. Ain't no Plan Bs.
I don’t want to be ruled by anyone or anything. That’s a major problem for humans. If God is the father then why would he rule over his child? Sure as a kid we are guided but I certainly am not ruled by my father as an adult. Parents are scary when young but as you age and become a parent yourself you learn their discipline was always in what they felt was your best interest. You then learn how difficult being a parent is and stop judging them for mistakes. As far as power goes, most truly don’t seek power but when given to a woman it becomes an entirely different animal. Women know they are inferior in terms of physical power so what better way to corrupt them then by offering something usually unobtainable. So many young women these days think they don’t have to do anything due to growing up in an environment praising them at every chance. Girl power, black girl magic etc are all slogans that have sent women down a wrong path of sanity.
My saying (and you can quote me on this) is: Power attracts the corruptible, and abosulte power attracts the absolutely corrupt. Not as catchy as the original but ...
As I’ve said here multiple times, anyone that seeks political office, is already very flawed in the character department. The sooner normies figure that out, the better things will get.
My guess is that it is the social status that appeals to these narcissists. They desire more than anything else to be accepted as important, separate from others. Much like movie stars seeking fame it is a house of cards self-image that is always threatened with public exposure as was done at NPR. They are all the same. The Borg in Startrek. The Internet has let them work together in a loose network of like-minded power seekers. The rest of us are independent thinkers who do not work through 'group-think' but a common basis of individuality. We are getting to be more cohesive through authors like yourself. Each of us needs to be educated and awakened to the presence of this dark cloud of humanity and act accordingly.
You offer some of the best thinking and articulation of themes period!
The best social status for a woman is to marry a good man, have many children while she is still in her 20’s, and proudly declare she is a “Homemaker “. She will be blessed all her days.
My term for them is femininnies. ( I coined that word last Fall, think it's more accurate to describe them than "Feminazis," and urge everyone to use it. )
Nazism is not antithetical to German culture and the June Cleaver thing was never big there.
For but one example Kindergarten
arose in Germany as a remedy to the coldness of
German mothers.
That's why it has a German name, even here.
The framework of the EU was designed by a Nazi during WWII.
The US was heavily infiltrated after the war, and the CIA arose as a co operative effort with ex Nazi intelligence.
Klaus Schwab of the WEF is son of a high ranking Nazi.
When people lob that epithet at the Deep State and all it's horrors, they are not wrong.
They are all Luciferian but so is Nazism. They are basically synonyms and by whatever name they are Nazis and they are the architects of feminism and the basic only difference among Commies and Nazis is each team wants it's team to win but they don't destroy one another because they share the same goal of domination.
All that being said, yours does have a definite ring to it.
Very, very insightful. I love things like that, and will be re - reading your comment quite a bit. I can't argue with a thing you've said.
I suppose "femininnies" would have been suitable fifty years ago. I doubt most of them had the insight to see where it would lead: seventy - five million abortions and counting, and now the state approved butchering of confused children in an attempt to change their sexes. ( Mengele would have been enthralled. )
I coined "femininny" in a Facebook group "discussion" ( always a worthwhile use of one's time ) when a woman accused me of "mansplaining," but you are as right as you can be about the degeneration of things, the tyranny which is relentless in its imperialism, and the present inadequacy of my term.
Do you read Paul Kingsnorth's Substack, The Abbey of Misrule? I think if you take a look at it ( some of it is not paywalled ) you may find something of a kindred spirit in him.
Wow. That was right on the button. I don't run into that too often.
I look at the faces of these Empowered Ones and I see rebellion against God the Father, and I see a monstrous thirst to usurp men and to annihilate masculinity as an Offense -- women trying to be Hard Men and failing at it, instead only becoming ice-faced freaks.
Clearly, what Elizabeth describes in the OP is luciferian hermaphroditism -- their ancient project to 'unify the opposites' of male and female and produce the gnostic Perfect Hermaphrodite. Hell-o Baphomet Baby! . . . who then will restore the Original Condition and heal the Universe blah de blah blah.
Yea my dad talks of his grandmother from Germany and she wasn’t the soft affectionate type let’s just say. Those women churned butter so of course they got more respect. Making dinner is a chore to modern women
. . . who run all the institutions including -- as the OP make obvious -- the CIA. So they have a huge base of upper-income Prog women, mostly white women, backing them up.
And that is not only a problem, it is our reality.
As the article makes clear, the collective power of women also can destroy civilization in a matter of a handful of decades. While yammering endlessly about Liberation and Equality and Grievance.
I know you might not like facts but fact is men are geniuses not women. The smartest jeopardy champ is a trans woman aka a man. Testosterone allows men such highs but also such lows, thus why more serial killers are men.
Any person who is a professing Christian who is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, is a saint. Read the Epistles, this term is used often. There isn’t a special category of people canonized by a church body. I understand that view is not the position of the Roman Catholic Church. Any true believer with the Holy Spirit in them is a saint, including Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saints.
Tom P: How can you can tell if a person is "indwelled by the Holy Spirit"? In the English language, a saint is someone who does good deeds or makes personal sacrifices for good. e.g. A saint would sacrifice his life to save another.
Scripture defines the saints in the Epistles. People who believe and confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, are forgiven of their sins, given the righteousness of Christ, given the Holy Spirit to live in them, and then transformed over the rest of their life with Sanctification by the Holy Spirit.. they become a part of the family of God forever. God does it all. Works are what happens afterwards in gratitude for the great gifts God gave them. Works do not get you to heaven. The blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross does that by providing a sacrificial substitution where Jesus takes on all your sins, and in turn imputes His righteousness into you. This is what makes you a Christian saint. We still sin, but now should confess our sins and God in his mercy will forgive them and brings us back in relationship with Him. This is Reformed Protestant doctrine.
