In 1967 at age 16, I had a chance encounter alone in an elevator with Rod Serling. During our brief ride down to the lobby of a New York hotel I ask him if the Twilight Zone is for real. Rod smiled, took a drag of his Lucky Strike and nodded his head to say, “Yeah kid, it is.” I never really considered it until recent years where it’s pretty obvious that we are living in one long episode.
Love Rod Serling and could never watch 'Twilight Zone' because we were not allowed to have a T.V. when a kid.
For me, it was 1989...Shadow Govt. existed and required years to determine identity.
So many never questioned the superficial and shallow until PLANDEMIC. Satan stole much ground in the 20th Century since installation of 'The Fed' and legalized Income Tax which remains ILLEGAL as Amendment NEVER received enough support.
Was she convicted in a federal court or a state court? I don’t think Trump can pardon her if it’s a state conviction. Maybe we should bust her out of jail?
I think she was convicted for tampering with a voting machine. The irony is painful. Her conviction is shocking. I am guessing the case is not much covered in the news media in Colorado, or surely there would be significant protests against this travesty
WTF is wrong with the RNC, GOP and even Lara Trump that they are not listening to Elizabeth or Jay or Peter or any of the others who are exposing the STEAL that's coming our way?
We have had this information for YEARS yet the feckless Repubicans have refused to act and clean up the voter rolls.
I have been working in NY and can tell you that there's no doubt NY is a Red state that voted for Trump in a landslide in 2020. Yet our voter rolls are hopelessly compromised by an algorithm that was discovered by Dr. Andrew Paquette.
If you go to the board of elections and show them the proof- they say, so sue us.
I have been asking the same question for years. The RNC is not just impotent, it is complicit in these faux elections. Our political “leaders” have little interest in public service. Their pockets are all lined with lobbyist money (legalized bribery) and status quo is the operative word/s.
I think Lara and all the MAGA folks are depending on the mantra, "Too big to rig." Is there a value beyond which this is true? 5%? 10%? 20%? I sure hope there is one, and that it's achievable.
Well, I am optimistic. I think it's becoming a 'Trump Year'. Glad to hear you think NY is winnable. With NY and a failed steal, I can see 400 Electoral-College votes for President Trump. Let's work to make it so.
If the polls were real, they'd show Trump ahead by a landslide.
But nothing is too big to rig. Chavez used to win in Venezuela with maybe 15 or 20% of the 'real' vote, using his Smartmatic/Diebold/Dominion machines (which BTW were invented for him...).
Too big to rig and hide is another matter. But [they] no longer seem to care -- question is, will anyone do anything about it?
My reading of it is this:
1. Trump would not run if he did not believe he could (and would) win. Why put himself and his family and friends through all this BS unless he knows he'll win?
2. Trump knows he cannot win if [they] are allowed to fraud 2024 like they did '20 and '22 and nothing is done about it.
3. Ergo, Trump knows something that we do not. Whether that means ensuring free and fair elections, or fixing a frauded election and jailing the perps, who knows? Trump probably knows, but he has not revealed The Plan yet. But he knows this ends up with him in office and the bad guys in jail.
He has done a masterful job of summarizing how the world got where we are today. His final paragraph summarizes the last part of this series, to appear in coming days:
"The final article will not be for those who feel the situation is hopeless, nor will it comfort those who believe there is an Enlightened force operating in the background that will liberate them. Nor will it be for those who think they can beat the Marxists, fascists, or Bolshevik bankers in open combat. It will definitely not be for those who are uninterested in history, because they will simply learn from history what they did not want to learn. All of these character traits play into the hands of Enlightened Despotism, the extermination of Western civilization, and the march toward a global socialist “utopia."
While Will is generally right on point, I disagree with him when he implies there is no 'enlightened force' planning to liberate the world. The only way to take down a Cabal that has been controlling the world for centuries (as Will describes in his work) is by an opposing force with superior power to the existing Cabal. You can't vote them out, or they'd already be gone, at least in the USA, likely Canada too. Whatever is planned, Trump knows about it and he knows it's real, it's been around for a long time (started no later than Nov. '63, JFK assassination, and likely earlier), and he has been a part of it since long before the escalator ride.
Are you suggesting the assassination attempt was "staged"? One man died, two were badly injured, and President Trump was almost killed. Such as suggestion is a sign of a sick, delusional mind.
