Great article as usual,Ms. Nickson. Love your articulate rage. As a dweller in the behemoth, I am tickled that you think my nation the most creative on earth. Thanks for the compliment, but our culture is turning to sh*t too. Hollywood sucks. TV sucks. Magazines and newspapers are imploding. Pop music is a zombie in rhinestones—glamorous but still dead. Art and architecture have been destroyed by a perverse and willful hatred of beauty. Church? Gone woke. Schools and universities? Full of dopes who teach lies. Our gorgeous natural landscapes are ravaged by wind turbines, solar farms, vast garbage middens from hordes of migrant caravans, and seemingly intentional toxic spills and forest fires. Our once-proud, hard-working, independently-minded people are enstupidated, impoverished, cowed, and immiserated. But it’s that way all over the west. Thank God for truth-tellers like you.

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Hello, I am stealing the phrase 'Rhinestone Zombie' and will be using it in conversation to describe the likes of Swift, Beyonce, et al. Thank you.

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All true - make one smaller change going forward. We don’t have “wind farms” we have “industrial wind projects”. The use of language to manipulate people and communities is a practiced skill of the Elites. The use of benign words like “farm” that invokes idyllic imagery to the rural citizens who vote to let these projects in usually have no idea what they’re really in for. But it sounds good - a wind farm! Ugh!!! We must take back our language and words!

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Actually I said wind turbines and solar farms. But you’re right, solar panels don’t make a farm any more than industrial facilities make a park.

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You’re right - good catch - apologies for misquoting you. And yes, industrial wind facility or industrial wind project are both accurate.

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Reproductive freedom. pro-choice. Words to describe one they refuse to use, abortion.

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Which is itself a euphemism for something worse.

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a wind farm! Ugh!!! We must take back our language and words!…we must become aware of semantics and rhetoric…”language serves two contradictory purposes: to facilitate thought and to prevent it”.

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The quote is from “The Ostrich Factor”, by Garrett Hardin, 1998

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The wind turbines forcibly remind me of Day of the Triffids every time I have to drive by them. I live in Nebraska... Nebraskans have figured out that we don't want any more of these horrors. OH NO.

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“enstupidated”. Perfect description.

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Well said. Now imagine Canada....

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Shrinking Violet: Here in Sonoma County, California we do have good wine, craft beer, and great burgers and fries. We also have the best soil and climate in the world (Luther Burbank). We have beaches, the Russian River, and old oaks on the hillsides. We even have the largest Geothermal Power Plant on Earth.

So America isn't all bad.

If you come visit, bring money. You'll need it.

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Thanks for that positive message. I have been to Sonoma and it is lovely. There are pockets of beauty and decency all over this vast, once-great country, especially if you get away from the big, blue cities, which have been corrupted and ruined beyond anything I ever imagined possible. Overall though, California is a decline leader, a pied piper of degeneracy, pushing the envelope ever closer to Weimar.

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There used to be a competition to complete the phrase 'As Canadian as...' One year, the winning entry was 'As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.'

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Timothy W: As Canadian as the McKenzie brothers.

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I'll take that as a compliment?

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Timothy W.: As the old Jewish screenwriter said on his deathbed in Hollywood, "Death is easy. Comedy is hard."

So yes, it is a compliment.

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You rarely hear of someone going to Canada for their medical care, yet we always hear of people coming here to the US for care. We here though, never hear of the 3d or 4th class care, though it must be so in a socialized system.

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James this past March we were in Algadones Mexico. Better known as Molar City…… it borders with Yuma AZ

We walked across and went into a couple dental offices to inquire. We got to talking to people waiting in a couple of the offices in Algadones and almost everyone was from Canada. I guess dental isnt covered up there. Many told us they flew up and down to Yuma from parts of Canada…stayed in a hotel near the border…..ubered over to the border/walk in point and got their teeth work done.

Said paying for all of that was still cheaper than getting any dental work done in Canada. They couldn’t do it

They also got eye exams and prescription glasses.

I’ve known friends and family doing this for 10-15 years now

We snowbird in Quartzsite AZ in the winter.

It is Packed with Canadians. And boy the downright anger and disgust towards what Canada is becoming is on their minds!

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Isn’t it so ironic you never hear this very thing from the captured media.

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At least it’s paid for…

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Nothing is free. If Canadian healthcare is “free”, it’s paid for by stolen monies; stolen from the pockets of the Canadian taxpayers.