It usually helps if the man and woman are closer in age. If they start young, then they learn to grow together and if they are faithful, they will never experience the toxicity of many failed relationships with many people. And no STDs. If they maintain health, they will have a long life together in this world.
It's very real and it's generational and not even close to new.
The Stones knew what they were talking about when they released Her Satanic Majesty's Request...
Bill Gates is Luciferian and his father before him, as are many of the big names.
Child Trafficking also is nothing new and was a Royal Scandal centuries ago .
Armegeddon has been drawing closer non stop since God ended the Diaspora 76 years ago and Luciferians have been trying to subvert His will ever since.
The alliances are crystallizing just as foretold, Russia, China, Iran allying, Germany re arming , the US and UK selling Israel down the river, it's all coming together blazing fast.
Digital Government Wallets for every volunteer, no buying or selling without one near fulfilment as I type this. Wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes,pestilence , disease on the rise and if there were any room for doubt, there is Joel 3 in which it is explicitly stated that in that day and at that time when he has restored the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, which is now, he will gather the nations against Israel at Har Megiddo, Armegeddon, and he will destroy them for the evil they have done to His People.
You live in fear friend. How many years have we heard to buy gold out of fear that money would disappear, an insane idea to contemplate? Well Norway just said no to digital currency and when one does the majority follow. Stop living in fear especially the devil
There are hundreds of occult and secret societies, from Brit monarchy to the OTO, but the one thing uniting them all is luciferianism. You are correct.
Correct. For those of us familiar with end times Bible prophecy, the events we are seeing around us were all foretold. None of it is a surprise. We are still horrified, but we know how all this ends.
Another interesting article. Maher is a dangerous person, anyone who thinks the way she does (per her Tweets) is demonstrably unhappy and a confused and resentful person. Under normal circumstances publicly expressing the views she did would have her disqualified from executive roles in large corporations. The fact she is in fact lauded by the Establishment, tells you the trouble we are in.
True what you say ... equally true is that Maher is eminently qualified for high political office, or a behind-the-curtains job running a regulatory agency.
I just saw a meme that said something like "misinformation censors were never a thing until the truth started coming out". It's like they think they can put people back to sleep by telling them certain information is not something they need to be worried about. All they're doing is waking people up more.
As we watched female national leaders create authoritarianism in their formerly free countries, I pondered why the males of the nations were allowing it, not pushing back very hard.
I came to the hypothesis that the Globalists had chosen females to rule during this time because they behaved like 'MOTHERS' to their nations.
Boys are trained to not talk back, take action against their mother figures.
I also considered the USA lucky that Hillary did not win......
These ghastly creatures who work for Big Daddy are useful idiots! They don’t realize that when their usefulness is done, they will be thrown under the bus.
This sort of missionary work has been going on for a long time. Sometimes it's just hiring, as in 1974 when Watergate made NPR employees attractive to the mainstream.
Often it's disguised as canceling. The actual RESULT of these cancelings is the same as seeding by attractiveness. Former NYTimes and MSNBC people are taking over Substack.
Back in the 70s I was night watchman for a YWCA in Enid. The organization had been an ordinary place for families and sports. It was taken over by a womxn of the Maher type, who had come to Enid after working at the UN in NYC. She had no obvious reason for choosing Enid. She turned the organization into a feminist vanguard with everyone talking in Maoist jargon.
In a city near my residence, the motto displayed on the YWCA building reads, "Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women." Yet, I know a man (XY) who was fired from the local franchise because he dared to speak out about the policy of allowing men (XY) into women's (XX) locker rooms.
"My God is stronger than whatever demon or predator you obey."
In an essay in which every word is important, none compare to these. We must never forget this - whatever happens to us individually or as a whole, we are on the side of Truth and truth will prevail.
I am a person known never to lose my temper, as to me I am better using the mind. Decades ago I held that my research showed that the major political parties in Australia were often acting in violation of the constitution and the High Court of Australia was at times seemingly collaborating in that regard. But I was also aware that too often good intentions by citizens was railroaded by the court to hold politicians and their collaborators legally accountable. I decided to work on preparing a case and wait until some government entity would try to take me on.
Well in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka they miserably failed twice on 19 July 2006 because I represented myself! I had secured certain constitutional grounds. Now was to continue my preparations for further litigation. Then came the “covid scam” and my complaint with supplements to the Australian Federal Police already is 7,045 pages! As expected, they simply ignored it all! That is precisely what I knew from decades of litigations representing parties that often opposing lawyers would disregard my writings only then so to say be caught with their pants down when unable to respond during a hearing about what I had written. Obviously, I would successfully object to any adjournment an opponent lawyers requested because they had ample of time to consider my writings long before the hearings. In one appeal case I had filed more than a 1,000 written submission named “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” setting out legal technicalities, and well when the Full court invited me to present my case I responded: “Your Honours I notice that you all have a copy of my written submissions “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” and so has opponent Counsel, and I have nothing further to add. (This probably was the shortes presentation of an Appeal case. The senior judge of the Appeal court then stated: thank you. He then addressed opponent Counsel to present his case. This opponent Counsel then submitted that the appeal be struck out for failing to present the case. His Honour response was “He just did. We wish every lawyer followed his example, as we do not need to make notes and will not misunderstand what he is stating, etc. It is now your turn to present your client’s case. Opposing Counsel then submitted for an adjournment so he could read the written submissions “ADDRESS TO THE COURT”. The senior judge than asked me if I agreed with an adjournment. I indicated I opposed this as I had served the documents weeks earlier. His Honour then stated to opposing Council that he obviously was being paid by his client to represent her and he now better get on with presenting her case. Opposing Counsel then flicking through the extensive document suddenly stated that I had stead something that clearly was incorrect and referred to the particular part., Upon which the senior judge made clear; We have extensively gone through his writings and we couldn’t find anything incorrect in it, now instead of claiming this you do better to present your clients case. Opposing Counsel then commented that I was likely better in legal issues then any lawyers who ever appeared at the bar table and as such the appeal against the failure of a judge to follow proper legal procedures cannot be upheld as there was no need for His Honour to follow proper legal procedures. He kept on and on and in the end the Full court made known to adjourn the case and at a later time would hand down its decision. It was 6 months later it handed down its decision and upheld my appeal!