I’m glad you mentioned New York in this context. The tip off to me that 2022 was also stolen (though the topic is still taboo) was how much closer the races were in “sure” democratic precincts (with even some upsets favoring GOP) because they were in counties that are so “Blue” that they haven’t set up a cheating mechanism yet. That put a lie to “the red wave didn’t happen” narrative.
It seems to be a kind of magical thinking, as though just focussing on Trump's campaign will somehow magically prevent the steal. Maybe the egregious J6 false flag has subconsciously convinced the public that the 2020 stolen election was legit, & the loss was a wierd anomaly. Well no, the 2020 steal was huge & will be repeated. Most MAGA supporters stay in much the same frame of mind. But this time it'll be much more blatant, more visible. Sure, but it won't matter.
Senior Dems would prefer to rule over a fearful, uninformed, compliant nation, & they could ramp up the transition to a fully controlled, censored, dependent nation with a minimum of blowback. But given the release of several books this year that expose multiple ongoing frauds, people are more awake to the blob's game plan.
Thus senior Dems know they either have to pull back & call it all off, or go in hard & do a steal so huge it's very visible. If they do the former then they're all on trial next year & suddenly less wealthy. So a visceral determined minority of senior Dems will dictate the latter choice, leading to a Harris fake victory. But then they'll have to go the Cromwell route & suspend normal civil society (or do that after a series of false flag violent post-election events) with a sanitized form of martial law, that tightens the screws as necessary.
Ultimately they'll give total priority to avoiding facing accountability, and if tearing the nation apart is necessary to achieve that, they'll plow ahead. In for a penny in for a pound.
That new authoritarian scenario requires the removal of several opposition figures & the permanent jailing of others. It would overall be a more authoritarian version of the cultural shutdown 3 years ago. Many further measures will be taken to lock this in. It's certainly possible, plausible, & probable ... because otherwise too many very guilty people will have to face what they're willing to sacrifice anything to avoid.
the citizen-activists have filed many many lawsuits, am trying to get on top of the action which is frankly, encouraging, despite my knowing too much and despairing.
Elizabeth, please comment or point to an article you have written on Robert Kennedy, Jr. being a force for evil given his history as an environmentalist. You in the past have had direct contact with him if I recall correctly.
Not much, and why would they? This is the system that also put them in power and, since they're all on the same team, they certainly don't want to upset the apple cart that brought them to the game.
Got to have a discussion about the AT&T server center in Nashville that was vaporized on XMas day 2021! Its funny how audit tracks dissapear-to quote the great Cormac McCarthy-I don't believe in
coincidences, there is a reason for everything. There is a link between the crime syndicate who hijacked this country and the Empire -its the machinism of world control of al property which includes you and me. There is a war on humanity and we are at the crossroads.
Somewhere on a hard drive I have a video downloaded that day, taken by a surveillance camera from a distance, showing what appears to be a missile strike on that location. Like everything else on the internet, like the J6 video of the DC police launching flash bang grenades at a peaceful crowd, it came and went as if it never existed.
On the evening of November 5th and the morning of November 6th there will be a large scale cybersecurity EXERCISE in Atlanta, GA. What a coincidence! All the Intelligence Community will be there I expect.
What is being done to prevent this again? We need to ban electronic voting machines and mail in voting. Absentee voting is one thing and should be used only if necessary and registering to do so should be with enough time that the asking can be fully vetted. Sigh. The whole lie is exhausting. I think God’s grace is the only thing that can save us now.
How do you think someone like Lindsey Graham keeps getting elected when most of the population of the state abhor him. I live in SC, I know his machine and how it works.
The official Republican Party, which is rabidly anti-Trump. The vast majority of Republicans abhor cheating. And quite a few Democrats are against cheating as well, so I think our percentages are better than you indicate.
I was approved to volunteer for signature verification and poll watching in Multnomah County - the belly of the beast in Portland, OR in the run up to the 2020 election (primaries). What I saw left me speechless. Very lax to nonexistent chain of custody of ballots from bins and bins of ballots being brought in through the back delivery bay doors in people’s trunks who had gathered them from dropboxes. Recall Oregon is a mail-in ballot state. Bins of ballots being wheeled away on carts with no tracking or any employee signage to track who has these ballots and where they are going. The signature verification was a joke. It moves so quickly you have no time to second-guess yourself on any of the signatures. By the time you think there might be an issue with one it’s already moved onto the next. When I spoke up about a particular woman acting very strange while opening and stacking the ballots - it was overheard by one of the election workers who wrote to our Republican County group to say that if that kind of behavior continued - no one from our group would be allowed back in. It was an eye-opening and deeply concerning experience and this was all before the 2020 election when I had no real idea about election integrity or the Big Lie whatsoever.
