The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”
Lincoln’s Inaugural Address
Mel Gibson did a Tiktok video this week about Lt. General Harold G Moore who commanded the first major battle of the Vietnam war, a war which, in perspective needs some revisioning given the rapid and ferocious encroachment of Communism in America.
Gibson played Moore and spent some time with him.
“What Hal and his men shouldered, endured and accomplished is something few men will ever have to face…
“I was glad to be in the rarified air of a true hero.
“He introduced me to his men. They revered him. Then, he took me to their graves, introduced them. He said he prayed for them every day and spoke to them as if they were still here.”
My father was one of those men. When I was growing up, he walked in the ‘rarified air of a true hero’, as if there was a space around him that no one could enter. I grew up in a village of 500 and everyone knew. In the summers, we were flooded with 1000 more sophisticated sorts and they too, walked around him as if they were in the presence of something other, not greatness as it is defined today, but something they thought they probably couldn’t do, or be. And these were rich successful people used to the obeisances of others.
Gibson again: “From all reports he didn’t have any fear walking around the battlefield with bullets whizzing past his ears.”
This is exactly how my father won one of his medals, “He facilitated the victory of Tackenhof, immediately after the battle of Yuenbauenshof. Major Nickson has inspired his men by his own courage and unexpectedly faced with heavy small arms fire, the officer stayed at the head of his detail, “moving freely about the area with little concern for himself,” reads the citation.

He had gone into WW2 as a boy, and came out of it a man. His Company, C Company went further into France on D-Day than any other company in any other army. The troops arrayed against him all the way into Holland and then Germany, were commanded by Panzerfurhur Meyer, an SS General so cruel he was sentenced to death as a war criminal. One day, my father came across a field of some of his childhood friends, their wounds first bandaged, after which they had been bludgeoned to death, then laid out in lines for him to find.
His platoon leaders died before he could learn their names. They camped that winter in caves overlooking the Rhine waiting for the invasion. When the war was over, he was put in charge of a Nazi camp and told to “sort those people out”. “It wasn’t a death camp, it was a work camp,” was all he would say.
My father felt what Gibson said about Moore, he carried “an agony of soul that he hadn’t joined them in sacrificing their lives”. As a result, he lived a life of service, implacably and as if there were no other choice. Later in life he broke all the bones in his face, deafened and blinded him in one eye. “I don’t feel pain,” he’d snap, when one attempted to sympathize. “I’ve seen real pain.”
I have the Book of Common Prayer he carried, it falls open at the Prayer for the Dead. Sometimes, when I am frightened, I sleep with it.
Today the enemies arrayed against America are like separate massive armies filled with the demonic, much like Panzer Fuhrer Meyer, but they operate in secret, pretending to love America and Americans, while working within it it to destroy it.
Islamists, adhering to a bastardization of their faith, still hate us. Asra Q Nomani in Woke Army, the Red Green Alliance That Is Destroying America’s Freedom, performed mind-breaking research into the army of highly educated, primitive and vicious Muslims who work all day, every day, salted away in America’s cities and suburbs, heavily funded, to destroy America’s treasured institutions and take the US into chaos and ruin. In The Snowflakes Revolt, How Woke Millennials Hijacked American Media, Amber Athey tracks the funding and brainwashing of the hysterics in the mainstream media who sell hate of Americans to Americans every single day.
Across the border flow military aged men, Chinese and Arab. What are they planning?

Mexican and Asian cartels run drug and child sex trafficking rings in every city in the US and only reporters on the right like Lara Logan, who has, as Gibson describes Moore, “been to the edge and lived to talk about it”.
Our government is arrayed against us. On Friday, Human Events announced the formation of a new project with $40 million initial funding, to shut down all populist media by calling us what they are, fascist and brutal. Biden has turned the war on terror apparatus against the American people, the aim to drive every conservative out of public space or polite society.
Black liberationists, driven by dreams of reparations, millions of dollars per family, faced by a Republican government, will form an army so destructive it will make April’s riot in Chicago look like New York’s Easter Parade in 1962.
And there will be no one to stop them. Our police have been shamed and othered, the army is woke and passive and under the command of a General who would not have survived one day in my father’s war.
A reader writes.