With the “covid scam” I from onset started to investigate and on 8 April 2020 commenced to file a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman that the Victorian mandates were unconstitutional as the State government had no legislative, executive and/or administrative powers. However, the Ombudsman claimed not to have any powers to deal with this.
And while I tried to pursue matters in the High Court of Australia the registrar blocked me from doing so.
As such, I just had to wait my time to let some Government official take me on. I now stopped paying the so called “council rates” on basis that it is unconstitutional (that is in Australia).
They are so obsessed with me that council employees despite signs ENTRY PROHIBITED have been repeatedly jumping the fence causing damages and even vandalised my wife’s motor vehicle that was lawfully parked in front of out property. Leaving behind a note with the name of the council employee having done so! They engaged a law firm with its letter of demands and already so far provided 5 purported notices just that each time I make clear they are unlawful.
This is LAWFARE big time.
The fools (to say it mildly) do not seem to get it that slowly I have been setting out more and more constitutional issues and so if in the end it does go to court they too will be caught with their pants down.
With Julie Inman Grant she too ignores my writings, as I could expect, but that doesn’t make it to go away. We have a legal principle embedded in the constitution of “political liberty” and “religious liberty” and Julie Inman Grant obviously doesn’t seem to understand she has no legal powers to override my or anyone else constitutional rights.
As for X (formally Twitter) and any other Big Tech company when they operate within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Australia they are bound to operate within the provisions of the constitution and so any laws that are appropriately legislated within that power. Meaning those Big Tech companies cannot deny publications merely because it may expose the covid scam. They must however comply with legislation such as preventing paedophilia articles and images.
Recently Slovakia PM Fico was shot at an event and the video is all over the news, yet somehow it seems that is OK to have this available on the internet but a knife attack upon an Australia somehow is not? I admired already for Slovakia PM Fico to dare to stand up for what he beliefs in and condemn the fact that it was tried to assassin him, this as I view, we should have proper court to determine the innocence or guilt of a person and not anyone to take the law into his/her own hands.
One obviously may ask is Julie Inman Grant also seeking the removal of the shooting video of Slovakia PM Fico or is this not relevant to her as it is not really a political issue for the Australian Government?
Yes, it appears to me it is simply a political stunt as she also works for W.E.F. and therefore has a conflict of interest to be an eSafety commissioner. The W.E.F. in my view is a terrorist organisation and anyone working/collaborating with the W.E.F. should be held unsuitable to hold any public office!
Where was she opposing the ongoing avalanche of false/misleading claims by governments and their officials about the “covid scam”? If she really was a competent eSafety commissioner she should have immediately taken the action against the fraudulent “safe and effective” and other such claims. It seems to me she is not about eSafety but rather how to do the job for the W.E.F. to seek to establish a world governance that exposing the true facts can be denied.
Well, as usual I continue my writings and stand my ground that she has no legal powers to deny me or anyone else their constitutional rights.
In November 2023 the High Court of Australia handed down a judgment that to hold illegal migrants in indefinite detention was unconstitutional and they had to be released.
Well, my writings in response can be located at:
It appears to me that the High Court of Australia is a threat to Australia’s national security, in addition to those claiming to be Ministers and their collaborators.
And now the High Court of Australia (about 6 months later) has changed as to make clear that indeed as I wrote on 18 November 2023 a person has the key to his own cell door when permitted to leave the country, and if failing to do so can be held in indefinite detention until leaving the country.
As for Elon musk refusing to abide by the rulings of Julie Inman Grant, in my view he is legitimately doing so unless a court order otherwise, and the Court in my view has no judicial powers to interfere with Elon Musk constitutional rights. That means, that while he is subjected to Australian legal provisions, he has also the constitutional rights provided to him within the legal principles embedded in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK).
My fear is that these Karens are the tip of the spear for a generation of women (and cowed men) intent on making an unruly world "safe" no matter the cost.
John, consider that in a week, the media has done its best to make Harrison Butker the most hated man in America. With a population whose interest in searching out truth reminds me of wrens waiting to be fed a worm by Mama, I don't hold out much hope for such a thing.
Unelected (by the people) Van der Leyen Policy = Crush those that tell unsuitable and inconvenient TRUTH! Use 'Hate Speech' as the pretense for identifying us all.
Van der Leyen is just another simpleton puppet of Adolf Schwab and cannot be trusted! Beware!
Most women in politics are trying to be bigger, tougher and meaner than men, to prove their worth. Results are predictable.
But wait, I thought that women coming into power was supposed to bring peace and change the world that men screwed up??
The renowned psychologist Arno Gruen in the book betrayal of the self, stated the feminist movement is producing women that are more patriarchal and hurt women and their role in society more than any misogynistic man could
I think Confucius said "choose your enemies carefully, because one day you will become like them".
Ain't that the truth.
Men are not women's enemy.
So women are even more patriarchal than men. How does that work then?
They aren't. They're matriarchal, which is far worse than patriarchy could've ever been. At least patriarchy produces functional societies. Matriarchy produces easily-conquerable basket cases for the first barbarian to swagger up and claim it.
That is correct.
That’s not what history at least the history I know has taught us. Matriarchal society is not bad however, not bad for the women and society at large children. Men weren’t exactly given the same rights as the women had, the best of us were sex slaves, hehehe
It was a peaceful society not so much war.
But matrical Society was all done away when the sun became visible. The vapor canopy lifted. We were no longer a lunar cult which we were after Adam’s death.
Can you name one matriarchal society? Just one will do.
No rush.
I'll go make some popcorn.
no matriarchy has ever existed
Not well.