I distinctly remember thinking, Wow, if someone wanted to manipulate our elections they could easily do so. I was so worried we were leaving ourselves vulnerable!! Little did I know!! 🤦♀️
I met a retired woman who was a witness to the Jill Stein recount in Wayne County MI.
This is what she told me happen when they were opening the ballot boxes:
Boxes marked: Trump 50 Clinton 200
Boxes opened and hand counted again: Trump 125 Clinton 75
This happened over and over again. Who counts and marks the boxes? The poll workers.
What did the "outsider nerd" governor do? NOTHING substantial. Rumor has it that he ordered "extra training for poll workers." He could have chosen to prosecute. He did not.
I grew up in the 60s and 70s. There has always been crime and immorality, but even in that time, which was not that long ago, divorce was shameful, adultery was scandalous, and promiscuous behavior was frowned upon. It was a time when people were generally honest and good. Even if people were not true believers, most folks went to church, kids went to Sunday school, and Sundays were a day of rest. Also on Sundays, businesses were closed, no alcohol was permitted to be sold, and people went on picnics and rested, just as the Creator commanded.
Little did I know, that I was born in a time when a bomb was set off in the foundations of western civilization, which began the process of the dismantling of the whole structure. The fake moon landings launched the age of scientism and the sexual revolution undermined the family.
We can go on a forever peeling back the onion and looking at the layers of corruption. All it will do is depress you. That the politicians, the judges, and the businessmen are corrupt, thieves, and liars, is simply part of the judgement on us - we the people. We brought this on ourselves. We have forsaken God and now we shall reap what we have sown.
Even on the cusp of our pending destruction, God gave us one final warning and a possible reprieve, but we were too busy to read the handwriting on the wall, as it were, but it was in the sky. That last solar eclipse that went over so many Ninevehs (and several other obvious clues were built into that event), was the plain offer from God to repent with prayer and fasting (what? Skip a meal? My gosh, how aweful!). But missed it we did, and our fate is sealed.
I would recommend to anyone reading this, to tune out any further discussion on the election, and most other matters for that as well. You’ll never figure out which way the wind will blow with the election, but be assured, it will be a storm and it may just start with a drizzle and a soft breeze. But as hurricanes do, it will eventually make landfall and leave destruction in its wake. It past time for self inventory, but it’s all you have left. Make your heart right with God; it is he who is ultimately bringing this to bear on us for our collective sins. The cup is full, and now it will spill over.
Trump didn't destroy anything but an illusion. And not the illusion of the establishment writ large (though there is that), but the illusion that the Republican (and Democrat for that matter) party functions as any kind of filter. Trump would never have been able to defeat Reagan for the Republican nomination, or Bill Clinton for the Democratic. What Trump learned from Perot is that you have to subvert a party and use it because of the hold both parties have on so many American voters (and the ballot access itself).
How we forget that only 8 years ago Bernie Sanders was threatening to take the nomination away from Hillary. Bernie was no registered Democrat, and he was doing so as Trump ran through the Republican midwits clamoring for that nomination. Remember the Democrat "super delegates" and how they would deliver a split convention to herself?
The lesson is how weak the parties are in the age of instant and continuous political entertainment.
As I sit and write this, I am heartbroken at the very thought that our President Trump could lose this "election" due to the incompetence and negligence of his own team.
It does not seem possible that his Campaign is not aware of what Elizabeth, Jay Valentine, True the Vote and many others have revealed about how our "elections" have been hopelessly compromised these past 4 years and even before that.
The Scamdemic was really the Coup de grace that set us up for all the mail in ballots that will be once again be used against us to install the Cackling Grackle Kamala puppet (as Elon calls her so accurately).
Meanwhile, Trump has some of the smartest, most brilliant, wealthiest people on his team including Elon, RFK Jr, Tulsi, Vivek, et al. How is it that they are not aware of how the phony ballots will be injected into the system as is currently being done?
Why don't Elon and Vivek know about the algorithms that have been discovered and revealed by Dr. Corsi and the incredible Andrew Paquette as documented at Corsi's website? These algos have the power to totally screw up the voter rolls and no one is the wiser. They did it in NY and they are doing it all over.