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Ok well either the government “steals” it or you pay the doctors directly. Would you have thousands of dollars for a few nights in a hospital if you had an accident? Non socialized medicine ruins people financially in the States…Not saying the medical system we have (socialized) doesn’t need an overhaul, but experience something radical and suddenly the perspective changes.

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What..? Canada’s health care??

Yeah, by tax dollars! 😹


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It’s paid for until you are MAIDed.

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Oh, the horror stories I could tell you. And I think I will tell you at least one!

A Canadian doctor friend of ours had to get his chemo treatments as an OUTPATIENT in the ER because... there weren't enough beds in the hospital for him to be given one. He was blessed and fortunate to even get the chemo...

They couldn't get hospice care for him as he was dying at home. His wife had to nurse him around the clock pretty much by herself. And, again, there was no bed for him at the hospital. This was made all the more fraught for us because he'd spent his life and considerable brilliance serving the poor.

Canadian health care will pay for your medical procedure--if you don't die while on the waiting list to get in to get the medical care you need. But... if you want to kill yourself, you can get an appointment with MAiD superfast!

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Dont get me started on MAiD. There is a rumour going aruond, but not substantiated as yet, that in Ontario there is a “no treatment” directive from the Premiers off for elders over 70. Anyone heard that one? It sure seems like it to me as I try and get the go ahead for knee surgery that will lengthen my athletic life.

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I wouldn’t be surprised.

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It wouldn't surprise me either. There is an undeclared directive in operation under Obamacare for people who are elderly as well. My father nearly fell victim to it in the hospital five years ago--before COVID. The surgeon later admitted that he didn't expect Dad to recover after the neglect he suffered at their collective hands.

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Public-private partnership is the biggest scam on the planet. It's just using three words when one will do:. And that word is Fascism. In the US, the biggest example of fascism is the military contractors, who would have zero business without being in bed with the government.

In my opinion, Canada sank into a new level of Hell when Justin Castro Trudeau and that b***h that was with the Treasury Department announced a plan to seize all funds donated to assist the truckers who were revolting against Wu-Flu jab mandates. That caused me to surrender my now-former Canadian citizenship. Thankfully, I had already escaped from Trudeau's version of Hell before I exercised that right. Not that the act mattered much; I haven't been to Canada in over 18 years. But I sure felt elevated after that. Besides, even Neil Young and Joni Mitchell no longer live there either.

The nation would have a chance of revival if they would dump Trudeau and/or allow Western Canada to be a separate nation.

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The Regime Media exists in order to protect and spread pro-Regime PROPAGANDA. The ones funded directly by taxes engage in protecting the funder (STATE), the others (owned by the B Class) funded, indirectly by taxes and directly by the herds of MMS watching time, engage in a dual protection action: the owners and if it suits Them the "state"!

What still surprises me is our persistance in ignoring the REALITY that OPERATION COVIDIUS so clearly revealed:

The majority of the MMS/3i's are indeed "stupid, stupid and more stupid".

And if we persist in rejecting our real status as a Herd we'll never be able to do anything to CHANGE it.

No matter the amount of books one reads, it really doesn't matter. I've never read a single book during my 5 decades of existence and yet I spotted the PCR kit SCAM & FRAUD since January 2020, and ACTED accordingly.

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SAME! I'm not a big book reader. I used to be better but taking courses outside of educational institutions, where you actually HAVE to read and understand, all by yourself, just "read" me out, I'm a terrible note taker now too..because my learning style is to write everything out..so now I hate taking notes. Lol.. But when I saw covid coming I thought "what the hell???" I never bot into a single second of it. Watching the crash and burn around me was incredible. How could people be so stupid??? I say this even though in my family, my parents, siblings, their spouses, and children totalling around 25, only 6 resisted..me, my three adult children, my daughter in law, and one niece...thats it. I'm so happy all my kids were with me..it was hard sometimes, pulling them off the ceiling when the pressure was on, but I did it..now a days we just don't talk about it..and I'm not about rubbing it in..they all have a cross to bare..its going to at some point catch up to them..I don't need to remind them. We are all dumber because of the last 4 yrs..and everyone seems to be content with that..SMH

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In my case only me and my wife remained sane! All the rest (including morons with Ph.D. https://postlmg.cc/q6Tmjnhc ) went along with it.

My mother didn't took the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab only because even before this operation she already didn't like jabs.

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We were the same. It was clearly bullshit. All of it.

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Sadly we are very very very few... The best we can do is to protect ourselves and try to do the same to those that are very close to us (which might not work as we now perfectly understand).

