Absurdistan is on Christmas break, since this is the only part of the year our repellent leadership class hasn’t turned into an absurdity, and usually a violent and disgusting absurdity.
This past week, I met a fifth cousin who happened on Absurdistan, and he showed me that I was a descendant of Roger Sherman, through his granddaughter marrying one of my (five times) great grandfathers. Sherman was the only founder who signed all four documents of the American Revolution and he was one of the four who drafted the Articles of Confederation. He would have known and worked alongside my other founder grandfather, Noah Phelps, who represented Connecticut at the First Constitutional Convention. As my fifth cousin said, “we are invested”. And, there are at least twenty million of us alive today, descendants of those pivotal times.
Sherman was a cobbler by trade, with a grade school education and when he moved to Connecticut, he opened a shop, a shoe shop. His father had asked the local minister who had studied at Harvard when it wasn’t a scumfest of dishonesty, to tutor him, and he had studied the classics hard, as they all did. As an adult he studied law, and became a member of the bar.
Here is my brief point. The men and women who founded the United States, who prosecuted the Revolution and won it, did not succumb to violence, revenge or establish themselves as yet another parasite class. They knew their values were universally held by every oppressed man and woman in every country. And they knew that because they were ordinary and proud to be so. They did not think of themselves as special because they were Christian and all are equal under God.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Sixty years later members of both families, Sherman and Phelps, were officers on the Underground Railroad.
They were, by today’s standards, un-educated, but in contrast to today, they were scholarly and sober-minded. They were operating from the exact opposite of self-interest. The opening scene of Hamilton, with its rap and Ima gonna get mine grotesquerie was the exact opposite of their orientation to truth and life.
We face a similar battle. Populists may not be being shot, but they are losing everything, as the J6 prisoners and hundreds of persecuted others, demonstrate. We stand within a massive majority, but we are facing the same evil that the American founders faced: people who want to force us into prison-cities as serfs, harvest our labor, eat our energy, and will do any foul thing they can, because if we win, they will be pursued to the gates of hell.
In the face of their evil, we must be sober-minded, methodical and implacable.
And take prisoners. Even if it takes fifty years to prosecute them all and flush out their crimes against us. Because this abomination, this Absurdistan, must never happen again.
Agreed. Every day that I am standing means we live to fight on. Yes, there are 'hordes' of us, but at present, they will double and triple down on their evil.
The call to action is to never give in and never stand down. Find your people and rejoice. Learn a new skill. Find more people like Liz Reitzig that have the blessed attitude that nothing is beyond a mere challenge because we are clever!
It sounds contrite, but buy some seeds and plant a garden. Grow your own food and supplement what you don't grow with others skills. It will require a bit of effort, but the the joy of discovering new alliances will be your reward.
Plant your flag and move forward!
Thank you Elizabeth and Merry Christmas to all!
I just spent the last 30 min giving my daughter an oft-repeated history lesson on the founding of our country and the mindset of the people, our Founding Fathers, who fought so hard to make it possible. We are born with our freedoms, inalienable rights, I tell her. Endowed by our Creator - not by government. For what the government giveth it can taketh. I told her, as I tell all my children, that we must never forget our history, and we must never become complacent; We must always fight to protect our freedoms, even to our dying breath. I’m sure she thinks I’m a bit dramatic, but never in my 45 years have I believed this to be more true.