The Cons are all Hollywood inventions that have been used in movies and TV shows to "prove" to the public that they are fictions and acclimate us to being conned. Now they can easily persuade us that anyone who tries to inform us how they operate are really election deniers and conspiracy theorists. They have enabled the painting of Trump the be a liar, traitor, and a psychopathic would-be dictator.
I am thankful it is delivered. I have been a poll watcher and will complete my training for this year’s election shortly. I pray that everyone who is able and capable will get involved. Many would rather curse the darkness than turn the light on.
In 1967 at age 16, I had a chance encounter alone in an elevator with Rod Serling. During our brief ride down to the lobby of a New York hotel I ask him if the Twilight Zone is for real. Rod smiled, took a drag of his Lucky Strike and nodded his head to say, “Yeah kid, it is.” I never really considered it until recent years where it’s pretty obvious that we are living in one long episode.
Yep. I've been thinking this must be the Twilight Zone every day since the first day of the lockdowns.
And also The Matrix, The Truman Show, Terminator, They Live along with probably many others.
Pod People has oft come to mind...
Did you ever watch King of Hearts? Whacky and so very profound. And real funny. Here’s the trailer-
Good one.
Sadly, I would add The Hunger Games to your list.
Love Rod Serling and could never watch 'Twilight Zone' because we were not allowed to have a T.V. when a kid.
For me, it was 1989...Shadow Govt. existed and required years to determine identity.
So many never questioned the superficial and shallow until PLANDEMIC. Satan stole much ground in the 20th Century since installation of 'The Fed' and legalized Income Tax which remains ILLEGAL as Amendment NEVER received enough support.
I sent your comment to Anne Serling, his daughter… she has a Facebook page dedicated to her father.
She thanked me.
Wow. What a thought.
Tina Peter’s is an American hero. She should be Trumps FIRST PARDON. how much more can we, or should we take???
You think Trump will actually win after reading Nickson's two essays?
Don’t know… but we should pray and fast for this election.
It really does feel like The Truman Show.
Was she convicted in a federal court or a state court? I don’t think Trump can pardon her if it’s a state conviction. Maybe we should bust her out of jail?
What were the charges she was convicted for?
Steve Bannon had her on his show many times. I don't remember the charges, but she did nothing wrong.
I think she was convicted for tampering with a voting machine. The irony is painful. Her conviction is shocking. I am guessing the case is not much covered in the news media in Colorado, or surely there would be significant protests against this travesty
This was all outlined in 2021 by a gloating Molly Ball in a Time magazine article: how a cabal had stolen the 2020 Presidential election.
The question is: What are the MAGA Republicans doing to PREVENT another steal?
WTF is wrong with the RNC, GOP and even Lara Trump that they are not listening to Elizabeth or Jay or Peter or any of the others who are exposing the STEAL that's coming our way?
We have had this information for YEARS yet the feckless Repubicans have refused to act and clean up the voter rolls.
I have been working in NY and can tell you that there's no doubt NY is a Red state that voted for Trump in a landslide in 2020. Yet our voter rolls are hopelessly compromised by an algorithm that was discovered by Dr. Andrew Paquette.
If you go to the board of elections and show them the proof- they say, so sue us.
I have been asking the same question for years. The RNC is not just impotent, it is complicit in these faux elections. Our political “leaders” have little interest in public service. Their pockets are all lined with lobbyist money (legalized bribery) and status quo is the operative word/s.
I think Lara and all the MAGA folks are depending on the mantra, "Too big to rig." Is there a value beyond which this is true? 5%? 10%? 20%? I sure hope there is one, and that it's achievable.
Well, I am optimistic. I think it's becoming a 'Trump Year'. Glad to hear you think NY is winnable. With NY and a failed steal, I can see 400 Electoral-College votes for President Trump. Let's work to make it so.
If the polls were real, they'd show Trump ahead by a landslide.
But nothing is too big to rig. Chavez used to win in Venezuela with maybe 15 or 20% of the 'real' vote, using his Smartmatic/Diebold/Dominion machines (which BTW were invented for him...).
Too big to rig and hide is another matter. But [they] no longer seem to care -- question is, will anyone do anything about it?
My reading of it is this:
1. Trump would not run if he did not believe he could (and would) win. Why put himself and his family and friends through all this BS unless he knows he'll win?