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One recurring problem: ‘conservative’ parties seldom take the actions that are of their mandate; why they’re voted in. Examples: the BC Liberals (for non-Canucks, the former free enterprise opposition to our provincial socialist party) reneged on promises to privatize liquor retail and wholesale distribution. They also did a 180 on their promise to fight Indigenous sovereignty efforts of various sorts; instead, they helped them along.

The federal Tories under Harper played it safe and shied away from tackling the CBC octopus despite having nearly a decade to neutralize it. Same goes for (nearly all but the western grain) agricultural marketing boards. Once they get in power, the might of the bureaucracies and rent-seekers scares them off. I’m really hoping Poilievre federally and Rustad provincially will take a chance on courage. They might be surprised at how much quiet support there is for undoing these massive manacles on Canadian society.

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They didn’t have popular support. People were still trusting that the govt was good. That ship has sailed for 2/3rds of us.

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Hope you are right but very disappointed in Poilievre for trashing Christine Anderson. Maxine is the only one with real courage but lacks the numbers.

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I left Canada in 1998 to teach in Seoul initially, & later 3 cities in Taiwan, so I haven't lived there in 26 years. In those teaching years (till 2006) I knew a number of fellow Canadians who were neutral on the changes there. Although I keenly follow events in the Western world with occasional info forays into the great white north, I'm largely unaware of this decline - it's not part of my lived reality. I am now aware things are moving rapidly, & Canada had a huge, very noticeable, & the first pushback anywhere to the gene modifier injections & the medical tyranny.

I believe & hope that what I see as a 'Canadian exceptionalism' will continue, though I agree Canadians are truly under siege more so than anywhere, except maybe New Zealand. The Canadian capacity to fight back will be revived.

President Bukele (of El Salvador) gave a speech last week at CPAC that brought the house down with an uproarious audience response. The globalists are taking hit after hit after hit now, the ideological landscape is changing by the week. Canada was a big part of this 3 years ago. Recently, no not so much. It's shocking to see how much the Canadian standard of living has dropped. I agree that the left will maintain its grip on the culture (despite a coming Conservative government), a grip that Canadians should be eager & able to throw off. But it hasn't, and likely won't.

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Screech and Harry - nicknames for the Formerly Sussex Royals?

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Incredible about CBC's audience. I'm not sure what the ABC's is in Australia but I'd say at least 10% - I used to watch it, don't watch TV at all now. We only have 5 free-to-air channels - don't know how many you have in Canada.

All I know about CBC is that this newscaster - don't know her name - is up to her eyeballs in the psyops because I've seen her pushing out nonsense in a few of them. Here she is talking nonsense (known as Revelation of the Method (RoM)) with fake tested-positive-for-covid person, Rebecca Frasure, alleged passenger on cruise ship, holed up in a Tokyo hospital.


A commenter says about her nonsense:

"Show us your room, looks like a western room" did she think that Japanese hospitals have tatami floors and paper walls?

In fact, her room looks like a hotel room and with classic RoM the newscaster ends with, "Rebecca Frasure, from her hotel ... hospital room."


Are people just sick of the lies? I sure know I am.

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I agree 100 % re CBC - lose the TV fast but keep the Radio and get them to drop the wokeism. They do have quality interviewers and that should be encouraged. I feel bad / sad / UnCanadian for wanting to trash it all, especially when I remember the CBC also produced Peter Gzowski and Rex Murphy (who should be awarded something that trumps the highest Order of Canada that currently exists!).

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Also Terry Glavin. Those guys are long gone.

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I've talked with many people from different countries over the years & if that's worth anything, I have come to two conclusions that, as far as I can tell, seem to be accurate-

People from other countries generally see us Americans as arrogant, and sadly, the worst kind of arrogant- SO arrogant we don't even know we're DOING it. (From this observation I have also derived another- The closer an Empire is to falling, the *more* arrogant a people get. If that's true, buy stock in parachutes, now.)

The second observation is that while most people of Earth despise their rulers and want to be differentiated from them, they also *accept* the system of rulership with a force that borders on Religious Worship.

Here's an example I found among many 'conservative Christians' in the states- While acknowledging that God is the creator of marriage and so, is the only actual legitimate authority over what it IS, if a couple wanted to get married in a church WITHOUT getting a government-approved 'marriage license', most Christians would not see that marriage as legitimate. *However*, if that couple went down to a Judge & got the license but DIDN'T have a church service, the marriage would be considered valid.

