This week the cokehead in Ukraine instructed his scientists to make a dirty bomb, prompting the Russian defence minister to get on the phone to every country that will answer his call. The last thing the Russians want is a nuclear weapon detonated in their back yard.
The U.S. has troops in Europe – 400,000 – and some of them are inches away from going into Ukraine, initiating a formal war between the US and Russia. Biden is making nuclear threats that if he were not demented, would scare everyone to death. But he is demented, and so is his staff for standing him up and using him as their puppet. So who knows how far they can go? Far enough to make their $100 million probably. So heartless they are quite capable of destroying millions as long as they have their run-away-and-hide money.
Less than 20% of the funds going to Ukraine actually makes it onto the battlefield. The rest is stolen. Every retired General calling for escalation today is on the board of an arms manufacturer
One Nation Under Blackmail The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein, was published at the end of October. The book details, and I mean details, the outright rape of the American public, the theft of our money, the compromising of almost every significant long-term politician. It was operating before and during Reagan, but it went metastatic under the Clintons.
$100,000,000 is the magic number for Washington insiders. James Johnson walked away with it for his Fannie Mae adventure that triggered the 08 crash. Both the Obamas and Clintons walked away with $100 million. Scratch the surface, and Swiss bank accounts, I bet you will find that hundreds if not thousands of late 20th and early 21st century politicians and senior bureaucrats have salted away billions they have stolen from the American public.
We know they did it, but we don’t really know how. Even Catherine Austin Fitts who claims the total is $21 Trillion, didn’t quite know how. Until One Nation Under Blackmail.
But we do know our governments are largely illegitimate. It’s why the Brazilians are on the streets because they know that election was stolen by the CCP-linked crook, Lula. The Brits have their first installed-by-the-WEF puppet PM. Not even the Conservative caucus wanted him, much less the British public.
That makes five WEF puppets: Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Sunak, Lula. It’s looking more and more as if Liz Truss blew up Nordstream under the direction of Antony Blinken. They don’t care if entire countries freeze. They just want their money. The Germans are on the streets saying stop the Russian sanctions, we need their energy. The aggressors don’t care.

This thing, this monstrous theft of democracy and the people’s money has a name, or rather names. It is a conglomerate of organized crime, the secret services - CIA, FBI, Mossad - and our corporate elites. It is currently impossible to do business above a certain level unless you agree to go into business with them, unless you let them use you. At which point you and your ambition become blackmailable. If money doesn’t work, they’ll use sex and drugs and fancy parties in high society, riven through with entrapments.
When Facebook, Twitter and Google were told to allow the CIA and Homeland Security access to their sites, they didn’t have a choice.
The machine was birthed by Allan Dulles, when Dulles brought in organized crime to help him win the war. They were too useful and when the war was over, he couldn’t give them up. As were the Nazi scientists he set up in Langley. Skip forward 30 years – this book is looong - when Iran Contra came along, arms smuggling was revealed as an excellent source of covert funds for the CIA, who decided they needed their own airline(s), housed in Ohio, through the aegis of Leslie Wexner, and advised by Jeffrey Epstein. At which point drug smuggling and human trafficking began to be used to compromise the powerful. As of now, there are few powerful politicians anywhere that has not been bought by this Unified Malevolence.
Operation Underworld, The Enterprise, The Edge, Mega, Bohemian Grove, WEF.
And while not its inventor, its fixer and enabler was Jeffrey Epstein, who was the most malevolent financial criminal of this age and every other.
After Towers Financial, the second biggest Ponzi scheme in history which ran from 1988-93 collapsed, Jeffrey Epstein needed a fresh source of blood. He slithered out, left Hoffenberg to go to jail, and set his sights on Bill Clinton.
Epstein had begun his career on the dark side by recovering stolen money all over the world. By the time he hooked up with Ghislaine and her father’s monster network which involved digital and real time spying, and blackmailing, he was laundering money for CIA and Mossad-linked arms dealing, drug and human trafficking, as well as finding stolen funds for governments, organized crime and the secret services.
Criminal money was useful money. It was high margin capital and it was profoundly seductive for people habituated to incremental growth. It could be used to grow his business. It could be used as enticement for Wall Street. For the ever-hungry Hillary, who, it is thought, was selling US nuclear secrets to Israel around the time of Vince Foster’s death, it was the lethal blow that turned her into pure evil.
In early 1993, Jeffrey Epstein made his first visit to the White House, specifically to Robert Rubin, then director of the National Economic Council. Rubin had been COO and Vice-Chair of Goldman Sachs during Robert Maxwell’s theft of his companies’ pension funds. The UK still holds Goldman responsible for allowing the theft, and it forced Goldman to recover those funds.
So, brothers-in-arms, as it were. Introduced by Ghislaine, Jeffrey and Robert. Two years later Robert Rubin was Treasury Secretary. And the U.S. began its descent into bankruptcy.
Rubin began a significant breakdown in financial management laws. Finally, in 1998, under Rubin and Larry Summers, his deputy, the Glass-Steagal act was repealed, leading to the housing bubble.
The seduction of the Clintons took time, and began with a modest $10,000 donation to redecorating the White House with the Clinton’s preferred “bold colors”.
Epstein’s second visit was with Ghislaine for a donor’s reception and over the next few years, the couple and their network became a principal source of campaign funds from the criminal cartel which is the Riady family, through a Chinese banker named Johnny Huang. Mark Middleton, a Clinton fixer then arranged a flood of Chinese money, associated with the CCP into the DNC.
Using the Clintons and their insatiable need for money, the CCP set up the right people to court them, and the result was Most Favored Nation status, and hundreds of other concessions.
Webb also shows how the laws were changed to allow China to break into the US and steal its manufacturing base. Every time a rule was changed or a law was altered, payoffs were made. One payoff meant you were under control. The next changes were automatic.
And when the Clinton regime was over, Epstein helped Gates and the Clintons set up their foundations inventing a “new form” of philanthropy, which aimed to make money, ending of course, in the current vaccine scam that has killed 20,000,000 world-wide and severely injured one billion.
No wonder Epstein had to die. Only he could find the money they stole. Because he helped them steal and hide it.
I would not put it past the Dems and their RINO enablers to push the world into all out war before the coming wave of MAGA Republicans get to move into Congress.
It’s little wonder why Trump had to go by whatever means necessary.
Tell me again: how was it established that J.E. died?