'Come next summer before the election you will see what is the purpose of the invasion of young military age males across our southern border. Will make summer 2020 look like a walk in the park. They will be outfitted with black clothing and baklava masks and supplied with pallets of bricks and Molotov cocktails and bats and they will roast the cities. Just like the Antifa and BLM did prior to the last election. Our Proud Boy street defenders rot in DC dungeons, there will be no counter offensive in the streets. Don't remember the name of the teenage boy who fought his way down a street in one city and then was prosecuted. Won't be many of him in 2024. Antifa and BLM will be revitalized by the troops from the south. Friends in tiny Prescott, Arizona armed and brandished weapons down main street to push these threatening Antifa invaders out of Prescott. They even came to our tiny suburban city on the foothills and did hand to hand combat with our tiny police force at the city hall. They marched into suburban neighborhoods and terrified citizens. They set fire to police cruisers in downtown Salt Lake City, the girls accompanying this outrage in the streets became so stimulated and excited that they climbed on top of police cruisers and defecated.
We are being destroyed by our founding principles, the only universal principles in the world that apply to all races, all religions, all colors: free speech, an open society that welcomes everyone founding in the idea that the more who participate, the greater the growth, prosperity and happiness of humanity.
But such a future requires strength, and the forces arrayed against us are committed to weakness. They each have decided, in the depths of their souls, that they are not strong enough to be free and independent. They cannot fix anything. They must be taken care of, they must have a life-long tit from which to draw sustenance. There are millions of immigrants who have gutted it out America and been successful, millions of black Americans who have hung the moon in every profession. There are millions of Muslim immigrants live good lives and lives of faith. But they are, like us, threatened into silence.
I’ve spent a lot of time on the cultural left, two decades almost and every family I met teaches their children the world is evil and they are too weak to compete. Complaint and criticism fill their houses, they see America and capitalism as a titanic evil that must be destroyed. They talk about the evil of every individual in the marketplace, impugn every motivation, create false worlds of hatred, discrimination and violence, which they have invited into being, as if casting a spell. What child would risk him or herself in such a world? Of course you would try to tear it down.
Envy is the dominant emotion on the left. But envy is your soul telling you to grow. Nothing else. Embrace envy and it will destroy you. They dream of prison camps where we can be restricted and think they will be in control. In fact it is their children who are destroying themselves and the only future they can envision is little lives circumscribed in tiny apartments, with no ability to travel, to experiment, to live. Bound by “safe” and “effective”, many of them have mild or severe mental illness. That is what feminized education has done, we have Oprahfied education into grievance. It has turned three generations into wittering fools whose only motivation is to tear down the place that gave them everything if they would just stand up and work for it.
Historian Robert Spencer believes they are trying the Sumpter Gambit, the title of this book.
The south at the beginning of the Civil War attacked Fort Sumpter and precipitated action. If Spencer is right, there will be an army of destruction on the streets next summer. Let’s make sure everyone knows who fielded them. Everyone needs to know who lights the match. Who funds and supports them. In 2024, the Democrat Party will try to collapse civilized order in search of power: Hillary and Joe and the Deep State?
Against them, we stand. Fortress America.
Over the next few weeks, I’m going to excavate the hellholes of the left and float them to the surface so we can know our enemy. Have patience with me as I dig, and please support my work by posting it and sending it around. Many of you have subscribed for actual money, and I remain deeply grateful. I charge as little as Substack allows, on the grounds that you probably want to support as many people as possible. You can subscribe here.
Also, yes I am Canadian, but I left as soon as I finished graduate school and was trained as a journalist at Time Inc. When I was about 40, my father gave me the history of his American family - in fact, both parents’ ancestors arrived in Connecticut in the early 1600s. His side participated in the Revolutionary War as Commissary - the elder represented Connecticut at the 1st Continental Congress - and Deputy Commissary, and were Generals in Washington’s army. Dozens of other family members fought alongside them. They pioneered across the country, builders of churches and schools and infrastructure and grew to a family that must count today in the hundreds of thousands. They and their fellows are completely anomalous in human history, building a country without an aristocracy, a court party or a Deep State of vicious globalists. A country where all are equal before God. Let’s just say I’m invested.
Elizabeth great article. I grew up in a military family. I was born in Alaska another brother Kentucky another Massachusetts’s two sisters and a brother born in in Germany two separate tours. My dad was in Vietnam before most knew we were involved. A professional warrior. We wouldn’t have survived without a grandfathers financial support. That’s the shameful thing.
Brilliant inspiration article. I will spread it as I can.
This is the final war, a Spiritual war of Good and Moral against evil. Put on the Armor of God and go to battle with me.