Despite this being true, bringing it up when I wanted to get married in 2008 did not do my rep any favors among my Christian peers.

Anyway as to Canada, my brother & I have been there many times & always had an enjoyable time. On entering Canada & returning to the US back in 2002, we had an experience that might have relevance. Maybe more about my own country in a larger context, but on an individual level, I think it said more about the people.

On going into Canada, we were asked by the border guard what our reason for entering the country was & if we had anything to declare. We just said we were traveling & had nothing to declare, we were waved in with a smile.

On returning to the US, following a train of cars, as soon as we got up to the border guard, he bent down and loudly grumbled- 'Did I tell you you could move forward?! Give me your ID'S!' (I should note that I'd been watching a half-dozen cars before me mushing forward without any hand signals from the guard, so his complaint made no apparent sense. But it got worse.)

We handed our ID's over- my Father, my Younger Brother & a Friend. AFTER looking them over, the Guard grumbles again- 'How did you guys meet each other?' Since 3 of us all had the same last name and the same address, which he *must* have just seen, the question was so patently absurd, I almost responded with something equally stupid- 'Oh, you see, it was the weirdest thing, I got into Canada & just found these guys with the same name & address randomly hitch-hiking & picked them up!'

I didn't say that, thankfully, but there must have been something about my smile & tone with which I said, 'This is my Dad & Brother. We live together.' that he didn't like, because he then had us pull aside, brought out two other guards & a dog & proceeded to throw all our luggage out & do a serious inspection of the car. Thankfully they didn't tear it up, I don't know if that was because it was a rental or not.

We were brought into a room at the post and questioned for about an hour. The situation was more absurd than scary & I kept having to fight off the giggles. Eventually we were graciously allowed to repack our car & re-enter the US.

So this experience stuck with me & that was generally my impression of Canadians as a people- Genuinely nice. With exceptions, of course. People being people.

I also freely admit to being biased, because I also ran across the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life while in Toronto. She was so stunning I had a case of Brainlock for at least a minute. Thankfully when I walked up to her and told her, she blushed like a Strawberry, so clearly didn't think I was some kind of a creeper. I was pressed for time & had to leave immediately after for a meeting, so it was also clear I didn't have any agenda other than that.

Okay, a bit rambly, so I'll TL;DR- Canada is a Gorgeous Country, with very pleasant & nice people, but *because* of that niceness, people who hate you have come to rule over you. You need to recognize that fact and cast them out before it's too late.

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That was a surreal border experience you had, maybe an early example of institutions sort of breaking down, & now it's far worse, routinely not performing their function.

Politically it's the same all across the West now. The globalist regimes ruling in every Western country hold 'their' ordinary people in utter disdain, hatred, & a naked desire to see a genocide imposed. It's the same whether it's the clownshow Liberal government in Ottawa or the ruling Dems in DC.

Plus this hate-filled 'elite' doesn't seem to have a consistent ideology that motivates them. They rattle on about various issues, from the pandemic to climate crises to migration to evil Putin, but those all seem just tools of their hate. Nor are they followers of the WEF etc. That's just something they hang their hat in for now.

They seem possessed by an obsession to bring chaos, to destroy & lay waste, to kill.

I fear that anti-globalist ideologues think globalism is an ideology that can be defeated & upended. I suspect that's not the case. They're more akin to suicide bombers. Their abject hostility bubbles up from some dark millennia-old source. Sort of a rambling response here.

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I said elsewhere on Elizabeth's substack that 'Bohemian Grove' proves what the agenda of the Elites is and has always been- Every year 3,000 of the most powerful Men in the world spend two weeks at a 'Retreat' that is opened with a ceremony called, 'The Cremation of Care'.

When you actually *listen* to this two-hour performance, you find out that the person they call 'Dull Care' that they clearly hate & try to kill by fire annually, is none other than Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible. So, in effect, they see Him as Evil, while they believe they are the heroic servants of Satan.

Pretty much tells us everything we need to know about why the world is being pushed where it is.

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Yes. It's not driven by any ideology. It's a literal celebration of evil, & the Entity who personifies that. You're right, it's important to confront the reality of this, evil being fully embraced. There's no means by which we can comprehend why. There's no why. Ok. So this is where we are. The fight becomes much harder, but at least it delivers clarity.

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Ms Nickson - What I'm curious about is did you sit down so she could talk to you? Pretty amazing that someone would behave like that!

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I just got up to get some water, it was astonishing. I just looked at her….

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I so imagined you standing there, arms folded, smiling, refusing to sit down! I was lovin' it!