2. Trump knows he cannot win if [they] are allowed to fraud 2024 like they did '20 and '22 and nothing is done about it.
3. Ergo, Trump knows something that we do not. Whether that means ensuring free and fair elections, or fixing a frauded election and jailing the perps, who knows? Trump probably knows, but he has not revealed The Plan yet. But he knows this ends up with him in office and the bad guys in jail.
That's my take on it. YMMV.
I LOVE your take on the situation. Makes me feel a whole lot better.
I'm glad 💖 Replies like yours are why I take the time to comment. Knowing that people read the comments and find them helpful makes it worthwhile.
Trump knows a lot we do not know. Just for one: why he participated in the staged drama in Butler PA in July.
Indeed. There is much more to The Plan than meets the eye.
I just finished reading Will Zoll's latest:
He has done a masterful job of summarizing how the world got where we are today. His final paragraph summarizes the last part of this series, to appear in coming days:
"The final article will not be for those who feel the situation is hopeless, nor will it comfort those who believe there is an Enlightened force operating in the background that will liberate them. Nor will it be for those who think they can beat the Marxists, fascists, or Bolshevik bankers in open combat. It will definitely not be for those who are uninterested in history, because they will simply learn from history what they did not want to learn. All of these character traits play into the hands of Enlightened Despotism, the extermination of Western civilization, and the march toward a global socialist “utopia."
While Will is generally right on point, I disagree with him when he implies there is no 'enlightened force' planning to liberate the world. The only way to take down a Cabal that has been controlling the world for centuries (as Will describes in his work) is by an opposing force with superior power to the existing Cabal. You can't vote them out, or they'd already be gone, at least in the USA, likely Canada too. Whatever is planned, Trump knows about it and he knows it's real, it's been around for a long time (started no later than Nov. '63, JFK assassination, and likely earlier), and he has been a part of it since long before the escalator ride.
It will be an interesting trip, for sure.
Are you suggesting the assassination attempt was "staged"? One man died, two were badly injured, and President Trump was almost killed. Such as suggestion is a sign of a sick, delusional mind.
Agree wholeheartedly.
I agree about New York. It’s one of the states where algorithms have been found in the voter rolls that enable massive undetectable fraud.
It's interesting you say that about NY really being red. I've been suspecting that myself lately.
I’m glad you mentioned New York in this context. The tip off to me that 2022 was also stolen (though the topic is still taboo) was how much closer the races were in “sure” democratic precincts (with even some upsets favoring GOP) because they were in counties that are so “Blue” that they haven’t set up a cheating mechanism yet. That put a lie to “the red wave didn’t happen” narrative.
It seems to be a kind of magical thinking, as though just focussing on Trump's campaign will somehow magically prevent the steal. Maybe the egregious J6 false flag has subconsciously convinced the public that the 2020 stolen election was legit, & the loss was a wierd anomaly. Well no, the 2020 steal was huge & will be repeated. Most MAGA supporters stay in much the same frame of mind. But this time it'll be much more blatant, more visible. Sure, but it won't matter.
Senior Dems would prefer to rule over a fearful, uninformed, compliant nation, & they could ramp up the transition to a fully controlled, censored, dependent nation with a minimum of blowback. But given the release of several books this year that expose multiple ongoing frauds, people are more awake to the blob's game plan.
Thus senior Dems know they either have to pull back & call it all off, or go in hard & do a steal so huge it's very visible. If they do the former then they're all on trial next year & suddenly less wealthy. So a visceral determined minority of senior Dems will dictate the latter choice, leading to a Harris fake victory. But then they'll have to go the Cromwell route & suspend normal civil society (or do that after a series of false flag violent post-election events) with a sanitized form of martial law, that tightens the screws as necessary.
Ultimately they'll give total priority to avoiding facing accountability, and if tearing the nation apart is necessary to achieve that, they'll plow ahead. In for a penny in for a pound.
That new authoritarian scenario requires the removal of several opposition figures & the permanent jailing of others. It would overall be a more authoritarian version of the cultural shutdown 3 years ago. Many further measures will be taken to lock this in. It's certainly possible, plausible, & probable ... because otherwise too many very guilty people will have to face what they're willing to sacrifice anything to avoid.
Marc Ellias (sp) has pre-filed 14 (I think) Fed lawsuits regarding the election.