And just imagine the women that don’t have the intelligence to actually pull it off correctly. They are disjointed mean and tyrannical.
Well. They conduct themselves in a masculine way laced with a cruel femininity then add toxicity.
Men and women were excoriated decades ago for predicting the dangers of radical feminist propaganda being accepted into the mainstream. But their predictions are what has actually happened. Not that men in power have a great track record themselves but it appears to be axiomatic that Leftwing women in power are generally poisonous.
All feminism is toxic.
Men do have a better track record.
Men work for the betterment of humans.
Women work to make "better" humans.
Indeed, man’s nature is to lay down one’s life to preserve the next generation while a woman’s nature is to lay down with the next man in order to protect their own. There’s a reason conquerors don’t kill off the women and only the men past a certain age.
Emotional response absent logic.
Not at all. God gave women much compassion and a desire to gather us together in harmony. That works for kumbaya sessions, but not real life. Women leaders will never kill the bad actors nor start necessary wars that must be fought for the survival of the people. It takes a man to do a man’s job. It takes men to fight in combat on the front lines. Women leaders will just roll on their bellies and take whatever the bad guy does to them.
This is why I believe that no women should ever be Potus or VP. They will never fight.
There has seldom been a war that was not fought to steal what could have been bought. Most are power seeking, land theft, resource thefts.
I agree
Only on one side.
Margarett Thatcher included?
Absolutely, her actions in Falklands was a simple police action, not a war where a man like Winston Churchill, nor Lord Wellington was required. Argentina was a 3rd world country 40 years ago. Now the UK is ruled by a Hindu and the King is an imbecile who cares only about global warming hysteria and bad architecture. I agree with King Charles about bad architecture. The Royals are parasites. They should be cut off their allowance now and forced to pay taxes now. Their horrible children should be banned by the media. The Royals say nothing while the little white English girls are being gang raped all over the UK by Muslims. No one does anything. The British Royals have exactly two jobs. Defending the Realm and Defending the Church of England. They failed at both of these.
You guys really should expand your knowledge base.
Hitler could never have happened without The Crown and rather than vanquishing the Nazis, the UN was organized exactly according to a framework designed during the war by a Nazi.
At the end of the war, not only the space program and the CIA but the Psychiatric profession and
others were filled with former card carrying Nazis.
Nothing today is more of an NWO Project/Scam than WWII.
How so, increase knowledge base? Some of the royals were Nazi sympathizers for certain in the 1930’s . After the war, many nazi scientists and engineers went to the USA and to the Soviet Union. To increase the knowledge of rockets and aerospace technologies and other areas. Germany had superior military technology but ran out of time and resources before the Soviets overwhelmed them. The US came in at the end of the war and did contribute, but the Soviets beat the Nazis. Perhaps the transplants were de-nazified, I don’t know. The American Psychological Association is an evil actor now. They are pushing the LGBTQ and transgender evil into the public sphere and other forms of psychobabble nonsense. Not all are bad, but I would rather go to a solid orthodox Christian Pastor for counseling. Not a woke one. I think we agree on some of these things but describe them differently.
The multi-nationals played both sides . . . at a very tidy profit! Much of modern America smacks of the Fourth Reich, including NASA, elements you mentioned, and others.
JPL was founded by a proudly practicing luciferian, occultist, and student of occultists. Etc.
Hey give us Americans credit too, we loved funding the Nazis
All I get when I try to edit is a blank screen.
Auto Correct changed EU to UN.
It's the EU that is a Nazi design and it is Germany that dominates it.
It isn't exactly stupidity except as evil is stupid.
The Crown is and always has been the NWO.
The C of E always served England, not God. At least it's well-named.
The British Royal system has been masonic for a long time. Their interests are neither nationalism for native Brits nor Christianity. Either they defend Native Britain or they are enemies.
The Church of England united church and state under a royal King. The British royals have failed both jobs. King Jesus needs no vicar, and a recent Archbishop of Canterbury was a flaming homosexual, and their church is totally corrupt. “ Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render unto God what is God’s”. Jesus said this during His ministries on earth. It is still the best idea.
Wow. This sounds just like a bunch of dummies arguing sports stars. Yikes.
Hilary is toxic poison. She kills people to gain more power. Normal folks call that Arkancide. There are dozens of people she had murdered through Arkancide. Hillary is evil, plain and simple. Her husband Hill Billy is a simple lecherous cretin who rapes women.
I think there is no question Hilary would not hesitate to send millions to their deaths in camps were she given the power to do so. She might be the most malevolent public figure I've seen in thirty-five years following current events. And yes, that includes esteemed company like Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, etc.
Only one leader I can recall with the title “bloody” and it wasn’t a man
I had assumed it was because she was guarranteed something.
Seems the Sec of State position and then the Presidentcy......which is why she did not concede when it was clear someone else one the election.
She might have assumed that the election was guarranteed?
Well, as El Rushbo said, 2008 was "Hillary's turn".
I believe the reason she was so upset at losing the 2016 election was because she realised they didn't cheat enough.
That's why they went overboard with Biden.
He can't even fill a cafe with supporters.
Trump can fill several football stadihns every day for weeks on end.
So can Taylor Swift, doesn’t mean I care to hear either of the shit they spew. Trump is a much garbage as Biden while desantis just keeps improving Florida. I don’t vote for unapologetic people or fake Catholics. Have some integrity and choose a third party candidate
She has no ghost of a shadow of a vestige of a mirage now or then.
There are not enough Looney Tunes suicide volunteers to out her over the top.
Yea those women never even opened the first pages of the Bible and if they did, they certainly didn’t grasp the message. Personally I’m tired of hearing about their emotional response to everything. There is no ability to talk logically with so many. Easy lives these days causing it all.
There are few things worse than weak men and disorderly women.
