Turns Out all You Need is 38,000 Demons to Destroy the World
And they are all employed by one company
The brutalism of government during the last three years was anomalous in western democracies. First of all, it was irrational, it contravened common sense, which almost everyone possesses, and it destroyed millions of household economies and small businesses. It impoverished and starved a billion people in the developing world. It killed the old, brutally, refusing them affection in their last days. It divided us and is still dividing us. The virus was engineered by the government and paid for by the people it was unleashed upon. And then the fiends forced injections upon anyone with a job and a family to feed, via relentless propaganda, where it too contravened basic reason (acquired immunity, tiny effect on people under 70), and then the shot started to kill. And the deaths were ignored, records hidden, and the press was quiescent.
Who did this? This wasn’t normal government behavior. Government is usually just incompetent. At the very least it pretends compassion, is generally well-meaning, its check the voting booth. But now, it’s full-on Satanic. And the voting booth is essentially gone, corrupted by cartels, the CCP, the international left, the profiting UniParty.
But this niggled at me. Who drew up the plan, instituted it in every country, bullied every citizenry, devised the advertising, instituted the protocols? What operation has that level of power, of discipline?

Only one answer: McKinsey. McKinsey innovated and executed the whole damned thing. Mr Google is quite clear. In France, in Canada, in the U.S., in Australia and New Zealand. The cruelty, the ruthless crushing of millions, it was all them. In Canada alone they made $100 million ‘transitioning’ government’s duty of care into a brutal suppression of anyone without elite status.
McKinsey is the international consultancy that lands everywhere that owners want to maximize their income. It is profoundly efficient. It privileges the predator class and institutes a brutal Darwinian system for everyone else.
“We don’t do policy,” said Richard Elder, DC Mckinsey chief. ‘We do execution.” Sure, buddy, you aren’t at the meeting where they tabletop ICE budgets, game the Chicago Health bureaucracy by Kaiser or how to sell more opioids to teens?
Trudeau had to have taken McKinsey advice when he set planeloads of anonymous black Kevlar-clad mercenaries on Canadian truckers and their supporters. He simply doesn’t have the nerve to do it alone. That action was unprecedented in Canadian history. Even the poodle press thinks McKinsey runs Canada. It has contracts across ministries, its former CEO, Dominic Barton, is Trudeau’s ambassador to China, and he is likely guiding some of the election theft that has been taking place under Trudeau. Whether McKinsey games immigrant ballot harvesting remains to be seen, but it bears its fingerprint.
Up until Obama, McKinsey just destroyed the middle class by offshoring manufacturing, plowing into one company after another, firing the weak, firing the most experienced, replacing them with cheaper labor, destroying safety standards, extracting billions of dollars by ruining one town after another. It supercharged the opioid epidemic by gaming sales. And so endlessly on, leaving devastation in its wake and enriching owners and senior managers who used to have ethics, used to care. When my father, who wasn’t an owner, had to shutter his factories and throw thousands out of work, he was heartbroken for years. He cared about those people. That was deemed ridiculous, and Milton Friedman was cited.
“A new ideal of shareholder primacy, powerfully championed by Milton Friedman in a 1970 New York Times Magazine article entitled “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits,” drove McKinsey.
The blowback from the devastation they had caused took a while to arrive, but did it ever arrive. Hundreds of millions in fines for the opioid fiasco alone. Reputation in the tank. Full on attack by the press and the left. Nowhere to hide.
But then with the glorious Obama arrived the possibility of redemption. The brainiacs in Obama’s White House were trained by McKinsey or adjacent fiend-holes, and in they flowed. Obamacare meant consulting with both government and business! At the same time! Making money by doing good, using taxpayer funds, was innovated by Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons and was it every lucrative! The money just poured into the coffers, and the Affordable Care Act suddenly became unaffordable for the once-middle-class. Oops.
And then they decided that ICE could save money by housing migrants in less salubrious places and feeding them less, and giving them less medical care. Caught again.