Has the RNC-Nope. As usual, R's are behind the eightball.
the citizen-activists have filed many many lawsuits, am trying to get on top of the action which is frankly, encouraging, despite my knowing too much and despairing.
Elizabeth, please comment or point to an article you have written on Robert Kennedy, Jr. being a force for evil given his history as an environmentalist. You in the past have had direct contact with him if I recall correctly.
I wish I didn't agree.
We can only pray that you are wrong. This is devastating but probably an accurate surmise.
I think they will cancel the election.
I think they will put Trump in prison. We are a law abiding bunch, but that is likely to tip people over the edge.
I think that is part of their plan -- putting Trump in jail -- but am hoping something will prevent that from happening.
"Take my beads..."
Answer: nothing.
Not much, and why would they? This is the system that also put them in power and, since they're all on the same team, they certainly don't want to upset the apple cart that brought them to the game.
Got to have a discussion about the AT&T server center in Nashville that was vaporized on XMas day 2021! Its funny how audit tracks dissapear-to quote the great Cormac McCarthy-I don't believe in
coincidences, there is a reason for everything. There is a link between the crime syndicate who hijacked this country and the Empire -its the machinism of world control of al property which includes you and me. There is a war on humanity and we are at the crossroads.
Most seem to have forgotten about this! Thanks for reminding us!
Correct! I remember that, the MSM flushed it w/in 24 hrs.
Somewhere on a hard drive I have a video downloaded that day, taken by a surveillance camera from a distance, showing what appears to be a missile strike on that location. Like everything else on the internet, like the J6 video of the DC police launching flash bang grenades at a peaceful crowd, it came and went as if it never existed.
On the evening of November 5th and the morning of November 6th there will be a large scale cybersecurity EXERCISE in Atlanta, GA. What a coincidence! All the Intelligence Community will be there I expect.
I would love to learn more.
What is being done to prevent this again? We need to ban electronic voting machines and mail in voting. Absentee voting is one thing and should be used only if necessary and registering to do so should be with enough time that the asking can be fully vetted. Sigh. The whole lie is exhausting. I think God’s grace is the only thing that can save us now.
You are assuming that both sides want to prevent it.
They don't.
My guess is that 100% of the D party is OK with cheating, and at least 50% of the R party is OK.
The only people who don't want the cheat are We, The People, and we don't matter.
How do you think someone like Lindsey Graham keeps getting elected when most of the population of the state abhor him. I live in SC, I know his machine and how it works.
The official Republican Party, which is rabidly anti-Trump. The vast majority of Republicans abhor cheating. And quite a few Democrats are against cheating as well, so I think our percentages are better than you indicate.
I don't know if Democrat politicians are against cheating if it benefits them. Same with Republican politicians.
People are people, and cheaters can prosper.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Too late.
I was approved to volunteer for signature verification and poll watching in Multnomah County - the belly of the beast in Portland, OR in the run up to the 2020 election (primaries). What I saw left me speechless. Very lax to nonexistent chain of custody of ballots from bins and bins of ballots being brought in through the back delivery bay doors in people’s trunks who had gathered them from dropboxes. Recall Oregon is a mail-in ballot state. Bins of ballots being wheeled away on carts with no tracking or any employee signage to track who has these ballots and where they are going. The signature verification was a joke. It moves so quickly you have no time to second-guess yourself on any of the signatures. By the time you think there might be an issue with one it’s already moved onto the next. When I spoke up about a particular woman acting very strange while opening and stacking the ballots - it was overheard by one of the election workers who wrote to our Republican County group to say that if that kind of behavior continued - no one from our group would be allowed back in. It was an eye-opening and deeply concerning experience and this was all before the 2020 election when I had no real idea about election integrity or the Big Lie whatsoever.
I distinctly remember thinking, Wow, if someone wanted to manipulate our elections they could easily do so. I was so worried we were leaving ourselves vulnerable!! Little did I know!! 🤦♀️
Thank you Elizabeth for sharing this information of how the theatre works. I shall share it around. God love a authentic journalist.
I met a retired woman who was a witness to the Jill Stein recount in Wayne County MI.
This is what she told me happen when they were opening the ballot boxes:
Boxes marked: Trump 50 Clinton 200
Boxes opened and hand counted again: Trump 125 Clinton 75
This happened over and over again. Who counts and marks the boxes? The poll workers.
What did the "outsider nerd" governor do? NOTHING substantial. Rumor has it that he ordered "extra training for poll workers." He could have chosen to prosecute. He did not.