I worked in a heavily female profession for years. With one exception, every woman I worked for was a poisonous bitch. Men challenge you straight up; women smile and pretend to be your best friend while they secretly look for the perfect spot in your back to plunge the knife.
I found the same - a swamp with underwater unpredictable and vicious monsters
As a rare male librarian, I can relate. *Believe me*, I can relate.
Question? How did you survive all that estrogen attack? Don’t misunderstand me. I absolutely love women. Normal women, in all shapes and sizes and colors. I love feminine women. Good Providence Sir, in every way. Hang to the truth. Men need real women and real women need real men.
I worked for a brilliant woman who was straightforward, honest, and direct. Men absolutely hated her, because her role in the social hierarchy was not easy to define. It seems to me that the "underhanded" nature of female power application is due to the way men interact with women. Us men are simple creatures, and we relate to women on a subconscious level we learned in childhood. We see women first and foremost as either mothers or mates. We tend to have a subconscious aversion to women who we come across that act like fathers or brothers (male companions). The mother/mate behaviors of women tend to disarm men or temper their agressive reactions, while a woman acting in a more male-like way illicits a stronger negative reaction from them.
well yes, because she was more developed, and therefore more competition. Women compete over resources just like men, but in a different way.
Women are vicious with each other, especially the ones who are insecure. Not all women have maternal instincts - unfortunately some of these women have children.
I only know a couple of those sorts of women in my family. In my normal life as I usually experience, I know none of them like that. The women I experience almost all the time are actual Christian feminine women who love God first, then their husband, then their children and grandchildren and their sisters in Christ in our little church. And me. My wife rocks my world with love and affection. The other women in my church are all loving sisters. They also rock my world with philileo, brotherly and sisterly love. Brothers and sisters in Christ. We will live forever in eternity with King Jesus. The macho men in our church, including me, would do anything to help them fix things that were broken. To improve their life and protect them from harm and bad dudes that wish them harm. And love them as we are able, as actual men. That is what makes us men. Our love for our women that God gave us. Our love and protection, makes us men.
Yes, but honesty knows no gender.
🎯🎯🎯 My experience exactly! I'm a woman but I loathe working for women.
Your comment qualifies you as UnWoke Person of the Week. My admiration of you is unstinting.
Disorderly women! My dear G*d, nothing could improve upon that.
I stole it from Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America. Don't give me too much credit!
Shhhh. Never admit literary theft.
Yeah - if you do admit it, you cannot be the next President of Harvard.
Good pundits steal, great pundits borrow.
The mores of the cyberage, I guess.
Hard headed woman/Soft hearted man/ Been the source of trouble/ Ever since the world began...
50's Elvis single.
You said a mouthful...of all the female b9sses ive had women were always the worst.
LOL, read that again.
I only had one female boss. She didn’t know what I did and left me alone. I can’t imagine how bad they must be now. Happily retired for 13 years.
I had a female boss ( hard to call her a woman, she was a c#$t) that befriended my ex wife before she was my ex. Used to come to all my gigs, get piss drunk, and I had to drive her home. Finally woke up to the shitty wife, divorced after one year. Boss still my boss, up one more level. Comes to a gig a year later,and sees me with my new young pretty non alcoholic girlfriend, and I’m fired one year later after breaking my neck at work. Coincidence? I think not.
I had a great female boss before transferring locations because she was a no nonsense type of person that didn’t bother you as long as you got the work done in a reasonable time. Those that went above that minimum requirement were treated like gold, she even got the transfer done for me.
Glad you had a good experience.
They are a horror, endlessly 'asserting their power'. And they are everywhere in New Amerika.
I used to wonder about that. Present events have proved to me, naive as I once was, that power corrupts women as easily as men. I’d say power is a narcotic, regardless of biological sex.
I have come to believe that it's not so much that "power corrupts," but that power is the aphrodisiac OF those who are already corrupt in heart, mind, and/or spirit.
Not a single decent person actually *desires* power. And every decent person desires even LESS so to wield power as a cudgel, the way the elite overlords do.
Truly decent people probably would prefer there to be no massive all-powerful entities at all, anywhere in the world, were that an option.
Truly decent people want one massive all powerful entity to rule over them, Almighty God.
While I'm agnostic, I was specifically referring to earthly institutions and organizations, not deities.
It's common sense. Why wouldn't one want somebody who cherishes and guides them to rule over them? And He is the only option when it comes to the pure love that creates and sustains us. Ain't no Plan Bs.
I don’t want to be ruled by anyone or anything. That’s a major problem for humans. If God is the father then why would he rule over his child? Sure as a kid we are guided but I certainly am not ruled by my father as an adult. Parents are scary when young but as you age and become a parent yourself you learn their discipline was always in what they felt was your best interest. You then learn how difficult being a parent is and stop judging them for mistakes. As far as power goes, most truly don’t seek power but when given to a woman it becomes an entirely different animal. Women know they are inferior in terms of physical power so what better way to corrupt them then by offering something usually unobtainable. So many young women these days think they don’t have to do anything due to growing up in an environment praising them at every chance. Girl power, black girl magic etc are all slogans that have sent women down a wrong path of sanity.
My saying (and you can quote me on this) is: Power attracts the corruptible, and abosulte power attracts the absolutely corrupt. Not as catchy as the original but ...
As I’ve said here multiple times, anyone that seeks political office, is already very flawed in the character department. The sooner normies figure that out, the better things will get.
yes, the lesbian ones in particular. penis envy. mimicky of male behavior in their mind means mimicry of the worst of male behavior.
My guess is that it is the social status that appeals to these narcissists. They desire more than anything else to be accepted as important, separate from others. Much like movie stars seeking fame it is a house of cards self-image that is always threatened with public exposure as was done at NPR. They are all the same. The Borg in Startrek. The Internet has let them work together in a loose network of like-minded power seekers. The rest of us are independent thinkers who do not work through 'group-think' but a common basis of individuality. We are getting to be more cohesive through authors like yourself. Each of us needs to be educated and awakened to the presence of this dark cloud of humanity and act accordingly.