Niggling worry that their crimes were not “attracting the best”. So, like so many, the organization went all in for Social Justice and Climate Change. McKinsey then produced all kinds of wonderful studies that claimed that corporations which were diverse in their leadership were more successful financially, and yet more wonderful studies that claimed the transition to a green economy by 2030 WOULD MAKE MONEY!!!!
It is super easy for me to get into their heads, because I have an MBA and this is exactly what we were taught to do. Further, these guys and gals are just not that smart. What they are is mean and destructive. Fresh out of school, I was sitting in a meeting at a multinational as a department head at Time Inc., when these guys came to town to explain the MIRACLE THAT THEY WOULD EFFECT ON THE COMPANY. Everyone competent and expensive was fired and a bunch of kids were hired to replace them, and the organization became crap. Everything that created the company was excised - too expensive. Took five years to destroy a reputation, an institution, carefully built for seventy-five years. But God in heaven did the executives ever make out.
By their fruits ye shall know them.
Yeah, there is money to be made in decarbonization. BECAUSE THE GOVT SUBSIDIZES IT. Which means opportunity and tax money are extracted from ordinary citizens.
I simply don’t believe the bullshit about diversity making companies more profitable. The only mechanism that does that is excellence whether in a brown body or a red body or a tri-sexed body. So all that is pandering, just don’t sue us anymore ok? Further, I could fill several pages citing evidence that diversity has created a Soviet hellscape in every university, corporation and bureaucracy. It literally immiserates the best, and empowers bullies. This is called replacing ethics with ideology and it collapsed the Soviet Union, as Putin pointed out recently. “Let them go ahead and do it,” he said and I paraphrase. “We shall profit from their stupidity.”
And now we are at this place where we have an army of fiends from hell executing the worst ideas of the left and the worst ideas of the right.
And they are covered by their ‘work on behalf of climate change” and ‘diversity in the work place’.
The GDP is gamed. We haven’t grown since W’s first term, with a brief blip during Trump. Real wages have gone down for the past 20 years. What we have done is strip-mined our human assets. We have gutted the working and middle class, we have asset stripped any corporation that contributed to industrial growth, and we have stolen the life’s energy from the slaves of China because they manufacture 80% of what we consume. Energy and resources are so gamed by the environmental business that there is no price discovery. Price discovery is the cornerstone of the market economy. Without price discovery, we are at sea without a compass.
Any growth we can claim is built on cruelty and death. Start with the lie that the earth is dying and every demon in hell comes out to play. We have on my island the spectacle of a wealthy university professor, the author of several books about the superior virtue of primitive tribes, who actively works to refuse housing to the young, working class, hospital and school employees. His cruel letters bleating about the earth unfurl with regularity in the local press and all the silly innocents believe him. This individual is common, there are many in every community all working from the same mad idea that the earth is dying. This man is literally Satan. Commanding from his heights, demanding that old women freeze sleeping in their cars in the winter. If you are in any doubt about this I recommend this book. I travelled 20,000 miles throughout the U.S. and the only devastation I found was caused by the government in league with environmental activists allied with the richest people on earth. The land is waiting for its people to return.
Till then, the culture of death we live in needs its Grim Reaper.
Enter McKinsey.
As below, I know what I’m doing, this isn’t a side hustle or a new passion for me. Please consider a very cheap annual subscription.
Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. You can subscribe to her Substack at elizabethnickson.substack.com/
I'm hopeful that the slow-to-boil but inevitable mass public awakening to the covid hoax will spill over to the climate and diversity hoaxes. When the people realize how they've been played in the "health" field, surely they'll see through the all the other lies (?). But the technocratic capture of all the world's electoral systems will be the final force to be reckoned with, I think.
Bob Sternfels is a 28+ year veteran of McKinsey & Co. and now CEO.
$3.5T annual planned for GAEA to fix "klimit chanj"
Here he is co-authoring with our man Klaus.
Dude is in so deep he may as well just wear pointed horns for permanent 👿