They're part of the steal.
Wow, just Wow.
I grew up in the 60s and 70s. There has always been crime and immorality, but even in that time, which was not that long ago, divorce was shameful, adultery was scandalous, and promiscuous behavior was frowned upon. It was a time when people were generally honest and good. Even if people were not true believers, most folks went to church, kids went to Sunday school, and Sundays were a day of rest. Also on Sundays, businesses were closed, no alcohol was permitted to be sold, and people went on picnics and rested, just as the Creator commanded.
Little did I know, that I was born in a time when a bomb was set off in the foundations of western civilization, which began the process of the dismantling of the whole structure. The fake moon landings launched the age of scientism and the sexual revolution undermined the family.
We can go on a forever peeling back the onion and looking at the layers of corruption. All it will do is depress you. That the politicians, the judges, and the businessmen are corrupt, thieves, and liars, is simply part of the judgement on us - we the people. We brought this on ourselves. We have forsaken God and now we shall reap what we have sown.
Even on the cusp of our pending destruction, God gave us one final warning and a possible reprieve, but we were too busy to read the handwriting on the wall, as it were, but it was in the sky. That last solar eclipse that went over so many Ninevehs (and several other obvious clues were built into that event), was the plain offer from God to repent with prayer and fasting (what? Skip a meal? My gosh, how aweful!). But missed it we did, and our fate is sealed.
I would recommend to anyone reading this, to tune out any further discussion on the election, and most other matters for that as well. You’ll never figure out which way the wind will blow with the election, but be assured, it will be a storm and it may just start with a drizzle and a soft breeze. But as hurricanes do, it will eventually make landfall and leave destruction in its wake. It past time for self inventory, but it’s all you have left. Make your heart right with God; it is he who is ultimately bringing this to bear on us for our collective sins. The cup is full, and now it will spill over.
The truth can be shouted from the roof tops but an ostrich with its head buried in the sand can not hear.
Trump didn't destroy anything but an illusion. And not the illusion of the establishment writ large (though there is that), but the illusion that the Republican (and Democrat for that matter) party functions as any kind of filter. Trump would never have been able to defeat Reagan for the Republican nomination, or Bill Clinton for the Democratic. What Trump learned from Perot is that you have to subvert a party and use it because of the hold both parties have on so many American voters (and the ballot access itself).
How we forget that only 8 years ago Bernie Sanders was threatening to take the nomination away from Hillary. Bernie was no registered Democrat, and he was doing so as Trump ran through the Republican midwits clamoring for that nomination. Remember the Democrat "super delegates" and how they would deliver a split convention to herself?
The lesson is how weak the parties are in the age of instant and continuous political entertainment.
As I sit and write this, I am heartbroken at the very thought that our President Trump could lose this "election" due to the incompetence and negligence of his own team.
It does not seem possible that his Campaign is not aware of what Elizabeth, Jay Valentine, True the Vote and many others have revealed about how our "elections" have been hopelessly compromised these past 4 years and even before that.
The Scamdemic was really the Coup de grace that set us up for all the mail in ballots that will be once again be used against us to install the Cackling Grackle Kamala puppet (as Elon calls her so accurately).
Meanwhile, Trump has some of the smartest, most brilliant, wealthiest people on his team including Elon, RFK Jr, Tulsi, Vivek, et al. How is it that they are not aware of how the phony ballots will be injected into the system as is currently being done?
Why don't Elon and Vivek know about the algorithms that have been discovered and revealed by Dr. Corsi and the incredible Andrew Paquette as documented at Corsi's website? These algos have the power to totally screw up the voter rolls and no one is the wiser. They did it in NY and they are doing it all over.
If President Trump loses this election it will be because of the RNC and GOP in my estimation.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
The Cons are all Hollywood inventions that have been used in movies and TV shows to "prove" to the public that they are fictions and acclimate us to being conned. Now they can easily persuade us that anyone who tries to inform us how they operate are really election deniers and conspiracy theorists. They have enabled the painting of Trump the be a liar, traitor, and a psychopathic would-be dictator.
going on OFFENSE is the only answer.
This detailed report would have been very helpful in this years presidential election of only delivered a year or two ago.
I am thankful it is delivered. I have been a poll watcher and will complete my training for this year’s election shortly. I pray that everyone who is able and capable will get involved. Many would rather curse the darkness than turn the light on.