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Well done Elizabeth. I mourn for this country. This week, i attended the Scotties ( curling) in Calgary and it felt so different than before. In the past, there was so much energy, so much love, so much hype. This time, i felt like i was in a sea of people who looked lost and had forgotten how to laugh. This is not what i knew growing up. And i talked to my girlfriends, all of us growing up in rural Manitoba at a time that many had no running water. They carried buckets and had outhouses and i wondered how many made the connection with what is today and what you wrote in your last article about how this country was settled by those who worked hard and learned survival. Sadly, i don’t think any connection was made.

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So true… but I pray for the remnant… as the Lord promised Elijah.

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Before the first "free" trade agreement in 1965, Canadian local content laws were a source of creativity and pride in industry. Canadian branches of US auto and appliance companies created their own versions, and Canadian car buyers actually had MORE choices than US car buyers. The effect was even stronger in Brazil and Argentina where stricter requirements inspired totally new cars.

If the local content requirements in "culture" are working the opposite way, it's not a basic problem with the requirements. Sounds to me like CBC is intentionally sabotaging its own advantages because it WANTS more globalism.

Total freedom kills creativity because total freedom allows the biggest army to take everything. Constraints help creativity by limitiing the reach of the biggest army.


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I’m sure there is a happy medium in there somewhere. Gov’t regulations now strangle everyone and everything!

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Release your men.

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There’s only about two dozen of them .. and they mostly don’t have time to protect the Marxist masses ruining the country with their ignoramus votes

for the Socialist and ndp and Liberal parties.

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I see more than 2 dozen truckers

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Yes, yes you do.

Do you remember why they started their long drive?

They wanted the vax mandate to cross borders dropped for their industry. Their industry.

Now…We all know that nicely morphed into a nations call to drop all mandate dictates and the love fest was born.

And what a fest it was, I was so proud to be a Canadian even tho I couldn’t physically participate.

But so many others did!, by feeding, cheering, hosting, travelling along, it was a glorious moment.

It felt like the ‘men and women who built this country’ had arrived (my phrase).

But it wasn’t those men and women.

It was the men and women of one industry who wanted to keep their jobs - granted, it was for the noble cause of feeding the nations.

So, don’t kid yourself and imagine those were the guys who were going to defend a nations’ freedoms..they were just guys wanting to keep their job.

They weren’t driving to Ottawa to save the jobs of the airport

maintenance crews, or get the children back to school, or demand the LTC prisons

be unlocked , or even to say ‘screw Trudeau, we’re crossing borders; come at us with your guns if you want but we’re going to do our jobs’.

No, they went and ‘asked’.

Don’t get me wrong - the Freedom Convoy is the BEST THING to have happened in Canada in forever! Canada was a rockin’ happenin’ place for a moment in time - who Wasn’t happy!?, in the midst of the insanity we were all subjected to at the time?

But that’s not why the truckers went to Ottawa.

Good, bad, or indifferent outcome, their original message was co-opted by their wonderful supporters to become a fuzzy rallying cry that scared the shit out of Trudeau.

Anyways, my point is CANADIANS RALLYING (temporarily) changed the course of trajectory of Trudeau’s WEF goals, not the truckers. They just got the nation energized.

Were there men among the semis? Of course there were.

But you can’t fight a war with random soldiers.

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I don’t disagree. I think we agree someone is better than none, and something better than nothing, and we the sane have to start somewhere…

As far as them acting in their interests, WHAT is more interesting than WHY, and there’s very few unselfish people who take risk of harm, death, jail for unselfish reasons - and being a soldier myself from time to time even we need money and resources for logistics, supply, training, food and pardon a living paycheck.

Gracious so few act at all anyway that to demand purity of motive is too far an ask.

I’ll take random soldiers as opposed to none - thanks.

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“Gracious so few act at all anyway that to demand purity of motive is too far an ask.”

Well said, thank you.

I wasn’t meaning to disparage the intentions of the truckers; far from it. Their acts of generosity, compatriotism(sp?), the time and effort they took to do what they did, these are all uppermost in my mind when I think of what they started. And in fact, we’re seeing the same kind of courage they modelled, in the current protests in other countries around the world.

What I meant to point out was that there was no altruism that created the fires under their wheels - THat grew along the journey throughout Canada.

I especially liked further - “I’ll take random soldiers as opposed to none - thanks.”

I agree.

Thank you for ypur service.

I’m humbly reminded of my soldiering family members, past and present.

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