You offer some of the best thinking and articulation of themes period!
The best social status for a woman is to marry a good man, have many children while she is still in her 20’s, and proudly declare she is a “Homemaker “. She will be blessed all her days.
And judging by the reaction to Harrison Butker's speech, the shame of the nation.
Not the nation, just the angry, lonely, insecure FemiNazis.
My term for them is femininnies. ( I coined that word last Fall, think it's more accurate to describe them than "Feminazis," and urge everyone to use it. )
I don't. Their concepts are Nazi concepts.
Nazism is not antithetical to German culture and the June Cleaver thing was never big there.
For but one example Kindergarten
arose in Germany as a remedy to the coldness of
German mothers.
That's why it has a German name, even here.
The framework of the EU was designed by a Nazi during WWII.
The US was heavily infiltrated after the war, and the CIA arose as a co operative effort with ex Nazi intelligence.
Klaus Schwab of the WEF is son of a high ranking Nazi.
When people lob that epithet at the Deep State and all it's horrors, they are not wrong.
They are all Luciferian but so is Nazism. They are basically synonyms and by whatever name they are Nazis and they are the architects of feminism and the basic only difference among Commies and Nazis is each team wants it's team to win but they don't destroy one another because they share the same goal of domination.
All that being said, yours does have a definite ring to it.
Very, very insightful. I love things like that, and will be re - reading your comment quite a bit. I can't argue with a thing you've said.
I suppose "femininnies" would have been suitable fifty years ago. I doubt most of them had the insight to see where it would lead: seventy - five million abortions and counting, and now the state approved butchering of confused children in an attempt to change their sexes. ( Mengele would have been enthralled. )
I coined "femininny" in a Facebook group "discussion" ( always a worthwhile use of one's time ) when a woman accused me of "mansplaining," but you are as right as you can be about the degeneration of things, the tyranny which is relentless in its imperialism, and the present inadequacy of my term.
Do you read Paul Kingsnorth's Substack, The Abbey of Misrule? I think if you take a look at it ( some of it is not paywalled ) you may find something of a kindred spirit in him.
Wow. That was right on the button. I don't run into that too often.
I look at the faces of these Empowered Ones and I see rebellion against God the Father, and I see a monstrous thirst to usurp men and to annihilate masculinity as an Offense -- women trying to be Hard Men and failing at it, instead only becoming ice-faced freaks.
Clearly, what Elizabeth describes in the OP is luciferian hermaphroditism -- their ancient project to 'unify the opposites' of male and female and produce the gnostic Perfect Hermaphrodite. Hell-o Baphomet Baby! . . . who then will restore the Original Condition and heal the Universe blah de blah blah.
Well done with your analysis.
Yea my dad talks of his grandmother from Germany and she wasn’t the soft affectionate type let’s just say. Those women churned butter so of course they got more respect. Making dinner is a chore to modern women
. . . who run all the institutions including -- as the OP make obvious -- the CIA. So they have a huge base of upper-income Prog women, mostly white women, backing them up.
And that is not only a problem, it is our reality.
Yeah we are so dumb all we can do is pop out babies and clean the house.
As the article makes clear, the collective power of women also can destroy civilization in a matter of a handful of decades. While yammering endlessly about Liberation and Equality and Grievance.
So, cheer up. They're good at that also.
I know you might not like facts but fact is men are geniuses not women. The smartest jeopardy champ is a trans woman aka a man. Testosterone allows men such highs but also such lows, thus why more serial killers are men.
Yeah, mums are stupid.
Tom P: NO ONE is blessed all their days. There are few saints among us.
Any person who is a professing Christian who is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, is a saint. Read the Epistles, this term is used often. There isn’t a special category of people canonized by a church body. I understand that view is not the position of the Roman Catholic Church. Any true believer with the Holy Spirit in them is a saint, including Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saints.
Tom P: How can you can tell if a person is "indwelled by the Holy Spirit"? In the English language, a saint is someone who does good deeds or makes personal sacrifices for good. e.g. A saint would sacrifice his life to save another.
Church definitions do not interest me.
Scripture defines the saints in the Epistles. People who believe and confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, are forgiven of their sins, given the righteousness of Christ, given the Holy Spirit to live in them, and then transformed over the rest of their life with Sanctification by the Holy Spirit.. they become a part of the family of God forever. God does it all. Works are what happens afterwards in gratitude for the great gifts God gave them. Works do not get you to heaven. The blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross does that by providing a sacrificial substitution where Jesus takes on all your sins, and in turn imputes His righteousness into you. This is what makes you a Christian saint. We still sin, but now should confess our sins and God in his mercy will forgive them and brings us back in relationship with Him. This is Reformed Protestant doctrine.
Tom P: Religious Hoo-Doo IMO.
It usually helps if the man and woman are closer in age. If they start young, then they learn to grow together and if they are faithful, they will never experience the toxicity of many failed relationships with many people. And no STDs. If they maintain health, they will have a long life together in this world.
The thing that unites them all is Luciferianism.
It's very real and it's generational and not even close to new.
The Stones knew what they were talking about when they released Her Satanic Majesty's Request...
Bill Gates is Luciferian and his father before him, as are many of the big names.
Child Trafficking also is nothing new and was a Royal Scandal centuries ago .
Armegeddon has been drawing closer non stop since God ended the Diaspora 76 years ago and Luciferians have been trying to subvert His will ever since.
The alliances are crystallizing just as foretold, Russia, China, Iran allying, Germany re arming , the US and UK selling Israel down the river, it's all coming together blazing fast.
Digital Government Wallets for every volunteer, no buying or selling without one near fulfilment as I type this. Wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes,pestilence , disease on the rise and if there were any room for doubt, there is Joel 3 in which it is explicitly stated that in that day and at that time when he has restored the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, which is now, he will gather the nations against Israel at Har Megiddo, Armegeddon, and he will destroy them for the evil they have done to His People.
