Last week was disheartening to say the least. So many norms smashed into the ground, crowned Tuesday by the spectacle of the heroic Trump, dragged into the pit of demons that is New York City. That descent into a grotesque power play that 80% of Americans saw as politically motivated - I felt the earth shuddering beneath my feet. It was bad. Then the Chicago race was stolen by Marxists. If you think for one minute that election wasn’t rigged, you are a sweet innocent soul and we all must take care of you in case you walk into traffic.
So I spent a day this week reading Alan Dershowitz’s Get Trump, the Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law, which promised to dismantle all the various suits and impeachments and comical expenditures of hundreds of millions of dollars spent trying to stop someone who seems, short of a bullet, unstoppable. Dershowitz has written dozens of ‘books’ and taught law for decades at Harvard and words unfurl from his desktop with ease. If the text seems boilerplate, it is only because he has gone over his ideas for our edification, many many times in hundreds of op-eds, television appearances and podcasts so that even if one has managed to avoid most of what he says, one is subconsciously completely aware of his arguments. He is the Prince of Repetitive, and he is firm.
And he is right. In each of the cases lodged against Trump, including Mueller, including the impeachments, including the shameful raid, including the embarrassing horror of last week, Dersh is firm: our culture is based on the immutable principle that justice is blind and we have equality before the law. This based on an even more ancient Old Testament principle which warns against ‘recognizing faces” or lo takir panim. Bedrock equality, says Dershowitz, is being contravened by every action of the Department of Justice against conservative populists.
He dismisses the execrable Mueller investigation with this shame: all the arrests made during the process of the investigation fell into the following categories
1. Arrests made for perjury, false statements, and witness tampering.
2. Arrests made on the grounds of past crimes in an attempt to shake down Trump associates.
3. Indictments against Russian individuals who will never be brought to justice in the US.
That was it. That’s all Mueller and his battalion of lawyers, researchers animated entirely by hate and $32,000,000, found.
“Show me the man and I will find you the crime.”
But they didn’t.
He spends the bulk of the book detailing serious offences made by Democrat politicians who skated away – like Hillary, like the Bidens, etc., ad infinitum – with a few months of embarrassment. He throws in the offences of the digital overlords who only censure conservative thought. He reviews the censored Covid “conspiracies” that turned out to be fact. He alludes to the fact that this censorship killed people. He states quite clearly that universities censoring speech is entirely wrong and describes why it is so destructive. He decries the Democrat party policy trend towards the defunding of Israeli defence and withdrawing support in general for the “Zionist” state, while pretending to not be anti-Semetic.
Dersh repeats wearyingly that he did not vote for Trump and he will not vote for him. He deplores Trump, he says, but does not say why. He is more detailed about the times he was asked NOT to speak because of his defence of Trump, despite the fact that it is his job to defend the indefensible. He is most injured by the social exclusion his family has endured, like the behaviour of Caroline Kennedy, who was seated beside him at a dinner party and demonstrates just how far down the garden path polite Democrats have travelled. “If I’d known you would be here, I wouldn’t have come,” says Camelot’s heiress to one of the most esteemed lawyers in the world. It is somehow fitting that she looks as if she had been buried and dug up again. Hate will do that to your face.
But this is the point of Trump’s indictment, like Kennedy’s violation of just about every social norm; it is a flouting of civility and tradition, a braying of raw power, a shameless theft of principle, the vulgar, repulsive in your face, we can’t win this but we will humiliate every single American by making them feel how much we hate them, how much we want them to feel terror, to break their security, their sense of righteousness, to make them feel they are under threat, vulnerable to rank unreason and rank vengeance. To scare them into freezing, into cowering and hiding and not fighting back.
They will lose with Trump, but they will have taken another block in their inexorable advance. They will have set precedent, they will have increased our misery. They will have built up their cadre of operatives, and accessed new money for them, increasing their army of hate-filled, demonically possessed humans. They have flashed their power, shown us our miserable futures under their boot. That and only that is the point of last week’s horror.
Behind the scenes, these people are, with each disproportionate act, rewriting American jurisprudence, setting new precedents, and backing those up with police powers. In every sector of the economy and civil society, they are destroying those principles in order to install their own. In my benighted country, which is a decade ahead of the US in its Marxist takeover, indigenous lawyers are attempting to overturn equality before the law. Indians, because of historic oppression, when they murder, are special and should have historic wrongs considered. That this invites the whirlwind is ignored.
This, of course, is what Dershowitz doesn’t say. He doesn’t say what we all know, America is undergoing a Marxist takeover.
I was a liberal Democrat until I was 40. The Democratic Party took a sharp turn when it allied with the environmental movement, which is run as The Mother of All Operations, by Marxists. The environmental movement requires the crushing of the working class and busting down of the middle class to property-less wage serfs. When it did that, the Democrat Party abandoned its customers, who fled to the populist movement. Leaving them with no power or purpose other than pure evil and flagrant looting. Marxist operations serve to hide the looting, which is why they are supported by the grandees in DC.
Why don’t Republicans fight back?
In 2010, I was sitting in a pub in Ferry County Washington State with the head of the local farm bureau, a city boy, city educated, who had become a farmer in his 40’s. “There is a war in the Republican Party”, he said, “between the populists and the country club Republicans who use politics to increase their share of the market.”
This latter is the reason that Republicans are so weak in the face of Marxist onslaught. They do not have the moral authority of the populist movement, because while they believe in the superiority of capitalism, they work in politics largely for the preference power shows to money. Marxism loves to fight the country club because their sin against ethics is heart-attack-level obvious. The coarse bray of the brutalist union leader acts like a silencing curse that produces stasis.
Leaving the American people defenceless. Every event, every scare, every threat, every absurdity is meant to freeze us in place.
I’ll leave you with this mayor destroying the trans agenda in his city in 60 seconds. This is what standing up looks like. Link in caption.
In the meantime, we have to make sure that Alan Dershowitz doesn’t walk into traffic.
Election integrity is going to be key. As far as I know, not a lot is being done in that area. I hope I am wrong.
.........I never understood why Dershowitz continues to point out in every interview or appearance I've seen that he will vote Democrat....that party is long soulless.