That's what this is all about .
Satanic forces have taken over.
You live in fear friend. How many years have we heard to buy gold out of fear that money would disappear, an insane idea to contemplate? Well Norway just said no to digital currency and when one does the majority follow. Stop living in fear especially the devil
Says the guy whose room walls are covered with Greta Thunberg posters.
There are hundreds of occult and secret societies, from Brit monarchy to the OTO, but the one thing uniting them all is luciferianism. You are correct.
Correct. For those of us familiar with end times Bible prophecy, the events we are seeing around us were all foretold. None of it is a surprise. We are still horrified, but we know how all this ends.
Spoiler alert: God wins!
Agree with you!!
Another interesting article. Maher is a dangerous person, anyone who thinks the way she does (per her Tweets) is demonstrably unhappy and a confused and resentful person. Under normal circumstances publicly expressing the views she did would have her disqualified from executive roles in large corporations. The fact she is in fact lauded by the Establishment, tells you the trouble we are in.
As my male relatives would sum up: “she needs to get laid.” All vulgarity aside…
Heh. In 2024 that sounds like an anachronism, but its also not wrong. Although I think her problems run deeper than that.
True what you say ... equally true is that Maher is eminently qualified for high political office, or a behind-the-curtains job running a regulatory agency.
I just saw a meme that said something like "misinformation censors were never a thing until the truth started coming out". It's like they think they can put people back to sleep by telling them certain information is not something they need to be worried about. All they're doing is waking people up more.
That should go viral.
"At this point, every time you hear the word ‘safety”, it’s best to check your ammunition supply."
No truer words have ever been spoken
Exquisite piece.
Hillary lost because she reminded people of the worst boss they ever had.
I was like 'that's not true!'. Then I stopped and remembered my worst boss.... and it's 100% true. Well done.
As we watched female national leaders create authoritarianism in their formerly free countries, I pondered why the males of the nations were allowing it, not pushing back very hard.
I came to the hypothesis that the Globalists had chosen females to rule during this time because they behaved like 'MOTHERS' to their nations.
Boys are trained to not talk back, take action against their mother figures.
I also considered the USA lucky that Hillary did not win......
"Honestly, they are shameless, vain, silly creatures with limited bandwidth."
Brilliant analogy. One of the many reasons it is such a pleasure to read your articles.
Gwyneth: They don't seem to have much breast width either.
These ghastly creatures who work for Big Daddy are useful idiots! They don’t realize that when their usefulness is done, they will be thrown under the bus.
If you want to make an evil entity appear benign, put a woman in charge and use children as your publicity agents. Greta Greta Thunberg anyone?
As will be the fate of all tools.
This sort of missionary work has been going on for a long time. Sometimes it's just hiring, as in 1974 when Watergate made NPR employees attractive to the mainstream.
Often it's disguised as canceling. The actual RESULT of these cancelings is the same as seeding by attractiveness. Former NYTimes and MSNBC people are taking over Substack.
Back in the 70s I was night watchman for a YWCA in Enid. The organization had been an ordinary place for families and sports. It was taken over by a womxn of the Maher type, who had come to Enid after working at the UN in NYC. She had no obvious reason for choosing Enid. She turned the organization into a feminist vanguard with everyone talking in Maoist jargon.
In a city near my residence, the motto displayed on the YWCA building reads, "Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women." Yet, I know a man (XY) who was fired from the local franchise because he dared to speak out about the policy of allowing men (XY) into women's (XX) locker rooms.
Empowering women! Right.
I also came to the conclusion that our current situation has been brought to this state by "Missionaries" of the leftist religion.
"My God is stronger than whatever demon or predator you obey."
In an essay in which every word is important, none compare to these. We must never forget this - whatever happens to us individually or as a whole, we are on the side of Truth and truth will prevail.
The CIA is still controlling the public’s lives — since the days of MK Ultra:
I am a person known never to lose my temper, as to me I am better using the mind. Decades ago I held that my research showed that the major political parties in Australia were often acting in violation of the constitution and the High Court of Australia was at times seemingly collaborating in that regard. But I was also aware that too often good intentions by citizens was railroaded by the court to hold politicians and their collaborators legally accountable. I decided to work on preparing a case and wait until some government entity would try to take me on.
Well in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka they miserably failed twice on 19 July 2006 because I represented myself! I had secured certain constitutional grounds. Now was to continue my preparations for further litigation. Then came the “covid scam” and my complaint with supplements to the Australian Federal Police already is 7,045 pages! As expected, they simply ignored it all! That is precisely what I knew from decades of litigations representing parties that often opposing lawyers would disregard my writings only then so to say be caught with their pants down when unable to respond during a hearing about what I had written. Obviously, I would successfully object to any adjournment an opponent lawyers requested because they had ample of time to consider my writings long before the hearings. In one appeal case I had filed more than a 1,000 written submission named “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” setting out legal technicalities, and well when the Full court invited me to present my case I responded: “Your Honours I notice that you all have a copy of my written submissions “ADDRESS TO THE COURT” and so has opponent Counsel, and I have nothing further to add. (This probably was the shortes presentation of an Appeal case. The senior judge of the Appeal court then stated: thank you. He then addressed opponent Counsel to present his case. This opponent Counsel then submitted that the appeal be struck out for failing to present the case. His Honour response was “He just did. We wish every lawyer followed his example, as we do not need to make notes and will not misunderstand what he is stating, etc. It is now your turn to present your client’s case. Opposing Counsel then submitted for an adjournment so he could read the written submissions “ADDRESS TO THE COURT”. The senior judge than asked me if I agreed with an adjournment. I indicated I opposed this as I had served the documents weeks earlier. His Honour then stated to opposing Council that he obviously was being paid by his client to represent her and he now better get on with presenting her case. Opposing Counsel then flicking through the extensive document suddenly stated that I had stead something that clearly was incorrect and referred to the particular part., Upon which the senior judge made clear; We have extensively gone through his writings and we couldn’t find anything incorrect in it, now instead of claiming this you do better to present your clients case. Opposing Counsel then commented that I was likely better in legal issues then any lawyers who ever appeared at the bar table and as such the appeal against the failure of a judge to follow proper legal procedures cannot be upheld as there was no need for His Honour to follow proper legal procedures. He kept on and on and in the end the Full court made known to adjourn the case and at a later time would hand down its decision. It was 6 months later it handed down its decision and upheld my appeal!
With the “covid scam” I from onset started to investigate and on 8 April 2020 commenced to file a complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman that the Victorian mandates were unconstitutional as the State government had no legislative, executive and/or administrative powers. However, the Ombudsman claimed not to have any powers to deal with this.
Anyhow, I published ongoing my documents at my blog
And while I tried to pursue matters in the High Court of Australia the registrar blocked me from doing so.
As such, I just had to wait my time to let some Government official take me on. I now stopped paying the so called “council rates” on basis that it is unconstitutional (that is in Australia).
They are so obsessed with me that council employees despite signs ENTRY PROHIBITED have been repeatedly jumping the fence causing damages and even vandalised my wife’s motor vehicle that was lawfully parked in front of out property. Leaving behind a note with the name of the council employee having done so! They engaged a law firm with its letter of demands and already so far provided 5 purported notices just that each time I make clear they are unlawful.
This is LAWFARE big time.
The fools (to say it mildly) do not seem to get it that slowly I have been setting out more and more constitutional issues and so if in the end it does go to court they too will be caught with their pants down.
With Julie Inman Grant she too ignores my writings, as I could expect, but that doesn’t make it to go away. We have a legal principle embedded in the constitution of “political liberty” and “religious liberty” and Julie Inman Grant obviously doesn’t seem to understand she has no legal powers to override my or anyone else constitutional rights.
As for X (formally Twitter) and any other Big Tech company when they operate within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Australia they are bound to operate within the provisions of the constitution and so any laws that are appropriately legislated within that power. Meaning those Big Tech companies cannot deny publications merely because it may expose the covid scam. They must however comply with legislation such as preventing paedophilia articles and images.
Recently Slovakia PM Fico was shot at an event and the video is all over the news, yet somehow it seems that is OK to have this available on the internet but a knife attack upon an Australia somehow is not? I admired already for Slovakia PM Fico to dare to stand up for what he beliefs in and condemn the fact that it was tried to assassin him, this as I view, we should have proper court to determine the innocence or guilt of a person and not anyone to take the law into his/her own hands.
One obviously may ask is Julie Inman Grant also seeking the removal of the shooting video of Slovakia PM Fico or is this not relevant to her as it is not really a political issue for the Australian Government?
Yes, it appears to me it is simply a political stunt as she also works for W.E.F. and therefore has a conflict of interest to be an eSafety commissioner. The W.E.F. in my view is a terrorist organisation and anyone working/collaborating with the W.E.F. should be held unsuitable to hold any public office!
Where was she opposing the ongoing avalanche of false/misleading claims by governments and their officials about the “covid scam”? If she really was a competent eSafety commissioner she should have immediately taken the action against the fraudulent “safe and effective” and other such claims. It seems to me she is not about eSafety but rather how to do the job for the W.E.F. to seek to establish a world governance that exposing the true facts can be denied.
Well, as usual I continue my writings and stand my ground that she has no legal powers to deny me or anyone else their constitutional rights.
In November 2023 the High Court of Australia handed down a judgment that to hold illegal migrants in indefinite detention was unconstitutional and they had to be released.
Well, my writings in response can be located at:
It appears to me that the High Court of Australia is a threat to Australia’s national security, in addition to those claiming to be Ministers and their collaborators.
You can download the document from:
And now the High Court of Australia (about 6 months later) has changed as to make clear that indeed as I wrote on 18 November 2023 a person has the key to his own cell door when permitted to leave the country, and if failing to do so can be held in indefinite detention until leaving the country.
As for Elon musk refusing to abide by the rulings of Julie Inman Grant, in my view he is legitimately doing so unless a court order otherwise, and the Court in my view has no judicial powers to interfere with Elon Musk constitutional rights. That means, that while he is subjected to Australian legal provisions, he has also the constitutional rights provided to him within the legal principles embedded in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK).
Too many acquiesced facing such daunting challenge. Bravo on you!!
My fear is that these Karens are the tip of the spear for a generation of women (and cowed men) intent on making an unruly world "safe" no matter the cost.
John K: Men are not "cowed" today. They are disinterested in women. It's a lousy risk vs. reward gamble to have relationships with women today.
I think some men are cowed today. They've bought into the idea that men are bad and have to make up for past sins, real and imagined.
The reality is that male privilege is a myth.
Could not bring myself to watch the Barbie movie for the stench was pretty bad just from the reviews… the glowing words gave the whole gambit away
We need to dismantle the lies that people like this use to acquire power.
John, consider that in a week, the media has done its best to make Harrison Butker the most hated man in America. With a population whose interest in searching out truth reminds me of wrens waiting to be fed a worm by Mama, I don't hold out much hope for such a thing.
Have no fear John. Real men are minding the gap and Real women will stand behind them -and even pick up the mantle if it comes to that.
Your fear is well-founded and already has come to pass, largely.
They didn't name it Homeland Security to appeal to men, but to women. And on and on.
Unelected (by the people) Van der Leyen Policy = Crush those that tell unsuitable and inconvenient TRUTH! Use 'Hate Speech' as the pretense for identifying us all.
Van der Leyen is just another simpleton puppet of Adolf Schwab and cannot be trusted! Beware!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!